IMaterial Safety Data Slieetl 1 .Chemical Product and Company Identification Candlewic Comp; B244 Easton Rd ation Phone Number: (610] Product Name: Paraffin WaX 4144 2. Composition/ Information on Ingredients Ingredient Paraffin Wax, clay treated 3. Hazards Identifica Skin: [Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause irritation. Contact with molten material will cause thermal burns. Eyes: DContact with powder my cause mechanical irritation. Exposure to fumes may cause irritation Inhalation: DNot expected to occur [ 4.First Aid Measures Eye: D First check victim for contact lenses and remove if present ] water and contact a physician if irritation persists. Skin:D Skin Wash thoroughly with soap and waterwhile removing all contaminated clothing. If rash or irritation ] develops, contact a physician. For contact with molten product, immediately immerse in cold water and ] maintain in cold water until skin and product are cool. Do not attempt to remove material adhering to the ] skin. Get immediate medical attention. jency department. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do :h if victim is convulsing or uncnscious. respiration. If breathing is difficult. Ingestions Contact your poison control center or emer ] so by medical personnel. Do not give i Inhalation: D Remove to fresh air. If not breathing use ] administer oxygen. Get medical attention. 5.Fire Fighting Measures Flammable Properties Open Autoignition Temperature: Not known Jpper Flame Limit: N/A .ower Flame Limit: N/A Extingushing Media: Carbon Dioxied, dry chemcial or fine water spray. Avoid water stream on molten buring material as it may scatter and spread the Usual Fire and Explosion h Melts in proximity of fires causing slippery floors and stairs. Material does not ignite readily, but will bum. Fire may produce dense smoke and irritaiting or poisonous gases.. Run-off from fire control may cause pollution. Special Firefighting Precautions / Instructions: Wear Self-contained breating apparatus aprroved by NIOSH and protective clothing. Watch footing on floors and stairs because of possible spreading of molten material. Use water spray to keep containers cool. 6. Accidental Release Measures In Case of Spill or other Releases: (Always wear recommended personal protective eguipment.) Sweep up spilled material, place it in container and dispose as described. 7. Handling and Stoarage Mormal Handling: (Always wear recommended personal protective equipment.) Avoid spillage which can cause slippery conditions. Use good personal hygiene and housekeeping. Avoid breathing fumes from heating operations. Storage Recommendations: Avoidexcessive heat. Do not store near strong oxidizing agents, 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Eqi Eye ■esistant gloves for prolonged or repeated exposure. Insulated gloves with long sleeves for handling molten material. Chemical goggles around molten material. Respiratory Protection: Use a NIOSH approved vapor respirator around molten material is not adequate. ^Physical and Chemical Properties PHSICAL STATE: ODOR: SPECIFIC GRAVITY Characteristic waxy odor water-1.0 igligible 5F. VAPOR PRESSURE: EVAPORATION RATE: MOLATILES: FLASHPOINT: lilf 10. Stability: Stable under normal storage and handling conditions Conditions to Avoid: High temperatures and open flames Incompatibility: Strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomposition Products: When heated to decomposition may emit oxidizing agents, Hazardoud Polymerization: Will not occur. 11. Topological Information Paraffin wax is biologically inert and therefore not systemically toxic. No specific toxicity dat is available 12. Ecological Information \lo data have been developed on this subject. This product is cause an adverse 13.Disposal Considerations Incinerate material at permitted facility in accordance with current local, state and federal regulations. Alternatively, place material into containers suitable for disposal and bury in an approved landfill in accordance with current locafstate and federal regulations. Chemical additions, processing or otherwise altering this material may make the waste management d in the MSDS incomplete, inaccurate or otherwise anappropriate. ion Transportation and Hazardous Materials Description: Not regulated as hazardous for transportation when shipped at ambient temperatui 15.Regulatory Information J.S. Regulations OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazardous Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) Catergory: Irritant CERCLA103 Reportable Quantity: This product is not subject to CERCLA release reporting requriement. Many states have more stringent reporting requirements. Report spills and other releases as required underfederal, state and local regulations, SARA TITLE III: Hazard Category for Section 311/312: Acute Health Section 313 Toxic"' This product contains the following chemicals subject to SARA Title III Section 313 EPA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Status: All of the components of this product ae listed on the TSCA inventory. iition 65: This product contains the following substances known to the state of California to cause cancer and or/reproductive harm: NONE 16,Other Information NFPA Ratings DHealth HMIS Ratings DHealth Engineering Controls: Use adequate ventilation when handling molten material. For storage and ordinary handling, general ventialtion is satisfactory.