Problem solving seminar II 6. Let the real valued function f be defined in an open interval about the point a on the real line and be differentiable at a. Prove that if (xn) is an increasing sequence and (yn) is a decreasing sequence in the domain of f, and both sequences converge to a, then lim n→∞ f(yn) − f(xn) yn − xn = f (a). 7. Let α1, α2, . . . , αn be distinct real numbers. Show that the n exponential functions eα1t , eα2t , . . . , eαnt are linearly independent over the real numbers. 8. Let A and B be n × n complex unitary matrices. Prove that | det(A + B)| ≤ 2n . 9. Suppose that f is continuous real valued function. Show that 1 0 f(x)x2 dx = 1 3 f(ξ) for some ξ ∈ [0, 1]. Homework II. Does every positive polynomial in two variables take its minimum in the plane? 1