EXERCISES IN CATEGORY THEORY 3 Try either (2) or (2*) depending upon whether you prefer monoids or vector spaces. (1) Let PX = {[/:[/ C 1} be the power set. Extend this construction to a functor P : Set —>• Set. Show that the functions r\x ■ X —>• PX : x i->- {x} give a natural transformation (2) The free monoid FX on a set X has elements given by words (lists) [xiX2 ■ ■ -xn]. Multiplication in FX is given by joining words together (eg. [xy] o [z] — [xyz]), and the identity element is the empty word [—]. Show that F is part of a functor F : Set ->• Mon. Let U : Mon —>• Set be the forgetful functor and consider the composite W — UF : Set —>• Set. Describe a natural transformation 1 =^> W. (2*) The free vector space FX on a set X is the vector space with basis {e^ : i G X}: thus elements of are finite sum Eir^ei where each e M. Show that F extends to a functor F : Set —>• Veci. Letting U : yect —>• Set denote the forgetful functor, describe a natural transformation 1 —> UF. (3) Let N — (N, +, 0) be the monoid of natural numbers with addition. Describe a natural transformation Mon(N-) Mon and show that it is a natural isomorphism. (4) Let X be a category with products and X E X. Given / : B unique map X x f :X xA^ X x B making the diagram C there exists a commute. Use the universal property of products to show that this gives a functor X x — : X —> X. (More generally product gives a functor — x — : X x X —> X.) Date: October 2, 2014. 1 2 EXERCISES IN CATEGORY THEORY 3 (5) Show that the product projections qa : X x A ^ A form the components of a natural transformation Ix- X'.