Mycological practice Daniel Dvořák In the field: collect whole fruitbodies (important features for further determination) if possible, collect representative material – young and mature fresh fruitbodies (=not rotten, stale, very old, frozen etc.) tiny and fragile fruitbodies put separately into boxes larger ones wrap into aluminium foil (or into newspaper – not suitable for sticky or slimy frbs.) put into firm box, basket etc. (fruitbodies should not be smashed/damaged or dry out) it is better to assign number for each collection already in the field collecting and preparation of fungi information to be noted in the field: topographical notes ecological conditions in the locality: • surrounding trees • substrate (soil, litter, wood – in wood-inhabiting species collect a small piece of wood for possible xylotomic analysis in the future) some features, quickly disappearing/changing (esp. in small species): • smell (check also gills and base of the stipe separately) • presence of pruina • hygrophanity • lubricous, sticky or slimy surfaces (stipe of Hygrocybe insipida) • veil • colour of young, immature gills (later covered by spore print) photographical documentation recommended collecting and preparation of fungi after returning from the field, if you are not going to determine collections immediately (and sometimes even if you are), make a detailed description: colour photo picture (if not taken already in the field) – take care about proper setting of white ballance! collecting and preparation of fungi colour of the whole fruitbody and its parts, observe under daylight if possible (or use special lamp with colour of the light similar to daylight) note initial colour of the context and its eventual discolouring also surface of fruitbody may discolour after handling, bruising etc. after returning from the field, if you are not going to determine collections immediately (and sometimes even if you are), make a detailed description: colour photo picture (if not taken already in the field) – take care about proper setting of white ballance! colour of the whole fruitbody and its parts (observe under daylight if possible!) note initial colour of the context and eventual discolouring also surfaces of fruitbodies may discolour after handling, bruising etc. Ridgway R. (1912): Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. – Washington, D.C., published privately (by the author). 43 pp + 53 color pls. Kornerup A. et Wanscher J.H. (1967): Methuen Handbook of Colour. Second edition. Methuen Co., London. 243 pp + 30 two-page color plates. (1440 colours) Munsell soil color charts, 1988 (205 colours) Küppers H (2003): Du Mont’s Farbenatlas. (5500 colours) collecting and preparation of fungi „Munsell“ 1988 special colour charts can be used, where specific code is assigned to observed colour (chromotaxy) Ridgway R. (1912): Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. – Washington, D.C., published privately (by the author). 43 pp + 53 color pls. Kornerup A. et Wanscher J.H. (1967): Methuen Handbook of Colour. Second edition. Methuen Co., London. 243 pp + 30 two-page color plates. (1440 colours) Munsell soil color charts, 1988 (205 colours) Küppers H (2003): Du Mont’s Farbenatlas. (5500 colours) collecting and preparation of fungi Küppers 2003 Kornerup et Wanscher 1978 collecting and preparation detailed description should also include: taste (may differ in the surfaces) smell (may change during drying) morphological description (see later) presence and character of the veil (young frbs.!) colour of spore print – put a pileus on glass slide/white paper and cover, let it lie for several hours collecting and preparation of fungi drying electric drier or another source of heat (temperature should not exceed 50 °C, ideally 30-40 °C) - larger fungi cut in half or in large pieces - dry into constant weight = totally! (fleshy fruitbodies and polypores dry for a long time); afterwards fruitbodies can be exposed to humidity for a while (to lose fragility) - pack into newspaper/paper envelope or zip plastic bag and put into an envelope with label: • fungus name • locality, habitat • date of collection, name of collector slender frbs. can be dried in closed box with silica gel (amorphous silicon dioxide) store in dry place! conserving and storage of fungi advantages: easy preparation, durability in dry conditions disadvantages: fruitbodies dramatically change shape and colour  used in most scientific herbarium collections (museums, universities) drying dried collections may be contaminated by moulds (when they get wet) and, especially damaged by insects (moths, beetles) especially sensitive are some polypores (Trametes), hydnoid species, some gilled fungi (Russula, Lactarius etc.)  dezinsection is necessary! (immedietely after drying + at least once per year): - deep freezing: store several days in temp. < -30°C - fumigation: CS2 (strongly toxic), PH3 (extremely toxic), other insecticides - combinaton of both conserving and storage of fungi conservation in liquids - many liquids used, mainly containing formaldehyde, acetic acid, ghlycerol and ethanol - stored in polyethylene or glass containers advantages: well-preserved shape of fruitbody disadvantages: too bulky, difficult transport, change of colours  used mainly in the past for exhibition purposes lyophilization - drying in low temperature and low pressure (~in vacuum) - dried material easily gets wet again (store in dry place!) advantages: well preserved shape and colour disadvantages: very high initial costs, relatively bulky (the fruitbodies do nt shrink)  scarcely used conserving and storage of fungi