Prof. W. Gander Masaryk University Fall 2014 Nonlinear Euqations 1. Bisection-Algorithm. (a) Improve the function Bisekt. Your [x,y]=Bisection(f,a,b,tol) should also compute a zero for functions with f(a) > 0 and f(b) < 0 to a given tolerance tol. Be careful to stop the iteration in case the user asks for a too small tolerance! If by the bisection process we arrive at an interval (a, b) which does not contain a machine number anymore then it is high time to stop the iteration. Solution: function [x,y]=Bisection(f,a,b,tol) % BISECTION computes a root of a scalar equation % [x,y]=Bisection(f,a,b,tol) finds a root x of the scalar function % f in the interval [a,b] up to a tolerance tol. y is the % function value at the solution fa=f(a); v=1; if fa>0, v=-1; end; if fa*f(b)>0 error(’f(a) and f(b) have the same sign’) end if (nargin<4), tol=0; end; x=(a+b)/2; while (b-a>tol) & ((a < x) & (x0, b=x; else a=x; end; x=(a+b)/2; end if nargout==2, y=f(x); end; (b) Solve with bisection the equations a) xx = 50 b) ln(x) = cos(x) c) x + ex = 0. Hint: a starting interval is easy to find by sketching the functions in- volved. Solution: a) The function xx is monotonically increasing. Since 11 = 1 and 44 = 256 the values a = 1 and b = 4 can be used for the bisection. The solution becomes >> [x,f]=Bisection(@(x) x^x-50,1,4) x = 3.287262195355581 f = 7.105427357601002e-15 b) Drawing the functions ln(x) and cos(x) we see that their cutting point is in the interval (0, π/2), thus >> [x,f]=Bisection(@(x) log(x)-cos(x),0,pi) x = 1.302964001216012 f = -2.220446049250313e-16 c) We write the equation ex = −x and from the graph of the two functions we get the interval (−1, 0) for the solution, so >> [x,f]=Bisection(@(x) exp(x)+x,-1,0) x = -0.567143290409784 f = -1.110223024625157e-16 2. Find x such that f(x) = x 0 e−t2 dt − 0.5 = 0. Hint: the integral cannot be evaluated analytically, so expand it in a series and integrate. Write a function f(x) to evaluate the series. Since a function evaluation is expensive (summation of the Taylor series) but the derivatives are cheap to compute, a higher order method is appropriate. Solve this equation with Newton’s or Halley’s method. Solution: Take the series for ex , substitute x = −t2 and integrate to get the expansion x 0 e−t2 dt = x − x3 1! 3 + x5 2! 5 − x7 3! 7 + x9 4! 9 · · · (1) For evaluating the series we introduce the expressions ta := (−1)i−1 x2i−1 (i − 1)! t := (−1)i x2i+1 i! then t = −ta∗x2 /i and the partial sum is updated by snew = sold +t/(2∗i+1). We will stop the summation when snew = sold. Thus we get function y = ff(x); % is used in IntegralExp.m t = x; snew = x; sold=0; i=0; while sold ~= snew i = i+1; sold = snew; t = -t*x^2/i; snew = sold+t/(2*i+1); end y = snew; % Solve \int_{0}^{x} e^{-t^2}dt - 0.5 = 0 with Newton and Halley % use ff.m to compute Taylor series % format compact format long disp(’ Newton’) x = 1; xa=2; while abs(xa-x)>1e-10 xa=x; y = ff(x)-0.5; ys = exp(-x^2); x = x - y/ys end disp(’Halley’) x = 1; xa=2; while abs(xa-x)>1e-10 xa=x; y = ff(x)-0.5; ys = exp(-x^2); yss = -2*x*ys; t = y*yss/ys^2; x = x - y/ys/(1-0.5*t) end >> IntegralExp Newton x = 0.329062444950818 x = 0.532365165339031 x = 0.550852862865461 x = 0.551039408434969 x = 0.551039427609027 x = 0.551039427609027 Halley x = 0.598466410057177 x = 0.551087168834467 x = 0.551039427609074 x = 0.551039427609027 3. Compute the intersection points of an ellipsoid with a sphere and a plane. The ellipsoid has the equation x1 3 2 + x2 4 2 + x3 5 2 = 3. The plane is given by x1 − 2x2 + x3 = 0 and the sphere has the equation x2 1 + x2 2 + x2 3 = 49 (a) How many solutions do you expect for this problem? (b) Solve the problem with the solve and fsolve commands from Maple. (c) Write a Matlab script to solve the three equations with Newton’s method. Vary the initial values so that you get all the solutions. Solution: (a) The intersection of the plane with the sphere is a circle and with the ellipsoid we get an ellipse. The intersection points are therefore the intersections of a circle with an ellipse. We expect thus in general 4 different solutions. Looking at the equations we notice that with a solution x also −x is a solution. Thus if we have found two different solutions then the two remaining solutions are given by changing the signs. (b) With the Maple commands eqs:={(x1/3)^2+(x2/4)^2+(x3/5)^2=3,x1-2*x2+x3=0,x1^2+x2^2+x3^2=49}; solve(eqs,{x1,x2,x3}); we obtain x1 = − 31634 247975 RootOf −3621220 Z2 + 63268 Z4 + 50197225 3 + 180746 49595 RootOf −3621220 Z2 + 63268 Z4 + 50197225 , x2 = − 15817 247975 RootOf −3621220 Z2 + 63268 Z4 + 50197225 3 + 230341 99190 RootOf −3621220 Z2 + 63268 Z4 + 50197225 , x3 = RootOf −3621220 Z2 + 63268 Z4 + 50197225 Using the numerical solver Maple delivers only one solution fsolve(eqs,{x1,x2,x3}); {x1 = −3.101446015, x2 = −3.977629342, x3 = −4.853812670} (c) Programming in Matlab Newton’s algorithm we obtain % Computing the intersection points % of an ellipsoid, a sphere and a plane k=0; xold=[0,0,0]’; x=[-4 1 6]’ % x=-[-4 1 6]’ % for neg solution % x=[1 1 1]’ % x=-[1 1 1]’ while norm(x-xold)>1e-12*norm(x) xold=x; k=k+1; f=[(x(1)/3)^2+(x(2)/4)^2+(x(3)/5)^2-3 x(1)^2+x(2)^2+x(3)^2-49 x(1)-2*x(2)+x(3)]; J=[2*x(1)/9 x(2)/8 2*x(3)/25 2*x(1) 2*x(2) 2*x(3) 1 -2 1]; h=-J\f; x=x+h; norm(h) end k,x With the starting vector x = [1, 1, 1] we get convergence in 8 steps: x = 1 1 1 ans = 1.414125519548956e+01 ans = 6.353644140517445e+00 ans = 2.186622967262920e+00 ans = 3.581210720347850e-01 ans = 1.070558121458718e-02 ans = 9.718696508742296e-06 ans = 8.014862832469677e-12 ans = 1.199111836538749e-15 k = 8 x = 3.101446014850100e+00 3.977629342271496e+00 4.853812669692894e+00 The quadratic convergence is visible from the printout of the norm of the correction vector h. Using the starting vector x = [−4, 1, 6] we converge to the second solution in 4 steps x = -4 1 6 ans = 2.872708652671924e-01 ans = 7.067873458438775e-03 ans = 5.582183986704225e-06 ans = 4.059746603817636e-12 k = 4 x = -3.781770586037488e+00 1.010696349931241e+00 5.803163285899970e+00 4. Modify the fractal program by replacing f(z) = z3 − 1 with the function f(z) = z5 − 1. (a) Compute the 5 zeros of f using the command roots. (b) In order two distinguish the 5 different numbers, study the imaginary parts of the 5 zeros. Invent a transformation such that the zeros are replaced by 5 different positive integer numbers. Solution: We first compute the zeros of z5 − 1. The coefficients of the polynomial z5 − 1 are p=[1 0 0 0 0 -1] With the function roots we can compute the zeros >> W=roots(p) W = -0.809016994374948 + 0.587785252292473i -0.809016994374948 - 0.587785252292473i 0.309016994374947 + 0.951056516295152i 0.309016994374947 - 0.951056516295152i 1.000000000000000 + 0.000000000000000i If we multiply the imaginary part by 2 we get >> 2*imag(W) ans = 1.175570504584946 -1.175570504584946 1.902113032590305 -1.902113032590305 0 Now we can add 3 and round the result to get >> round(2*imag(W)+3) ans = 4 2 5 1 3 n=1000; m=30; x=-1:2/n:1; [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,x); Z=X+1i*Y; % define grid for picture for i=1:m % perform m iterations in parallel Z=Z-(Z.^5-1)./(5*Z.^4); % for all million points end; % each element of Z contains one root a=10; image(round(2*imag(Z)+3)*a);