JAF01 THE SOLAR SYSTEM Ocseej on: "SC.j£NC£"; JGei-ft* tOt-lt^ ,ZOOiy 1. Label the planets of the solar system as you can see in the picture. Which one is so called „dwarf planet"? Do you know why? if The planets Read the text and fill in the gaps with these words. asteroids alinospheie belt compressed gas groups hydrogen Mercury mitogen rocky small The planets are usually divided into two 1-----: the inner planets and the outer planets. Inner planets are sometimes called the 2__planets and include Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are the ones closest to the Sun, they have rocky surfaces and are all relatively 3___________ The outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, are giant planets and are often called the 4 _________planets. They consist mainly of the gases hydrogen, helium and methane. However, these planets are so cold that the gases are 5_to a liquid or solid state. The two groups of planets are separated by hundreds of thousands of tiny chunks of metallic rock called 6__They orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter in what is called the asteroid 7____There are so many asteroids here that there is always a danger of collision for passing spacecraft. Most planets have a layer of gas, called an 8______, covering them. The inner planets have a relatively thin atmosphere, while the gas planets have a much thicker atmosphere. Earth's atmosphere is a mixture of 9_and oxygen and smaller amounts of carbon dioxide and water vapour. Jupiter's thick atmosphere, on the other hand, consists mainly of 10_and helium. The gases in the atmosphere are held close to a planet by its gravity. On a large planet like Jupiter, where the gravity is 2.6 times greater than on Earth, the lightest gases are held in the atmosphere. On Earth, however, these gases escape into space. 11_is so small and hot that it has no atmosphere at all. 1 JAFOl III. Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with appropriate words or phrases Inl989 the spacecraft Galileo was launched to study the 1. ........_ One year later it entered the Asteroid Belt and came close to the Asteroid Gaspra. |f is a small asteroid 2._, composed of 3._ typical of most of the many other thousands of asteroids that are 4._ the Sun in a wide belt between 5._. About 6.__asteroids are large enough to be seen from Earth. The largest is Ceres, which is 7.__- Astronomers once thought that the asteroids may have formed from the 8._which shattered into small pieces. However, when added together, the mass of the asteroid is 9._ the size of our Moon. A more widely accepted idea is that they are 10._ the formation of the planets billions of years ago. IV.-- Match the sentence beginnings cUUlendlngs'Lv/ reordering, ti^e endings oh Use right. i_______ The few thousand stars which you .can see together by huge gravitational forces^ It contains more than a Í0f),000 million stars but r observed with a"small telescope, was thought to be in the Milky Way. Agafaxyisa cotiection of stars and dust held ■ Galaxies-are separated, from Until the turn of the 20th century, the Milky Way A.giant spiral called Andromeda, which can be In.1923, Edwin Hubble showed that Andromeda Hubble's discovery encouraged other astronomers. was another galaxy about 2.2 million light years away. was thought to be the whole universe. each other by vast regions of space. J it is just one of the millions of galaxies in the universe.: to search for galaxies arid, now more than 100 million.have been _____________!len^fiS^_ „,_ , with your:eyes belong to our galaxy called the Milky Way.- 2 V. -What, causes the seasons? Read the text and fill in the gaps with these words. t^mfyS) longer northern revolution southern tilt towards (x4) We divide the year into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is much warmer than winter, and the days are 1____Seasons are caused by a combination of the 2__of the Earth's axis and the Earth's 3___around the Sun. The particular season depends on whether the Earth's axis is tilted 4_the Sun or away from it. When the 5 __hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun, this means the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun. Sunlight hits the southern hemisphere square-on, and shines over a smaller area. At the same time, sunlight hits the 6------_--hemisphere at an angle and is spread out over a larger area of the Earth. The first sunlight warms the Earth more than the second does. So, where the sunlight hits the hemisphere tilted ——---the Sun it would be summer, and where sunlight hits the hemisphere tilted 8 _--^ from jt wou|(j Winter. Summer in Australia is when the southern hemisphere is tilted 9 —-_--_ the Sun. In this position there is more of the southern hemisphere than the northern hemisphere in sunlight. Six months later we are on the other side of the Sun. The southern hemisphere is now tilted 10 „-------from the Sun, and it is winter. The seasons in the southern hemisphere are the opposite of those in the northern hemisphere. If the southern hemisphere is tilted 11______the Sun (summer), then the northern hemisphere is tilted 12_____ from the Sun (winter). Earth's revolution Read the sentences. They are jumbled up. Put them in the correct order to make a text. As well as revolving on its axis, the Earth travels through space around the Sun. During this time the Earth "rotates 365J4 times, which means there are 365 Ya days in a year.and this is very difficult tq divide into equal parts for our days and weeks. So we consider each year as having just 365 days and every fourth year, or leap year, we have 366 days. The Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun, both in art anticlockwise direction viewed from space above-the North Pole. .- . The Earth stays in its orbitbecause of the gravitational force of attraction between it and the Sun. . The time "taken for one complete, revolution of. the Sun is one year. This is almost circular, but slightly oval. . We say the Earth revolves around the Sun and the path it follows is called its orbit. Across 2. an extremely large group of stars and planets 4. an object in space that leaves a bright stream of gas and dust behind it as it moves around the Sun 7. an exploding star that produces an extremely bright light 8. to spin in a circle around an axis 9. a mass of rock that moves around in space 10. a very large cloud of dust and gas that exists in outer space Down 1. a curved shape that is wide in the middle and pointed at the ends 3. the air around the Earth or around another planet. It consists of three main layers, the lowest being the troposphere, the middle one the stratosphere, and the highest the ionosphere. 5. a piece of rock that has fallen from space and landed on the Earth. 6. not clear because there is smoke, dust or water in the air. Vocabulary: shatter - roztříštit se compressed - stlačený relatively - poměrně inner-vnitřní outer - zevnější giant-gigant tiny - maličký, drobný chunk - pořádný kus layer-vrstva hold (held, held) - držet (se) launch - vysiat, odpálit be!t-pás{ek) compose - skládat/složit collision - srážka, kolize debris - sutiny, trosky belong to - patřit, náležet dust - prach gravitational force - gravitační síla vast - rozsáhlý, obrovský the turn of... century - přelom století spiral - spirála encourage - povzbudit/povzbuzovat search for - hledat, pátrat identify - rozpoznat, identifikovat divide into - (roz)dělit (se) revolution - otáčení se, rotace tilt - naklonit/naklánět (se) axis - osa square-on - přímo angle - úhel spread out - rozšiřovat (se), rozrůstat (se) revolve - obíhat, kroužit rotate - točit (se), otáčet leap year - přestupný rok clockwise -ve/po směru hodinových ručiček circular - kruhový, okružní ova! - oválný, elipsovitý path - dráha, trasa