Stano Pekár“Populační ekologie živočichů“ dN = Nr dt Net reproductive rate (R0) average total number of offspring produced by a female in her lifetime Average generation time (T) average age of females when they give birth not valid for populations with generation overlap Expectation of life age specific expectation of life – average age that is expected for particular age class o .. oldest age ∑= = n x xxmlR 0 0 0 0 R mxl T n x xx∑= = 2 1++ = xx x ll L∑= o x xx LT x x x l T e = where Growth ratesGrowth rates Discrete time/generations - estimate of λ (finite growth rate) from the life table: where is vector at stable age distribution λ is dominant positive eigenvalue of A - or Continuous time - r can be estimated from λ - by approximation or by Euler-Lotka method tt NNA ~~ λ= T R r )ln( 0 ≈ T R0 ≈λ )ln(λ=r tN ~ 0)det( =− IA λ ∑ − = ω x rx xx eml1 - relative abundance of different life history age/stage/size categories population approaches stable age distribution: N0 : N1 : N2 : N3 :...:Ns is stable - once population reached SCD it grows exponentially w1 .. right eigenvector (vector of the dominant eigenvalue) - provides stable age distribution - scale w1 by sum of individuals Stable Class distribution (SCD) ∑= = S i iw SCD 1 1 1w 111 wAw λ= Reproductive value (vx) measures relative reproductive potential and identifies age class that contributes most to the population growth such class is under highest selection force when population increases then early offspring contribute more to vx than older ones is a function of fertility and survival v1 .. left eigenvector (vector of the dominant eigenvalue of transposed A) - v1 is proportional to the reproductive values and scaled to the first category vx age 1 0 111 vAv λ=′ 11 1 v v v x x = 1≠x Sensitivity (s) identifies which process (p, F, G) has largest effect on the population increase (λ1) - examines change in λ1 given small change in processes (aij) - sensitivity is larger for survival of early, and for fertility of older classes - not used for postreproductive census with class 0 Elasticity (e) weighted measure of sensitivity - measures relative contribution to the population increase - impossible transitions = 0 wv, ijij ij wv s ′ = ij ij ij s a e 1λ = ← sum of pairwise products to adopt means for population promotion or control Conservation/control procedure 1. Construction of a life table 2. Estimation of the intrinsic rates 3. Sensitivity analysis - helps to decide where conservation/control efforts should be focused 4. Development and application of management plan 5. Prediction of future