The criterion for streamer development is determined by finding the level of ionization at which significant field distortion from space charge in the gap arises. Taking all the electrons to be in a spherical volume, with radius r, at the tip of the avalanche, the field is where e is the electronic charge magnitude. The radius can be approximated by the diffusion radius where D is the diffusion coefficient. The transit time of the electrons can be found from the avalanche length x, and the drift velocity v[d][ ]or the electron mobility ke The diffusion coefficient is found from where Te is the electron temperature and κ is Boltzmann’s constant. Using where V is the electron energy in volts, we have Now let x[c] designate the distance at which Er becomes comparable with E. This yields Raether’s avalanche-streamer criterion where x[c] is in centimeters. In the uniform field the occurrence of a critical avalanche usually develops into a spark. Thus we can substitute x[c][ ]= d