2. Read the following CV and correct the mistakes: My name is Jan Novak and I was bom 23th of January 1975 in a small town of Tabor. My mother is a accountant and my father works in a hospital. He is a doctor. My sister is 22 years and she is studying in the second year on the Medical faculty. I went to the basic school from 1981 to 1990.1 was study from 1990to 1994 in the middle school. I made my school leaving exams in 1994. In 1994 I tried the entrance exam in the high school in Prague, Charles University. I was accepted on the mathematical department. I finished university in 1999,1 did graduation from mathematics. From 1999 I am a postgraduate student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University. In this time I am doing my research and I have to learn for my exams. Study the following expressions concerning your education: primary school (br.) elementary school grammar school high school (am.) science stream class (br.) form (br.) grade (am.) go to/ attend university 1* year student/ freshman (am.) 2nd year student/ (am.) sophomore /4th year s senior (am.) 3rd /4(i1 year student/ junior (am.) school-leaving exam university entrance (written, oral) take an exam in mathematics sit for the finals pass fail (in) - fail sb. to write/ put in/ submit an application apply for a place to study maths admit to sth. (Oxford university) accept at a place enrol at university/ to be enrolled at... subject branch of study, line of study, specialisation major in/ minor in (am.) study (for an exam) leam (verbs) (- always with an object) He is doing well. škola základního stupně anglická střední škola gymnaziálního typu střední škola přírodovědná větev (střední škola) třída (základní škola) třída (postupný ročník střední Školy) třída (postupný ročník všeobecně) jít/ chodit na VŠ student 1. ročníku student 2. ročníku student 3./ 4. ročníku student vyššího ročníku maturita přijímací zkoušky (písemné, ústní) dělat 2koušku z matematiky podrobit se závěrečným zkouškám udělat zkoušku propadnout (z) - nechat někoho propadnout podat přihlášku (ne g/ve!) žádat o přijetí na obor matematika přijmout na něco přijmout někde zapsat na universitě obor studia větev, odvětví, zaměření studovat jako hlavní/ vedlejší obor učit se (na) učit se (čemu) Učí se dobře. take/ do/ follow a course in sth. degree get a pass degree study for a degree in (chemistry) receive a degree award a degree to hold an honours degree in confer an honorary degree thesis/ theses (pi.) dissertation degree thesis on sth. doctoral thesis to write a paper on ... to work on one's thesis diploma in sth. graduate in maths graduate from (Oxford) defence of thesis fellowship research project supervise candidate to qualify ourselves for the post by competition zapsat si, chodit na přednášku z... hodnost (vědecká) projít u závěrečné zkoušky studovat k získání hodnosti z (chemie) získat hodnost uděiit hodnost mít hodnost s vyznamenáním z udělit čestný titul disertace závěrečná diplomová práce z (čeho) doktorská disertace *■ psát referát o ... pracovat na... diplom z něčeho promovat z (am. = maturovat) promovat kde obhajoba disertace stáž, nadační stipendium výzkumný úkol dohlížet, vést, řídit kandidát kvalifikovat se na místo konkursem 4. Fill in suitable prepositions (if necessary): a) Getting........university isn't easy. b) To enter.......Oxford you must satisfy the university entrance requirements. c) ........Oxford the students sit........their finals in June. d) John took a three-year course.........London university. e) Most university courses lead.........honours degree. f) ..........some universities pass and honours candidates follow.....the same courses .....the Is'year or two. g) John got a pass BA, while Mary passed.....honours. h) Studies .... the new universities are not based.........faculties or departments but .......schools, which combine a broad range .... related subjects. i) There are two types........courses. j) The first type deals........one main subject and its ancillary subjects........related fields. k) The combined or double honours covers .... two main subjects........the same level.