Contents ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a 1 Plate tectonics, earthquakes and volcanoes 8 The history of the Earth 8 Places 1 The Earth: a simplified history 9 Earthquakes 9 Places 2 South-west China: an earthquake 11 Plate tectonics 12 Places 3 Iceland: a constructive plate margin 16 Places 4 Indian Ocean: the 2004 tsunami 18 Places 5 The Himalayas: a collision plate margin 20 Places 6 The San Andreas Fault: a conservative plate margin 21 Framework I Using the Internet for studying geography 22 Volcanology 24 Places 7 Solfatara, Italy: an area of declining volcanic activity 26 Framework 2 Natural hazards 31 Case Study 7 Volcanic eruptions - Mount Pinatubo 33 Weathering 40 Framework 3 A systems approach 45 Mass movement and resultant landforms 46 Places 8 South-east Brazil: landslides 49 Development of slopes 50 Case Study 2 Slope failure and mass movement 52 Places 9 River Don, Yorkshire and River Torridge, Devon: river discharge 64 Morphometry of drainage basins 65 Framework 4 Quantitative techniques and statistical methods of data interpretation 67 River form and velocity 68 Transportation 71 Erosion 72 Deposition 73 Places 10 Afon Glaslyn, North Wales: river processes 73 Fluvial landforms 75 Places 11 Iguacu Falls, Brazil: a waterfall 76 Places 12 Boscastle, Cornwall: a flash flood 80 Base level and the graded river 81 Places 13 River Greta, Yorkshire Dales National Park: a rejuvenated river 82 Drainage patterns 84 Case Study 3 The need for river management 87 Focusing on maps for Geography 98 4 Glaciation 102 Ice ages 104 Places 14 Antarctica and Greenland:previous climatic change 104 Glaciers and ice masses 106 Transportation by ice 109 Glacial erosion 109 Framework 5 Mean, median and mode 112 Places 15 Snowdonia: glacial landforms 115 Glacial deposition 116 Glacifluvial landforms 119 Places 16 Arran: glacial landforms 120 Other effects of glaciation 122 Places 17 The Vale of Pickering, North Yorkshire: a glacial lake 123 Case Study 4 Avalanches and the effects of melting ice 124 Periglacial processes and landforms 132 Places 18 Alaska: periglacial river regimes 136 Case Study 5 The melting permafrost 137 Waves 140 Beaches 143 Tides 146 Places 19 The North Sea and the Bay of Bengal: storm surges 148 Processes of coastal erosion 149 Places 20 Holderness: coastal processes 150 Erosion landforms 151 Transportation of beach material 153 Coastal deposition 154 Places 21 Eastern and southern USA: barrier islands 156 Framework 6 Sampling 159 Changes in sea-level 162 Places 22 Devon and Norway: aria and a fiord 164 Places 23 Arran: raised beaches 166 Rock structure 167 Framework 7 Classification 167 Future sea-level rise and its effects 168 Case Study 6 Coastal management in the UK 170 What is a desert? 178 Location and causes of deserts 179 Places 24 The Atacama Desert: climate 180 Desert landscapes: what does a desert look like? 180 Arid processes and landforms 181 Places 25 Wadis: flash floods 188 Climatic change 190 Case Study 7 Desertification: fact or fiction? 191 Lithology and geomorphology 194 Limestone 196 Places 26 Li Valley, south China: karst scenery 198 Chalk 199 Sandstone 201 Granite 201 Basalt 203 Case Study 8 Quarrying in northern India 203 Structure and composition of the atmosphere 206 Energy in the atmosphere 207 Places 27 The atmosphere: ozone 209 Global factors affecting insolation 210 Atmospheric moisture 213 Places 28 An alpine valley: aspect 213 Air stability and instability 216 Precipitation 219 Atmospheric motion 224 Planetary scale: atmospheric circulation 226 Macro-scale: synoptic systems 229 Places 29 Storms in southern England 232 Places 30 Hong Kong: typhoon warning, 1 May 1999 237 Places 31 The West Indies and Myanmar: tropical storms 238 Places 32 Delhi: the monsoon climate 240 Meso-scale: local winds 240 Microclimates 242 Weather maps and forecasting in Britain 244 Framework 8 Measures of dispersion 246 Climatic change 248 Case Study 9 Short-term and long-term climatic changes 250 Soil formation 260 The soil profile 262 The soil system 263 Soil properties 263 Places 33 The soil pit: soil study in the field 270 Processes of soil formation 271 Zonal, azonal and intrazonal soils 273 Places 34 Arran: a soil catena 276 Framework 9 Geographic Information Systems (GiS) 277 Case Study 10 Soil erosion and soil management 279 Seres and climax vegetation 286 Places 35 Krakatoa: a lithosere 289 Places 36 Arran: secondary plant succession 293 Ecology and ecosystems 295 The ecosystem 295 Framework 10 Scientific enquiry: hypothesis 299 Places 37 Holler Park, Mombasa, Kenya: creating an ecosystem 302 Biomes 304 Case Study 11 The forests of south-west Australia 307 Issues Analysis Management of the Serengeti 311 Classification of climates 314 1 Tropical rainforests 316 2 Tropical grasslands 319 3 Hot deserts 321 4 Mediterranean (warm temperate, western margins) 323 5 Temperate grasslands 325 6 Temperate deciduous forests 328 7 Coniferous forests 330 8 The tundra 332 Case Study 12 The management of grasslands 335 Distribution and density 344 Framework 11 Scale and generalisation 347 Places 38 Brazil: population densities at the national level 347 Population changes in time 349 Population structure 352 Framework 12 Models 352 Trends in population growth 355 Places 39 Singapore: family planning 358 Places 40 Japan: an ageing population 360 Migration: change in space and time 361 Places 41 China: rural-urban migration 363 Places 42 Tunisia: migration patterns 366 Places 43 The world: refugees 368 Places 44 UK: Polish migrant workers Places 45 South Africa: a multicultural society Places 46 The USA and Brazil: multicultural societies Places 47 Singapore: racial and religious harmony Optimum, over- and underpopulation Places 48 Bangladesh and Canada: overpopulation and underpopulation Theories relating to world population and food supply Links between population growth, use of resources and economic development Case Study 13 Population in China Issues Analysis Population policies - the pros and cons of trying to limit population growth 14 Settlement Origins of settlement Functions of settlements Differences between urban and rural settlement Rural settlement Places 49 Carlisle: site, morphology and functions Places SO Bickinton, Devon: a village Places 5 1 Britain: evolution of settlement Measuring settlement patterns Case Study 14 Settlement change 15 Urbanisation Urban growth - trends and distribution Models of urban structure Places 52 Chicago: a concentric urban structure Places 53 Tokyo: a multiple-nuclei urban structure Functional zones within a city Framework 13 Stereotypes Places 54 TheCBD Places 55 Gateshead: the MetroCentre Framework 14 Values and attitudes Places 56 London: regeneration and the 2012 Olympics Cities in developing countries Places 57 Kolkata and Rio de Janeiro: shanty settlements Places 58 Nairobi, Kenya: functional zones Places 59 Cairo, Egypt: problems resulting from rapid urban growth Framework 15 How reliable are statistics? Places 60 Singapore: a housing success story Case Study 15 Living in developed cities Issues Analysis The Westfield Centre, Shepherd's Bush 369 372 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 386 M 388 392 393 394 396 399 400 402 412 418 420 427 424 426 427 430 433 437 440 442 443 444 447 448 450 452 458 16 Farming and food supply Environmental factors affecting farming 462 Places 61 Northern Kenya: precipitation and water supply 465 Places 62 The former Soviet Union: physical controls on farming 466 Cultural (human) factors affecting farming 466 Places 63 China: land tenure 468 Economic factors affecting farming 469 Places 64 China: farming 470 Von Thunen's model of rural land use 471 The farming system 476 World distribution of farming types 478 Places 65 Northern Kenya: nomadic herders 479 Places 66 Amazon Basin: shifting cultivation 480 Places 67 The Ganges valley: intensive subsistence agriculture 481 Places 68 Malaysia: tropical commercial (plantation) agriculture 483 Places 69 The Pampas, South America: extensive commercial pastoralism 484 Places 70 The Canadian Prairies: extensive commercial arable farming 486 Places 71 The western Netherlands: intensive commercial farming 487 Places 72 The Peloponnese, Greece: Mediterranean farming 489 Places 73 The Nile valley: irrigation 490 Farming types and economic development 492 Farming and the environment 494 Framework 16 Sustainable development 499 Food supplies 500 Places 74 Niger: famine 502 Places 75 Sub-Saharan Africa: food shortages 503 Case Study 16 Farming 506 17 Rural land use The urban-rural continuum 516 Forestry 518 Places 76 Ethiopia, Amazonia and Malaysia: forestry in developing countries 520 Places 77 South-east Asia: forest fires 521 Mining and quarrying 522 Places 78 North Wales: slate quarrying 523 Places 79 Malaysia: tin mining 523 Framework 17 Standard error calculations 524 The need for rural management 525 Places 80 Mafia Island, Tanzania: rural management Case Study 17 Rural conflicts in south-western USA 526 527 What are resources? 532 World energy producers and consumers 533 Recent global trends 535 Sources of energy 536 Places 81 California and the UK: wind farms 540 Energy conservation through greater efficiency 544 Places 82 China: changes in energy production and consumption 544 Development and energy consumption 546 Case Study 18 Appropriate technology: micro-hydro in Nepal 547 19 Manufacturing industries Traditional locations of industry 553 Changing approaches to industrial geography 557 Theories of industrial location 557 Production process technologies 561 ndustrial location: changing patterns 562 Places 83 Sweden: wood pulp and paper 562 Places 84 UK: iron and steel 563 Places 85 Japan: car assembly 565 Places 86 The M4 and M11 corridors: high-tech industries 566 Places 87 South Wales: industrial growth, decline and regeneration 570 Industry in economically less developed countries 573 Places 88 Pune, India: a hub for transnationals 574 Places 89 Nairobi, Kenya: jua kali workshops 575 Places 90 Kenya: Practical Action projects 577 Newly industrialised countries (NICs) 578 Places 9 1 Malaysia: a newly industrialised country 578 Case Study 19 Special Economic Zones and open coastal cities in China 580 Leisure, recreation and tourism 586 The growth in tourism 587 Global tourism 588 UK tourism 589 Tourism and the environment Places 92 The Peak District: a National Park The tourist resort/area life-cycle model Places 93 The Spanish 'cost as': the life-cycle of a tourist area Places 94 The Cairngorms: a mountainous area under threat Other types of tourism Places 95 Xcaret, Mexico: ecotourism Framework 18 Personal investigative study Case Study 20 Tourism in Goa, India Development and globalisation The concept of economic development Criteria for measuring the 'development gap' Places 96 Kenya: women and development Living in extreme poverty Places 97 Malawi and Ethiopia: Water Aid Framework 19 Correlation and development: scattergraphs, Spearman's rank correlation, and chi-squared Stages in economic growth Places 98 China: core-periphery Health and development Places 99 Hong Kong: the epidemiological transition Places 100 Sub-Saharan Africa: HIV/AIDS International trade Places 101 South Korea: Samsung - a TNC Places 102 Ghana: Fairtrade Overseas aid and development Places 103 Sri Lanka: aid after the 2004 tsunami World transport Places 104 Singapore: an ocean port Places 105 London Heathrow and Dubai: 'hub' international airports Places 106 Hong Kong: an integrated traffic system Information and communications technology (ICT) The global value chain Places 107 India: call centres Case Study 21 China and India: globalisation in the textile and fashion industry index 591 592 594 594 595 596 598 599 600 604 606 605 609 67? 612 615 618 619 621 623 624 630 631 632 633 643 636 637 640 642 643 643 644 650 Inde Places - Aberfan Geographical terms - abrasion People's names - Burgess, E.W. Key reference - 100 Aberfan 54-5, 523 ablation zone 106, 120 abrasion 72, 110-11, 113, 149, 151-2, 184 absorption 207-8, 213, 242 accessibility matrix 615 accumulation zone 106, 120 acidity 269 acid rain 43, 56, 207, 222, 243, 269, 536 acid soil 261-2, 269, 271-2, 275-6, 331 acid volcanoes 17, 24-5 active layer 47, 131, 133, 135, 137-8 adiabatic lapse rate 216-17 administration principle 409 adret slopes 212-13, 464 adsorption 265, 268-9 advection fog 178-81, 215, 217, 222, 234, 322-3, 454 afforestation 63, 67, 281, 283, 309, 518-20 age-gender pyramids 353-4, 360, 370, 383 ageing population 354, 359-60, 383, 648 agglomeration economies 560-3, 565-8 agriculture (see farming) aid 501, 503, 547, 576, 611, 629, 632-3 AIDS/HIV 346, 349, 360, 483, 503, 520, 622-3 air conditional instability 217 instability 217, 220, 226-7,' 229, 231, 316 stability 216-17, 222, 226-9 air masses 219, 221, 229-33, 239 air transport 456, 634-5, 637-8, 640-1 Alaska 136 albedo 126, 207-9, 212, 242-3 Aldeburgh 190-1 alkaline soils 261, 269, 274, 328 alluvial fans 188-90 Alps 8, 125, 213, 241, 463 altitude 206-7, 210, 213, 261, 276, 289, 305, 346, 348, 463-4 Amazon/Amazonia 316-18, 347-8, 394, 427, 477, 480, 520 anabatic winds 240 anaerobic soils 272, 275 Andes 17, 19, 463 Antarctica 104, 126, 209 antecedent drainage 85 anticyclones 216-17, 221-2, 228, 234, 240 apartheid 369, 372-3 appropriate technology 449, 499, 505, 547-9, 576-7, 611 aquifer 195, 200 arable 466, 470, 476, 478, 481-2, 485-6, 492, 495, 498, 508 arches 152 arctic air 221, 229-30 arctic climate 315, 332-3 arctic sea-ice 127 aretes 112-13, 115 Argentina 354, 405, 484-5 aridity index 178-9, 321 Arran 29-30, 116, 120-1, 166, 276, 288-9, 293, 305 ash/cinder cones 16, 25, 33, 149 aspect 105, 110-11, 210, 212-13, 261, 289, 305, 391, 464 assisted areas 556, 571-2 asthenosphere 10, 13-14, 21 asylum seekers 367 Atacama 180, 222, 250, 321-2 atmosphere composition 207-9, 243, 249, 254-5 energy/heat budget 207-10, 220, 226, 235, 249 moisture 213-15, 219-22 motion/winds 224-41 pressure and circulation 206-7, 224-8 structure 206-7 temperature 206-7, 210-13, 254-5 attrition 73, 149 Australia 307-10, 485 autotrophs 288, 296 avalanches 31-2, 52, 106, 124-5 azonal soils 273, 314 S backwash 141-2, 144-6, 153 bacteria 261, 266, 268, 288-9, 292, 300-1, 317 Bagnold, R.A. 184 bahadas 188-9 balance of payments/ trade 502, 624 Bangalore 643, 646 Bangladesh 63, 148, 238, 359, 377, 481, 647 bankfull discharge 61, 71, 76, 88 baobab trees 320 barchans 184-6 Barke, M. and O'Hare, G. 616-17 barrier islands/beaches 155-6, 168 bars 155 basal slippage 107-8 basalt 13, 24, 76, 194-5, 203 baseflow 58-9, 61, 188 base level 81, 123, 163, 200 basic volcanoes 24-5 batholiths 17, 19, 28-9, 201 bays 143, 148, 151, 155 beaches 60-1, 143-6, 149-51, 153-7, 171-3, 594 bedding planes 28-30, 40, 63, 194-5, 198, 201 bedload 71, 73-4 behavioural factors 475-6, 557 Benidorm 594 Bentley, M. 138 Bergeron-Findeison 219 bergschrunds 109-10 berms 143-5 best-fit line 66, 546, 612 bid-rent theory 425-6, 471-3 bifurcation ratio 66 binary distribution 405 binomial data 524-5 biofuels/bioenergy 543 biomass 293, 297, 300-1, 543 biomes 295, 304-6, 314-41 biota 260-3, 268-9, 327-9 birth control 357-8, 379, 381-3 birth rate 191, 349-55, 357-8, 371, 377, 379-83, 387, 418, 613 Blaenau Ffestiniog 523 block disintegration 40 blockfields 40, 132-4, 139 blocking anticyclones 228, 234 blow holes 152 bluff line 76-7, 79, 82 boreal forest (see coniferous forests) Boscastle (Cornwall) 80 Botswana 359, 623 boulder clay 116 bournes 199-200 braided channels 77, 119-20, 132, 135-6, 139, 188 Brazil 49, 76, 347-8, 374, 405, 427, 442-3, 449, 480, 520, 543, 627 breaking point (Reilly) 410-11 break of bulk ports 570 breakpoint bars 143-4 bridging points 391-2 brown earths 315, 329-30 brownfield sites 441, 556 brush/bush fires 31-2, 293, 453 building materials 321, 338, 389-90, 443, 449, 577, 593 Burgess, F..W. 420-1, 424-5, 437 Burkina Faso 280, 282 business parks 429, 435-6, 567 bustees 442-3 buttes 189 Cairngorms 595 Cairo 447-8 calcification 271, 273 calcimorphic 274 calderas 25 Calder, N. 8-9 California 20-21, 452-7, 496, 540-1 call centres 643 Cambourne (Cambs) 412-13 Canada 377, 463-4, 477, 486 canal transport 635 canyons 95, 186-7, 527-30 capacity (river) 72, 118 capillary action 41, 59, 182, 261, 273, 275, 281, 321, 323, 327-8 capillary water 267 capital (money) 469-70, 477, 555-6 car assembly 565, 579 carbon credits/trading 536, 638-9 carbon cycle 297-8 carbon dioxide 43-4, 103-4, 138, 192, 207, 243, 249, 254-5, 268, 295, 520, 537 carbonation 43, 56, 194, 196-8, 274 Carboniferous limestone 8, 21, 43, 63, 75, 194-9, 203-4, 274, 592-3 Carboniferous period 8, 196, 201 Caribbean 238, 510-11, 598 Carlisle 396 carnivores 296-7, 320, 327 carrying capacity 191-2, 280, 297, 336-7, 378 Carson, M.A. and Kirkby, M.J. 46 cartogram 639 cash tenancy 467 catena 261, 276, 464 cation exchange 268-9 caves/caverns 152, 166, 196-8 census data 371-2, 448, 454 Central America 53, 238, 510-11 central business district (CBD) 420-6, 428-33, 435, 442, 444, 455 central business height index (CBHI) 430-1 central business intensity index (CBII) 430-1 central place theory 402, 406-10 centrally planned economies 466, 468, 475, 492 centrifugal movement 421, 436 650 Index cereal farming 341, 466, 472-6, 478, 481-2, 484-6, 492, 499, 501, 508, 629 chalk 8, 63, 132, 135, 150, 194-6, 199-200, 274, 389-90, 397, 459 channel flow 58-9, 68 chaparral 293, 324, 454 check dams 283, 505 chelates/cheluviation 43, 271, 332 chemical weathering 29, 40, 42-4, 56, 181-3, 194, 196, 202, 260, 263, 269, 271, 274, 317, 321, 323 chernozems 267, 315, 327, 339-40, 486 chestnut soils 315, 328, 339-40 Chicago 420-1 child labour 575 China 11, 20, 192, 198, 280, 283, 359, 363, 380-3, 386, 414-15, 419, 456, 468, 470, 485, 502, 505, 544-5, 580-2, 618, 625-7, 637, 639, 644-7 Chinook 241, 326, 464, 486 chi-squared 614-15 Christaller, W. 406-10, 557, 634, 641 cirque glaciers 106, 117 cirques 41-2, 106, 109-12, 115 cirrus 218-19, 232 cities in developed countries 418-26, 428-41, 452-7 in developing countries 418-19, 442-51 million population 418-19 city breaks 596 classifications 24-8, 46-8, 106, 116, 132, 164, 167, 185, 225, 306, 315, 361, 378, 392, 492, 532, 587 clay-humus complex 266, 268-9 cliffs 143, 149-52, 166-7, 170-3, 196, 198 climate arctic 130-1, 315, 332-3 British Isles 228-34, 244-5, 255 classification 315 cold 315, 330 cool temperate continental 315, 325-6, 339 cool temperate western margin 315, 328 desert 178-80, 315, 321-2 equatorial 315-16 Mediterranean 307, 315, 323-4 monsoon 239-40, 315, 325 tropical continental 311, 315, 319, 335-8 tropical eastern margin 90, 315, 318 urban 212, 242-3 warm temperate eastern margin 315, 325 climatic change 34, 102-4, 123, 130-1, 137, 169, 181, 189-91, 200, 246-55, 294 climatic climax (vegetation) 286-92, 320, 324, 326, 328, 335 dints and grykes 43, 196, 198 Cloke, P. 393, 398, 517 clouds 212, 218-20, 232, 236 Club of Rome 379 clustered settlement 397, 402-4 coal 8, 248, 522, 532-7, 539, 544-5, 563-4, 570-1 coasts classification 164, 167 concordant and discordant 167 deposition 154-5, 158, 163, 170-1, 173 erosion 149-52, 163, 170-3 floods 31-2, 148, 169- 170, 172-5, 236, 238, 377 land use 170 management 150, 170- 5, 594, 598 transportation 150, 153-1, 171 Coe, N., Kelly, P. and Jeung, H. 561, 582 cold climates 315, 330 cold fronts 229-33 cold glaciers 107-8 collision plates 14-15, 19-20, 199 collision raindrops 219 Colorado River 186-7, 527-30 commercial farming 337, 477-8, 482-8, 492, 508-11 common agricultural policy (CAP) 487, 493 communes 467-8, 580 communities (plant) 286-8, 290-3 commuter villages 375, 398-9 commuting 375, 425, 457 comparison goods 432-3 competence (rivers/ glaciers) 72, 118 composite cones 25 compression flow 107-10, 113 concentric urban model 420-1 condensation 215-17, 219-22, 231, 235 condensation nuclei 215, 219, 243 conditional instability 217 confidence levels 159, 524-5 coniferous forests 293, 300-1, 306, 315, 330-1, 518-19 consequent rivers 84-6 conservation 591-3, 595, 598 conservative plate margins 15, 20-1 constructive plate margins 14-17, 203 constructive waves 144-6, 153, 155, 168 containerisation 636, 640-1 continental crust 10, 14, 16-20 continental drift 12 contour farming 281 convection currents 14, 16 convectional rainfall 58, 210, 215, 220, 226, 316, 319, 330, 340, 480 convenience goods 432-3 convergence 219, 226, 316 cool temperate continental climate 315, 326-7, 339 coral 196, 302, 511, 526, 598 core and frame 430 and periphery model 569, 617-18 of Earth 10, 14 core stones 202 Coriolis force 146, 179-80, 224-6, 231, 235, 239 Cornwall 80, 522 corrasion 72, 149, 197 correlation 64-7, 299, 404, 492, 546, 612-15 corries (see cirques) corrosion 73, 149, 197 Costa del Sol 594 cotton belt 463, 467 counterurbanisation 365, 419 crag and tail 114 creep 46-7, 107-8, 263 Cretaceous period 8, 21, 196, 201 crevasses 109, 126-7 Crewe, I.. 561, 568 critical isodapane 560 cruises 597, 600 crumb structure 265-6, 268, 327 crust 9-10, 13-14 cuestas 199 cumulative causation 569 cumulo-nimbus 218-20, 226, 232, 236, 292 cumulus 218-19, 232, 236 cwms (see cirques) cycle of poverty 438, 609 cyclones 235-8 Dalmatian coastline 164, 167 dams 39, 54, 92-7, 129, 528-30, 539, 545 Davis, W.M. 51 death rates 349-55, 359-60, 377, 380, 418, 438, 621 deciduous forests 59, 62, 287, 293, 306, 315, 328-9, 518-19 decomposers 261, 268, 296 deep-sea trenches 17-19, 180 defensive sites 390-2, 397, 400 deflation 183 deforestation 63, 91, 125, 191, 279, 307-10, 317, 480, 494, 503, 518-21 DEFRA 1 70, 1 72, 1 74, 255, 498, 593 deglaciation 116-21, 163 deglomeration economies 560 Delhi 240, 619 deltas 73, 77-8, 97, 490-1 demographic transition model 350-2, 380, 387, 620 dendritic drainage 84 dendrochronology 248, 294 dependency ratio 354, 383 dependent variable 612 deposition coasts 154-5, 158, 163 deserts 184-9 glaciers 116-21 glacifluvial 116, 119-21 rivers 71-4, 76-9, 81 wind 132, 157, 184-6 depressions 132, 210, 219-20, 226-33, 245, 328 deprivation indicators 399, 438, 456-7 derelict land grants 439 Derwent, River 122-3 desertification 191-2, 208, 320, 479, 503 deserts climate 178-80, 315, 321-2 landforms 180-9 location 103, 179, 306 soils 315, 323 vegetation 304, 306, 315, 322 desert varnish 182, 323 destructive plate margins 14-15, 17-18, 33 destructive waves 144-6, 153, 168 detritivores 268, 296 development gap 502, 605-8, 624-5 development models 615-18 Devon 399 Devonian period 8, 201 dew 215, 221, 234, 316 dew point 215-17, 219, 221, 231 diet 377, 480, 500, 503 diminishing returns, law of 462, 465, 607 discharge 61, 64, 135-6 disease 610, 619-23 dispersed settlements 394, 397, 399, 402 dissolved load 71-4 distance decay 361, 410 Doha (trade talks) 628-9 doldrums 226, 316 dolines 197-8 dome volcanoes 25 dominant species 286-7, 318, 328-30 Don River 64 dormitory towns/villages 375, 392, 398 drainage antecedent 85 dendritic 84 parallel 84 radial 84, 190 rectangular/trellis 84 superimposed 85, 200 drainage basins 58-67, 93-7 drainage density 63, 67, 195, 201 drainage diversion 122-3 drift 116 drought 31-2, 190-2, 267, 340-1, 346, 453, 490, 502-3, 528 drumlins 118-21 dry adiabatic lapse rate (DAER) 216-17, 234, 241 dry farming 282 dry-point sites 390 dry valleys 132, 135, 197-200 Dubai 638 duricrust 182, 187 dust storms 182-3, 280, 283 dykes 28-30 dynamic equilibrium 48, ' 81, 143, 157, 276 early civilisations 388-9, 397, 400 earthflows 47 earthquakes 9-11, 13, 15-20, 31-2, 36, 52, 452 East Anglia 172-5 Ebbw Vale 564, 570-2 ecological footprint 376, 379, 509, 536 ecology 295 economically active population 354 Index 651 economic development 604-8 economic growth 615-18 'economic man' 471, 475, 561 economic migrants 362, 367, 369-70, 354 economic rent 471-3 ecosystems 156, 169, 295-8, 300-6, 315-42, 339-42, 526, 595-8 ecotourism 591, 597-8 eco-towns 400 edge cities 455 edge-of-city council estates 429, 436, 441 edge-of-city regional shopping centres 423, 428, 433-4, 458-9 Egypt 168, 447-8, 490-1 El Nino 93, 96, 249-53, 452-3, 521 elongation ratio 118, 120 eluviation 261-2, 271 emergent coasts 165-6, 288 emerging countries 578, 604, 625, 627, 644-7 emigration 361, 369 employment structures 552, 616-17 enclosures 397, 494 energy atmospheric 207-10, 220, 226, 235, 249 biomass/biofuel/ bioenergy 293, 297, 300-1, 543 coal 522, 532-7, 539, 544-5 conservation 544 distribution and reserves 533-4 ecosystems 295-8 environment 536-45 fuelwood 543, 549, 577 geothermal 533, 542 hydro-electricity 533, ' 535, 539, 544-5, 547 hydrogen 543 micro-hydro 547-9 non-renewable 532, 536-9, 544-5 nuclear 532-3, 535, 538- 9, 544-5 oil and natural gas 532-5, 537-9, 544-5 renewable 532-3, 535, 539- 43, 545, 547-9 resources 532-3 rivers 68-71, 73, 75-8, 82, 188 solar 207-8, 249, 295, 533, 541 tidal 147, 542 UK consumption 535 waves 140-6, 149-51, 154, 168, 171, 173, 541 wind 533, 540-1 world consumption 533 Enterprise Zones (EZs) 434, 439, 571 entrenched meanders 83 entrepreneurs 553, 557 Environment Agency (EA) 64, 94-5, 97, 172, 174 environmental lapse rate (ELR) 206, 216-17 environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs) 496-7, 593 Environmental Stewardship Scheme 496-7 ephemeral plants 304, 322 ephemeral rivers 187-8 epicentres 9 epidemiological transition 619-21 epiphytes 317, 329 equatorial climate 223, 315-16 erg 180, 184-6 erosion coastal 149-52, 163, 170-3 deserts 183-4 glacial 109-11, 113-15 rivers 72-6, 78-9, 81-2 soil 183, 191, 261, 266, 279-81, 283 surfaces 165 wind 183-1, 191, 279, 320, 495 erratics 117, 119-20 escarpments 196, 199-201, 390 eskers 116, 119-20 estuaries 73-4, 123, 147, 163-4 ethical consumerism 631 Ethiopia 520, 611 ethnic groups 371-5, 454 European Union (EU) 469, 475, 487, 493, 496, 500, 506-10, 556, 624-8, 639, 646-7 eustatic (glacio-eustatic) change 81, 123, 162-3, 165, 200, 248 eutrophication 281, 309, 494, 509 Evans, D. 118, 123 evaporation 58-9, 62, 188, 214-15 evapotranspiration 58-9, 93, 178, 263, 269, 315-16, 331, 464, 520 Ewing, M. 13 exfoliation 41, 181, 202 exponential rate 378-9 extending flow 107-10, 113 extensive farming 469, 472, 475, 477-8, 480, 484-6, 489, 492 external migration 361, 367-70 extreme poverty 503, 609, 628 extrusive volcanic rock 24 F Fair trade 511, 626, 630-1 family planning 357-8, 379, 381-3, 386-7 famine 32, 502-3 farming arable 466, 472-6, 478, 481- 2, 485-6, 492, 495, 498, 508 commercial 477-8, 482- 8, 492, 508-11 environment 491, 493-8 extensive 469, 472, 475, 477-8, 480, 484-6, 489, 492 extensive cereals 466, 478, 485-6, 492, 499, 508, 629 extensive commercial pastoral 475, 478, 484-5, 492 health check 493 hunters and gatherers 478, 492 intensive 468-70, 472, 475, 477-8, 481-2, 487-8, 492 intensive mixed commercial 475, 478, 487-9, 492 intensive subsistence 468, 470, 478, 481-2, 489, 492 irrigation 478, 490-2, 496, 505 Mediterranean 475, 478, 488-9, 492 nomadic herding 336, 465, 478-9, 492 organic 282, 497-8, 508-9 pastoral 336-8, 341, 470, 476, 478-9, 484-5, 492, 506-9 plantations (tropical commercial) 467, 478, 482-3, 492, 510-11 sedentary 477, 492 shifting 477-8, 480, 492 slash and burn 480 subsistence 468, 470, 477-82, 492 systems 476 world location 478 farm size 467-8 fashion industry 644-7 faults 15-16, 20-1, 152, 165 favelas 49, 427, 442-3, 449 feldspar 43, 56, 194-5, 201-2, 260 felsenmeer 40, 134 fermentation layer 262 ferralitic soils 315, 317-18, 325 Ferrel cell 226-7, 328 ferruginous soils 315, 321, 336 fertiliser 261, 268, 281-2, 491, 494, 498, 504-5, 508-10 fertility rates (TFR) 355, 357-8, 360, 377-83, 387, 620 fetch 140, 144-5, 148-9, 153-4, 171 fiards (fjards) 164 field capacity 60, 267 financial institutions 435 finite resources 522, 532 fiords (fjords) 113, 123, 164-5, 168, 597 fires 31-2, 279, 293, 311, 320, 324, 326, 335, 453, 521 firn 105, 110-11 fissure eruptions 25, 203 flexible production/ specialization 561, 565-6 flood hydrographs 61-3, 95-6, 188 floodplains 71, 76-7, 82-3, 90-2, 388, 390 floods coastal 31-2, 148, 169-70, 172-5, 236, 238, 377 deserts 187-8 flash 49, 62-3, 80, 187-8, 465 rivers 31-2, 61-4, 72, 76-80, 87-93, 377, 453, 490-1 flow movements 47, 49, 52-5, 453 fog advection 180-1, 215, 217, 222, 234, 322-3, 453 radiation 215, 217, 221, 234, 243 fohn 125, 241 fold mountains 11, 15, 17-19, 249 food chains 296-7, 303, 322 food supplies/shortages 378-9, 390, 487, 493, 498, 500-3, 628-9 food web 297 footloose industry 436, 553, 562, 566 Ford, H ./Fordism 557, 561-2 Ford, N. 355, 379 forestry 307-10, 518-21 forests coniferous 293, 300-1, 306, 315, 330-1, 518- 19 deciduous 59, 62, 287, 293, 306, 315, 328-9, 518-19 fires 521 micro-climate 243 rainforest 62, 301, 306, 315-18, 347, 519- 20 fossil fuels 532-8, 544-5 fragmentation of holdings 467 free ports 348, 636-7 freeze-thaw 40, 110-11, 132, 134-5, 181, 196, 202 freezing nuclei 219 fronts cold 229-33 occluded 231, 233 polar 226-30, 328 warm 229-32 frost 215, 217, 221, 234, 241 frost-free days 463 frost heave 46, 132-3, 138 frost hollows 241, 463 frost shattering 40, 110-11, 119, 132, 135, 181, 196, 202 fuelwood 543, 549, 577 fumaroles 26 functions developed cities 426, 428-9 developing cities 442, 444-5 settlement 392, 396, 406-10 fungi 261, 266, 268, 317 fynbus 324 G8 countries 627, 629 Ganges Valley 477, 481-2 garrigue 274, 293, 324-5 geographical inertia 554, 563, 571 Geographic Information Systems (G1S) 23, 277-8 geological timescale 9-10, 201 geostrophic wind 225 geothermal energy 533, 542 gentrification 436 Gereffi, G. 643 Gersmehi, I'.F. 300 geysers 26, 527 Ghana 617, 631 Gilbert, A. 604 glaciation/glaciers budgets 106 debris 104, 109-11, 113-14, 117-18 deposition 116-21 diversion of drainage 122-3 erosion 109-11, 113-15 lakes 111, 113, 115, 119-23 movement 107-9 periods (glacials) 102 transportation 109, 116-17 troughs 41-2, 113-15, 121 types 106-8, 169 glacifluvial material 116, 119-21 Glaslyn River 73^1, 115 Glen Canyon 527, 529-30 gleying 42, 263, 271-2, 275, 332, 334 global warming 34, 123, 126-7, 131, 137-8, 148, 168, 174, 191, 249, 254-5, 465, 520, 528-9, 536, 538, 595, 635, 638 652 Index globalisation 501, 552, 554, 605, 609, 616, 628-30, 633-4, 638-9, 642-7 GM foods 498 Gondwanaland 12 Goudie, A. 41, 144, 178, 183, 191, 200 government policies farming 468-9, 475, 483, 493-4, 496-7 industry 436, 439-40, 556, 569, 571-2, 574, 578-9 inner cities 436, 439-40 graded profiles 81-2 Grand Canyon 95, 186-7, 527-9 granite 29, 40-1, 43, 150, 181, 194-5, 201-3, 248, 260 granular disintegration 41, 181, 202 grassland temperate/prairie 300-1, 306, 315, 326-7, 339-42 tropical/savanna 103, 293, 301, 306, 315, 319-20, 335-8 gravitational water 267 gravity models 402, 410-11 Greece 489 green belt 398, 400 greenfield sites 400, 436, 441 greenhouse effect/gases 103, 162, 169, 207, 249, 254-5, 536, 538, 543-4, 635, 638 Greenland 104 Green Revolution 482, 501, 504-5 Ciriggs, D.T. 41, 181 gross domestic product (GDP) 492, 546, 588, 604, 606-7, 613-14, 632 gross national product (GNP) 377, 492, 604, 606 gross raw materials 554, 558-9, 562 ground contraction 132-3 groundwater 58-9, 61, 132-4, 188, 190 growing season 463, 486 growth poles 569, 616-18 groynes 153, 171-2 Guatemala 53 guest (migrant) workers 361, 367, 369-70, 373 gullying 279-81, 283, 318 H habitats 295 Hadley cell 179, 226, 319, 322 hail 220-1, 326 halomorphic 275 halophytes 158, 213, 275, 291, 322 haloseres 287, 291 hamada 180 hanging valleys 114-15, 121 hard (iron) pan 272, 332 haulage costs 634-5 hazards 11, 16, 18, 30-6, 49, 52-3, 80, 87-92, 124-7, 148, 169, 188, 233, 236-8, 377, 452-4 head 47, 135, 139 headlands 142-3, 149, 151-2 health 209, 222, 350-1, 357, 377, 438, 446-7, 500-2, 608-11, 619-23 heat budget/transfer 209-11, 220, 226, 229 Heathrow Airport 637-8 heat islands 212, 242 hedgerows 494-6 Heimaey 16, 25 herbivores 296-7, 320 heritage sites 596, 598 Hess, H. 13 hierarchies 65, 225, 393, 406 high-class/high-income housing 420-3, 425-6, 428, 442-5, 450 high pressure 179-8, 223-30, 234, 239-40, 319, 322-3 high-tech industry 436, 552, 566-7, 572, 578-81, 630, 637, 643 Himalayas 8, 20, 85, 239 HIV/AIDS 346, 349, 360, 483, 503, 520 and 622-3 Hjulstróm graph 72 Holderness 150 holiday homes 398 Holocene period 8, 102, 294 honeypots 527, 591 Hong Kong 55, 237, 581, 616, 621, 640-1 horizons 262-3, 266, 272-4, 318, 321, 323, 325, 327, 329, 332, 334 horns desert 184-5 glacial 112-13, 115 horticulture 473-4, 487-8 Horton, R.E. 65-6 hot plumes/spots 14, 18-19 Hoyt, H. 422, 424 Human Development Index (HDI) 502, 604-7 human resources 532 humic acid 43, 196, 317 humidity 214-15, 242-3, 316, 319 humification 271 humus 157, 260-2, 266-8, 271, 300, 317-18, 321, 323, 325, 327, 329, 332, 340 hunters and gatherers/ collectors 388, 478, 492 hurricanes 31-2, 53, 156, 210, 235-8, 510 hybrids 504-5 hydration 42, 56, 181-2, ' 194 hydraulic action 73, 149, 152 hydraulic radius 69-70, 76 hydro-electricity 528, 533, 535, 539-40, 544-5, 547 hydrograph 61-4, 188 hydrological cycle 162, 214 hydrolysis 42-3, 56, 194, 202,' 323 hydromagmatic 28 hydromorphic soil 275 hydroseres 287, 292 hygroscopic nuclei 215, '221, 249 hygroscopic water 267 hypothesis testing 145, 299, 430-1, 492 I ice damming lakes 122-3 formation 105 ice ages 8, 102-4 ice caps 106, 163 ice crystals 105, 107, 132, 215, 218-20 Iceland 16, 25, 149 ice lens 132, 137 ice sheets 103-4, 106, 122-3, 126-7, 163, 256 ice shelves 106, 126 ice wedges 132-3, 137, 139 ICT 642-3 igneous rocks 24, 28-30, 40, 181, 194, 201-3 Iguacu Falls 76 illegal immigrants 362, 367, 454 illuviation 261-2, 271 immigration 349-50, 361-2, 367, 454 impermeable rock 63, 67, 131, 187, 195, 197-8, 201 incised meanders 82-3 independent variable 612 index of rurality 393, 517 India 20, 203-4, 239-40, 352, 354, 359, 387, 443, 448, 481-2, 504-5, 522, 574, 600-1, 627, 643-6 Indonesia 18-19, 521 industrial estates 436, 556, 571 industrial linkages 560, 568-9 industrial location factors 436, 553-67, 573-4 industrial regions 569-72 industrial theory 557-62, 568-9 infant mortality 354, 359, 377, 380, 438, 446, 608-9 infiltration 58-9, 62, 187, 195 infiltration capacity 59, 195, 280 informal sector 456, 573-5 ingrown meanders 83 inheritance laws 467 inland waterways 635 inner-city areas 364-5, 426, 428-9, 432, 436-40 inselbergs 189, 202 insolation 206-13, 255, 316, 321 insolation weathering 41, 181 instability 217, 220, 226-7, 229, 231 intensive farming 468-70, 472, 475, 477-8, 481-2, 487-9, 492 interaction model 410-11 interception 58-9, 62, 187 interdependence 624-8 interglacials 102, 111 interlocking spurs 62 internal flow 107-8 internal migration 361-7 internally displaced persons 367 international trade 605, 624-31, 635-7, 646-7 internet/email 22-3, 553, 555, 589, 634, 642 interquartile range 246-7 intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) 219, 223, 226-7, 235, 239, 250-1, 316, 319, 323, 335 intrazonal soils 274-5, 314 intrusive rock 17, 24, 28-30, 201, 203 iron and steel 563^, 570-2 iron pan 272, 332 irrigation 93-7, 191, 281, 283, 361, 478, 490-2, 496, 505, 530 island arcs 17-19 isodapanes 559-60 isolated settlements 394, 399 isostatic (glacio-isostatic) change 81-2, 123, 162-3, 248 isotims 559-60 isotope analysis 104, 190, 248 Italy 26, 54, 359, 405 Japan 359-60, 405, 424, 565, 625-8 '}' curve 378 jet streams 210, 226-8, 233, 239, 323 joints 29-30, 40, 63, 110-11, 134, 149, 152, 194-8, 202-3 jua kali 575-7 Jurassic period 8, 196, 201 just-in-time/-in-case 561 kames 116, 119-20 kaolin/kaolinite 43, 56, 202-3 karst 195-8 katabatic winds 241 Kenya 252, 302-3, 335-8, 354, 359, 444-5, 449, 465, 479, 492, 575-7, 608, 627 kettleholes 119-20 King, K. 51, 187 knickpoints 76 Kolkata 442-3 Koppen, W. 314 Krakatoa 18, 27-8, 249, 289 lvalues 408-9 labour 469, 477, 510, 555, 557, 560-1, 565, 567, 574-8 lag time 61-2, 188, 200 lahars 24, 31-2, 34, 53 lakes glacial 111, 113, 115, 119-23, 137 hydroseres 287, 292 ice-dammed 122-3 microclimates 243 oxbow 79 playa 188-9 laminar flow 68 land and sea breezes 234, 240, 316 land reform 504 landslides 48-9, 53, 55, 236, 452 land tenure 397, 466-8 land use, rural 393, 471-5, 516-17 land values theory 425-6 La Nina 250, 253, 452-3 lapse rates 206, 216-17, 234, 241 latent heat 210, 216, 220, 231, 233, 235, 239, 241 laterite 321, 336 latifundia 466, 488 Laurasia 12, 17 lava 16, 24-5, 28, 203 leaching 261-3, 265, 267, 271-2, 279, 300, 317-18, 321, 325, 327-9, 332 leaf litter 262, 266, 293, 300-1, 316-19, 323, 325, 329, 332, 334, 340 least cost location (LCL) 557-60, 570 leisure 586-8 levees 77, 87-92 lichens 43, 288-9, 333-4 life expectancy 353-4, 359-60, 377, 383, 438, 446, 501, 607-9, 620-3 limestone pavements 43, 196, 198 limits of production 462-3 linear settlements 395, 398 Index 653 linkages 560, 568-9 Linton, D.L. 202 literacy 607-8 lithology 50, 194-5 lithoseres 287-9 lithosphere 10, 14, 21 Li Valley 198 load (river) 68, 71-4, 76-7, 136, 188 loam 264-6 location industrial 436, 553-7, 562-7 triangle 558-9 locational rent 471-3 loess 103, 132, 136, 280, 283, 327 logarithmic scale 10, 65-6, 269, 404-5, 546, 614-15 logging 307-9, 519-21 London 348, 364-5, 392, 437^0, 458-9, 596, 637-8 long profiles 70, 74, 81-2 longshore bars 143-4, 146, 155 longshore drift 142, 153-4,172-3 Lorenz curves 349 Los Angeles 452-5 low-class/low-income housing 420-3, 425-6, 428, 436, 442-6, 450 low pressure 224-33, 235-7, 239-40, 319, 328 Lusaka 449 M M4/M11 corridor 552, 566-7 Maasai 311-12, 336-8, 449, 577 magma 16-17, 24, 28, 201 Malawi 359, 611 Malaysia 482-3, 520-1, 523, 543, 578-9, 626 malnutrition 500 Malthus, '1'. 378-9, 501 mangroves 156, 169, 317, 526 Manning's equation 70 Mann, P. 422-4 mantle 9-10, 13 maquis 293, 324 margins of production/ cultivation 462-3, 471-3 plate 14-21, 33 marine parks/reserves 526, 598 marketing principle 409 markets 469, 471-4, 553-5, 557-60, 562 marram grass 157, 281, 290 mass movement 46-9, 52-5, 124, 149-50, 173, 261 mass tourism 590, 598 material index (MI) 554, 558, 561 McCarty, H.H. and Limlberg, L.B. 462-3 mean, arithmetic 112 meanders 78-9, 90 measures of dispersion 246-7 mechanical weathering 40-2, 44, 134, 181-2, 202, 260, 262, 334 median 112 Mediterranean climate 307, 315, 323-4 farming 475, 478, 488-9, 492 soils 315, 325, 488 vegetation 293, 304, 307, 315, 324-5 medium-class/medium-income housing 420-3, 425-6, 428, 436, 442, 444-6, 449-50 meltwater 105-8, 111, 113, 119-21, 131, 135-6 mesas 189 mesosphere and mesopause 206-7 metamorphic aureole 29 metamorphic rock 28-9, 40 methane 207, 254, 543 MetroCentre 433-4 Mexico 598 mica 43, 194-5, 201-2, 260 microclimates 242-3 micn>hydro 547-9 mid-ocean ridges 13, 15-16, 19, 24 migrant workers 361-2, 367, 369-70, 373, 644 migration balance 361 developed countries 362-5, 455-6 developing countries 366-8, 418, 617-18 external 361, 367-70 internal 361-7 laws and models 361-2 political resettling 367, 373 rural-urban 361-3, 366, 415, 581, 617-18, 644 types 361 voluntary and forced 361-2 within UK 363-5 within urban areas 364-5 Milankovitch, M. 102, 104-5, 249 Millennium Development Goals (MUG) 368, 500, 577, 609-10, 619, 622, 628 Miller, A.A. 315 million cities 418-19 Millstone Grit 201, 592 minerals (soil) 260, 262-3, 268, 317-18 minimum sample size 159 mining 307, 522-3, 537, 570-1 misfit streams 86 Mississippi River 77-8, 87-90 mobile phones 553, 555, 642 mode 112 models 110, 119, 143, 209-10, 220, 226, 230-2, 236, 261-2, 287-8, 290-2, 300, 317, 352, 367, 402-11, 420-4, 442, 471-4, 516, 557-61, 594, 615-18, 620-1 Mohorovicic ('Moho') discontinuity 9-10, 18- 19 moisture (soil) 58-60, 157, 267, 276, 316, 322, 336 monsoon 198, 228, 239-40, 249, 315, 325, 470, 481, 521 mor 262, 272, 332, 334 moraines 108, 111, 116-21 morphology (settlement) 394-6 morphometry (stream) 65-6 Mottershead, D. 194 mountain and valley winds 234, 240-1 mountain building 19- 20, 163 mountain tourism 586, 595 mountain vegetation 305, 463 Mozambique 90-1 mudflows/slides 24, 34, 47, 49, 53-5, 293, 452 mud volcanoes 26 mull 262, 274, 327, 329 multicultural societies 371-5, 437, 445, 455 multinationals (see transnationals) multiple-nuclei theory 423-4 multiplier effect 568-9, 616 Myanmar 238 Myrdal, G. 569, 617 N Nairobi 444-5, 575-7 National Parks 203, 309, 338, 527-30, 591-3, 595, 597 natural hazards 11, 16, 18, 30-6, 49, 52-3, 64, 80, 87-92, 124-7, 148, 169, 233, 236-8, 377, 452-4 natural increase 349-53, 355, 377, 380, 418 natural resources 346, 532 nearest neighbour analysis 402-4 neoclassical location theory 557 Nepal 547-9 Netherlands 477, 487-8 net primary production (NPP) 306, 316, 319, 322, 324, 326, 328, 330, 333 net profit curve 472-3 Nevado del Ruiz 53 neve 105, 110 New Deal for Communities (NDC) 439 newly industrialised countries (NICs) 578-9, 604, 617, 620- 1, 625-7, 630, 640-1 Newson, M. 59, 62-3 Newton, I. 410 new towns 398, 447, 450, 579 Niger 502 Nigeria 192, 627 Nile River/Valley 168, 344, 490-1 nitrogen cycle 297-8 nitrogen in air 207, 222 nivation 110-11, 132, 135, 139 nodes/nodal points 390, 397 nomadic herding 336, 465, 478-9, 492 non-renewable resources/ energy 522, 532, 536- 9, 544-5 Norfolk 172-4 normal curve of distribution 112, 159 North Sea 147-8, 150, 537- 8 Northumberland 508-9 Norway 164 nuclear energy 532-3, 535, 538-9, 544-5 nucleated settlements 401-2 nutrients cycle/recycling 261, 263, 281, 297-8, 316-18, 327, 330, 340, 480, 497 soil 260-3, 265, 268-9, 271, 281 Nye,J4;. 167 O oak 287-92 oasis 390, 397 obsequent streams 84, 199 occluded fronts 231, 233 ocean crust 10, 14, 16 ocean currents 130-1, 179, 210-12, 220, 249-53, 318, 321, 323, 328 ocean transport 127, 456, 597, 635-7, 640-1 offices 425-6, 429-30, 435 offshore bars 155 oil and natural gas 532-5, 537-9, 544-5, 637 omnivores 296-7 Omran, A.R. 620-1 OPEC 624, 626-7 open cities 580 open-field system 397, 401, 467' optima and limits model 462-3 optimum population 376, 381 organic farming 282, 497-8, 508-9 organic matter 260-8, 271-2, 279, 282, 318, 321, 323, 327-9, 334 organisms (biota) 260-3, 268-9 orogeny 19, 163 orographic rainfall 215, 220, 239 orthogonals 142-3 out wash plains 116, 119 overcultivation 191, 280, 341 overgrazing 191, 280, 282, 335, 342, 479 overland flow 58-9, 62, 187 overpopulation 376-7, 502 overspill settlement 398 oxbow lakes 79 oxidation 42, 56, 201, 271 oxygen 40, 42, 104, 207, 295, 317-18, 520 ozone 34, 206-7, 209, 249 Pacific Ocean 18-19 palaeomagnetism 13 Pampas 484-5 Pangaea 12, 20, 102 parallel drainage 84 parallel slope retreat 51, 187 parent material 260-3, 269, 271, 274, 279, 325, 330, 334 parent population 159, 524-5 particle size 70-4, 79, 143-6, 154, 182-3, 264-5 pastoral farming 336-8, 341, 470, 476, 478-9, 484-5, 492, 506-9 patterned ground 132-3 Peak District 592-3 peak flow 61, 63-4, 91, 135-6, 188 peak land-value intersection (PLVI) 425-6, 430-1 peat 261-2, 275-6 pebble orientation 116-17, 120 pediments 187-90 peds 265-6, 279-80 Peltier 44 Penck, VV. 51 percolation 58-9, 143, 145-6 periféria 442, 446, 449 periglacial 47, 111, 130-8, 197, 200, 202 permafrost 130-1, 134-8, 197, 332-4 654 Index permeable/permeability 63, 67, 195-6, 198 Permian period 8, 201 personal investigation study 599 Peru 52, 252 pesticide 281, 495, 505, 508, 526 Pethick, J. 144, 149-50 pH 157, 200, 222, 269, 271-2, 274, 276 Phillips, D. 619-20 photosynthesis 207, 288, 295-6, 304-5, 317, 324, 330-1, 334 physical resources 532 physical weathering 40-2, 44, 134, 181-2, 202, 260, 263, 334 piedmont glaciers 106 Pinatubo, Mt 33-5, 249 pingos 132-4, 137 pioneer communities/ colonisers 286, 288, 290-3, 333 pipelines 634-5 plagioclimax community 286-7 planned settlements 395, 398, 450-1 plantation farming 467, 478, 482-3, 492, 510-11 plates and plate tectonics 12-21, 33, 103, 163, 181, 199, 203, 249 playas 188-9 Pleistocene period 8, 47, 102, 122 plucking (ice) 110-11, 114 pluvials 187, 190-1, 248 podsolisation 271-2, 332 podsols 272, 315, 331-2 point bars 79 Poland 369-70 polar air 221, 229-31, 234 polar cell 226-8, 328 polar front 226-30, 328 polar glaciers 107-8 political resettling 367, 373 poljes 197 pollen analysis 190, 248, 294 pollution air 209, 243, 249, 254, 438, 446, 536, 544, 635, 638 water 309, 438, 443, 446, 494, 496, 537 ponds and wetlands 287, 292, 494-6 pools and riffles 78 population ageing 354, 359-60, 363, 383, 620-1 changes in UK 351, 353-4, 363-5 checks 378 densely populated areas 345-8 density 344-8, 377, 380 distribution 344, 380 family planning 357-8, 379, 381-3 food supply 378-9, 487, 493, 500-3 growth rates 349-51, 355-8, 380-3 optimum 376 over-65s 353-4, 359-60, 381, 383 parent 159, 524-5 plant 295 pyramids 353^4, 360, ' 370, 383 sample 159 sparsely populated areas 345-8 structure 352-4, 360, 370, 383 total fertility rate (TFR) 355, 357-8, 360, 377-83 under-15s 353-4, 357-8, 377, 381-2 pore water 50, 63, 187, 195, 200, 262, 265, 267 porosity 59, 63, 135, 146, 195, 199-200, 265-7 ports 391, 635-7, 640-1 post-Fordism 557, 561 post-industrial economies 552 potential evapotranspiration 58, 60, 178 potholes 72, 196, 198 poverty, cycle of 377, 438 Practical Action 283, 338, 449, 505, 546-9, 576-7, 608, 632 Prairies 325-8, 339-42, 394, 463-4, 486 prairie soils 315, 328, 339-40, 486 precipitation distribution/pattern 223-4, 304, 464-6 effectiveness 62, 223-4, 304, 322, 341 formation 219 types 58, 62, 219-22 variability/reliability 178, 186, 191, 223-4, 256, 304, 341, 464-6, 501 pressure atmospheric 179, 206-7, 224-8 melting point 107-11 pressure gradient 224, 231, 233-4 pressure release 41-2, 110-11, 181, 201-2 prevailing winds 153-5, 157, 179-80, 184, 211, 222, 422 primacy/primate city 405, 617' primary manufacturing 553, 562 primary sector 552-3, 616 primary succession 287-92, 328 priseres 286 probability levels 159 psammoseres 287, 290 pulp and paper 562 pure raw materials 554, 558-9 pyramidal peaks 112-13, ' 115 pyroclastic material 24, 28, 34 pyrophytes/pyrophytic ' plants 293, 320, 324 quantitative techniques 65, 67 quarrying 199-200, 203-4, 302, 307, 522-3, 592-3 quartiles 246-7 quartz 43, 194-5, 201-2, 260, 263 Quaternary period 8, 102, 130, 162, 181, 190, 249 quaternary sector/ industry 552, 562, 566-7 ' quotas/tariffs 487, 493, 507, 510, 626, 628, 645-7 R radial drainage 84, 190 radiation 103, 181, 206-10, 212, 215, 221, 234 radiation fogs 215, 217, 221, 234 radio-carbon dating 190, 248 rail transport 456, 634-5, 640-1 rainfall (see precipitation) rainforests 301, 306, 315-18, 347, 519-21 rainsplash 46, 187, 279, 281 raised beaches 123, 151, 166, 287, 394-5 ranching 337, 342, 475, 478, 484-5, 492 random sampling 160-1 random settlement 402-3 range 246-7, 407 rank-size rule 402, 404-5 rapid transit systems 456, 579, 640-1 Kavenstein, E.G. 361-2 raw materials 532, 553-4, 557-64, 570 recreation 94, 97, 527-30, 585-7, 591 rectangular drainage 84 reduction 42, 271 reflection 207-8, 242 refraction 142-3, 154 refugees 362, 367-8 reg 180, 183-4 regional shopping centres 429, 432-4, 458-9 regolith 46, 182, 260, 262 regular settlements 402-4 Reilly, W.J. 410-11 rejuvenation 81-3, 123, 136, 183 relative humidity 179, 214-15, 219, 242-3 relief rainfall 220, 239 religious centres 596 Rendille 465, 479 rendzina 199, 274, 325, 488 renewable resources 532-3, 535, 539-43, 545, 547-9 replacement rate 358 reserves 522, 532 residential zones 420-3, 425-6, 428, 436-9, 441-6, 456 resources 346, 391, 522, 532-3 responsibility system 468, 470, 580 resurgence 197-9 retailing 407, 410-11, 425-6, 428, 430, 432^, 458-9, 497, 582 rias 123, 164, 168 ribbon lakes 113, 115, 119 rice 470, 481-2, 504 Richter scale 10, 19, 52, 269, 452 ridges and runnels 143-4, 146 rift valleys 17, 24, 335-7 rime 222 Rio de Janeiro 49, 348, 443, 446 river capture 85-6 rivers channel shape 69, 71 deposition 71-4, 76-9, 81 discharge 61, 64 erosion 72-6, 78-9, 81-2 floods 31-2, 61-4, 72, 76-7, 79-80, 87-93, 238, 377, 453, 490-1 hydrographs 61-4, 95, 188 in deserts 186-8 management 87-8, 91, 94-7 order (stream) 65-7, 136 patterns 84-6 regimes 64, 135-6, 491 transportation 68, 70-4 river terraces 82-3, 390, 392, 395 river transport 605-7 Rn values 402-4 road transport 456, 579, 634-5, 640-1 Roberts, IS. 391, 395 roches moutonnees 114-15 rock drumlins 114 rock falls 48, 52 rock lip 110-11, 115 rock steps 109, 113 rock type 63, 67, 76-7, 149, 167, 194-203 Rossby waves 227-8 Rostow, W.C. 615-16 rotational movement 48, 110-11 roughness (channel) 70-1, 188 runoff 58-64, 136, 149, 187, 200, 261, 279 rural depopulation 361-3, 366, 507 rural land use 393, 471-5, 516-17, 526, 592 rural management 525-6 rural settlement 393-5, 397-401, 593 rural-urban continuum 393, 516-17 rural-urban migration 361-3, 366, 415, 507, 581, 617-18, 644 S Sahel 190-2, 279-80, 282, 321, 464, 495, 503 Salicornia 158, 291 salinisation 97, 273, 275, 281, 309, 323, 491, 496 saltation 71, 157, 182-3 salt crystallisation 40-1, 149, 181-2, 491 salt lakes/flats 188 saltmarsh 154, 156, 158, 163, 169, 174-5, 273, 287, 291 salt pans 158, 291 sampling 159-62, 244, 299, 524-5 minimum sample size 525 random 160-1 standard error 524-5 stratified 160-1 systematic 160-2 San Andreas Fault 20-1, 452 sand dunes coasts 154, 156-8, 173, 175, 273, 287, 290 deserts 180, 184-6, 190, 192 sandstone 8, 20, 63, 194-5, 201, 248 San Francisco 21 Sao Paulo 348, 427, 449 satellite images 89, 190, 192, 234, 236, 244-5, 490, 521 saturated adiabatic lapse rate (SALR) 216-17, 241 savanna (tropical) grasslands 103, 293, 301, 306, 311-12, 315, 319-20, 335-8 scale and generalisations 347 scarp and vale 84, 199, 390, 401 scattergraphs 64, 299, 404-6, 546, 612 scattering 207-8 Schumacher, li. 576 science parks 429, 435-6, 567, 581 sclerophyllous scrub 324 Scotland 595 Index 655 screes 40-1, 48, 132, 134, 189, 196, 198 'S' curve 378 sea-floor spreading 13, 16 sea-ice 127 sea-level changes 123, 126-7, 155, 162-9, 200, 248, 255, 452 secondary land values peak 425-6 secondary manufacturing 553, 562-5 secondary sector 552, 616-17 secondary succession 287, 293, 318 second homes 398 sector model 422 sedentary farming 388, 477, 492 sediment cells 174-5 seif dunes 184-6 seismic waves 9, 36 self-help housing 445, 448-9 Seoul 457 Serengeti 311-12 seres 286-92 services 393, 398-9, 406-8, 446, 552-3, 586, 616-17 set-aside land 487, 493, 496, 507 settlements early 388-9, 397, 400-1 functions 392, 396, 406-10 morphology 394-6 rural 393-5, 397^101 shanty 49, 373, 418, 427, 442-6, 448-9 site and situation 389-92, 396 spring-line 84, 199-200, 389-90, 401 types 393 Severn River 92-3 shakeholes 197, 199 Shanghai/Pudong 456, 580-1 share cropping 467 sheet floods 187, 189 sheeting 41 Sheffield 422 Shenzhen 580-2 shield volcanoes 25, 203 shifting cultivation 477-8, 480, 492 shopping 407, 425-6, 428, 430, 432^1, 458-9 Sichuan 11, 20 Sierra Leone 627 sills 28-30 Singapore 358, 375, 450-1, 521, 621, 626, 636-7 sinuosity 78-9 site 389-92, 396, 433 site and service schemes 445, 448-9 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) 509, 593, 595 situation 389-92, 396 skewed distribution 112 slash and burn cultivation 480 sleet 221 slopes catena 261, 276, 464 decline 51 development 46, 50-1 elements 51 failure 46, 50, 52-5 parallel retreat 51 replacement 51 smog 209, 215, 222, 243, 453, 521 snow 62, 64, 105-6, 111, 135, 219, 221, 234, 328, 333, 464, 595 Snowdonia 73^1, 115 social inequality 437-8, 440-1, 455-7 soils acidity 269 brown earths 315, 329-30, 340 catenas 261, 276, 464 chernozems 267, 315, 327, 339-40, 486 chestnut 315, 328, 339-40 conservation/ management 281-3, 341-2 creep 46-7, 149, 263 desert 315, 323 erosion 184, 191-2, 261, 266, 279-81, 283 ferralitic 315, 317-18, 325 ferruginous 315, 321, 336 formation 260-2, 271- 3 horizons 262-3, 266, 272- 4, 318, 321, 323, 325, 327, 329, 332, 334 lateritic 321, 336 Mediterranean 315, 325, 488 moisture deficiency/ surplus 58-60, 157, 267, 271, 316, 322, 336 nutrient cycle 261, 263, 281, 297-8, 316-18, 327, 330, 340, 480 pH 157, 269, 271-2, 274, 276 pit 270 podsols 272, 315, 331-2 prairie 315, 328, 339-40, 486 profile 262-3, 318, 321, 323, 325, 327, 329, 331-2, 334 properties 263-9 structure 265-6, 280, 282 system 263, 276 temperature 131, 269 texture 264-5, 282 tundra 315, 334 solar constant 207-8, 249 solar power/energy 207-8, 249, 263, 295, 533, 541 solar radiation 103, 206-10, 212, 215, 221, 234 solfatara 26 solifluction 47, 110-11, 132, 135, 138-9, 200, 202 solution 43-4, 71, 73-4, 149, 195-6, 198 South Africa 372-3 South Korea 457, 541, 630 space-shrinking technologies 555, 589, 642-3 Spain 594 Spanish plume 220, 234 Spurtina 158, 291 Spearman's rank 299, 613-14 Special Economic Zones (SEZs) 580-2, 618 specific heat capacity 210-11 spheres of influence 406, 408-9 spits 154-5, 158, 171 spring lines 84, 199-200, 389-90, 401 Sri Lanka 18-19, 633, 647 stability 216-17, 222, 226-9, 319 stacks 152 stalactites and stalagmites 197-8 standard deviation 159, 246-7 standard error 524-5 star dunes 185-6 statistics, reliability 448 stem flow 58-9 stereotypes 427 stone circles/polygons 132-3, 139 stone lines 282-3, 505 storm beaches 143-5 storm hydrographs 61-4, 95-6, 188 storm surges 63, 147-8, 236, 238 Strahler, A.N. 65 stratified sampling 160-1 stratopause and stratosphere 206-7, 209 stratus 218-19, 222, 232 stream order 65-7 striations 114-15 strip farming 281-2 subduction zones 15, 17-19, 33 sublimation 215, 221 submergent coasts 163-5 sub-Saharan Africa 498, 500-3, 607-9, 622-3, 632 subsequent rivers 84-6, 199 subsidies 487, 493, 507, 627-8 subsistence farming 337, 468, 470, 477-82, 492 suburbanised villages 375, 398-9 suburbia/suburbs 364-5, 426, 428-9 succession (plant) 286-93 sulphur dioxide 207, 222, 243 Sunderland 422-3 sunlight 242, 295, 317 superimposed drainage 85, 200 surface creep 182-3 surface runoff 58-64, 136, 149, 187, 200, 261, 279 surface storage 58-9 surges ice 107-8 storm 63, 147-8, 236, 238 suspended load 71-4, 182-3, 188 sustainable development 497, 499, 520, 547-9, 576-7, 592, 595 swallow holes 196, 198 swash 141-2, 144-6, 153 Sweden 352, 354, 562 swell 140-1 synoptic charts 237, 244-5 systematic sampling 160-2 systems 45-6, 58-9, 81, 106, 209, 214, 262-3, 276-8, 296, 298, 317, 349, 476 taiga (set' coniferous forests) take-off (Rostow) 615-16 talik 131, 134 talus 40-1, 48, 132, 134 Tanzania 311-12, 526 temperate forests 287, 293, 306, 328-9 temperate glaciers 107-8 temperate grasslands 300-1, 306, 315, 326-7, 339-42 temperature atmospheric 206-7, 210-13, 254-6, 261, 304, 463 soil 131, 269 temperature anomalies 211-12, 234 temperature inversions 217, 221-2, 234, 454 terminal costs 634-5 terraces 82-3, 281-2 terracettes 47 terra rossa 274, 325, 348 Tertiary period 8, 21, 171 tertiary sector 552, 586, 616-17 Tethys Sea 12, 20, 85 textile industry 644-7 thalwegs 70 theme parks 596 thermal expansion 41, 168 thermokarst 137-8 thermosphere 206-7 Thomthwaite, C.W. 178-9, 315, 321 Three Gorges Dam 545, 618 threshold 407, 432 throughfall 58-9 throughflow 58-9, 61, 63, 136, 149, 200, 261,263 thunderstorms 217, 219-20, 226, 316, 326 tidal power 147, 542 tides 63, 143, 145-8, 157-8, 163-4, 291-2 'tiger economies' 578, 640 till 116, 119-21, 149-50, 263 Tokyo 424 tombolos 155 topography (relief) 260-1, 276, 305 Torridge, River 64 tors 29, 135, 139, 202-3, 238 total fertility rates (TFR) see fertility rates tourism and environment 527-30, 590-8 classification 587 coastal/resorts/life-cycle 594, 600-1 global 588-9 growth 587-9 management 311-12, 527-30, 592-3 mass 589-90, 594 positive/negative effects 590 UK 589 traction 71, 188 trade balance/surplus/deficit 624, 629 international 578, 605, 624-31, 635-7, 644 trade winds 179, 226, 319, 321, 323 trading blocs 625 traffic principle 409 transects 131, 157, 166, 276, 288, 290-2, 305, 320, 33.3, 489, 516 transform faults 16, 20 translocation 271 transnational firms (TNCs) 3.37, 498, 501, 510-11, 553, 572-4, 578-9, 581-2, 589, 617, 624-5, 630 transpiration 58-9, 267, 279 transport air 456, 634-5, 637-8, 640-1 canal 635 costs 554, 557-62, 634-5 developing countries 446 environment 635 hubs 637-8 integrated systems 639-41 656 Index ocean 127, 456, 597, 635-7, 640-1 pipelines 634-5 rail 456, 634-5, 640-1 rapid transit 456, 579, 640-1 road 579, 634-5, 640-1 types 634-5 transportation glaciers/ice 109, 116-17 rivers 68, 70-4 waves 150, 153-4, 171 wind 136, 182-3, 280 travel account surplus 588 trellis drainage 84 trenches, deep-sea 17-18, 180 Trewartha, G.T. 314 tricellular model 226-7 trophic levels/pyramids 296-7 tropical air 229-31, 234, 239 tropical continental climate 315, 319, 335-8 tropical cyclones 31-2, 53, 90,'147-8, 156, 235-8, 510 tropical eastern margins 90, 315, 318 tropical grasslands 293, 301, 306, 311-12, 315, 319-20, 335-8 tropical rainforests 301, 306, 315-18, 347, 520-1 tropopause and troposphere 225-7, 232 truncated spurs 113, 115 tsunamis 18-19, 31-2, 140, 166, 452, 633 tundra climate 102-3, 130-1, 315, 332-3 soils 315, 334 vegetation 138, 294, 304, 306, 315, 333-4, 595 Tunisia 366 turbulent flow 68, 70-2, 75, 197 twilight/transition zone 420 typhoons 31-2, 34, 235-8 U ubac slopes 212-13, 464 ubiquitous raw materials 557-9 Ullman and Harris 423-4, 435 ultra-violet radiation 206, 209 underpopulation 376-7 United Arab Emirates (UAE) 627 United Nations Organisations FAO 500, 629, 632 UN 355-60, 367-8, 418, 495, 519, 544, 573, 596, 606, 609-10, 628-9, 632, 646 WHO 501, 619, 622, 632 WTO 493, 626-8 upgraded housing schemes 436, 440, 445, 448-51 up welling water 179-80, 250-1, 253 urban areas climate 212, 242-3 depopulation 365, 419 development corporations (UDCs) 439-40 problems 437-8, 441, 446-7, 455-6 regeneration companies (URCs) 439 rural continuum 393, 516-17 sprawl 398, 400 structure 420^1, 442, 444-5 urbanisation 63, 212, 363, 418-19 Uruguay 475, 484-5 USA 20-1, 60, 87-90, 156, 282, 339-42, 374, 405, 420-1, 452-5, 463, 467, 485, 496, 498, 527-30, 540, 625-8, 639 USSR (former) 466-7, 485 V Vaiont Dam 54 valley-in-valley 82-3 valleys dry 132, 135, 197-200 glacial 42, 106, 111, 113-15, 120-1 hanging 114-15, 121 river 75-9 value added chains 564, 631, 643-5 values and attitudes 437 varves 119 vegetation classification 306, 315 coniferous forest/taiga 293, 300-1, 306, 315, 330-1, 518 deciduous forest 59, 62, 287, 293, 306, 315, 328-9, 518 desert 306, 315, 322 interception 58-9, 62, 187 Mediterranean 293, 304, 307, 315, 324-5 post-Holocene 294 rainforest/selvas 301, 306, 315-18, 347, 520-1 seres 286-92 storage 59 temperate grassland/ prairie 300-1, 306, 315, 326-7, 339-40 tropical grassland/ savanna 103, 293, 301, 306, 311-12, 315, 319-20, 335-8 tundra 294, 306, 315, 333-4, 595 world location 305, 315 velocity glaciers 107-9, 111 rivers 61, 68-73, 75 ventifacts 184, 323 vertices 615-17 volcanoes classifications 24-6, 28 distribution 11, 13, 15 eruptions 13, 16-17, 31-6, 53, 249 formation 16-17, 24-5 von Thiinen, H. 471-5, 557, 634 W wadis 187-90, 248 Wales 55, 73-4, 115, 522-3, 563-4, 570-2 Walker cell 250 Walmart 582 warm fronts 229-32 warm sector 231-2 warm temperate eastern margins 315, 325 water retention capacity 267 soil storage 58-60 surplus/deficit 60 WaterAid 611 water balance 60, 178, 316, 322, 336 waterfalls 75-6, 81-2, 114-15 watershed recession 86 watersheds 58, 62 water supply 93-7, 199-200, 222, 281, 338, 346, 388-90, 392, 397, 446-7, 449, 464-5, 479, 490-1, 528-9, 593, 609-11 water table 58-9, 195, 199-200, 272, 275, 281, 321, 323, 327, 390, 496 water vapour 206-7, 213-15, 221, 231, 254 wavecut abrasion platforms 151-2, 166 wavecut notches 151-2, 166 waves atmospheric 207-8 energy 140-6, 149-51, 154, 169, 171, 173, 541 formation 18, 140-2, 144, 169 pounding 149, 152 refraction 142-3, 154 Rossby 227-8 types (coastal) 144-5 weathering chemical 26, 40, 42-4, 56, 181-3, 194, 196, 202, 260, 263, 269, 271, 274, 317, 321, 323 mechanical/physical 40-2, 44, 134, 181-2, 202, 260, 263, 334 weather maps/stations 237, 245 Weber, A. 554, 557-62, 564-6, 568, 634 Wegener, A. 12 Welsh Development Agency (WDA) 572 Westfield Centre 458-9 West Indies 256 wetlands 131, 156, 494-6 wet-point settlements 390 wetted perimeter 69-71, 75-6 wildlife 340-1, 527, 596-8 wilting point 267 wind deposition 136, 157, 184-6 energy 533, 540-1 erosion 183-4, 191, 279, 320, 495 macro-scale 225, 229-40 meso-scale 225, 240-1, 323-4, 464 micro-scale 225, 242-3 transportation 132, 136, 182-3, 280 women and development 357, 555, 608, 645 Woodland Management Scheme 493, 496 X Xcaret 598 xerophytic plants 304, 319, 322, 324, 328 Y Yangtze River 544-5, 580, 618 yardangs 184 Yellowstone National Park 527 Yorkshire 64, 82, 123, 150, 422 Z Zambia 359 zeugens 184 Zimbabwe 359 zonal soils 273, 314 zones of assimilation/ discard 430 Index 657