Recovery of PET bottles : TECHNOLOGICAL TIV ECONOMICAL HYGIENIC COLOGICAL AAAUT S. p.A presents Recovery of PET bottles CHNOLO&ICAL After accurate study physics and chemistry of the washing process, AMUT has setup a recycling system tested in various plants. Washing Process — Flow-sheet - rewashing bottles Detection 2° Flotation Rinsing Friction Washing 1° Flotation Otheri The bottles and flakes washing is performed by following combined actions: ?HOP HCIH f ffi rife mechanical (friction), chemical (chemical product), ri r f physical (high tempe Washing Process rewashing bottles Flow-sheet - ,1 ml Last R1**-1 Last P^, Paper,f Rinsing Chemicals Fines ■-1 uasT ^j^J Pulped Paper Powder ■ Slue t>. Paper The continuous Recycling the Process Water though Filter is made in all Washing Steps. ewa if) bott rsheet - 2° Flotation Rinsing (5 nsinq S Iwater filter Glue filter Mechanical Thermic Grind inlet in the final point o fresh water, which goes back in counterfoil rrent until the starting point. Washing Process — Water Counter Corrent Flow- rewashing bottles water filter W. W.T. P. 2° Flotation Rinsing water filter resh water 1 water filter Friction Washing 1° Flotation Glue filter water filter AT Other 2° Flotation Cojj-eHLFIdw- Friction 1° Flotation Othe Storage In every washing step water is continuously conditioned^1™ with ecological chemicals for the perfect elimination of pollutants and glue from the scraps. Was ashing Process — Chemicals Flower? '^rd^T 2wS!/> 2° Flotation Rinsing -A Drying ^^^^^ Other I Storage 99415 Detection 1 Prewashing | bottles Srindinc^ 1° Flotation WashingProcess ^»4yifffl ~. I L„ „ . .. I I Friction I 12° Flotation I [Z '. I I ^.. I Friction Washing 2° Flotation Rinsing Other Storage Automatic PVC e Non PET Detection 2°NIR Detector 1° NIR Detector Constant Feeding Bottles t Collection of Wasted Bottles jDetector - | Noil PET] Prewashing bottles Detection Washing Process^^^fc&|JjW 1° Flotation Friction ~|_ Washing \ > 2° Flotation Rinsing Drying M \ Other *^ SO Storage Detection Metall 1 ° Metal Detector From PVC & NON PET Detectors Secondary Detection 2° Metal Detector Collection of Wasted Bottles Prewj bot Washing Process Prewashind bottles Detection ferindim Friction Washing 2° Flotation Rinsing Constant Feeding Controll of Imput Dosing bottles to Detectors Detection Srindin Washing Process Drying — Other r 1° Flotation Friction Washing 2° Flotation Rinsing Primary Detection n.2 NIR Detectors Storage . 9 * PrbowehingPetectiorprindint" Washing Process 1° Flotation Friction Washing 2° Flotation Rinsing Secondary Detection Metall And NON PET Washing Process Grinding! 1° Flotation Friction Washing Storage Washing Process j^mI Washing Process HGrindincL Washing Process Detection hHGrindin !?1 1° Flotation Friction Washing 2° Flotation Rinsing Drying \- *| Other Storage Washing Process TZtrN Detection kbrind in 1° Flotation Friction Washing 2° Flotation Rinsing i Drying [-* \ Other Storage Filters for Glue Washing Process 1° Flotation Friction 2° Flotation L_T. Washing Rinsing Drying Other Storage Mechanical Drying I Washing Process Prewashing bottles Detection hHGrindin !?1 1° Flotation Friction Washing 2° Flotation Rinsing Drying us; Storage Thermic Drying Washing Process Prewashing bottles Detection hHGrindin !Í1 1° Flotation Friction Washing 2° Flotation Drying Other ▼ Storage Deduster Metal detector Washing Process Washing Process Grindin 1° Flotation Friction Washing Others ■ it Chemicals Dosing Pumps — The right Pr^cteti &t th^ right PmMm th@ right PF@p@rt8@m __Washing Process_ _ AMUT S. p.A. presents Recovery of PET bottles : Li 1 1 QU/\Lrr/\riv o ^ PET BOTTLES RECYCLING FLAKES CHARACTERISTI a) Color b b) A Color b C) PVC bottles with double Detector d) Polyolefines e) Paper f) Glue 9)PH h) Humidity 25 ppm 10 ppm* 10 ppm* 10 ppm < 10 0,7% 100bar/h cm2 i) Filterability The average weight of the flakes is 10 ppm Recovery uOt HdrK til Sil CHI ECONOMICAL for PET BOTTLES RECYCLING IXPI r -Plant 1.250 kg3ffi!i|HB|I a) Absorbed electric power exc. Storage 0,38 KW b) Consumption of Water 1,00 Lt 0.1 N mc c) Air for detectors PVC /non PET d) Filtering material for main filter. 0,01 Kg e) Steam -i-SHi 0,85 Kg f) Conditioning product Soda+Detergent+Antifoam 0,010 Kg [Mom PET BOTTLES RECYCLING >orbed ele iXPECTED uunswvik Plant 2500 kg/h a) Absorbed electric power exc. Storage b) Consumption of Water f ^ c) Air for detectors PVC /non PET d) Filtering material for main filter. e) Steam ii--*w f) Conditioning product ~"" I • Soda+Detergent+Antifoam 0,25 KW 1,00 Lt 0,1 N mc 0,01 Kg 0,80 Kg 0,010 Kg [^®©w©fe {fee mwi taw [Mom Consumi rilevati su impianto Erreplast Da Gemaio 2001 a Ottobre 2001 €/ton 2.000 Kg/h leetrte eonsuptkm : Kwfton RPET 287 Water nti Diatomite RPET 1,08 £ Kg/Kg RPET Q,00Hs Kg/Kg RPET 0,003: Kg/Kg RPET 0,002: Kg/Kg RPET 0,009* molten RPET 69,3 & 34*00 1 5) 1 !,30 6,20 8,30 19,00 IS RECYCLING WASTE Q0 a) PVC bottles b) Rejected foreign bodies 20% approx c) PET fine, lost d) Exhausted Water 1 -2 °/c 0,8 It./Kg RPET PET BOTTLES RECYCLING w goüsumphon o ASTEO WATER 0,8 m% i Kg rpet ■ , ' '• 9 . i « W ' : £ I WASTED WATER characteristics a) COD /BOD 10.000/5.000 mg/litre b) S.S. (suspended solid) 30 g/litre c) Mineral oil present <0,2% soda d) pH Alkali e) Total tension-active 100 ppm ß@(§WSl]@ fe[T KOMM DüSIBIW ß@Ö(W0D§ PLANT with iyi. 250 OUTPUT Total Hours x y antenanc Total production n 250 kg/h 8,640 h 800h OPERATION COSTS OF THE RPET RECLAIMING PLANT 1250 kg/h- 6250 t/y 2500 kg/h -12500 t/y a) operation costs Manpower costs per unit 23.250 €/y 14 People €/t RPET 17 People €/t RPET 31,62 Electrical utility 0,098 €/Kwh 360 Kw/t 35,28 250 20,64 €/t steam 0,85 t steam/ Kw/t — 24,50 0,80 t s team/t Chemicals: Soda+Detergent+Antifoan 1,60 €/l 9,00 l/t 14,40 9,00 l/t 16,51 14,40 Filtering material 0,72 €/Kg 9,00 Kg/t \J8 Kg/t 6,48 Rutine mantenance 26,00 Special mantenance .26,00 400 h/y 800 h/y 1,66 IH3 850 h/y 800 h/y Grinder knives 120/80 7.000,00 Grinder knives 150/80 7.000,00 3,33 set/y 3,73 4,66 set/y Grinder risharping120/80 186,00 50 Time/y 1,49 1,77 1,66 2,61 Grinder risharping150/80 217,00 70 time/y 1,22 Dumping operation 51,10 €/t 20 12,78 20 12,78 Waste water 0,05 €/lt 1250 l/h 0,05 2500 l/h 0,05 Spares-unforseen events 50.000,00 Spares-unforseen events 75.000,00 €/y _€/y_ 8,00 YYTAI 156,82 costs per unit 6,00 119,59 Washing plant 3.000.000,00 € 7years 6% 85,99 Washing plant 4.500.000,00 € 7years 6% 64,49 Wastewater treatment plant ; 330.000,00 € 7years 6% 9,46 Wastewater treatment plant 360.000,00 € 7years 6% 5,16 Building 1.000.000,00 € 20years 6% 13,95 20years 6% 6,97 TOTAL 109,40 76,63 VtRPET 319,22 PRODUCTION CAPABILIY A) OPERATION COSTS costs per unit € €/t RPET €/t RPET Manpower ft 23.250 €/y 14 People I 17 People I 31,62 MANPOWER LOW COSTS ( 5 days/week) m necessary operators for each shift are r N.l for feottk boles feeding BS i N.l/2 for manual control m A '>d| Ml Supervisor f?1- ■ rNffifl The necessary additional operators for the day shift are M1 for flakes analysislM jjlj Jj 1 for file produced flakes handling * * 1 for ordinary maintenance * N OTAl 12/1 PRODUCTION CAPABILITY -costs per unit € €/t RPET €/t RPET Electrical utility 0,098 €/Kwh 360 Kw/t 35,28 250 Kw/t 24,50 Steam 20,64 €/t steam 0,85 t steam/ 17,54 ^§0tsteam/t Chemicals: Soda+Detergent+Antifoan 1,60 €/l 9,00 l/t 14,40 9,00 l/t 14,40 Filtering material 0,72 €/Kg 9,00 Kg/t 9,00 Kg/t Waste water 0,05 €/lt 1250 l/h 2500 l/h Efectrteiity* St Reduced V (rtnteutri use of transports installed powers optirrusatfons hot w@ter recyclfngfsrB@x. care \m the energetic recovery Cfamkah 5 « stefey©Hi^trS€ use of chemicals (tQ@pp*R) surfactants residual in wasted water* FBlte llterfnf M@tertel 'est® water reduction of the glue In powder recycling of hot water Jj^JWMlV ^ Itofited qpimtlty-reduced water tmo^vmrnft pl«t low Ph ^ low consumption of treatr t reagents Production capability ■ A) OPERATION COS 1250 kg/h- 6250 t/y ATE RIAL COS 2500 kg/h -12500 t/y ,L RUNNING C C) DEPRECIATION COSTS TOTAL COSTS €/KG RPE €/t RPET 76,63 t rpei 389,22 €/t rpet 319,22 CURRENT PRICES RPET CLEAR : 600 € / TON si RPET LI6HT BLUE 540 € / TON PET bottle grade 1.050 € / TON Programma di supervisione per impianfo lavaggio PET HIĚJ H Impianto Di Lavaggio P.ET. AMUT 1 Indice Uli o Impianto Di Lavaggio P.E.T. ÄMUT OIL prelavaggio 128 1 426A FC Z15 Q i -100 517 A 426B FC Prelavaggio CENTR.SCARTI MAX MAX 58.0 fín MAX 56.0 £ü MIH 15.0 flt 410 FC J 206 • > 112 332 422 FC 447 FC 409 209 VUOTO 8 MIN RESET 28 ■f >. 0.1 ..1;Tiin^ Z1 X__10103 A 507 ZS A 516 A 93 423 FC (SFTATTj »4400 |kgh 506 91,1 C ll 91-0 |C| t o 425 FC SET j +4400 j kg.'h REALE TOT. *877 I kg Ťi ► 7664 j kg © tee r a Tot j Pid 308 PRODUZIONE FINALE 44 42 Z16 D L=J--- MIN. 208 313 309 IčH i ; 11 REAl E + 2760 kgT roT. 4248 kg Azzera Tot I o - Fri Oct 19 15:45:04 2001 ES Q o ED Impianto Di Lavaggio P.E.T. ÄMUT Impianto Di Lavaggio P.E.T. AMUT Impianto Di Lavaggio P.E.T. AMUT m Impianto Di Lavaggio P.E.T. AMUT YV104_ YV105 - SL051 [f] Carico J flj STATO Scarico | 5 SL052 Bypass M003 Wh M013 M008 M001 SP 205 M017 M015 SL053 [g I s I I 21-2* STATO (Q| Scarico 4 SL057IT1 Carico 1 Carico SL059[t] Carico IO STATO STATO 1 1 iBEll STATC o Scarico | 3 SL056 Bypass YV156 ff Fri Oct 19 15:48:00 2001 e ED Impianto Di Lavaggio P.E.T. ÄMUT e Impianto Di Lavaggio P.E.T. ÄMUT 8- Centrallzzazlone Sca FC lone Scartl \f ^ y 11 _ mrrmrrr- 32 TRATTAMENTO ACOUE 90 > -» 3^ í 8£ i í IB 8£ |čj" 31" í IA V f V 202 □ L3 e Impianto Di Lavaggio P.E.T. ÄMUT Fri Oct 19 15:49:28 2001 □ m □ oj loj t Impianto Di Lavaggio P.E.T. AMUT 11 - Parametr! 5ET POIN1 f 1 PARAMETRO SET POINT IMPOSTAZIONE VELOCITA TAMBURO 3 40 % TEMPO LAVORO LAMA FILTRO 56A 3 sec IIMPOSTAZIONE CORRENTE TAMBURO 3 25,0 A TEMPO RIPOSO LAMA FILTRO 56A CON LIV. ALTO 60 sec VOLUME IN CONST.FEEDER MIN 15,00 /o TEMPO RIPOSO LAMA FILTRO 56A CON LIV. MEDIO 250 sec VOLUME IN CONST.FEEDER MAX 56,00 °/ to TEMPO RIPOSO LAMA FILTRO 56A CON LIV. BASSO 400 sec VOLUME IN CONST.FEEDER SUP.MAX 58.00 °/ ro TEMPO LAVORO LAMA FILTRO 56B 3 sec ITEMPO PAUSA NASTRO ESTRAZIONE DAL C. FEED. 1 sec TEMPO RIPOSO LAMA FILTRO 56B CON LIV. ALTO 60 sec SOGLIA AMP. MULINO AD ACQUA 30 290 A TEMPO RIPOSO LAMA FILTRO 56B CON LIV. MEDIO 250 sec ISOGLIA AMP. Dl LAVORO FRICTION WASHER 54 80 A TEMPO RIPOSO LAMA FILTRO 56B CON LIV. BASSO 400 sec ISOGLIA AMP. MAX. FRICTION WASHER 54 89 A TEMPO RIPOSO E.V. 332 LAV. INTERNO TAMBURO 3 30 min SOGLIA AMP. CENTRIFUGA 40 81 A TEMPO LAVORO E.V. 332 LAV. INTERNO TAMBURO 3 | 30 sec SOGLIA AMP. MULINO FINALE 72 210 A RIT. APERT. E.V. 328 DURANTE LAV. INT.TAMBURO 3 25 sec [OUANTITA ACQUA IN INGRESSO 1400 l/h TEMPO RIPOSO E.V. 336 LUBRIF. NASTRO 2 30 min TEMPO LAVAGGIO CESTELLO FORATO CENTR. 40 20 sec TEMPO LAVORO E.V. 336 LUBRIF. NASTRO 2 720 sec TEMPO LAVAGGIO PARETI CENTRIFUGA 40 30 sec TEMPO RIPOSO NASTRO 140 30 min TEMPO RIPOSO LAVAGGIO CENTRIFUGA 40 15 min TEMPO LAVORO NASTRO 140 600 sec TEMPO LAVAGGIO LINEA DURANTE CAMBIO SILO 1 sec TEMPO RIPOSO PULIZIA UGELLI FILTRI 10 min TEMPO LAVORO SCARICO FANGHI 309 2 sec TEMPO LAVORO PULIZIA UGELLI FILTRI 5 sec TEMPO PAUSA E. V. SC. DA IDROC. PRELAV 313 120 min TEMPO RIPOSO COCLEA 123 IN AUTOMATICO 5 min TEMPO LAVORO E.V. SC. DA IDROC. PRELAV. 313 2 sec TEMPO LAVORO COCLEA 123 IN AUTOMATICO 5 min TEMP. MIN SERBATOIO "A" FRICTION WASHER 70 C SOGLIA MIN DEPRESSOSTATO ESSICCATORE 0,25 kpA TEMP. MIN SERBATOIO "B" PRELAVAGGIO 65 C SOGLIA MAX DEPRESSOSTATO ESSICCATORE 2,40 kpA TEMP.PRERISC. SERBATOIO "A" FRICTION WASHER 85 c TEMP.PRERISC. SERBATOIO "B" PRELAVAGGIO 80 c SOGLIA TEMP. INGRESSO ESSICCATORE 175 c TEMP. ALLARME INGRESSO ESSICCATORE 300 c IMPOSTAZIONE VELOCITA COCLEA 34 100 % [iMPOSTAZIONE VELOCITA COCLEA 37 100 % MONTELLO AI*-*" Fri Oct 19 15:51:02 2001 Impianto Di Lavaggio P.E.T. AMUT DEb'CSIZIONS: LUBRJFICARE CATENA NASTRJ 1, 2 CONTROLLAME'MaGPRItftJTTORI NASTR11,2 SOSTITUIRE OLIO RIDUTTORI NASTR11,2 INGRASSARE CUSCINETTINASTRO 1 INGRASSARE CUSCINETTI NASTRO 2 INGRASSARE CUSCINETTI DEL TAMBURO ROTANTE 3 CONTROLLARE OLIO RIDUTTORI DEL TAMBURO ROTANTE 3 E COCLEE DI SCARICO 111.112 SOSTITUIRE OLIO RIDUTTORI DEL TAMBURO ROTANTE 3 E COCLEE DI SCARICO 111,112 LUBRJFICARE CUSCINETTO POSIZIONAMENTO TAMBURO ROTANTE 3 LUBRJFICARE CUSCINETTI NASTRJ 4, 6, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 LUBRIFICARE CUSCINETTI DEL VENTILATORE TRASPORTO BOTTIGLIE 5 LUBRIF. CUSCINETTI TAMBURO ASP. ETICHETTE 7, NASTRO SEL.9. CONSTANT FEEDER 10,13 CONTROLLARE OLIO RIDUTTORE NASTRO ESTRAZIONE DAL CONSTANT FEEDER 10 SOSTITUIRE OLIO RIDUTTORE NASTRO ESTRAZIONE DAL CONSTANT FEEDER 10 LUBRIFICARE CUSCINETTI NASTR115,20 LUBRJFICARE CUSCINETTI NASTRJ 16A, 16B, 21A, 21B LUBRJFICARE CUSCINETTI SPAZZOLE NASTRJ 16A, 16B, 21A, 21B LUBRJFICARE CUSCINETTI NASTRJ 27, 29 LUBRIFICARE CUSCINETTI MULINO AD ACOUA 30 LUBRJFICARE CUSCINETTI MOTORE MULINO AD ACQUA 30 CONTROLLO OLIO POMPE 46, 47 LUBRJFICARE CUSCINETTO DEL SEPARATORE 33 LUBRJFICARE CUSCINETTI VASCHE PREFLOTTAZIONE E RISCIAQUO LUBRJFICARE BUSSOLE INFERIORI DELLE COCLEE 35, 36, 38, 67 LUBRIFICARE CUSCINETTI SUPERIORI DELLE COCLEE 35, 36, 38, 67 CONTROLLARE LIVELLO OLIO FUDUTTORJ COCLEE 35,36, 38, 67 SOSTITUIRE OLIO RIDUTTORI COCLEE 35, 36, 38, 67 CONTROLLARE OLIO DI TUTTE LE POMPE SOSTITUIRE OLIO DI TUTTE LE POMPE CONTROLLARE OLIO RIDUTTORE FRICTION WASHER 54 SOSTITUIRE OLIO RIDUTTORE FRICTION WASHER 54 LUBRJFICARE CUSCINETTI E BADERNE DEL FRICTION WASHER * Grafico Portata settimanale - - i 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 c • c ■ *■: c \ Ca 2 15/10/01 CO C i a S s di oi 16/10/01 CO 1 § <= ci ™ ^ c\. 17/10/01 £5 CO Ol ^ ^ 18/10/01 <2l i5 vi ™ - u . 19/10/01 3000 2500 2000 1 500 1 000 500 Data Ora SetPoint nastro 10 Produzione oraria nastro 10 Produzione_finale_progressiva Portata Finale OreSettimanali ProduzioneS ettirnanale 15/10/01 6.00.10 0 0 3704867 0 0 0 15/10/01 7.00.00 4000 2848 3706301 1434 1 1434 15/10/01 8.00.00 4450 4433 3709144 2843 2 4277 15/10/01 9.00.00 4500 4416 3712092 2948 3 7225 15/10/01 10.00.00 4200 3722 3714550 2458 4 9683 15/10/01 11.00.00 4600 4481 3717320 2770 5 12453 15/10/01 12.00.00 4800 4714 3720108 2788 6 15241 Sei 2D/3D * Giafico 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 15/10/01 16/10/01 17/10/01 18/10/01 19/10/01 Data Qra SetPoint nastro 10 Produzione oraria nastro 10 Produzione_finale_progressiva Portata Finale □reSettimanali ProduzioneSettimanale 15/10/01 6.00.10 0 0 3704867 0 0 0 15/10/01 7.00.00 4000 2848 3706301 1434 1 1434 15/10/01 8.00.00 4450 4433 3709144 2843 2 4277 15/10/01 9.00.00 4500 4416 3712092 2948 3 7225 15/10/01 10.00.00 4200 3722 3714550 2458 4 9683 15/10/01 11.00.00 4G00 4481 3717320 2770 5 12453 15/10/01 12.00.00 4800 4714 3720108 2788 6 1 5241 Is* 2D/3D f_ Grafico Asso rbi men to ma I i n^aieq u a "^gm 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 C I c. ci c. CM o ^ 15/1 0/01 C I '1 i 16/1 0/O1 CO c i C I CI CI <=! Q v> i— *— 17/10/01 ro 3 § co ™ £ £ £ 18/10/01 19/10/01 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Data Qra Corrente Mulino 30 Corrente Friction Washer 54 Corrente_Centrifuga_40 Corrente Mulino Finale 72 Pressostato differenziale essicatore A 15/10/01 6.00.10 0 72 0 84 0.84957269999999996 15/10/01 7.00.00 104 79 59 95 0.4316239 15/10/01 8.00.00 107 82 64 101 0.42393160000000002 15/10/01 9.00.00 119 79 65 100 0.46153850000000002 15/10/01 10.00.00 103 80 69 85 0.42307689999999998 15/10/01 11.00.00 111 81 65 100 0.4452991 15/10/01 12.00.00 112 82 68 93 0.41538459999999999 "*™ 2D/3D *_ Grafico 120 100 80 60 40 20 C ' C • ci c. CM tf> o W= ^ 15/10/01 cI d C ' e ; ci X 3 Q C . CI CI CI ci 10 Temperatur >95°C Microbiologica aboratory Tests on ■II Post-consumer Bottles and Washed F mac Derm id n g«.J« A SPECIALTY CHEMICAL COMPANY Metallurgy Division Spettabile íodiTrecate, 11.11.2003 San Martino Ns. Rif. : GP Alia cortese attenzione del Vs. Dott. Sereni OGGETTO: verifica cariche batteriche Sono stati condotti test di laboratorio per evidenziare, ed eventualmente quantificare cariche batteriche presenti su PET precedente a processo di riciclo (ciclo di lavaggio a caldo) e successivamente a tale operazione: :>-^ PET bottles 2,5 x 105 ufc/ml (unita formanti colonia) PET flakes 3 ufc/ml II valore riscontrato su PET flakes e da considerarsi come inquinamento da campionamento Funqhi e Lieviti (SAB - 72 h) PET bottles + + + (contaminazione elevata) PET flakes non rilevabil Coliformi totali (VRBL - 24/48 h a 37 °Q PET bottles 7 x 103 ufc/ml | PET flakes non rilevabil Enterobatteriaceae (VRBG - 24/ PET bottles 1,7 x 105 ufc/ml PET flakes non rilevabil Total bacterial charge Units made colonies Pollution of sample Not considerable rica totale (ISA - 48 h a 37 °C) 2,5 x 105 yfe/ml (unita formanti colonia) to su PETfl^jjgje da considerarsi come inquinamento JevJti(SAB-72h) + + + [contaminazione elevata) non rilevabili i totali (VRBL - 24/48 h a 37 °C) PET bottles 7 x 103 yjj/ml PETfJaJ^ non rilevabili (VRBG - 24/48 h a 37 CC) PET bottles l,7xl05yfc/m non rilevabili Flakes Enterobatteriaceae (VRBG - 24/48 h a 37 °C) Bottles Carica batterica totale (TSA - 48 h a 37 °C) PET 2»5 x 105 yfe/ml (unita formanti colonia) PET flakes II valore riscontrato su PFJflgJ^ e da considerarsi come inquinamento da (SAB-12 h) + + (contaminazione elevata) non rilevabili (VRBL-24/48ha37°C) non rilevabili (VRBG - 24/48 h a 37 °C) xlO5 ufo/ml Funqhi e Lieviti (SAB - 72 h) Bottles Car tea batterica totale (TSA - 4B h a 37 °C) PET fejBJgg 2,5 x 10s yfc/ml (unita formanti colonia) PET flakes 3wfe/ml D valore riscontrato su PETfy^ e da considerarsi come inquinamento da campionarnento. Funghi e Lieviti (SAB - 72 h) PETfeSfe + + + (contaminazione elevata) PETfJaJ^ non rilevabili BrfM totall [VRBL - 24/43 h a 37 °& PET bottles 7xl03yfe/ml PETjJaJ^ non rilevabili E nterobatteriaceae fVRBG - 24/48 h a 37 °C) PET bottles PET{Jai$$ lr7xl05yfr/m non rilevabili Flakes ECOLOGICAL because: The PET Bottles are like the Porks Nothing is thrownaway 1 zampe 2 zampino 3 care (culatello) 4 coscia 5 spalla 6 pancetta 7 filetto 8 lombo 9 coppa 10 gola e guanciale 11 testa 12 grasso 13 costine m The Wasted Materials produced from the Filters can be used as FDR ( Energy Recovery) \ PO Labels The Waste Material produced from the first Flotation Tank is recycled as good PO Flakes PO Caps PO Labels The Mud produced from the Wasted Water Plant can be used as Cement Additive The Wires of Bales recycle rocess capability The plastic recovery plant -has a process capability up 15.000 ton/year of PET post consumer bottles with a potentiality of 2.500 kg/hour input and 2.000 kg/hour output. The Itreplast p completely realised! by Italian technology, represents today an example of advanced industrial application A fully automated system produces high quality PET flakes by a mechanic treatment of plastic containers coming from the differentiated collection of rubbish. ERREPLAST The plan iur BrJ ii1 The PET recovery plant has a process capability up to 20.000 ton/year of PET post consumer bottles with a potentiality of 3.600 kg/hour input and 3.000 kg/hour output. ONTELLO The Montello plant, completely realised by Italian technology, represents today the most advanced centre of Recycling . ajjjJM A fully integrated system jjj produces high quality PET flakes from the automatic smjg sorting plant of plastic post-consume waste coming from the differentiated collection .