iteatf o«f /Ac following: a) 4a2 x 2a2 b) xy c) 3^2xy d) S = nr2 e) a = — 2" f) J? h) cos a = 4 cos . —3 cos — 3 3 i) 2 cos a = a j)x3-3x-a = 0 k) + V3 m) n) V«s o)4'2 FOCUS B Angles and Triangles I. Angles In plane geometry an angle is a figure which is formed by two straight lines which meet at a point. The lines of an angle are called the -sides. The point where they meet is called the vertex. When the sides of an angle are perpendicular to each other, they form a right angle. A right angle has ninety degrees. An angle of less than 90° is an acute angle, and an angle of more than 90* but less than 180* is an obtuse angle. An angle of more than 180* is a reflex angle. Classification of angles according to their magnitude: zero acute right obtuse straight reflex (a = 0°) (0*