Sustainability,development and security in landscape field practice Alois Hynek, Masaryk University in Brno,the Czechlands Nikola Hynek, The University of Plymouth, School of Politics, Sociology and Law, United Kingdom DSCN0163 DSCN0131 docu0040 docu0028 DSCN0049 1. Representation of landscape reality in: ümaps, information systems, symbols, icons, visions, metaphors, mass media, üart - prose and poetry, painting, music… üland cover, land use at thematic map – spatial pattern of landscape üinformation sources, geographical data – official, non-official, imaginative, ücomputer cartography, GIS •understanding and explaining the landscape • pausr02A DSCN0004 DSCN0004 2. Landscape immediate reality in the fieldwork üauthentic landscape/environmental perception üsurvey, field observing, key points description, landscape transects ütalking to people, participating, ethnographies ülandscape policy - planning, strategies, programmes, projects üpracticing landscape studies - urban, suburban, subrural, rural issues DSCN0014 3. Landscape spatial pattern/spatiality üphysical components sandwich (abiotic, biotized, biotic, ) üphysical/cultural palimpsest (anthropogenic) ürecent human/nature interactions - physical components as resources üprocesses shaping the landscape, the role of technologies DSCN0033 4. Land cover, land use üfunctional spatial segments and their owners and users üapplied technologies and human activities in agriculture, manufacture, engineering, transportation, services, housing, recreation, water management, waste management üenergy production, transmission and consumption üincorporation into economic and social systems – human resources LUH 5. Landscape ecosystems üeluvial, transeluvial, transaccumulative, transaquatic, aquatic ücultural ecosystems pattern, natural/technological systems, infrastructure üphysical structure – matter/energy vertical and horizontal flows ühuman activities changing physical landscape to cultural, landscape heritage üvulnerability and resilience, diversity and biodiversity pouzdrany_01 6. Natural capital of landscape ecosystems ügoods and services in the frame of production-distribution-exchange-consumption üowners and users: assets, stock, yield, income ülabour and finance - inside/outside flows üsocial reproduction 7.Landscape as a part of human environment üperception and imagination, mental maps üpollution, waste production and management ünatural disasters/hazards, risks and security üenvironmental management and infrastructure üprotected areas DSCN0059 8. Detailed physical components and processes analysis ülandforms as products and factors on rocks, regolith and slope sediments, anthropogenic landforms ütopoclimate - aspect, local circulation ühydricity (hydrocycle) üsoil cover structure üvegetation cover – potential/reconstructed and actual phyto(bio)cenoses DSCN0071 DSCN0083 snimek_vymezeni Barevnej%20obrázek DSCN0053 9.Social construction of landscape ümaterial and cultural approaches üphysical/human resources üanalysis and interpretation üevaluation and design üplans, strategies, programmes, projects ü social framings ü DSCN0046 DSCN0151 DSCN0110 10.Landscape sustainability- soft, or hard? üsymbiosis/conflicts of nature and technology üecological/environmental infrastructure, land use regimes üland use temporal changes, revitalization vs. deterioration ülocal/regional/landscape interface üdevelopment – pros and cons üprocesses and responses caused by (non)usage ülandscape as a part of production, reproduction and consumption üproposals of landscape modifications towards sustainability DSCN0114 DSCN0115 DSCN0121 DSCN0075