BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRON TRANSFER Electron transfer (ET) is one of the most important chemical process in nature and it plays a central role in many biological, physical and chemical systems.  ET may be one of the most basic forms of chemical reaction but without it life cannot exist.  ET is one of the simplest forms of a chemical reaction!?!  ET occurs in photosynthetic reaction center where transfer of electrons is used to create charge imbalance across a membrane, originating a proton pumping mechanism to produce ATP  ET respiration and detoxification  ET at the metal surface with oxygen is responsible of the corrosion.  ET in solid state electronics (the control of the ET in semiconductors) - the new area of molecular electronics depends critically on the understanding and the control of the transfer of electrons in and between molecules. Electron Transfer some fields related to the ET Rudolph A. Marcus Born: July 21, 1923 (age 91) Montreal, Quebec American, Canadian Alma mater: McGill University Nobel Prize in Chemistry: 1992 outer-sphere electron transfer was based on a transition-state theory approach The Marcus theory of electron transfer was then extended to include inner-sphere electron transfer (is ET) by Noel Hush and Marcus  Nobel Prize in 1992 (the first formulation in 1956)  “isotopic exchange reactions” (self-exchange reactions) and later “cross reactions” Marcus theory of ET  for the reaction-rate of electron transfer: AB + C → A + BC  Bill Libby ´s publication (Franck-Condon principle)  in an ET from one reacting ion or molecule to another, the two new ions or molecules formed are in the wrong environment of the solvent molecules since the nuclei do not have time to move during the fast electron jump  “solvatation energy barrier” for the ET process *radioactive isotope Fe(CN)6 4simple ET reactions   233*2 *FeFeFeFe Fe(CN)6 3- Typical nuclear configurations for reactants, products and surrounding solvent molecules in reaction . The longer M-OH2 bond length in the state +2 is indicated schematically by the larger ionic radius.              2 63 3 63 3 63 2 63 NHCoNHCoNHCoNHCo   233*2 *FeFeFeFe  the reaction is really slow, in contrast to the picture of a ET governed by the “solvatation energy barrier”  there is a dramatic difference in the equilibrium Co-N bond length in the 3+ and 2+ ions so that each ions would be formed in a very “foreign”configuration of the vibrational coordinates  ET implies changing in the chemical structure of the reactants  the foreign environment for the new electronic state after the electronic jump can be seen as an energetic barrier for the ET process. Marcus theory of ET Classical theory of ET RTEA ek /  2 xy  2 )ax(by  2 2 2 2 4a ab xy )(   2 4   )( G E RTG ek   42 /)( RTEA Aek /  RT/)G(r ecek   42 [0;0] [a;b] A B baaxxxy  222 2 a ab x 2 2   λ……the reorganization energyr …..the distance between A and Dβ…..the interaction between A and D  transfer from a donor (D) to an acceptor (A) during a transition state  distance between the D and A  the probability that an ET will decreases with increasing distance  factors that control the rate constant (kET) involved in a unimolecular ET  the probability of ET is identified by the term kT/h, include: the distance D-A complex; the Gibbs energy of activation(ΔG) ; and the reorganization of energy (λ). Questions: • The physical meaning of the reorganization energy λ? • The relationship between changes in ΔG and λ, when the rate constant is the maximum. • The increase of the rate constant when we go to more negative values ​​of ΔG? • If we increase the distance between the electron donor and the acceptor of 5 angstroms, we find that the rate constant (ET) decreased 10 times. What is the value of β? • At 37° C the rate constant was twice 0° C. Assuming that the equilibrium constant of the reaction is about 100 (in favor of product) and in the temperature range of approximately independent of temperature, which is the reorganization energy of reaction (ΔG = ΔG0)? Marcus theory of ET discussion Odpovědi: The physical meaning of the reorganization energy λ? …konfigurace jader reaktantů – konfigurace jader produktů bez ET… The relationship between changes in ΔG and λ, when the rate constant is the maximum ...... RT/)G(r ecek   42 00 G spontánní ET The increase of the rate constant when we go to more negative values ​​of ΔG? 00 G If we increase the distance between the electron donor and the acceptor of 5 angstroms, we find that the rate constant (ET) decreased 10 times. What is the value of β? RT/)G(r ecek   42 RT/)G()r( ecek   45 2 At 37° C the rate constant was twice 0° C. Assuming that the equilibrium constant of the reaction is about 100 (in favor of product) and in the temperature range of approximately independent of temperature, which is the reorganization energy of reaction (ΔG = ΔG0)? V oblasti ET v proteinech a dalších biochemických materiálech…….charakterizace ET 1 2 4 RT/)G(r ecek   2 2 4 RT/)G(r ecek                2 62 3 62 3 62 2 62 OHFeOHFeOHFeOHFe Fe-O in Fe(II) is 2.21 Fe-O in Fe(III) is 2.05 Marcus theory of ET PARABOLIC CURVES Displaced Harmonic Oscilator (DHO) Energy Gap Hamiltonian (EGH) Describing ET (e- and H+) D – donor A – akceptor Marcus theory of ET potential energy D A potential energy inner shell (vibrational modes) outer shell D + A = D+ + A- Franck- Condon principle Electron Transfer Reactions Potential energy curves for the ground state and an excited state of a diatomic molecule vibrational states r interatomic distance A absorption F fluorescence ET processes must satisfy the FranckCondon restrictions, i.e. a) the act of electron transfer (ET) is much shorter than atomic motion (femto-seconds) b) the consequences are that no angular momentum can be transferred to or from the transition state during electron transfer, there is also restrictions in changes in spin. c) an electronic transition is most likely to occur without changes in the positions of the nuclei in the molecular entity and its environment. The resulting state is called a Franck-Condon state, and the transition involved, a vertical transition ground state excited state Jablonski diagram The Franck-Condon Principle According to the Franck-Condon principle, the most intense vibronic transition is from the ground vibrational state to the vibrational state lying vertically above it. Transitions to other vibrational levels also occur but with lower intensity In the QM version of the FC-principle, the molecule undergoes a transition to the upper vibrational state that ‘most closely resembles’ the vibrational wavefunction of the vibrational ground state of the lower electronic state. The two wavefunctions shown here have the greatest overlap integral of all the vibrational states of the upper electronic state most closely resembles Marcus theory of ET  provides a thermodynamic and kinetic framework for describing one electron outer-sphere electron transfer  ET is a mechanistic description of the thermodynamic concept of redox wherein the oxidation states of both reaction partners change  Inner-sphere electron transfer redox centers are covalently linked via any bridge during the ET  Outer-sphere electron transfer redox centers are not covalently linked via any bridge during the ET Five steps of an outer sphere reaction 1. reactants diffuse together out of their solvent shells => precursor complex (requires work = wr) 2. changing bond lengths, reorganize solvent => activated complex 3. Electron transfer 4. Relaxation of bond lengths, solvent molecules => successor complex 5. Diffusion of products (requires work = w ) Classes of electron transfer Outer Sphere Electron-Transfer Electron Transfer Reactions in Solutions In principle all outer sphere mechanism involves electron transfer (ET) from reductant to oxidant with the coordination shells or spheres of each staying intact. That is one reactant becomes involved in the outer or second coordination sphere of the other reactant and an electron flows from the reductant to oxidant. Such a mechanism is established when rapid ET occurs between two substitution complexes. Elementary Steps in the Outer Sphere Mechanism a) Formation of a precursor (cage) complex b) Chemical activation of the precursor, electron transfer (ET) and relaxation of the successor complex c) Dissociation to the separated products the rate observed is determined by KA and kel this step is always considered to be fast kobs = KAkel Important factors are: (i) Solvent reorganization (ii) Electronic structure (iii) M-L reorganization small Electron Transfer Reactions in Solutions An inner sphere mechanism is one in which the reactant and oxidant share a ligand in their inner or primary coordination spheres the electron being transferred across a bridging group. Inner Sphere Electron-Transfer H+ d orbitals t2g …the representations of the d-orbitals of transition metalseg and t2g …. 2- en 3dimensional representations in the 48-fold cubic point group Oh. The g in the subscript denotes inversion symmetry. Franck- Condon principle Fe(II) Fe(III) The solid metallic electrode φM (Galvani potential)  (Volta potential)  (surface potential) Electrode Solution φ x φM (Galvani potential – inner potential) is associated with with EF  (Volta potential – outer potential) is associated with the potential outside the electrode´s electronic distribution  (surface potential) EF = Eredox – e  φ =  +  Electrode reactions Electron transfer followed by chemical reaction Copper deposition at a Cu electrode A single electron transfer reaction Applied voltage Representation of the Fermi-level in a metal at three different applied voltages Schematic representation of the reduction of a species (O) in solution Animation of the reduction of a species (O) in solution At voltage E the formation of the species O is thermodynamically favored E1 Applied voltage P R The key to driving an electrode reaction is the application of a potential potentialchargeenergy       VCJ       C J V  From without potential insertion on solid phase over / below Er more positive / more negative electrode polarization, overpotential   = Ep - Er  begins lead an electrode process As well as each electrode process, it consists of more follow steps – levels rds - rate determining step a most slow step Ep = E polarization = Epolarizační Er = E equilibrium = Erovnovážný  = overpotential = přepětí Overvoltage - Overpotential Electrode reactions steps Substance crossing from within of electrolyte to a level of maximal approximation  transport (diffusion) overpotential three transport mechanisms  migration – movement of ions through solution by electrostatic attraction to charged electrode  diffusion – motion of a species caused by a concentration gradient  convection – mechanical motion of the solution as a result of stirring or flow 2. Adsorption (localization) of ions or molecules in space of electric double layer 3. Dehydration (desolvation)  absolute  partial  none  = overpotential = přepětí 4. Chemical reactions on a metal surface, coupled with making of intermediates capable of obtaining or losing of electrons  reaction overpotential 5. Electrode reaction - solitary electron crossing through interface  activation overpotential 6. Adsorption of primary product of electrochemical process on a metal surface 7. Desorption of a primary product 8. Transport of product from a metal surface a) Soluble product – by diffusion (the most used style) b) Gas products – by bubbling c) Products can be integrated to an electrode crystal lattice  crystalization ( nucleation) overpotential g) By diffusion to inside of electrode (for ex. amalgam) without chemical transformation or breaking chemical bonds RedneO x    a mass tranfer coefficient (10-16 s) a mass tranfer coefficient heterogeneous rate constant (m.s-1) Franck-Condon principle (adiabatic process) Electrode kinetics Phenomenological electrode kinetics: the Butler-Volmer equation – ET rate effected by: • Applied electrode potential • Temperature – Activation energy barrier height can be effected by applied potential. This is in contrast to ordinary chemical reactions. John Alfred Valentine Butler Max Volmer ET reactions at electrode/solution interfaces are activated processes.       redox0 jjαfη-exp-fηα1expjj  RT nF f  Electrode kinetics We seek an answer to the following questions:  How can we quantitatively model the rate of an ET process which occurs at the interface between a metallic electrode and an aqueous solution containing a redox active couple? How can kinetic information about ET processes be derived? We shall also investigate the influence of material transport, and double layer structure on interfacial ET processes. pribeh-kapky/video/ Basic concepts of electrode kinetics For an interfacial ET process: – current flow is proportional to reaction flux (rate) – reaction rate is proportional to reactant concentration at interface. As in chemical kinetics: – the constant of proportionality between reaction rate v ( and reactant concentration c ( is termed the rate constant k (cm.s-1) The electrode potential drives ET processes at interfaces  generates a large electric field at the el/sol interface  reduces the height of the activation energy barrier  increases the rate of the ET reaction  increases the current Electrode kinetics macroscopic phenomenological approach: the formal description of electron transfer kinetics in terms of rate equations and current - potential relationships. It is based largely on the activated complex theory of chemical reactions. microscopic molecular based approach: the subject of quantum electrode kinetics. It is based on the molecular interfacial electron transfer with the effects of the molecular structure of the reactant molecules and the electronic band structure of the electrode (GNOME ?) The Fe3+/Fe2+ type of reaction is termed an outer sphere electron transfer process since no bonds are broken or made during the course of the reaction. Consequently, we neglect complicating factors such as diffusional transport of reactants and products, and adsorption effects. Current is passed between working and counter electrodes. The potential is measured between working and reference electrodes. Potentiostat Galvanostat IE Reference Electrode – RE (bridge/solution) (aqueous/nonaqueos) Counter Electrode – CE Auxillary Electrode – AE Working Electrode – WE The potential applied to the electrode is controlled using an electronic device called a potentiostat. Electrode kinetics the electrode acts as an electron source and is termed a cathode the electrode acts as an electron sink and is termed an anode Electrode kinetics Electrode kinetics The current observed at an el/sol interface reflects two quantities: – Charging of electrical double layer : non Faradaic charging current iC – Interfacial ET across interface : Faradaic current iF ET MT at low potentials : arising from rate determining interfacial ET, – at high potentials : arising from material transport MT due to diffusion mechanisms. – These components can be quantified in terms of characteristic rate constants : k0 (units: cms-1) for ET and kD (units: cms-1) for MT. non Faradaic charging current iC Faradaic current iF Electrode kinetics Heterogeneous reactions – velocity to surface unit: Velocity of electrode process nFSv dt dN nFSI  S 1 dt Nd Fn S I j  Experimental dependences:  = f ( j ) j = f (  ) polarization curves current-potential curves dt dN v  - for transformation of 1 mol of substance with a charge of n charge of nF coulomb is consumed ; F = 96484 coulomb/mol - for transformation of dN mol of substance at time dt, a current I is consumed Current density Faraday : I t = N nF = Q )area(surfaceS   = Ep - Er amount of analyt (mols) Activation overpotential    23 FeeFeMneM z        1-zz MeM redoxox ckv  oxredred ckv  red ox red vFn dt dN Fnj  ox red ox vFn dt dN Fnj  RedneOx    kred kox kred kox kred kox kred kox dt dN v  surfaceunitS  An expression for the rate of electrode reaction         RT ΔH ´expAk Arrhenius         R ΔS expA´A                      RT ΔG expA RT STΔΔH expAk Gibbs-Helmholtz RedneOx    QM tunnelling of electrons: time scale is from 10-15 to 10-16 s Nuclear motion: about 10-12 - 10-13 s Δφ for reduction .... αc E Δφ for oxidation .... αa E = (1- αc ) E α is a coefficient of charge transfer = symmetry coefficient a+ c = 1 c=  ; a= 1 -  An expression for the rate of electrode reaction Reaction coordinate E = E(neg.) G E = 0 V nFE  nFE Ox Red Ga,o  Gc  Ga  Gc,o Effect of a change in applied electrode potential on the reduction of Ox to Red F EnαΔGΔG cc,oc   F EnαΔGΔG aa,oa   G αc for the cathodic process αa for the anodic process   0   0.5   1G G G Reaction coordinate n = 1.5   = 0.75 rds ……rate - determining step In many cases electrode processes involving the transfer of more than one electron take place in consecutive steps. The symmetry of the activation barrier referred to the rate-determining step. n Red Red Red Ox Ox Ox Balance of electrode process 0redox jjj  vox = vred j0 is charge current density          RT )E-α n F (EΔG expAF cnjj red redoxred 0 0   RT )E-n F (EαΔG expAn F cjj ox oxredox          0 0 1 k0 = standard velocity constant (members independence on E)                                RT EFnα)-(1 expkcFn RT EFnα expkcFnj RT EFnα1ΔG expA RT EFnαΔG expAk eq0 red eq0 ox0 0 ox ox 0 red red 0 jred = jc jox = ja +         RT ΔG expAk determination of Eeq Current - overpotential  crossing              RT αnFη expj- RT nFηα1 expj ckFn-ckFn)v(vFnjjj o0 oxredredoxredoxredox jred = jcjox = ja                   RT αnFη exp- RT nFηα1 expjj 0 Butler- Volmer equation for electrode process, where rds is charge transfer RT nF f       αfη-exp-fηα1expjj 0       αfη-exp-fηα1expjj 0  RT nF f  Butler- Volmer equation   TR ηFnα-1 jlnjln 0a  TR ηFnα jlnjln 0 c Butler-Volmer equation  j, ka and kc depends exponentially on potential  linear free energy relationship the parameters: I and E  Eeq gives the exchange current jo standard rate constant  for transport the Tafel law must be corrected  electrode as a powerful catalyst  the observed current is proportional to the difference between the rate of the oxidation and reduction reactions at the electrode surface     )Oxk-RednFA(kI ca   Red  Ox concentrations of Red and Ox next to the electrode     Oxk;Redk ca do not grow indefinitely – limited by the transport of species to electrode     Oxk-Redkv ca Id - diffusion-limited current jc Eeq Red = Ox + eOx + e- = Red ja -E E ja jc j = ja j0 j0 Ep Polarization curves without overpotential Eeq equilibrium potential j = ja + (- jc) Polarization curves with activation overpotential 1 Red = Ox + eOx + e- = Red ja jc E Eeq 1 2 3 2 3 j Polarization anodiccathodic hydrogen overvoltage oxygen overvoltage 1. Hydrogen ions are absorbed from the solution onto the anode surface. 2. ET occurs from the electrode, the hydrogen ions to form hydrogen. 3. The hydrogen atoms form hydrogen gas molecules. 4. Hydrogen gas bubbles are formed. 0,5 ja / j0 +- jc / j0 0,25 0,75 Ratio dependence of current density and change current density on overpotential for different  values                   RT αnFη exp- RT nFηα1 expjj 0 Butler- Volmer equation for electrode process, where rds is charge transfer      fηαex p-fηα1ex pjj 0  RT nF f  Polarization curve:  = f ( j ) or I-E curves: j = f ( ) a) Small values of overpotential b) Large values of overpotential η RT nF jj 0 TR Fnj η j 0 0η          p 0 R Fnj TR j η         positive   process of oxidation negative   process of reduction Development of e-x function   TR ηFnα-1 jlnjln 0a  TR ηFnα jlnjln 0 c Rp = polarization resistance Tafel relations jlnbaη  jlogyxη  Activation Polarization ηact Tafel diagram for cathode and anode current density  = 0.25 j0 = 0.1 mA log jc log ja log j0 log j + -  Eeq ko TR2.303 Fnα   TR2.303 Fnα-1 α TR ηFnα jlnjln 0 c   TR ηFnα-1 jlnjln 0a  53 I E totally polarized totally depolarized Eo or Er η typical case η = overvoltage = E − Eo or E - Er η = f (I ) (eta) polarization = ohmic polarization activation polarization concentration polarization η = ηohm + ηact + ηconc abc Polarization A V voltage or current source W E R EA 0 L x ohm 0 0 0 d d (0) ( ) d L L L i x I x IL L IR A A                 potentials in solution 2a WE r ohm 2 d d d ( ) ( ) d ( ) 2 2a a a a i r I r I r I a IR A r r A                          ηohm = “IR drop” I EEn Resistance (Ohmic) polarization Oh d d m's Law i x    I i A  a L R A   ηohm Activation polarization Butler Volmer O(soln) R(soln)± e–    s o s oo R O (1 ) ' '' exp exp F F c E E c E EI AFk RT RT                    Nernst Activation only     1 o b b O R act act (1 ) ' exp exp F F I AFk c c RT RT                      In = exchange current n act n act ox rd (1 ) exp exp F F I I I I I RT RT                   Split         ss 1 o b b OR O R n nb b R O (1 ) ' exp exp cc F F I AFk c c E E E E c RT c RT                       cabde E I Iox Ird In - In En ηact ox n act (1 ) exp F I I I RT        At very positive E |Iox| >> |Ird| Similarly at very negative E |Ird| >> |Iox|      n n (1 ) ln ln F I I E E RT     rd n actexp F I I I RT                n nln ln F I I E E RT      Tafel equations E ln|I| En ln{In} slope = −αF/RT slope = (1−α)F/RT Activation polarization ηact k´ (cm.s-1)  (V) 0.0002 10-3 10-4 10-6 10-10 10-14 0.003 0.12 0.59 1.06  = f(k´) reversible x irreversible process current density j j = 10-6; n = 1; cOx= 1mM;  = 0.5; T=298 K oxygen (V)hydrogen (V)metal Ag 0.48 0.58 Au 0.24 0.67 Cu 0.48 0.42 Hg 0.88 Ni 0.56 0.35 Pt(smoothed) 0.02 0.72 Pt(platinized) 0.01 0.40 j = 10-3 T = 298 K Activation polarization ηact η = ηohm + ηact + ηconc t I 0 0 t E En ηconc(t) ηact(t) ηohm(t) 0 t E En ηconc(t) ηact(t) ηohm(t) 0 t I 0 0 Three polarizations A Concentration polarization R(soln) – ne O(soln) s o R s O ' ln RT c E E nF c         Nernst’s law (holds for I ≠ 0 if ηact = 0) W E R R O O ne− transport transport s b R Rc c s b O Oc c I I = 0 b o R n b O ' ln RT c E E nF c         sb OR conc n s b R O ln cRT c E E nF c c           E I En transport-limited current limiting current surface – s bulk – b ηconc I. Fick law: the natural movement of species isolution without the effects of the electrical field dx dc DA dt dN ii  dx dci ….. concentration gradient dx dc DJ D diffusion coefficient [cm2s-1] ; 10-5- 10-6 in aqeous solutions II. Fick law: What is the variation of concentration with time ??? DIFFUSION: the natural movement of species in solution without the effects of the electrical field 2 i 2 x c D t c      const.D  Macroplane Electrode – Universal Solution b s s b R R R O O O M D c c D c c nFA          for R and O 2 2 s b s s at 0 as c c D t x c c x c c x I c j D nFA x                    link to I through semidifferentiation link to E through Nernst or ButlerVolmer equation semiintegration semidifferentiation I M Q semiintegration semidifferentiation Fick's first law c j D x     conservation law c j x r      zy         x Coordinates Laplace operator Cartesian Cylindrical Spherical xr 1         r          sinr 1 r 1 r Laplace operator in various coordinate systems Cartesian x y z x r   r Cylindrical Spherical For any coordinate system cDJ cD 2 t c    operatorLaplace LTtiontransform aLaplace  LT for Fick´s second law under conditions of pure diffusion control  the potential is controlled, the current response and its variation in time is registrated chronoamperometry  the current is controlled and the variation of potential with time is registrated chronopotentiometry Id Diffusion-limited current: planar and spherical electrodes Mass transport No reaction Reaction of all species reaching the electrode t t = 0 E Potential step to obtain a diffusion-limited current of the electroactive species Id planar electrode ….. semi-infinite linear diffusion 0        dx dc DnFAI Boundary conditions t = 0 c0 = c no electrode reaction t 0 lim c = c  bulk solution t  0 and x = 0 c0 = 0 diffusion –limited current Id 2 2 x c t c      D                 21 1 Dtx x erfccc 21 21 )t( cnFAD )t(I)t(I d    Cottrell equation           0 21 11 r)Dt( cnFAD)t(I)t(I d to planar electrode linear diffusion to spherical electrode spherical diffusion           0 21 11 r)Dt( cnFAD)t(I)t(I d  small t (spherical diffusion linear diffusion)  large t (the spherical diffusion dominates, which represents a steady state current) Microelectrodes -electrodes and ultra--electrodes  small size at least one dimension 0.1-0.5 m  steady state  high current density  low total current (% electrolysis is small)    DcnFr r cnFAD Id 0 0 2  interference from natural convection is negligible (supporting electrolyte) ci,0 c0 electrode solution ci, xdistance from electrode  Nernst diffusion layer Diffusion overpotential                   21 1 Dtx x erfccc Diffusion overpotential Solitary electrode process is in balance i i 0 ic cln Fn RT EE i  i,0 i 0 i,0c cln Fn RT EE i  ( = 1  ai = ci) (E0 i = standard potential) overpotential required for getting over of concentration difference i i,0 i c,0cd c c ln Fn RT EEη ii  I. Fick law: dx dc DA dt dN ii  in stationary state δ cc DA dt dN konst. dx dN i,0iii   Faraday: δ cc DFn dt dN S 1 Fn S I j i,0i i i ic    Nernst diffusion layer Red Red Red δ DFn  Ox Ox Ox δ DFn  oi, i oi, ioi, ld, c c 1 c cc j j    ld,oi, i j j 1 c c           ld,i d j j 1ln Fn TR η in limit: ci,0 = 0  jk,lim= ni F D (ci/) Diffusion overpotential i i,0 i c,0cd c c ln Fn RT EEη ii  j - + -j -jd,l Polarization curves for diffusion controlled processes j jj ln dl Ox     Fn RT ln Fn RT EE Redo c - + j -j jd,l,cat jd,l,anod Polarization curves for diffusion controlled processes jd,l E1/2 ja jc - E + E Diffusion overpotential - polarography Ox   Redo c21 ln Fn RT EE2dljj  Ox Ox Ox δ DFn  Red Red Red δ DFn  n act conc uE E IR        A W E V WE act ohm WE conc R E RE act RE conc V R E potentiostat C E Three electrodes set in voltammetry  Steady state methods (hydrodynamic electrodes, increasing convection, microelectrodes)  Linear sweep voltammetry (increasing sweep rate)  Step and pulse techniques (increasing amplitude and/or frequency  Impedance methods ( increasing perturbation frequency) Methods for studying electrode reactions timescale of electrode reactions