SOME TYPICAL ERRORS Adapted from Trzeciak Jerzy, Writing Mathematical Papers in English, European Mathematical society, 1995 a) Spelling errors - Spelling should be either British or American throughout. Br.: colour, centre, fibre, labeled, modeling Amer.: color, center, fiber, labeled, modeling b) Grammatical errors c) Wrong word used d) Wrong word order Exercise. Correct the following expressions or sentences. There may be spelling or grammatical errors, wrong words or wrong word order. 1) an unified approach..................................... 2) Which proves our thesis............................... 3) In 1964 Lax has shown.................................. 4) a bounded by 1 function............................... 5) similar as B................................................... 6) independent on B...................................... 7) the described above condition........................ 8) loosing..................................................... 9) preceeding............................................. 10) Most of them is....................................... 11) occuring............................................. 12) Let/denotes......................................... 13) F is greater or equal to G.......................... 14) Every/is not convex................................ 15) disjoint with B....................................... 16) its both sides......................................... 17) For no x the limit exists............................. 18) on Fig. 3............................................. 19) This map we denote by/.......................... 20) At last, C is dense because........................ 21) This is precised by................................. 22) Such map exists.................................... 23) Equivalent with B.................................. 24) the mentioned map............................... 25) the three first rows................................ 26) Only for x=l the limit exist........................ 27) the both conditions................................ 28) F is equal G...................................... 29) the two following sets.......................... 30) in the end of Section 2.......................... 31) This makes clear that............................... 32) developped.......................................... 33) This allows to prove................................ 34) The Taylor's formula.............................. 35) At first, note that...................................... Vampire Numbers - Numberphile http://www.vo utube .com/watch?v=3ZM nVd4ivKQ Who are vampires and what do they do? Make a list of words or ideas associated with vampires, Listen to and watch the video and answer questions. 1) How do the speakers define vampire numbers?......... 2) What is the first vampire number they discuss?......... 3) Why does the speaker like the number 125,460?....... 4) What is special about a prime vampire number?....... 5) What do they say about combinations with 0?........... 6) What is arithmomania?.................................................. 7) How can you prevent a vampire from attacking you? 8) What is specific about a Caesar vampire number?..... Can you think of an example of a vampire number?