1 Metabolic Engineering IMetabolic Engineering I Bi7430 Molecular Biotechnology R e c o m m e n d e d s o u r c e s f o r s t u d y In t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e m e t a b o l i c e n g i n e e r i n g ( ME ) S u i t a b l e h o s t o r g a n i s m s f o r ME G e n e r a l wo r k f l o w o f ME p r o j e c t Ma t h e m a t i c a l m o d e l l i n g o f m e t a b o l i c p a t h wa ys D i s c u s s i o n Outline Sources for study: books 2 Sources for study: journals Sources for study: journals Greg Stephanopoulos (MIT) Jay D. Keasling (Berkeley) James C. Liao (UCLA) Huimin Zhao (University of Illinois) Sources for study: web 3 IUBMB-Nicholson Metabolic Pathways Chart (Sigma-Aldrich): ATP metabolism in mitochondria and chloroplast. catabolic pathways: biodegradation anabolic pathways: biosynthesis Bailey , J.E. (1991) Science, 252:1668 Introduction: a bit of history “...the improvement of cellular activities by manipulations of enzymatic, transport, and regulatory functions of the cell with the use of recombinant DNA technology.” Introduction: definition of ME ME i s the p racti ce o f o pti mizi ng g en eti c and regu lato ry p ro cesses within cells to increase the cells’ production of a certain substance.1 (or degradation of certain substance) These processe s are seri es of bi ochemi cal reaction s t hat allow cell s t o conv ert raw materials into molecules necessary f or the cell’s surv iv al. MEs math emati call y mod el t hese reacti ons, cal cul at e a yield of usef ul product s, and determine t he con strain ts f or t he production of t hese product s. MEs use co mpu tatio n al and exp eri mental to ol s t o ov ercom e t hese const rai nt s and est abli sh co st effecti ve p rocess. Maxi mu m yi el d of desired subst ance must be balanced wit h t he nat ural surv iv al needs of the cell. 1Yang, Y.T. (1998) Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, ISSN 07117-3458 4 definition of the problem solution of the problem pathway Boyle, P.M. (2012) Metabolic Engineering, 14:223 MULT IDISCIPLINARIT Y: bioinf ormatics, microbiology, molecular biology, biochemist ry, genetics, mathematics. .. + common sense (team work!!!) COMPLEXIT Y: knowledge of behav ior of the entire metabolic pathway(s) in the context of living organism (system s biology, all “omics” techniques) SUSTAINABILIT Y: replacement of f osil f uels by utilization of renewable resources in env ironmentally f riendly processes biosynthesi s of v alue-added chemicals (drugs) and biof uels biodegradatio n of toxic chemicals and bioremediati on of polluted sites Introduction: characteristics ME in context of recent world global chemistry market estimated at 2,292 billion US$1 industrial biotechnology market estimated only 50 billion US$ (does not include pharmaceutical biotechnol ogy and biof uels) great potential for growth in f ollowing decades (up to 20% of global chemistry market could by cov ered by biotechnol ogical product s by 2020) 1Ghisalba, O. (2010) Industrial Biotransformation. Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology. 5 Suitable host organisms for ME DILEMMA TO BE SOLVED microorgani sm s vs. multicellular organism s prokaryot es vs. eukaryot es heterotrophic vs. autotrophic organism s plants vs. animals in vivo vs. in vitro What a hell... PROS AND CONS ? Algae Beer , L.L. (2009) Curr.Opin.Biotech., 20:264 v ery promissing f or f uture production of H2 , biof uels (lipids) and biodegradable plastics (starch) microalgae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Volvox carteri) (+) high eff iciency in conv ersion of sun energy, thriv e in salt water (-) lack of genetic tools (random mutagenesi s, miRNA), low productiv ity Mammalian cells http://www.cancer.cam.ac.uk/ 60 – 70% of recombinant protein biopharmaceuti cal s (MAbs - Herceptin) approv ed cell lines: CHO, BHK, HEK-293, NS0, PERC6 (f ed-batch) ME f ocused on improv ement of product titers (cell density) and quality (+) posttranslational modif ications, human-like system, metabolic div ersity (-) high complexity and sensitiv ity (apoptosi s), slow growth, cumulation of by-product s (ammonia, lactate), nutrition requirement s 6 Yeast baker ’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the oldest and best known host f or biotechnology (bread, wine, beer, ethanol) f ood industry, biof uel producti on (f ermentation product s ethanol and glycerol) starch and cellulose utilization, production of lactic acids, terpenoi ds etc. (+) known genome (13 Mb), eukaryoti c microbe (posttransl ational modif ., cheap cultiv ation), secretion, number of genetic tools av ailable (-) recombinant strains not accepted by public (GMO in f ood), cumulation of by-product s http://en.wikipedia.org/ Fungi http://deferre.blogspot.cz/ used f or thousands of years in traditional biotechnol ogies (koji f ungi in Japan) Aspergillus niger (citric acid), A. oryzae (αAmylase), A. terreus (statins) penicillin, heterologous enzymes, conv ersion of biomass to commodity chemicals (outlook) (+) low pH tolerance (potential f or production of organic acids), metabolic div ersity (-) lack of genetic tools, f ormation of byproduct s, complex protein processing Streptomyces G+ bacteria with mycelial habit producers of antibiotics (50 %), anticancerous agents (bleomycin), enzymes (degradation of cellulose) (+) non-pathogenic, rich in secondary metabolites, protein excretion, expression of genes with high GC content, cheap cultiv ation, degradors, decomposers (-) mycelial growt h limits mass transf er, lack of genetic tools (random mutagenesi s and screeni ng = not GMO), large genomes with many regulatory proteins http://streptomyces.nih.go.jp/ 7 Bacillus subtilis G+ bacterial model, sporulation production of antibiotics, v itamins (H,B1, B2, B5, B6), f ood enzymes (50% of world market, serine proteases) (+) non-pathogenic, known genome (4.2 Mb), established genetic tools, secretion of enzymes, experience with large-scale f ermentations (-) high complexity of the secretion processes, no endogenous plasmids and instability of recombinant ones – chromosom al expressi on preff ered http://www.astrobio.net/ Pseudomonas putida G-, P. putida KT2440, saprophytic soil bacterium best characterized Pseudomonas, model organism f or bioremediation applications and constructi on of bacterial chassi s TOL plasmid - natural ability to degrade solv ents (toluene, xylene), design of pathways f or biodegradati on of organic pollutant s (+) non-pathogenic, known genome (6.18 Mb), metabolic v ersatility (-) so f ar less popular bacterial model than E. coli http://www. bacmap.wishartlab.com Escherichia coli G-, (E. coli K-12) most important bacterial model organism (“workhorse”) (+) rapid growt h on simple synthetic media, f ast doubling time (20-30 min), high cell densities, high product content (up to 30% of dry cell mass) well known genome (4.6 Mb), div erse genetic tools, dev eloped cultiv ation strategi es, industrial (and public) acceptance (-) no glycosilation (and some other pt. modif ications), acetate production at high glucose f luxes, limited protein secretion, thorough aeration needed http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ 8 E. coli..a bit of history Smolke, C.D. (2009) The Metabolic Engineering Handbook: Fundamentals discovery of plasmids discovery of restriction enzymes and ligases first recombinant DNA commercial production of insulin (Genentech) commercial production of AA (Thr, Phe, Trp), by ME commercial production of 1,3-propanediol (Genencor, Du Pont), by ME Smolke, C.D. (2009) The Metabolic Engineering Handbook: Fundamentals E. coli: biosynthetic potential + heterologous expression In vitro ME cell-f ree system s, promissing area in ME and syntheti c biology work with CFE or purif ied component s in vivo systems are too complex (1,3propanediol production in E. coli, 15 years, 575 scientist s) (+) lower complexity, better def ined system s, no membranes (f aster transport), higher f lexibility, no toxicity problems, no GMO (-) cells needed anyway, lower enzymes’ concentrati ons than in cell, recycling? Hodgman, C.E. (2011) Metabolic Engineering, 14:261 crude extracts 9 Dhamankar , H. (2011) Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 21:1 General workflow of ME project and Properties Pathway design and selection What is the main goal of the project? ME can be applied to: improve the yield and productiv ity of nativ e product s synthesized by organism s extend the range of subst rat es or improv e the uptake of subst rat e (including biodegradation) establish production of product s that are new to the host cell Pathway design and selection Identification of pathway of interest Databases of anabolic and catabolic pathways biosynthesi s: MetaCyc, KEGG biodegradati on: UM-BBD Pathway Prediction System (183 pathways) Literature search NCBI Pubmed database, W eb of Science (W OS) Visualizati on of metabolic networks Cytoscape, GraphViz, Systrip Visualizati on of reaction networks CellDesigner, GLAMM 10 http://metacyc.org/ http://umbbd.ethz.ch/predict/ Our model pathway Synthetic pathway for biodegradation of 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP) Dhamankar , H. (2011) Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 21:1 General workflow of ME project and Properties 11 Pathway enzyme properties Enzyme databases: BRENDA, BioCyc, KEGG Enzyme properties: BRENDA, ExPASy serv er Searching for sequence homology: BLAST (NCBI) – basic local alignment Enzyme structure and its visualizatio n Protein Data Bank (PDB), PyMOL + physical/chemical properties of metabolites kcat/Km kcat/Km kcat/Km kcat/Kmkcat/Km Dhamankar , H. (2011) Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 21:1 General workflow of ME project computational and experimental tools and Properties 12 Pathway optimization Original “historic” approach: combination of random mutagenesi s with exhaustiv e screening of candidates with improv ed production of desired compound chemical (e.g. ethidium bromide) and physical (UV irradiation) mutagens, “mutator strains” (Epicurian coli XL1-Red) (+) success achiev ed in production of AA, antibiotics, v itamins. (-) toxic agents, resulting v ariants with more undef ined mutations, demanding screening Pathway optimization Recent strategi es try to be more rational and focused. Underst andi ng of cellular metabolism requires the knowledge of : 1) The topology of the metabolic network (where - compartmen ts) 2) The concentration s of metabolites (what and how much - species) 3) The flow of metabolites through pathways (how fast – fluxes or kinetics of enzymes) 4) Ov erall context of the liv ing cell (“-omics” techniques) Study of 1, 2, 3 and 4 requires diff erent theoretical and experimental methods and tools. compartment reaction species fluxes or kinetics whole-cell environment (studied by “-omics” techniques) 13 FLUX is the reaction rate connecting two metabolites (A→B) or rate at which materi al is processed through the whole pathway, with unit [mol.dm-3 .s-1 ] .1 Fluxes are calculated in steady-state, DO NOT describe dynamics of enzymatic reactions (kinetic parameters of enzymes needed) Along with intracellular metabolite concentrati on s, f luxes def ine the minimal inf ormation needed f or describing metabolism and cell physiology. Pathway flux 1Stephanopoulos , G. (1999) Metabolic Engineering, 1:1 PIPELINE S A B C P Metabolomics Metabolomics completes the inf ormation f rom f lux analysis with inf ormation about concentration s of metabolites. METABOLOME is a quantitativ e set of all molecules present in the cell at certain time. Experimental analytical techniques: GC-MS, LC-MS, CE-MS, NMR. Meyer, A. (2007) Current Opinion in Microbiology 10:246 Mathematical models of MPs Mathematical models of metabolic pathways play a central role in metabolic engineering. Models help to identify reaction s which need to be modified to improv e the perf ormance of the pathway. Once such reaction(s) is (are) identif ied, experimen tal techniques are applied in order to target correspond ing gene(s) or regulatory mechanisms. T here are three types of modelling of metabolism 1) Flux Balance Analysis (chemost at ) 2) Metabolic Flux Analysis (chemost at) 3) Kinetic modelling (real conditions) 14 Kinetic modelling Kinetic models employ kinetic parameters of pathway enzymes to describe dynamic behavior of metabolic pathway. Parameters: concentrations of enzymes, Km , kcat or Vm ax, Ki, Kd , (BRENDA database). Kinetic equations: e.g. Michaelis-Ment en mechanism Application for simulation of the pathway reaction courses and prediction of pathway behav iour Computing tools: E-Cell, COPASI, CellDesigner, Scientist, Matlab (+) the most realistic, dynamic descripti on of the system. (-) missing kinetic data f or majority of enzymes, kinetic parameters of ten measured in vitro in optimal (not physiological) conditions Kinetic modelling: example Kinetic modelling: example Modelling of TCP pathway. 15 Summary KEY POINTs of ME project selection of suitable host organism thorough selection/design of the pathway maximal knowledge of basic building blocks (enzymes and metabolites) of target MP mathematical modelling and metabolomics play a key role in ME for definition of problematic reactions genetic tools are used for solution of the problem (Lecture 2) Discussion AppendicesAppendices 16 under continuous f eed of A, the f luxes become stationary af ter some time MEs are interested in steadystate fluxes (disadv antage) in steady-st at e d[A]/dt = 0 A B vin voutv1 v2CA flux CA transient state http://www.boomer.org/ (modified) Pathway flux SBML (Systems Biology Markup Language) Standard (common) language used f or sharing mathematical models describing metabolic networks (+ other biological networks, system s and processes). Structure of SMBL model list of compartmen ts (in vivo v s. in vitro) list of species inv olv ed in reaction list of reactions: f or each reaction - list of reactan ts - list of products - kinetic law (list of parameters) Mathematical models: SBML Mathematical models: SBML 17 Used f or calculation of intracellular fluxes. Employ inf ormation about intracelullar concentration s of metabolites (1 3 C labelling). Results in proposal s f or deletion (knock-out s) or overexpression of certain gene(s) coding f or pathway enzymes. (+) can deal with genome-scal e metabolic networks, does not require the knowledge of enzyme kinetics (-) f luxes represent only static approximati on of dynamic and complex reality in liv ing cell at certain conditions set up by experimenter. Reliable in vivo metabolic models are still rare. FBA and MFA Flux Balance Analysis FBA is completely theoretical concept.1 It is a direct application of linear programming to biological system s that uses the stoichiometri c coefficients f or each reaction in the system as the set of constrain ts f or the optimization. It simply requires that the total f lux of any compound in the system is 0. computation al tools: CellDesigner, MetNetMaker, COBRA toolbox (requires MATLAB), models in SBML f ormat 1 see Wikipedia for detailed description Becker, S.A. (2007) Nature protocols doi:10.1038/nprot.2007.99 An example of stoichiometric matrix for a network representing the top of glycolysis prepared for FBA. Becker, S.A. (2007) Nature protocols doi:10.1038/nprot.2007.99 Flux Balance Analysis 18 The results of FBA can be represented identically as a vector of fluxes, or by weighting the lines representing the reactions according to the flux they carry. http://en.wikipedia.org/ Flux Balance Analysis Wiechert, W. (2001) Metabolic Engineering 3:195 Tang, Y.J. (2009) Mass Spectrometry Reviews 28:362 Metabolic Flux Analysis 13C MFA workflow