ELECTROCHEMICAL CORROSION 1 ELECTROCHEMICAL IMPEDANCE SPECTROSCOPY Types of corrosion Pitting Corrosion is considered to be more dangerous than uniform corrosion damage because it is more difficult to predict and design against. Corrosion products often cover the pits making the detection often very difficult. Crevice Corrosion occurs in the presence of stagnant solution in a small (micro) crevice. Local chemistry changes in crevices (shielded areas) such as those formed under gaskets, washers, insulation material, fastener heads, surface deposits, unbonded coatings, threads, lap joints and clamps, can result in crevice corrosion. Uniform corrosion is characterized by corrosive attack proceeding evenly over the entire surface area, or a large fraction of the area of the metal under attack. Uniform corrosion results in loss of material until failure (most widespread form of corrosion 2 Types of corrosion Galvanic Corrosion refers to corrosion damage induced when two dissimilar materials are coupled in a corrosive electrolyte (into electrical contact under water) - one of the metals in the couple becomes the anode and corrodes faster than it would all by itself, while the other becomes the cathode and corrodes slower than it would alone. Either (or both) metal in the couple may or may not corrode by itself (themselves) in seawater. Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC) refers to corrosion caused by biological organisms or microbes. These microbes are categorized by common characteristics such as their by-products (i.e., sludge producing) or compounds they effect (i.e. sulfur oxidizing). They all fall into one of two groups based upon their oxygen requirements; one being aerobic (requires oxygen) such as sulfur oxidizing bacteria, and the other being anaerobic, (requires little or no oxygen), such as sulfate reducing bacteria. 3 The process of corrosion of metals  deterioration or degradation of metal  the formation of rust on steel  most corrosion phenomena are of electrochemical nature  consist of at least two reactions on the surface of the corroding metal 1) the oxidation (e.g., dissolution of iron) Fe = Fe2+ + 2e- (anodic) 2) the reduction (e.g., reduction of oxygen) 2H2O + O2 + 4e- = 4OH- (cathodic) 2Fe + 2H2O + O2 = 2Fe(OH)2 2 Fe2+ + 4OH- = 2Fe(OH)2 (non-electrochemical) 1) and 2) : 4 Electrochemical characterisation • Linear sweep voltammetryLSV • Electrochemical impedance spectroscopyEIS • Electrochemical noise with FFTECN 5 Measurement of corrosion rates Weight loss measurements • as a function of time • no simple way to extrapolate the results to predict the lifetime of the system under investigation Electrochemical Tests • to characterize corrosion mechanisms • to predict corrosion rates 6 Calculation of corrosion rate  The corrosion rate depends on the kinetics of both anodic (oxidation) and cathodic (reduction) reactions.  According to Faraday's law, there is a linear relationship between the metal dissolution rate or corrosion rate, RM, and the corrosion current icorr: corrcorr i nF M v   M is the atomic weight of the metal, ρ is the density, n is the charge number which indicates the number of electrons exchanged in the dissolution reaction, the ratio M/n is also referred to as equivalent weight. 7 Calculation of corrosion currents Calculation of corrosion rates requires the calculation of corrosion currents. When reaction mechanisms for the corrosion reaction are known, the corrosion currents can be calculated using Tafel Slope Analysis.        ca corr b 3032 b 3032ii  .(exp.(exp corrEE  Ecorr is the open circuit potential of a corroding metal, ba, , bc Tafel constants For large anodic overpotentials (η / ba >>1) the Butler Volmer equation simplifies to the Tafel equation for the anodic reaction. η = log icorr + ba log i For large cathodic overpotentials (η / bc << -1) η = = log icorr – bc log |i| Tafel equations predict a straight line for the variation of the logarithm of current density 8 9 Calculation of corrosion rate the assumption that  the corrosion reactions were under charge transfer control (activation overpotential)  the mechanisms of the reactions were known Polarization resistance - Rp 10 Measurement of polarization resistance voltageonpolarizatiE 0E p I E R     currentonpolarizatiI        ca corr b 3032 b 3032ii  .(exp.(exp For small η, i.e. for potentials close to corrosion potentials, the above equation can be reduced to:           pca ca corr R 1 bb bb 3032i .         corrca ca p i 1 bb bb 3032R . If the Tafel slopes are not known (e.g. when corrosion mechanism is not known), the Rp can still be used as a quantitative parameter to compare the corrosion resistance of metals under various conditions. 11 Measurement of Rp • Linear sweep voltammetryLSV • Electrochemical impedance spectroscopyEIS 12 13 Randles circuit         corrca ca p i 1 bb bb 3032R . CPE – Constant Phase Element Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy EIScorrosion electrodeposition, electrodissolution, passivity SAM diffusion of ions across membranes semiconductor interfaces The fundamental approach of all impedance methods is to apply a small amplitude sinusoidal excitation signal 14 Principles of EIS measurements Taylor series expansion for the current is given by .... ,,              2 E 2 2 E E dE Id 2 1 E dE dI I 0I00I0  If the magnitude of the perturbing signal ΔE is small, then the higher order terms can be assumed to be negligible. The impedance of the system can then be calculated using Ohm’s law: )( )( )(    I E Z  )(fimpedanceis)(  Z frequency range of 100kHz – 0.1Hz 15 Principles of EIS measurements 16 90o )(I )(U )(I )(E )(Z            EIS: data analysis α = 1, CPE acts as an ideal capacitor α = 0, CPE acts as an ideal resistor Constant phase element - CPE 17 Principles of EIS measurements 18 The double layer capacity Rct Cdl Principles of EIS measurements 19 ctdl ct RCj R Z   1 dl ctdlct Cj RCj/RZ    1 1 111 Rct ctdl ct e RCj R RZ   1 222 1 ctdl ct ereal RC R RZ   222 2 1 ctdl dlct im RC CR Z     Principles of EIS measurements In cartesian co-ordinates (w)jZ(w)ZZ(w) jr  In polar co-ordinates   eZZ )()(  magnitude of the impedance phase shift The plot of the imaginary part against the real part of impedance - Nyquist plot. The shape of the curve is important in making qualitative interpretations of the data. The disadvantage of the Nyquist representation is that one loses the frequency dimension of the data. One way of overcoming this problem is by labelling the frequencies on the curve. The absolute value of impedance and the phase shifts are plotted as a function of frequency in two different plots giving a Bode plot. The relationship between the two ways of representing the data is as follows: 20 0 0 0 cos( )( ) cos( ) ( ) ( ) cos( ) cos( ) E tE t t Z t Z I t I t t            21  Z´ Z” The impedance data are the red points. Their projection onto the Z“-Z‘ plane is called the Nyquist plot The projection onto the Z“- plane is called the Cole Cole diagram The different views on impedance data The absolute value of Z and the phase shifts are plotted as a function of frequency in two different plots giving a Bode plot Nyquist and Bode plot    222 ZZZ ImRe  Z Z tg Re Im    cosRe ZZ    sinIm ZZ  22 EIS: Experimental set-up potentiostat/galvanostat, a frequency response analyser (FRA modul) 2 electrode cell 3 electrode cell 4 electrode cell 4 electrode cell - between two measuring electrodes separated by a membrane, the WE and the CE enable current flow. This kind of a cell is usually used :  to study ion transport through a membrane,  to perform electron or ion conductivity measurements  to measure low impedance where the influence of contact and wire resistance should be minimal. 23 EIS: experiment parameters potentiostat/galvanostat FRA modul Potentiostatic or galvanostatic mode at a fixed DC currentat a fixed DC potential DC potential or current typical current potential curve for a corrosion of iron in passivating solution OCP can change due to changes in the electrode surface it is desirable that OCP is measured dynamically at each frequency or the measurements are done under galvanostatic control at zero current 24 EIS: experiment parameters FRA parameters or settings 1. AC mode (single sine or multi sine) 2. perturbation (sine wave) amplitude (10 mV) 3. integration time 4. wait for steady state 5. frequency range (100kHz – 0.1Hz) 6. frequency distribution (linearly, logarithmically or with a square root distribution) 25 EIS: equivalent circuit models 26 EIS: equivalent circuit models 27 28 29