EXERCISES IN CATEGORY THEORY 9 1. Adjoint functors 1.1. Algebra of adjoint functors. (1) Consider U1 : A → B and U2 : B → C and adjunctions F1 U1 and F2 U2. Show that we have a composite adjunction F1F2 U2U1. (2) Show that the left adjoint of a functor U : A → B is unique up to natural isomorphism. 1.2. Adjoints and representables. Let C be a locally small category. Recall that a functor U : C → Set is said to be representable if there exists a natural isomorphism U ∼= C(X, −) for some X ∈ C. (1) Let C and U be as above. Prove that if U has a left adjoint then U is representable. (2) Assuming that C has all (infinite) coproducts show that the converse holds: U is representable =⇒ U has a left adjoint. 1.3. Examples. (1) We have seen that U : Mon → Set has a left adjoint (constructed using word monoids). Prove that U does not have a right adjoint. (2) Show that the forgetful functor U : Grp → Mon from groups to monoids does have a right adjoint – construct it! 1.4. Further questions. (1) Consider the forgetful functor O : Cat → Set which sends a small category to its set of objects. Show that there is a string of four adjoints C D O I. (2) Show that U : A → B has a left adjoint ⇐⇒ each category X/U has an initial object ⇐⇒ each functor B(X, U−) : A → Set is representable.1 2 (3) Given a category C a weakly initial set consists of a set of objects {Xi ∈ C, i ∈ I} such that for each A ∈ C there exists some i ∈ I and a morphism Xi → A. Now given a functor U : A → B we say that U satisfies the solution set condition if for each X ∈ B the category X/U has a weakly initial set of objects. The general adjoint functor theorem asserts that if C is a locally small category with limits then U : C → D has a left adjoint if and only if U preserves limits and satisfies the solution set condition. Use the adjoint functor theorem to verify that U : Grp → Mon (or your favourite forgetful functor between algebraic categories) has a left adjoint. (The key point here is to think about how to construct solution sets in algebraic cate- gories.) Date: November 12, 2014. 1Objects of the category X/U are pairs (f : X → UA, A). A morphism h : (f : X → UA, A) → (g : X → UB, B) in X/U is given by a morphism h : A → B ∈ A such that Uh ◦ f = g. 2 The functor B(X, U−) : A → Set is the composite of U : A → B and B(X, −) : B → Set. 1