1 Writing a resume / CV 1. What is the difference between a résumé and a CV? Work in pairs, then watch a video and check your answers. 2. What is the purpose of writing a CV? 3. Have you ever written it? a. YES (When, what purpose, what language…) b. NO (need to write it in the future? Why?) 4. What headings does a CV usually have? 5. What skills in general do undergraduate/graduate students of chemistry need? 6. Academic vocabulary Can you brainstorm for nouns that the verbs below might collocate with? performed worked gained delivered won assisted created administered co-presented guided demonstrated built analysed/researched attain supervised trained participated demonstrate experienced awarded have 2 Now match the verbs and the nouns that they collocate with: experience science clubs for children (co)-present a good mark gain in experiments attain findings (at a conference) participate a grant be awarded experience assist laboratory work of students build the 3rd place in a competition deliver sb. on st. guide and supervise the effects of a chemical demonstrate a questionnaire administer an ability train studies analyse (research) relationships win how sb. deals with st. perform sb. with investigating Fill in the missing verbs: 1. _______________________questionnaire research 2. _______________________the ability to work unsupervised in a professional laboratory 3. _______________________assay studies such as enzyme kinetics and inhibition using UVvisible spectrophotometry 4. _______________________the effects of a chemical introduced into human plasma samples to investigate whether a correlation exists between drug metabolism 5. _______________________effective working relationships with the participating schools 6. _______________________after-school science clubs to primary school children 7. _______________________professor with investigating Lake Makatawa sediments 8. _____________________and _______________________ laboratory work of General and Organic chemistry students 9. _______________________students on laboratory equipment 10. _______________________research findings at local research colloquium 11. ___________________in small groups to plan and carry out over 20 laboratory experiments 12. ______________________ good practical experience in using specialist software to capture and analyse numerical data 13. good teamwork helped to _______________________ the highest mark (86%) for project presentation made to panel of lecturers and industry professionals 3 14. _______________________ the 3rd place in an international chemistry competition for university level students 15. _______________________how the team dealt with various environmental issues 16. _______________________college grant to further research on the synthesis of kalkitoxin. Worked in collaboration with Professor John D. Black and two postdoctoral researchers. 17. _______________________ inorganic chemistry focus group and its website 18. _______________________ experience of various molecular techniques from taught courses including DNA extraction, PCR, ELISA & Gel electrophoresis 7. Targeting a CV to an advert: Read the advert below and underline the parts that state the required skills/characteristics/previous experience etc. 4 Now read the CV below and try to identify parts that correspond to the requirements from the advert: 5 Source: http://www.careers.qmul.ac.uk/docs/Departments/86458.pdf 8. Assignment - writing your own CV. .