EXERCISES IN CATEGORY THEORY 8 1. Adjoint functors 1.1. Examples of adjoint functors. A functor U : A → B has a left adjoint if for each X ∈ A there exists an object FX and morphism ηX : X → UFX with the following universal property: given A ∈ A and f : X → UA ∈ B there exists a unique arrow f : FX → A ∈ A such that the triangle UFX f ##HHHHHHHHH X ηX OO f // UY (1.1) commutes. Then FX is the value of the left adjoint to U. (1) Let U : Mon → Set be the forgetful functor from monoids to sets. Given a set X elements of the word monoid FX are lists [x1 . . . xn] of elements of X, with multiplication given by joining lists: ie. [x, y][z] = [x, y, z]. Show that FX has the universal property of the left adjoint to U. (2) The forgetful functor U : CRing → Set from the category of commutative rings to the category of sets has a left adjoint F. Show that the value of F at the 1-element set {x} is the commutative ring of polynomials anxn + a1x + . . . a0 with integer coefficients ai ∈ Z. What is FX where X is a finite set (or even an arbitrary set?) (3) Consider U : V ect → Set. Show that the value of the left adjoint FX is the vector space with basis set X. (4) Consider the forgetful functor from topological spaces U : Top → Set to sets. Show that the left adjoint to U sends a set X to X with the discrete topology: all subsets are open. (5) Given a set X let PX be the power set of X: since this is a poset we can view it as a category. Given f : X → Y we get functors Pf : PX → PY : U → {fx ∈ Y : x ∈ U} and f∗ : PY → PX : U → {x : fX ∈ U}. Show that Pf f∗ . 1.2. General categorical questions. (1) Prove that given a collection of arrows as in (1.1) that the objects FX uniquely give rise to a functor F : B → A such that the morphisms ηX : X → UFX are the components of a natural transformation. In particular check that F preserves composition. (2) Prove that the left adjoint of a functor U : A → B is unique up to natural isomor- phism. Date: November 5, 2014. 1