Title in 14-Point Times New Roman Type, Centered, Initial Capitals, Maximum Fifteen Significant Words Matyas Novak^1, Bernard Frank^2, Jan Kral^1 ^1ABC Laboratory, Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Czech Republic ^2DEF Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Correspondence to: matyas.novak@chemi.muni.cz Set left/right/top/bottom margins at 2.5 cm for A4 paper size. Type the title as shown at the top of this page and then use Times New Roman font 12-point for rest of the text. Leave a blank line before the author list. Bold and italicize the name of the presenting author and insert e-mail address. The text should be well-written, clearly and concisely outlining the material being proposed for presentation. The text should not be larger than 1500 characters, line spacing 1.15. Please ensure that everything is within the one page of A4 limit including references. The text should contain the following items (the items do not need to be named in the text): (1) Introduction/Background which state the problems, situations and objectives that led to the work that would be presented, (2) Methods/Principles describing the scientific principles, methods, technology, or combination of these being used, (3) Results showing the most interesting observations and results obtained, (4) Conclusions/Message mentioning any conclusions and findings with take home message or any significant lesson learned. References: [1] Novak, M., Frank, B., Kral, J. (2013) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 1587-1591 [2] Frank, B., Novak, M., Kral, J. (2012) J. Microbiol. 14, 173-188