Self-gravitující disk s nulovou disperzí rychlostí dZ 1 čREvr dEv9 -+ - {-+ -} = 0 dt r čr ae č\R d\R ve d\R ve2 d O - +Vr- +----=-- St ČR R 50 R SR d Ve č Ve v« íve vRve 1 5$ - +vr-+--+ -=--- dt ČR R čQ R R ČQ d2 1 ^o(R,z) O = O0(R,z) + 0>i(R,9,z,t) vR= 0 vr= vR1(R,0,t) ve = V(R) = R £1(R) > 0 ve = V(R) + v9i(R,8,t) 1-3 Linearizace rovnic s poruchou -+ Í1-+--+--= 0 dt č Q R ČR R ÔQ Ô Vri d Vri Ô Oi -+ íl--2 íl Vei =-- dt ôq ôr dvei dvei 1 di -+Í1-+ 2 B vR, =--- et ae r ôq -+--+--+-= 4 7T G Lx ô(z) čr2 r ôr r2dB ôz2 9R» K Elementární řešení (vlnové módy): Hustotní vlna spirálního tvaru U = £*(R) exp [i(cot - m9)] = £'(R) exp [i(o»t - m8 + F(R))] E*(R) komplexní: £*(R) = E (R) exp [ i F(R) ] F(R): „fázový faktor" (phase factor), „tvarová funkce" (shape function) podobně pro i nestabilní módy: - g>i » | coR | tlumené: rostoucí: neutrální: Oi>0 o>i < 0 (overstability) 0)i= O SP it AIM* STtV*Tt/ltA otct'Uet Tr»* reifet W - C^Vtourf] logaritmická' dg* - 2-9 • Ä A*/At*// Vt 4/0*4 '>M4!4 >\I. t „Tise* z y / *(+-iWHS?/ * /0ex\4.ct ***** ^ y o. 06 s o, or 2f AT&4i o.c F * @. Ote C j «-- A M/ "Čŕ, r. I » 5 -Oř Mr4T 1—r—I—r III' Ik|/kcm i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i ill i i i i i -3 -2 -1 leading 0 k/kertl 1 2 trailing Figure 6-14. (a) The dispersion relation for tightly wound disturbances in gaseous (eq. (6-40), dashed ylines] and stellar [eq. (6-*46), solid lines] disks. The curves shown are (bottom to top) Q — 1, 1.5, and 2. Since only \a\ and \k\ are shown, there is no distinction between leading and trailing waves, or waves inside and outside corotation. (b) Dispersion relation in the form of wavenumber versus radius for an m = 2 tightly wound wave in a stellar Mestel disk with Q = 1.5. The radial scale is in units of the corotation radius tcr, and only waves inside corotation are shown. The inner Lindblad resonance is at r = 0.293rcR. The direction of the group velocity is shown by-arrows. toomiu: 1 0.8 . 0.6 z04 02 i i Q = 2 \ ^^13—-^^ — \ b ,s Short \ / long X \Q=y i 1 1 1 0.4 0.8 1.2 Wavelength, ^/^crjt 16 Fifiure 4 The Lin-Shu-Kalnajs dispersion relation for axisymmctrie density waves of 1 frequency to = vk and modest radial wavelength A in a thin, rotating disk of stars endo with Q times the minimum random motions required by Equation (3). Lindblad resonance Corotation X/X, 1.5 1.0 0.5 1 IV ■ I 1-1-1-1- i 1 Vx i vy { I \ • t t i i w Q = 2 I i i » i i \ \ \ \Lonq waves \\. ■ Q=1.2 \ i 1 \ / \ Q=1 > - / i i ^--^Short waves 1 *' ^-— ; o*"^ 1 ! 1_ .j_i__i-1-1-1- 1.0 0.5 0 Fic. 6 — Dispersion relation ,\( v ) for demity waves (Lin and Shu). The arrows show tin- direction of propagation of the waves. Q measures die velocity dispersion.