EXERCISES IN CATEGORY THEORY 6 1. Limits (1) Let J be the category below: 0 i  X p0 // p1  D(0) D(i)  1 j // 2 D(1) D(j) // D(2) and consider a diagram D : J → C. Show that a cone (X, p) on D is the same thing as a pair of arrows X → D(0) and X → D(1) making the square above commute. Show therefore that the limit of D is exactly the pullback of D(i) and D(j). (2) Let C be a category with products. Show that each representable functor C(X, −) : C → Set preserves products. (3) Let J and C be categories. Given X ∈ C the constant functor ∆X : J → C at X is defined by ∆X(j) = X for all j ∈ J and sends all morphisms of J to the identity on X. Given D : J → C show that a natural transformation p : ∆X → D is the same thing as a cone (X, p) on D. (4) Show that each morphism f : X → Y ∈ C determines a natural transformation between constant functors ∆f : ∆X → ∆Y and observe that a morphism of cones (X, p) → (Y, q) over D amounts to an arrow f such that the triangle of natural transformations ∆X p ##GGGGGGGGGG ∆(f) // ∆(Y ) q  D (5) Given a functor F : A → B and object X ∈ B the comma category F/X has objects: triples (A, p : FA → X) and morphisms f : (A, p : FA → X) → (B, q : FB → X) are arrows f : A → B such that q ◦ Ff = p. Show that constant functors themselves define a functor ∆ : C → [J, C] and that Cone(D) is the comma category ∆/D. (6) Given a diagram D : J → Set show that the limit of D is given by the set of cones Cone(1, D) over D with base the 1-element set. Date: October 23, 2014. 1