(0.1,0.35) (0.16,0.2) (0.07,0.15) (0.12,0.3) (0.13,0.22) facet edge vertex pr horizon f is visible from p, but not from q f p q hf pr CH(Pr−1) CH(Pr) pr prf points facets conflicts Fconflict(pt) Pconflict(f) pt f e pr f f1 f2 p q s t h( ,s) ρ(p,s) ρ(q,t) h( ,t) primal plane dual plane UH(P) LE(P∗) p p h(p) U q q(p) q   dist(p,q)2 h(p2) U p3p1 h(p3) h(p1) y = 0 Voronoi cell of p3 Voronoi cell of p1 Voronoi cell of p2 p2