about universities replace the words in bold type with a single word from the box. anthropologist archaeologist conference -dtesertatie* journal laboratory lecture paper postgraduate research' sabbatical seminar sociologist specialism statistician J: As part of our MA course, we have to do a very long essay with an element of original research ( dissertaficn ). The marks we get for this count towards our final result. Instead of taking notes, I sometimes use a tape to record the talk given by a member of staff and attended by lots of students (_)■ Occasionally we have a discussion with a smaller number of students, chaired by a member of staff (_). We have to prepare contributions, and it can be quite stressful. My economics professor went to a conference in Singapore and presented a summary of a piece of research (_) on free trade and exchange rates. I'm afraid JJoctor Kopala is not available. She is on a one-year paid break from teaching, in which research is carried out (_)■ I feel that it's important for me to attend this big meeting of academics from different places (_. . ). I am preparing this paper for publication in a specialist academic magazine (___)• I am a zoologist, but my particular area of expertise and knowledge (_—) * temperature control mechanisms in marine mammals. Are you interested in that? HH Professor Blumenfeld is a person who studies the way people operate in society, the dynamics of class and so on (_._)• ill In Papua New Guinea I met an academic who studies humans, concentrating on traditional cultures (__). HI Egypt is a wonderful place for an academic who studies history through the physical remains of ancient civilisations .)• This is not just a medical question. We need a person who understands and interprets confusing mathematical data (-)• P We now work in a new building equipped with scientific equipment, set up especially for research and teaching fl This department offers many higher courses, for those who already have a first degree (-__— )■ For a doctorate, you have to do your own original study and investigation into an aspect of your subject (-—} 68 Test Your Vocabulary 5 Test Your Vocabulary 5 1056 More Moon Hoax http://www.elllo.org/english/1051/1056-JM-Hoax2.htm Jonathan continues his discussion about the Moon Hoax and what he believes. Answer the questions below. Some questions have more than one answer. 1) He says he hasn't heard 'that one before'. What is 'one' referring to? r a) the rocket r ^ b) the noise c) the theory 2) He says people are influenced by ^~ a) space movies ^ b) real footage *~ c) poor science 3) In reality, he says lasers_ *~ a) are silent in space ^ b) make a tchoo tchoo sound r c) make great entertainment 4) People have questions about the _ r- ' a) capsule *~ b) space suit r c) buggy 5) What do you need to take into account? ^~ a) the atmosphere *~ b) the surface of the moon *~ c) the gravitational pull A. Dokončete věty za použití výrazů today/this year/this term, atd. 1) I saw Tom yesterday but /,fti?vgff.^.Íjři?ff.MíR.ÍS.4ay.. 2) I read a newspaper yesterday but I.........................................................today. 3) Last year the company made a profit but this year................................. 4) Tracy worked hard at school last term but this year.............................. 5) It snowed a lot last winter but........................... 6) Our football team won a lot of games last season but we............................... B. Upravte věty. Namísto "somebody, they" použije trpného rodu. 1) Somebody has cleaned the room. The room.has,i been cleaned. 2) They have postponed the concert. The.............................................. 3) When we get to the stadium we'll find that they have cancelled the game. When we get to the stadium, w'll find that................................................................ 4) They have built a new hospital near the airport............................................................ 5) They haven't repaired the bridge yet.......................................................................... C. Write a question for each situation. 1) John looks sunburnt. You ask: (you / sit / in the sun?) /MvejttW.&ečff.i?/^ 2) You have just arrived to meet a friend who is waiting for you. You ask: (you / wait / long?) 3) Yiou meet a friend in the street His face and hands are very dirty. You ask: (what / you / do?) 4) A friend of yours is now living in Baker Street. You want to know: How long ....? You ask: (How long / you / live / in Baker Street) 5) A friend of yours is telling you about his job - he sells computers. You want to know: How long ...? You ask: (how long / you / sell / computers?) D. Read the situation and complete the sentneces. 1) The rain started two hours ago. It's still raining now. fLhM?.A?.?ff.Xff.W.fttg. for two hours. 2) We started waiting for the bus 20 minutes ago. We're still waiting now. We ...................................................for 20 minutes. 3) U started Spanish ckasses ub December. I'm still learning Spanish now. I ...............................since December. 4) Ann began looking ofr a job six months ago. She's still looking now..........................for six months. 5) Mary started working in London on 18 January. AShe's still working there now. ..........................since 18 January. 6) Years ago you started writing to a penfriend. You still write to each oather regularly no. We...................for years. E. Přečtěte a utvořte dvě věty za použití slov v závorce. 1) Tom started reading a book two hours ago. He is still rading it and now he is on page 53. (read / for two hours) K^±Q.lkem.Xmdm&ÍQrMQ.MfíMX^ 2) (read / 53 pages so far) He has read 53 pages so far. 3) Linda is from Australia. She is travelling round Europe at the moment. She began her tour three months ago. (travel / for three months) She...............(visit / six countries so far) Assignment II s Source: Raymond Murphy: English Grammar in Use (A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students), second edition, Cambridge University Press 1994. Michael Swan, Catherine Walter: How English Works (A grammar practice book), Oxford University Press, 1997 4) Jimmy is a tennis playser. He began playing tennis when he was ten yours old. This year he is national champion again - for the fourth time, (win / the national championship four times)................................(play tennis since he was ten)...................................... 5) When they left college, Mary and Sue started amking films together. They still make films, (makle / ten films since they left college) They.........................................(make / films since they left college)...................................... F. Dejte slovesa do přítomného času průběhového (I am ...ing) nebo do předpřítomného času (I have been ...ing). 1) Maria Hff£Me.?Mj6flKtiÍ!fg. English for two years. 2) Hello, Tom. I...........................................(look) for you all morning. Where have you been? 3) Why.........................(you / look) at me like that? Stop it:! 4) We aůways go to Ireland for our holidays. We.......................(go) there for years. 5) I.................(think) aobut what you said and I've decided to take your advice. 6) Is Arm on holiday this week? - No, she............................(work). 7) Sarah is very tired. She...................................(work) very hard recently. G. Vyberte vhodnější tvar sloves - předpřítomný prostý nebo předpřítomný průběhový 1) Where have you been? HfiyeyfiM.ks&tt.BlfflMg (you / play) tennis? 2) Look! Somebody................................... (break) the window. 3) You look tired.............(you / work) hard? 4) ..........................................(you / ever / work) in a factory. - No, never. 5) Jane is away on holiday. - Oh, is she? Where............................(she / go)? 6) My brother is an actor. He....................(appear) in several films. 7) Sorry, I'm late. - That's all right. I.................................(not / wait) long. 8) Is it still raining? - Not, it...................(stop). 9) I..................(lose) my address book...........................(you / see) it anywhere? 10) I..............................(read) the book you lent me but............................but I (not finish /) it yet. 11) I..................................(read) ateh book you lent me, so you can have it back now. H. Jsou podtržené části vět správné nebo ne? Opravte nesprávné tvary. 1) I've lost my key I can't find it anywhere. 2) Have you seen the news on television last night? 3) I've bought a new car. Do you want to see it? 4) I've bought a new car last week. 5) Where have you been yesterday evening? 6) Jenny has left school in 1999. 7) I'm looking for Mike. Have vou seen him? 8) I'm very hungry. I haven't eaten anything today. 9) Diane hasn't been at work yesterday. 10) When has this book been published? 11) Ow! I've cut my finger. It's bleeding. 12) The Chinese have invented printing. 13) How many plays has Shakespeare written? 14) Aristotle has been a Greek philosopher. 15) Have vou read any of Shakespeare's plays? Assignment II * Source: Raymond Murphy: English Grammar in Use (A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students), second edition, Cambridge University Press 1994, Michael Swan. Catherine Walter: How English Works (A grammar practice book), Oxford University Press, 1997