Organization of lessons Lesson Date Content Teacher 1 17.9. organization "Šmarda, Damborský" 2 24.9. lectures and video Damborský 3 1.10. lectures and video Damborský 4 8.10. lectures and video Damborský 5 15.10. lectures and video Damborský 6 22.10. lectures and video Damborský 7 29.10. lectures and video Damborský 8 5.11. lectures and video Šmarda 9 12.11. lectures and video Šmarda 10 19.11. lectures and video Šmarda 11 26.11. lectures and video Šmarda 12 3.12. "lectures, election, discussion" "Šmarda, Damborský" Articles "PDF one week ahead of lecture for approval to teacher, who will distribute it to all students, " "no reviews, recommended are broad authorship journals (Nature, Science, PNAS)" Lectures "15-25 min, use Powerpoint, start with introduction of author and group" include broader introduction of field - recommended to use other information sources for intro "optional is inclusion ""Words of the Day""" read study material on how to prepare and present a lecture BEFORE preparing your talk Discussion "without limits, questions: chair + 2 students + teacher + all" Evaluation after every presentation: 1 student + all + teacher "points: 1-3, clarity, formal side, performance, ""Words of the Day""" at the end of semester - anonymous voting of the Speaker of the Year Video "at the end of the lesson ~10 min per video, discussion or evaluation all" Absences maximum two per semester for credits; apologies by e-mail or phone (in advance) Introduction "each student - name, field of study, research interests" ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### Tedious "too long, slow, or dull: tiresome or monotonous" Sloppy "1. containing too much liquid, 2. carelless and unsystematic, 3. weakly or foolishly sentimental" Beggar "a person, typically homeless one who lives by asking for money or food" Creep "to move slowly and carefully, especially in order to avoid being heard or noticed" Potty a bowl used by small children as a toilet Witch a woman thought to have evil magic powers Pillow a bag stuffed with feathers used to support the head when lying or sleeping Wise guy a person who speaks and behaves as if he/she knows more than others Dope " 1. a drug taken illegally for recreatinal purposes, especially heroin, 2. a stupid person" Groovy "1. inclined to follow a fixed routine, 2. highly stimulating or attractive (slang)" Smash to break to pieces with violence and often with a crashing sound Snuff to draw in through the nose by inhaling The heck expression used for emphasis in questions and axclamations („what the heck do you thing you are?“) Intoxication "1. poisoning: the physiological state state produced by a poison or other toxic substance, 2, drunkenness: a temporary state resulting from " "excessive consumption of alcohol, 3. excitement and elation beyond the bounds of sobriety" Screwdriver " 1. a tool with a flattened or cross-shaped tip that fits into the head of a screw to turn it, 2. a cocktail made from vodka and orange juice" Lullaby "a quiet, gentle song sung to send a child to sleep" Lucid " expressed clearly, easy to understand" Delirium a state of being unable to think or speak clearly because of fever or mental confusion Rubbish "1. waste material, 2. material that is cnsidered unimportant or valueless" Peculiar "strange or odd, unusual " Wallflower a person who has no one to dance with or who feels excluded at the party Grass widover "1. a man who is divorced or separated from his wife, a man whose wife is temporarily absent" Crapflooding the practice of disrupting online media Spam the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately Teetotaler one who practices total abstinence from alcoholic liquor Yummy "delicious, highly attractive and desirable" Pimp "a man who controls prostitutes and arranges klients for them, taking a percentage of their earnings in return" Seductive tempting and attractive Rule of thumb principle with broad application that is not intended to be strictly accurate Crapulence discomfort from eating or drinking too much Vendetta "a bitter, destructive fued, normally between two families, clans or fractions, in which each injury is revenged; a blood feud" Collywobbles butterflies in the stomach Stoned " 1. under the influence of drugs, 2. very drunk" Nigthmare a very upsetting or frightening dream; an extremely unpleasant event or experience or possible event or experience Brain drain when large numbers of educated and very skilled people leave their own country to live and work in another one where pay and conditions are better Mighty possessing great and impressive power or strenght Abibliophobia fear of running out of things to read Lousy "very poor or bad, disgusting, ill " Magic the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces Vicious circle a complex of events that reinforces itself through a feedback loop Namby-pamby "weak, with no backbone" ##### Sheet/List 3 ##### Schedule Lecture Chair Evaluation Words of the Day "Beránková, Kristina" 24.9. 3.12. "tedious, sloppy, beggar, creep" "Botka, Tibor" 24.9. 3.12. "tedious, sloppy, beggar, creep" "Bretzová, Soňa" 19.11. 22.10. "crapulence, vendetta, collywobbles, stoned" "Buryška, Tomáš" 1.10. 26.11. "potty, witch, pillow, wise guy" "Cayuela Sanchez, German" 1.10. 26.11. "potty, witch, pillow, wise guy" "Danadová, Jitka" 8.10. 19.11. "dope, groovy, smash, snuff" "Fathima, Stanley Rosarin" 8.10. 19.11. "dope, groovy, smash, snuff" "Hrazdilová, Ivana" 15.10. "sturdy, nap, the heck, intoxication" "Hrubá, Nikola" 22.10. "screwdriver, lullaby, lucid, delirium" "Iliev, Robert" 26.11. "let´s keep the fact straight, rubbish, peculiar, wallflower" "Jian Bagherpoor, Alireza" 15.10. 12.11. "sturdy, nap, the heck, intoxication" "Kabáthová, Eva" 22.10. 5.11. "screwdriver, lullaby, lucid, delirium" "Krejčí, Adam" 15.10. 12.11. "sturdy, nap, the heck, intoxication" "Kufová, Zuzana" 22.10. 5.11. "screwdriver, lullaby, lucid, delirium" "Machytková, Martina" 5.11. 29.10. "let´s keep the fact straight, rubbish, peculiar, wallflower" "Mlčochová, Hana" 29.10. 29.10. "let´s keep the fact straight, rubbish, peculiar, wallflower" "Nehybová, Tereza" 5.11. "grass widover, crapflooding, spam, teetotaler" "Palencia, Martinez Eduardo" 12.11. "yummy, pimp, seductive, rule of thumb" "Pížová, Kristýna" 12.11. 15.10. "yummy, pimp, seductive, rule of thumb" "Sochorová, Jana" 19.11. 22.10. "grass widover, crapflooding, spam, teetotaler" "Suchánková, Jana" 12.11. 15.10. "yummy, pimp, seductive, rule of thumb" "Šalingová, Barbara" 26.11. "nightmare, brain drain, mighty, abibliophobia" "Šarmírová, Klaudia" 5.11. 8.10. "grass widover, crapflooding, spam, teetotaler" "Šebestová, Hana" 19.11. 8.10. "crapulence, vendetta, collywobbles, stoned" "Šrámek, Martin" 26.11. 1.10. "nightmare, brain drain, mighty, abibliophobia" "Vrábel, Dávid" 3.12. 24.9. "lousy, magic, vicious circle, namby-pamby" "Wandrolová, Aneta" 3.12. 24.9. "lousy, magic, vicious circle, namby-pamby" "Zahradníková, Martina" 26.11. 1.10. "nightmare, brain drain, mighty, abibliophobia" ##### Sheet/List 4 ##### Evaluation Evaluation student Evaluation lecturer Words Votes Eval. 1 ... 3 Student Date Clarity Formal side Performance Clarity Formal side Performance Count Count SUM Words 0 ... 4 "Beránková, Kristina" 24.9. "Botka, Tibor" 24.9. "Bretzová, Soňa" 19.11. "Buryška, Tomáš" 1.10. "Cayuela Sanchez, German" 1.10. "Danadová, Jitka" 8.10. "Fathima, Stanley Rosarin" 8.10. "Hrazdilová, Ivana" 15.10. "Hrubá, Nikola" 22.10. "Iliev, Robert" 26.11. "Jian Bagherpoor, Alireza" 15.10. "Kabáthová, Eva" 22.10. "Krejčí, Adam" 15.10. "Kufová, Zuzana" 22.10. "Machytková, Martina" 5.11. "Mlčochová, Hana" 29.10. "Nehybová, Tereza" 5.11. "Palencia, Martinez Eduardo" 12.11. "Pížová, Kristýna" 12.11. "Sochorová, Jana" 19.11. "Suchánková, Jana" 12.11. "Šalingová, Barbara" 26.11. "Šarmírová, Klaudia" 5.11. "Šebestová, Hana" 19.11. "Šrámek, Martin" 26.11. "Vrábel, Dávid" 3.12. "Wandrolová, Aneta" 3.12. "Zahradníková, Martina" 26.11. ##### Sheet/List 5 ##### Presence BD122 17.9. 24.9. 1.10. 8.10. 15.10. 22.10. 29.10. 5.11. 12.11. 19.11. 26.11. 3.12. "Beránková, Kristina" P "Beránková, Kristina" "Botka, Tibor" P "Botka, Tibor" Bretzová Soňa A Bretzová Soňa Buryška Tomáš A Buryška Tomáš Cayuela Sanchez German P Cayuela Sanchez German Danadová Jitka P Danadová Jitka Dulavová Eva A Dulavová Eva Fathima Stanley Rosarin A Fathima Stanley Rosarin Hrazdilová Ivana P Hrazdilová Ivana Hrubá Nikola P Hrubá Nikola Iliev Robert P Iliev Robert Jian Bagherpoor Alireza P Jian Bagherpoor Alireza Kabáthová Eva P Kabáthová Eva Krejčí Adam P Krejčí Adam Kufová Zuzana P Kufová Zuzana Machytková Martina A Machytková Martina Mlčochová Hana P Mlčochová Hana Nehybová Tereza P Nehybová Tereza Palencia Martinez Eduardo P Palencia Martinez Eduardo Pížová Kristýna P Pížová Kristýna Sochorová Jana P Sochorová Jana Suchánková Jana P Suchánková Jana Šalingová Barbara P Šalingová Barbora Šarmírová Klaudia P Šarmírová Klaudia Šebestová Hana P Šebestová Hana Šrámek Martin P Šrámek Martin Tokan Viktor A Tokan Viktor Vrábel Dávid P Vrábel Dávid Wandrolová Aneta P Wandrolová Aneta Zahradníková Martina P Zahradníková Martina ##### Sheet/List 6 ##### Theory for Lecture Preparation and Delivery Topic Web Suggestions for Effective Lecture Preparation and Delivery Delivering a Lecture Delivering an Effective Scientific Lecture Delivering Effective Lectures Lectures Preparing and Delivering Writing and Delivering Lectures How to Deliver a Winning Lecture How to Create Engaging Lectures Using Technology to Enhance Lectures English Communication for Scientists ##### Sheet/List 7 ##### Videos Lecturer and topic Time Source Web 5 Things Every Presenter Needs To Know About People 6 min Vimeo Steve Jobs - MacBokk Air 3 min YOU Tube "few text, good and bad guys" Christopher deCharms - Inside the brain 4 min TED "communication with audience in the opening - shake hands, excellent body language, slides simple, headlines, animations, examples (MATRIX - good to remember)" Richard St. John - Success is a continuous journey 4 min TED "opening with question, slides - simple animations, illustrative, funny - fater car / prozac, motto: ""Money can not buy hapiness"", same intonation all the time" Carmine Gallo Academy Demo 5 min Demo rule of three Steven Jobs - Introduction of Mac Air 6 min YOU Tube famous Sean Gourley - Mathematics of war 7 min TED Theo Jansen - Creates new creatures 8 min TED Hans Rosling - Global population growth 10 min TED excellent speaker Hans Rosling - Religions and babies 14 min TED "excellent speaker, interesting graphs, mnemotechnic tools with boxes" Craig Venter - Creating synthetic life 15 min TED Al Gore - Averting climate crisis 16 min TED "excellent gesture + facial gestures, makes jokes, changes in intonation" James Cameron - Before Avatar ... a curious boy 17 min TED no science but interesting Craig Venter - Hostorical Announcement - Synthetic life 18 min TED "Bonnie Bassler - How bacteria ""talk""" 18 min TED Anthony Atala - Growing new organs 18 min TED Hans Rosling - Let my dataset change your mindset 20 min TED "mnemotechnic tools with boxes - illustrative + easy to remember, Swedish accent" Salman Khan - Let's use video to reinvent education 21 min TED "body language, vido shot, jokes " Dan Gilbert - Why are we happy? 21 min TED "Bill Gates - On mosquitos, malaria and education" 21 min TED Larry Brilliant - Stop pandemics 25 min TED communicates with audience - asks to repeat after him Peter Sorger - Computational and systems biology at MIT 28 min MIT World Lorey Hood - Systems biology 45 min MIT World Phillip A. Sharp - The RNAi revolution 57 min MIT World Andrew Endy - The implications of synthetic biology 64 min MIT World Stephen Quake - Biological large scale integration 65 min MIT World lecture starts at 6:23 Nobel Lecture by Craig C. Mello - Return to the RNAi world 69 min Eric S. Lander - The Human Genome Project 71 min MIT World Randy Pausch - Achieving your childhood dreams 96 min YOU Tube "example of good lecturer - entertaining, communication bad news in positive manner" Jak nemá vypadat přednáška na konferenci 5 min YOU Tube ##### Sheet/List 8 ##### Collection of Lectures Source Web HHMI Biointeractive UCLA Society and Genetics Nobel Prize Lectures Nobel Prize Meeting Lindau Meeting ##### Sheet/List 9 ##### Grand Finale "1. Election of the ""Speaker of the Year"" in category ""Masters""" "names on blackboard, each video 2 min, votes" 2. Rules of Thumb - last repetition each student 3. Chair duties - last repetition each student "4. Election of the ""Speaker of the Year"" in category ""Apprentice""" show points; anonymous voting 5. Break 6. Discussion on the organization of the classes 7. Announcement of the best participants and credits "8. Announcement of the ""Speaker of the Year"""