Protein kinetics Petr Louša 16. 11. 2017 Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 1 / 28 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Enzymatic kinetics 3 Kinetics of conformational changes 4 Kinetics of oligomerisation Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 2 / 28 Introduction Outline 1 Introduction 2 Enzymatic kinetics 3 Kinetics of conformational changes 4 Kinetics of oligomerisation Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 3 / 28 Introduction General kinetics aA + bB → c C + d D (1) v = − 1 a d[A] dt = − 1 b d[B] dt = + 1 c d[C] dt = + 1 d d[D] dt = dξ dt (2) v = k[A]α [B]β (3) Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 4 / 28 Introduction General kinetics aA + bB → c C + d D (1) v = − 1 a d[A] dt = − 1 b d[B] dt = + 1 c d[C] dt = + 1 d d[D] dt = dξ dt (2) v = k[A]α [B]β (3) Reaction velocity v is derivation of reaction extent ξ by time. Sign convention – reactants decrease, products increase. Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 4 / 28 Introduction General kinetics aA + bB → c C + d D (1) v = − 1 a d[A] dt = − 1 b d[B] dt = + 1 c d[C] dt = + 1 d d[D] dt = dξ dt (2) v = k[A]α [B]β (3) Reaction velocity v is derivation of reaction extent ξ by time. Sign convention – reactants decrease, products increase. For elemental reactions α = a, β = b, where α, β are partial reaction orders. This does NOT hold for more complex mechanisms. Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 4 / 28 Introduction Integrated rate equation Simplest interesting case A → B (4) d[A] dt = −k[A] (5) Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 5 / 28 Introduction Integrated rate equation Simplest interesting case A → B (4) d[A] dt = −k[A] (5) Let’s integrate: d[A] [A] = −kdt (6) 1 [A] d[A] = −k dt (7) ln[A] − ln[A]0 = −kt (8) [A] = [A]0e−kt (9) Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 5 / 28 Introduction 2nd order integrated rate equation Slightly more difficult case A → B (10) d[A] dt = −k[A]2 (11) Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 6 / 28 Introduction 2nd order integrated rate equation Slightly more difficult case A → B (10) d[A] dt = −k[A]2 (11) After integration: 1 [A]2 d[A] = −k dt (12) 1 [A] − 1 [A]0 = kt (13) Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 6 / 28 Introduction Reaction half time First order – concentration independent: ln [A]0 2 − ln[A]0 = −kt1/2 (14) t1/2 = ln 2 k (15) Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 7 / 28 Introduction Reaction half time First order – concentration independent: ln [A]0 2 − ln[A]0 = −kt1/2 (14) t1/2 = ln 2 k (15) Second order – decreasing concentration prolongs the half time: 2 [A]0 − 1 [A]0 = kt1/2 (16) t1/2 = 1 k[A]0 (17) Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 7 / 28 Introduction Kinetics of equilibrium processes Example of reversible reaction – isomerisation: A k k B (18) d[A] dt = −k[A] + k [B] (19) d[A] dt = −(k + k )[A] + k [A]0, pokud [B]0 = 0 (20) [A] = k + k−(k + k )t k + k [A]0 (21) time Concentration [A] [B] Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 8 / 28 Introduction Convergence to equilibrium In equilibrium, velocities equalize. v = v (22) k[A] = k [B] (23) [B] [A] = k k = Keq (24) Rate of relaxation to equilibrium can be studied by eg. ”T-jump”techniques. fast change of temperature changes Keq system starts to relax – measurable signal changes even very fast processes can be analyzed – orders of µs Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 9 / 28 Introduction What influences reaction velocity? concentration of all components included in rate equation usually reactants, also products for reversible reactions Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 10 / 28 Introduction What influences reaction velocity? concentration of all components included in rate equation usually reactants, also products for reversible reactions catalyzer often changes rate constant k itself Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 10 / 28 Introduction What influences reaction velocity? concentration of all components included in rate equation usually reactants, also products for reversible reactions catalyzer often changes rate constant k itself temperature very important factor empirically 10 ◦ C → 2 − 4× acceleration Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 10 / 28 Introduction Temperature dependence Arrhenius equation – empiric Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 11 / 28 Introduction Temperature dependence Arrhenius equation – empiric k = A · exp − EA RT (25) ln k = − EA R · 1 T + ln A (26) Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 11 / 28 Introduction Temperature dependence Arrhenius equation – empiric k = A · exp − EA RT (25) ln k = − EA R · 1 T + ln A (26) Eyring equation – derived from statistical thermodynamics Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 11 / 28 Introduction Temperature dependence Arrhenius equation – empiric k = A · exp − EA RT (25) ln k = − EA R · 1 T + ln A (26) Eyring equation – derived from statistical thermodynamics k = kBT h · exp − ∆G‡ RT (27) ln k = − ∆G‡ R · 1 T + ln T + ln kB h (28) ln k = − ∆H‡ R · 1 T + ln T + ∆S‡ R + ln kB h (29) Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 11 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Outline 1 Introduction 2 Enzymatic kinetics 3 Kinetics of conformational changes 4 Kinetics of oligomerisation Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 12 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Energetic barrier Conversion of substrate S to product P S → P Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 13 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Energetic barrier Conversion of substrate S to product P S → P Enzyme accelerates the reaction by „decrease“ of activation energy EA In reality, it takes the reaction through different reaction coordinate S E −→ P Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 13 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Michaelis–Menten kinetics Assumptions S + E k1 −−−− k−1 ES k2 −→ P + E (30) Negligible amount of product – otherwise we must include reverse reaction and the analysis gets complex. Substrate exceeds the enzyme: [S]0 [E]0 Stationary state: d dt [ES] = 0 Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 14 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Michaelis–Menten kinetics Derivation v0 = k2[ES] (31) d[ES] dt = k1[E][S] − k−1[ES] − k2[ES] (32) d[ES] dt = k1[E]0[S] − [ES] (k1[S] + k−1 + k2) = 0 (33) [ES] = k1[E]0[S] k1[S] + k−1 + k2 (34) v0 = k2[E]0[S] k−1+k2 k1 + [S] (35) Vlim = k2[E]0, KM = k−1 + k2 k1 (36) Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 15 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Michaelis–Menten kinetics Analysis Initial velocity is proportional to enzyme concentration. Dependence of v0 on [S] is hyperbolic, approaching limit velocity vlim. Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 16 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Michaelis–Menten kinetics Analysis Initial velocity is proportional to enzyme concentration. Dependence of v0 on [S] is hyperbolic, approaching limit velocity vlim. Michaelis constant KM has units of concentration (−3 ). KM matches [S]0 at half limit velocity. KM is independent of enzyme concentration [E]0. Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 16 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Michaelis–Menten kinetics Analysis Initial velocity is proportional to enzyme concentration. Dependence of v0 on [S] is hyperbolic, approaching limit velocity vlim. Michaelis constant KM has units of concentration (−3 ). KM matches [S]0 at half limit velocity. KM is independent of enzyme concentration [E]0. Turnover number – kcat = k2 = vlim [E]0 Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 16 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Inhibition by substrate – more molecules in active site – reaction stops Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 17 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Inhibition by substrate – more molecules in active site – reaction stops competitive – inhibitor and substrate compete about one active site – KM increases, vlim constant Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 17 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Inhibition by substrate – more molecules in active site – reaction stops competitive – inhibitor and substrate compete about one active site – KM increases, vlim constant uncompetitive – inhibitor binds to complex ES that cannot convert to product – KM and vlim decrease in the same ratio Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 17 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Inhibition by substrate – more molecules in active site – reaction stops competitive – inhibitor and substrate compete about one active site – KM increases, vlim constant uncompetitive – inhibitor binds to complex ES that cannot convert to product – KM and vlim decrease in the same ratio non-competitive – Inhibitor binds to different site than substrate – typically allosteric inhibitors – KM constant, vlim decreases Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 17 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Inhibition by substrate – more molecules in active site – reaction stops competitive – inhibitor and substrate compete about one active site – KM increases, vlim constant uncompetitive – inhibitor binds to complex ES that cannot convert to product – KM and vlim decrease in the same ratio non-competitive – Inhibitor binds to different site than substrate – typically allosteric inhibitors – KM constant, vlim decreases mixed – non-ideal conditions – e.g. uncompetitively inhibited complex ES can convert to product, however slowly Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 17 / 28 Enzymatic kinetics Inhibition by substrate – more molecules in active site – reaction stops competitive – inhibitor and substrate compete about one active site – KM increases, vlim constant uncompetitive – inhibitor binds to complex ES that cannot convert to product – KM and vlim decrease in the same ratio non-competitive – Inhibitor binds to different site than substrate – typically allosteric inhibitors – KM constant, vlim decreases mixed – non-ideal conditions – e.g. uncompetitively inhibited complex ES can convert to product, however slowly irreversible – permanent deactivation of enzyme – e.g. by covalent bond Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 17 / 28 Kinetics of conformational changes Outline 1 Introduction 2 Enzymatic kinetics 3 Kinetics of conformational changes 4 Kinetics of oligomerisation Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 18 / 28 Kinetics of conformational changes Kinetics of denaturation and renaturation Usual assumption of simple two-state process: D k −− k N (37) For kinetics of folding and unfolding: At − AR = (AN − AR) e−(k+k )t (38) AR − At = (AR − AD) e−(k+k )t (39) where A denotes values of e.g. absorbation AN for native, AD for denatured state, AR in equilibrium and At in time t Classical first order kinetics. Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 19 / 28 Kinetics of conformational changes Isomerisation of proline Often cause of folding problems – isomerisation of proline peptidic bond In oligopeptides, ca 10–30 % bonds of X-Pro in cis state In proteins, only ca 7 % in cis Isomerisation slow – tens of seconds. Helper enzyme – prolylisomerase Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 20 / 28 Kinetics of oligomerisation Outline 1 Introduction 2 Enzymatic kinetics 3 Kinetics of conformational changes 4 Kinetics of oligomerisation Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 21 / 28 Kinetics of oligomerisation Oligomerisation Simplest and very often case – homodimerisation: M + M kon −−−− koff D (40) Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 22 / 28 Kinetics of oligomerisation Oligomerisation Simplest and very often case – homodimerisation: M + M kon −−−− koff D (40) v = − 1 2 d[M] dt = + d[D] dt (41) d[D] dt = kon[M]2 − koff[D] (42) d[M] dt = 2koff[D] − 2kon[M]2 (43) Petr Louša Protein kinetics 16. 11. 2017 22 / 28 Kinetics – exercise Petr Louša 16. 11. 2017 Petr Louša Kinetics – exercise 16. 11. 2017 23 / 28 Alcoholic Grown man (80 kg) got 1.5 ‰ of alcohol in blood after drinking vodka. After several hours following concentrations were measured: Time [h] 2 3.5 5 6 Alcohol concentration [‰] 1.24 1.05 0.86 0.73 Petr Louša Kinetics – exercise 16. 11. 2017 24 / 28 Alcoholic Grown man (80 kg) got 1.5 ‰ of alcohol in blood after drinking vodka. After several hours following concentrations were measured: Time [h] 2 3.5 5 6 Alcohol concentration [‰] 1.24 1.05 0.86 0.73 1. How much vodka did the man drink? 2. Calculate the order of reaction for alcohol degradation in human body and its rate constant. 3. How long after drinking will the man be able to drive a car without losing his driving license? Petr Louša Kinetics – exercise 16. 11. 2017 24 / 28 Alcoholic – solution 1. About 5 large shots 80 kg – ca 60 % of water = 48 kg of water – 1.50 ‰ = 72 g of alcohol – 40% vodka – ca 180 g of vodka. Be careful, alcohol is less dense than water (ρ = 0.8−3 ), therefore the volume of vodka was about 225 ml. Petr Louša Kinetics – exercise 16. 11. 2017 25 / 28 Alcoholic – solution 1. About 5 large shots 80 kg – ca 60 % of water = 48 kg of water – 1.50 ‰ = 72 g of alcohol – 40% vodka – ca 180 g of vodka. Be careful, alcohol is less dense than water (ρ = 0.8−3 ), therefore the volume of vodka was about 225 ml. 2. Zeroth order of reaction – same amount gets degraded during each hour Rate constant k = 0.13 ‰.h−1 Petr Louša Kinetics – exercise 16. 11. 2017 25 / 28 Alcoholic – solution 1. About 5 large shots 80 kg – ca 60 % of water = 48 kg of water – 1.50 ‰ = 72 g of alcohol – 40% vodka – ca 180 g of vodka. Be careful, alcohol is less dense than water (ρ = 0.8−3 ), therefore the volume of vodka was about 225 ml. 2. Zeroth order of reaction – same amount gets degraded during each hour Rate constant k = 0.13 ‰.h−1 3. About 11 hours after finishing vodka drinking – the blood concentration of alcohol drops below 0.1 ‰. Petr Louša Kinetics – exercise 16. 11. 2017 25 / 28 Enzymatic activity Initial substrate concentration – 10 µ−3 Michaelis constant – KM = 2−3 After 1 minute – 2 % of substrate converted to product. Petr Louša Kinetics – exercise 16. 11. 2017 26 / 28 Enzymatic activity Initial substrate concentration – 10 µ−3 Michaelis constant – KM = 2−3 After 1 minute – 2 % of substrate converted to product. 1. How much substrate was converted after 3 minutes? 2. What is the limiting velocity? 3. The limiting velocity will be achieved at [S]0 = 0.2−3 . How much substrate will convert in 3 minutes? Petr Louša Kinetics – exercise 16. 11. 2017 26 / 28 Enzymatic activity – solution 1. 5.6 %, first order kinetics ([S] KM), k = 0.02 min−1 2. vlim = 40.2 µ−3 .min−1 3. Concentration of product will be 120 µ−3 , being 0.06 % of substrate. Petr Louša Kinetics – exercise 16. 11. 2017 27 / 28 References Zuckerman, Daniel M. Statistical Physics of Biomolecules. An Introduction Atkins, Peter; de Paula, Julio. Physical Chemistry Kodíček, Milan; Karpenko, Vladimír. Biofysikální chemie Petr Louša Kinetics – exercise 16. 11. 2017 28 / 28 References Zuckerman, Daniel M. Statistical Physics of Biomolecules. An Introduction Atkins, Peter; de Paula, Julio. Physical Chemistry Kodíček, Milan; Karpenko, Vladimír. Biofysikální chemie Wikipedia Petr Louša Kinetics – exercise 16. 11. 2017 28 / 28