Early Warning and Crises Management in Big Data Era: Geoinformatics Challenges Milan KONECNY Former President of ICA and ISDE Chairman of ICA Commission for Cartography on EW&CM Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Beijing, University of Geosciences, October 25, 2015 p-009412-00-2h Main catchment areas of the Czech Republic: Labe (Elbe) - Vltava (Moldau) - Morava - Odra (Oder) crnove1 Czech Rep. CONTENT 1.Actual impulses from U.N. CDRR 2. Humanitarian Challenges 3. Big Data Concepts and Policies: USA and EU 4. Where we are now? - SDI Concepts (INSPIRE, COPERNICUS) - Digital Earth - Spatially-Enabled Society 5. Geo Info Strategies 6. Selected Potentials of Cartography and Geoinformatics 7. Videos Tsunami Fukushima, Huricane Katrina,New Orleans 8. Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) 9. Big Data in Cartography/Geoinformatics 1. • •The impacts of natural hazards continue to increase around the world; •the frequency of recorded disasters affecting communities significantly rose from about 100 per decade in the period 1900-1940, to 650 per decade in the 1960s and 2000 per decade in the 1980s, and reached almost 2800 per decade in the 1990s. • •Hundreds of thousands of people are killed and millions injured, affected or displaced each year because of disasters, and the amount of property damage has been doubling about every seven years over the past 40 years. • 2005-2015: the well-being and safety of persons, communities and countries as a whole have been affected by disasters. Over 700 thousand people have lost their lives, over 1.4 million have been injured and approximately 23 million have been made homeless as a result of disasters. Overall, more than 1.5 billion people have been affected by disasters in various ways, with women, children and people in vulnerable situations disproportionately affected. The total economic loss was more than $1.3 trillion. In addition, between 2008 and 2012, 144 million people were displaced by disasters. Third World Conference on Disaster Reduction (DRR), Sendai, Japan Mr. Liguo LI, minister of Civil Affairs, P.R. China, March 14, Sendai, Japan: Hyogo protocol 2005- 2015 „China has adopted the concept of comprehensive disaster reduction by linking the disasters with socio-economic development, adapting to climate change and building disaster reduction into rural and urban development, placing people at the central consideration.“ 1)National comprehensive disaster planning, there are realized targets such keeping the share of direct disaster looses under 1.5% of total GDP annualy and disaster relief accessible for affected people within 12 hours after disaster as well as others. 2) 2)There is established disaster prevention and reductionn system and legislation network, disaster reduction committee – central and provincial levels – 30 laws and rules – working reduction mechanism established. 3) 3)Nature Disaster Monitoring, early warning system further improved (meteo-hydro-, earthquake, geological, ocean, forest fire, and pest and disease issues) 5) Disaster education and advocacy system has been established (6723 communities granted the special accreditation) 6) International cooperation (UN, regional activities and cooperation) Chinese contribution to World Disaster Reduction after 2015: 1.Continue to implement comprehensive disaster reduction strategy and include the disaster risk reduction and adaptation of climatic change into national and local sustainable development process. 2. 2.Formulate and implement „thirteen-five-year-planning for comprehensive disaster prevention and reduction based on chinese’s national conditions and disaster risks. 3. 3. Give full play of experts and schollars to strenghten the scientific approaches in disaster prevention and reduction. 1. 4. Enhance the structural construction against nature disasters to further uplift of prevention level and increase people’s awareness about disaster prevention and reduction. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Tencent\Users\1041347895\QQ\WinTemp\RichOle\L[N0TTU7SBX2CX3HGOG%OS1.jpg [USEMAP] l ØSensors, data and information cannot be shared and integrated sufficiently • Ø“Rich of data, barren of information, lack of knowledge” Ø ØCollaboration among different ministries/institutions is insufficient. Ø Ø Stable and efficient channel for disaster information transmission among stricken areas, related ministries and headquarters cannot be guaranteed. •We need to integrate multiple disaster related systems among different ministries/institutions by federated databases and interoperability and to use the sensor web to integrate airborne, space borne and in-situ observations through a web service. •To share multi-source data and information > [USEMAP] l lSensor web available for real-time or near real-time use. lFull and open exchange of data, service and other resources; lEffective mechanism and platform for the collaboration of various ministries; lTimely and rapid delivery of disaster data and information; e.g. To conduct comprehensive evaluation from multi-perspective by different ministries To coordinates emergency preparedness and response work with other ministries • 2. Humanitarian Challenges Developing field Surviving many people with various problems Strong Chinese role Organizational approaches: NGOs, princip of neutrality v. politically coloured help Scientifically: Similar and close cooperation with Early Warning and Disaster Management 3. Big Data Concepts and Policies : USA and EU Obama Administration Releases Historic Open Data Rules to Enhance Government Efficiency and Fuel Economic Growth - groundbreaking new steps to make information generated and stored by the Federal Government more open and accessible to innovators and the public, to fuel entrepreneurship and economic growth while increasing government transparency and efficiency. President Obama said: “One of the things we’re doing to fuel more private sector innovation and discovery is to make vast amounts of America’s data open and easy to access for the first time in history. And talented entrepreneurs are doing some pretty amazing things with it.” “Starting today, we’re making even more government data available online, which will help launch even more new startups. And we’re making it easier for people to find the data and use it, so that entrepreneurs can build products and services we haven’t even imagined yet.” European Union Big Data is an emerging field where innovative technology offers alternatives to resolve the inherent problems that appear when working with huge amounts of data, providing new ways to reuse and extract value from information. Three main dimensions characterize Big Data: huge variety of data format, often time-sensitive and large. Big Data offers tremendous untapped potential value for many sectors but no specific intelligent-large-data-handling/brokering industrial sector exists. 1.Big Data: buzz word or reality? 2. Information superhighway, SDI´s, System of Systems concepts (GEO, GEOSS,..) BD4 (Bandrova, Konecny, Yotova, 2014) • • • BD: Definitions • •Zucker, S., (2014) : • • “a popular term used to describe the exponential growth and availability of data, both structured and unstructured” . • •”There is no rigorous definition of big data. Initially the idea was that the volume of information had grown so large that the quantity being examined no longer fit into the memory that computers use for processing, so engineers needed to revamp the tools they used for analyzing it all” (Mayer-Schönberger V., Cukier K., 2013). • •Today era of terabytes or petabytes and this trend leads to new challenges in geoinformatics and cartography for gathering, storing, analyzing and visualizing the spatial information and data. • •It will not happen first time in the history of cartography that it is one of few visualizing disciplines to use BD for correct analyzing of huge amount of data and their presentation and visualization on different levels of preciseness according to wishes of potential users. •- The increasing amount of data encourages the creation of new methodologies for data processing and the development of digital technologies - New potentials and possibilities to the evolution of cartographic visualization and its applications - In 2010, the volume of digital content on the planet exceeded 1 ZB • big-data-growth.gif •“Big Data” BD: • •It is the ability of society to harness information in novel ways to produce useful insights or goods and services of significant value . • •The bridge between BD and the society cannot be done only by the existing technologies and computers. • •The presence of professionals should be more active in the process of transforming BD in useable variant to users and society. •BD needs to establish teams with people coming from branches which did not work together to now. • •Design new complex approaches. • •Geographers (physical and human and economical ones), cartographers and geoinformatics + RS want to add their knowledge to enhance such linkages and develop paradigma for and supportive approaches of higher level usage of BD in everyday decision making, solving problems and improvement of life of inhabitants. • Human in BD The Professional Places in BD Era (Bandrova, Konecny, Yotova, 2014) •Characteristics of Big Data •(by IT industry) • •Volume of BD means the quantity of data; as well size of data which is more than this one defined a structured data base. •Velocity of BD means the speed of generation of data. •or frequency of data delivery. • •(thermometers, microphones, video cameras, sensor and Web data gathering in real time and data volumes get big in a hurry). •Variety of BD means different category of data in different formats and purpose of analyzing and using. •Here we can include all data coming from sensors, digitalization, mobile applications, Web, data bases, photos, videos, audios, sms, automations and others. This characteristics show us the next step of processing: storage, standardizing, classification and analyzing of this structured or unstructured data. • •Variability of BD means the time of generating the data. •Complexity of BD means multiple resources generating data •From cartographic point of view, we can add also Accuracy, Dimensionality, Quality and Interactivity of BD. • •Accuracy means the degree of correct information and data which can be projected or referred to a coordinate system; •Dimensionality means a measure of spatial, time and characteristics extents of the information represented to the map. We will achieve 2D, 3D, 4D to multi-dimensional map; •Quality means a high level of value of the gathered information and data; • •Interactivity means the level of allowance of user activity. • • • • 2. Where we are now? • •Global Mapping •UN-GGIM •GMES and INSPIRE: step ahead than GOOGLE, offering data (not only showing) •GEO, GEOSS •Digital Earth (Annoni and JRC) •Concepts and strategies (Spatial-Enabled Society, •e-Government, ….) •VGI, VGE….. maparelie parqnaturales reginaturale zoniifclimatica politico 3. Spatial Data Infrastructure Concepts UN-GGIM • AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The United Nations initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) aims at playing a leading role in setting the agenda for the development of global geospatial information and to promote its use to address key global challenges. It provides a forum to liaise and coordinate among Member States, and between Member States and international organizations. UN GGIM •Doha, Qatar, in 2013: "... National geospatial information infrastructure in each country should be based on internationally recognized standards, which will integrate, manage and deliver geospatial information for timely, legitimate and authoritative decision-making and policy should be based on location, including disasters and humanitarian needs; Copernicus Former GMES – Global Monitoring of Environment and Security) (INSPIRE/ESDI) Global Monitoring for Environment and Security COPERNICUS The Copernicus Emergency Management Service supports actors dealing with natural disasters, man-made emergency situations, and humanitarian crises as well as those involved in preparedness and recovery activities. The service improves people’s safety and helps to prevent loss of lives and/ or property by improving the effectiveness of preparedness, prevention, disaster risk reduction and resilience activities, in particular through the provision of early warning services for floods and fires. Overall GMES objectives EARTH OBSERVING SYSTEMS (space, airborne, in-situ) PUBLIC POLICIES (Environment & Security) Information Needs (policy driven) Space Agencies In-situ Observing systems Scientific Community EO Value Adding Industry National Governments and Agencies European Union Institutions Inter-Governmental Organisations (IGOs) Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to provide information services to policy-makers and other users Virginia PUZZOLO, EC DG Enterprise-GMES Burreau, Prague Symposium, 2009 The Copernicus programme supports the protection of the environment and the efforts of Civil Protection and civil security, and contributes to European participation in global initiatives. Copernicus offers six different service lines: Emergency Management, Atmosphere Monitoring, Marine Environment Monitoring, Land Monitoring, Climate Change, and services for Security applications. The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS) provides actors with timely and accurate geo-spatial information derived from satellite-based remote sensing complemented by available in situ (non-space) or open source data. As an EU service, the EMS’s first priority is responding to national or cross-border disasters in Europe and large-scale disasters outside of the EU. The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS) has two main components: - Early Warning, EW component strengthens the preparedness of national and local authorities for floods and forest fires, and - Mapping, as well as a dedicated component for the validation of the mapping products. The EMS Mapping Service is provided in two modules: -Rapid Mapping, for rapid service delivery during the response phase of crises, and - -Risk & Recovery Mapping, which is designed for pre- or post-crisis situations in support of recovery, disaster risk reduction, prevention, and preparedness activities. Space Infrastructure In Situ Infrastructure CORE SERVICES DOWNSTREAM SERVICES Overall architecture ● On demand ● Standardised ● Hours-days REFERENCE MAPS DELINEATION MAPS GRADING MAPS VALIDATION RISK AND RECOVERY MAPPING ● On demand ● Tailored to user needs ● Weeks-months REFERENCE MAPS PRE-DISASTER SITUATION MAPS REFERENCE MAPS POST-DISASTER SITUATION MAPS VALIDATION EARLY WARNING ● Floods: EFAS ● Forest Fires: EFFIS CONTINOUS ALERTS Four main types of products: MapAction Pakistan For headquarters, decision-makers and in-field operatives In Europe and worldwide untitled Reference maps Assessment maps Thematic maps p6686_334033635430b2060b8c132492bab46eSERTIT_c203_P02_myanmar_yangon_flood_rsat2_100k_lowres inventory_Arno Early warning 250807_09h45utc_Papagou • Rapid mapping on demand in case of humanitarian crises, natural disasters, and man-made emergency situations within & outside Europe • – • • • • • • • • ERCS 1st priority ØReference maps available within 6 hours over crisis area ØDamage assessment maps available within 24 hours & daily updated ØSituation maps and forecasts of evolution of situations within the few days-weeks after crisis Photo_city emergency • • INSPIRE •Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe • • • pict3 Relationship between the first and second generations of SDIs. (by Williamson Rajabifard, Binns, 2007, reprinted from Rajabifard at al.2006 with permission of the International Journal of GIS) DIGITAL EARTH Understanding Digital Earth cloud89a elnin89a Cloud El Nino sst89a Sea water temperature botto89a Earth Surface quake89a Earthquake volca89a Volcano ndvi89a Vegetation plate89a Plate Boundary (http://www.nasm.si.edu/EarthToday) Tools & Technology Tools & Technology Enabling Citizens and Communities Enabling Citizens and Communities Interoperability Interoperability Collecting Data Collecting Data EARTH EARTH Digital Resources Digital Resources Understanding Digital Earth (White paper by NASA Digital Earth office, 2000) Spatially-Enabled Society Rajabifard, Williamson, ….. Australian Government, Ministerial Online and Communications Council 8 September, 2006 • “…spatially-enabled government is an exciting area for government. Spatially-enabled government uses place or location to manage and integrate government services and enhance business opportunities.” • • The Hon Gary Nairn MP, Special Minister for State, Australian Government • The answer: Provide the systems and people use them!!! Three visions to support spatially enabled government as part of e-government •A land management vision: incorporating spatially enabled land administration •A spatial data infrastructure (SDI) vision: SDI as an enabling platform •A vision for a spatially enabled society • •Location is used to organise their information •and •Location and spatial information are common goods available to citizens and businesses to encourage creativity and product development. Governments are spatially enabled when - Challenges and Issues for spatially enabled society •SDI to facilitate spatially enabled government as part of an e-government strategy •SDI to facilitate integration of natural and built environment datasets •Development of SDI vision, mission and road map – where are we heading? •Role of government, private and academic sectors •Capacity building • Conclusion •SDI is a new and evolving concept •SDI development is multi-disciplinary with policy, legal, institutional and technical dimensions •SDI will be a virtual environment supported by an enabling platform - spatially enabling society and government within an e-government environment •Innovations in use of information will involve private and government sectors. •Research is central to SDI development 5. What is it Geo Info Strategy and why we need it? Czech eGovernment −smart public administration –better laws –functional authorities –professional public servants –effective information technologies •„the document has to circulate instead of the citizen“ •four measures 1.Czech Point 2.Public Administration Communication Infrastructure 3.eGovernment Act (2008) 4.Public Administration Basic Registers (2012) 69 PA Basic Registers CzechPoint PA Communication Infrastructure eGov Act −Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on basic registers −4 basic registers of public administration –Register of Inhabitants (MoI) –Register of Corporations (Czech Statistical Office) –Register of Rights and Obligations (MoI) –Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates (Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre) •Basic Registers Information System (MoI) •ORG (The Office for Personal Data Protection) •fully operational in July 2012 PA Basic Registers System 70 iop_logo.bmp RUIAN −Basic Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates (RUIAN) −content of RUIAN –administration units (country, regions, …cadastral units, parcels, buildings) –entities of land administration (municipality districts, streets, …) –addresses –location data (centroids of parcels, buildings, …) –other data (building features, …) •no personal data •the crucial pillar of the Czech NSDI •administrated by Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadaster (COSMC) •edited by Municipal and Building Authorities, Czech Statistical Office (CSO) and Local Cadastral Authorities 71 C:\Documents and Settings\Standard\Dokumenty\Moje dokumenty\MOJE\Loga_oficiální_různá\eGON\eGON a Mapy\eGON_pravy_Mapy_Animace\zdroj\egon_mapy_anim.gif iop_logo.bmp GeoInfoStrategy −Czech Government –approved the proposal of working out of the „Strategy of spatial information infrastructure development in the Czech Republic up to 2020“ (GeoInfoStrategy) by Resolution No. 837 on the 14th November 2012 –ordered to submit the GeoInfoStrategy draft for approval to the end of February 2014 –ordered to cooperate to all central state administration bodies –recommend to cooperate to regions and cities – – – – – − 72 GeoInfoStrategy Main Goals 73 •to set up effective coordination and integration of public bodies and commercial sector activities in the field of spatial data •to help to set up conditions for –major improvement of eGovernment services regarding spatial data –reduction of costs of public administration –enhancing of the overall competitiveness of the Czech economy • 6. Selected Potentials of Cartography and Geoinformatics mapa_palava •Prehistoric Map, Pavlov Hills, South Moravia, 24 000 B.C. komenius • sh1 •3-D Image of Pudong Area, Shanghai • •Height •Unit: m •Elevation Map of Buildings Produced from 3-D Imager 3 DSM_DTM_image Easy navigation • マッピング空間EC http://www.nap.edu/cover/11793/450 Successful Response Starts with a Map: Improving Geospatial Support for Disaster Management, NRC (2007) • •People-Centred Early Warning Systems • •The objective : - to empower individuals and communities threatened by hazards to act in sufficient time and in an appropriate manner • •so as to reduce the possibility of personal injury, loss of life, damage to property and the environment and of livelihoods. To be effective, early warning systems must be people-centred and must integrate four elements : 1.knowledge of the risks faced; 2. technical monitoring and warning service; 1. 3. dissemination of meaningful warnings to those at risk; and 4. public awareness and preparedness to act. Failure in any one of these elements can mean failure of the whole early warning system. • • • •Response •Dispatching of resources •Emergency telecom •Situational awareness •Command control coordination •Information dissemination •Emergency healthcare Disaster Management Cycle •Prevention and Mitigation •Hazard prediction and modeling •Risk assessment and mapping •Spatial Planning •Structural & non structural measures •Public Awareness & Education.. •Preparedness •Scenarios development •Emergency Planning •Training •Alert •Real time monitoring • & forecasting •Early warning •Secure &dependable telecom •Scenario identification • all media alarm •Post Disaster •Lessons learnt •Scenario update •Socio-economic and environmental impact assessment •Spatial (re)planning •Recovery •Early damage assessment •Re-establishing life-lines transport &communication infrastructure •Disasters • • • • Disaster risk reduction projects •EU-FIRE •Acoustic sensor •OASIS Operations, C3 •ORCHESTRA •Architecture ontologies •CHORIST emergency communications •WIN •Information services •SANY In-situ monitoring •OSIRIS crisis monitoring •WISECOM •satcom •U2010 PSC& IPv6 •Dyvine •Visual sensors •InterRisk •Marine risks •WINSOC •advanced sensors •SCIER •Sensor fusion •STARRS •Search& rescue •Stream •Humanitarian •MONITORING SYSTEMS •INFORMATION SYSTEMS •PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOM •Command Control •Coordination •EUROPCOM •UWB •MITRA •transport •INTAMAP •Automated mapping •ERMA Alert •Euritrack •Illicit trafficking •Warmer •Water monitoring •DEWS Tsunami •VIDEO Tsunami • • •Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture constructed huge breakwaters 2km long, 20m thick, 8m above sea level and 65m deep, which have been registered as the deepest breakwaters in the Guinness World Records (see Fig.4a and 4b). • •Sunji Murai, 2011 •Sunji Murai, 2011 We should have learnt the lessons that ‘hardware’ including very high breakwaters, cannot save people but we need to use ‘software’ including procedures for providing early warning and evacuation systems. Video Prezentace Red Cross and Red Crescent Nepal •VIDEO • •New Orleans Fig.3.1 Key Disaster-Related Functions by Level of Government and Phase-A C:\Users\MILANK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\58.jpg C:\Users\MILANK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\59.jpg C:\Users\MILANK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$DI01.443\84-85.jpg 7. INTEGRATED RESEARCH ON DISASTER RISK (IRDR) IS A DECADE-LONG RESEARCH PROGRAMME •Guided by ICSU’s Science Plan for Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, IRDR •“envisages an integrated approach to natural and human-induced environmental hazards through a combination of natural, socio-economic, health and engineering sciences, including •socio-economic analysis, understanding the role of communications, and public and political •responses to reduce the risk.” • SCIENTISTS AND DECISION MAKERS •Our knowledge and understanding of natural hazards has grown dramatically. •Scientists can more accurately characterise the possible magnitude of hazard events and better estimate the probability of their occurrence at specific magnitudes. Forecasting capacity has also dramatically improved, especially for weather-related events. •Far more is now known about the social dimensions of disasters, for instance human exposure and vulnerability (and lack of resistance and resilience) to natural hazards and places where poverty and multiple stresses shape the character and distribution of losses. • IRDR SCIENCE PLAN …has observed that there is a shortfall in current research on how science is used to shape social and political decision-making in the context of hazards and disasters. It noted that addressing this problem would require an approach that would integrate expertise in research and policy-making across all hazards, disciplines, geographic regions and political institutional frameworks. ICSU, ISSC, UNISDR and Co-Sponsors IRDR Programme … a global, trans-disciplinary research programme to address the major challenges of natural and human-induced environmental hazards. The complexity of the task is such that it requires the full integration of research expertise from the natural, socio-economic, health and engineering sciences, encompassing also areas of inquiry and practice such as policy-making, the role of communications, and public and political perceptions of and responses to risk. The IRDR program is guided by three research objectives: 1. Characterising hazards, vulnerability and risk. 2. Understanding decision-making in complex and changing risk contexts. 3. Reducing risk and curbing losses through knowledge-based actions. Three cross-cutting themes support IRDR’s work towards these objectives: 1. Capacity building, including mapping capacity for disaster reduction and building self-sustaining capacity at various levels and for different hazards. 2. Development and compilation of case studies and demonstration projects. 3. Assessment, data management, and monitoring of hazards, risks and disasters. The IRDR Strategic Goals, 2013-2017 The Strategic Plan has expressed the ambitions of the programmes in six strategic goals. Goal 1: Promoting integrated research. Goal 2: Characterizing hazards, vulnerability and risk. Goal 3: Understanding decision-making. Goal 4: Reducing risk and curbing losses. Goal 5: Networking and partnership-building. Goal 6: Supporting the science and policy dialogue. GOAL 2 ….. Address the gaps in knowledge, methodologies and types of information that prevent the effective application of science to avert disasters and reduce risk. Disaster Loss Data (DATA) DATA aims to establish an overall framework for disaster loss data for all providers, to establish nodes and networks for databases, and to conduct sensitivity testing among databases to ensure some level of comparability. GOAL 2 Extension 1 Example-1: Hazards and Vulnerability Research Institute (HVRI), University of South Carolina, USA, meeting: to modified IRDR peril classification schema to serve multiple types of databases—global, national and sub-national—in order to make loss information more comparable despite different goals and objectives of individual databases. The working group will test the classification system on each of its members’ databases. GOAL 2 EXTENSION2 •Example – 2: • •the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) in Japan to •continue work on the GLobal IDEntifier Number (GLIDE) system, an identification system that enables linking events that have multiple impact areas; •and concurred with the new definitions proposed in a joint Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) draft Human Impact Indicators document. • GOAL 3 Understanding decision-making …. in the context of risk management – what it is and how it can be improved; identify relevant decision-making systems and their interactions; understand decision-making in the context of environmental hazards and help improve the quality of decision-making practices. Risk Interpretation and Action (RIA): main objective is to build a community of practice on risk perception, communication and decision-making that focuses on the question of how people make decisions in the face of risk. GOAL 4 REDUCING RISK AND CURBING LOSSES •Develop a methodology for implementing comprehensive, long-term •vulnerability assessments and effective approaches to risk reduction, by also bringing together insights gained under Goals 2 and 3. •Forensic Investigations of Disasters (FORIN): •has produced a template that aims to guide the discovery of root •causes of disasters through in-depth investigations that go beyond the typical reports and case studies conducted after disaster events. • Connecting Science, Policy and Practice – Goal 5 and Goal 6 GOAL 5: Networking and partnership-building Develop, strengthen and collaborate within the IRDR network at global, regional and national levels GOAL 6: Supporting the science and policy dialogue Enhance the utilisation of research findings. AND BIG DATA? • • •Loss of data versus BIG DATA • •Need of understandable data versus non-understandable • •Structured DB versus Non-Structured DB: •Volunteer Geographic Information, inclusion of inhabitants • •New kinds of Data Presentations and Visualisations • •New promising applications in other fields: Mr. Steve Jobs, Apple, •Crime Mapping, USA • • • • • •7. Potentials of cartography: context and adaptive cartography • •The subject-matter of adaptive cartography is automatic creation of correct geodata visualization with regard to situation, purpose and the user. • •Adaptive maps are still maps in the conventional sense – they are correct and well-readable medium for transfer of spatial information. The user controls map modifications indirectly via modification of context. • Traditional vs. adaptive map •Traditional map –Static –Universal –As much information as possible (level of legibility) –Demand on high level of user knowledge •Adaptive map –As little information as needed for interpretation –No redundancy of information –Individual – – EMERGENCY CONTEXT •EVENT •FLOOD •CAR ACCIDENT •FOREST FIRE •TASK •STAGE •OPERATION RANGE •REGION-DISTRICT-MUNICIPALITY-LOCAL •WHAT •WHEN •WHERE • •Adaptabile Geovizualization • •Figure: Examples of changes in visualization according to change of context (Friedmanová, Konečný and Staněk 2006) • • Cartography and Geoinformatcs tasks: • •Big Data and Map Scale: 3D cyber models; 1:1 scales? • •Big Data and Map Dimensionality: 2D, 3D, 4D,….? • •Guerley, 2013: „the map is a multi-dimensional rendering of any type of information, representing the relationships of objects (by statistical methods for “small” data. Now Big Data, but statistics are still missing. • BD AND MAP SCALE Scale and BD.jpg (Bandrova, Konecny, Yotova, 2014) •BD Generalization: The modern GIS - automatic generalization in special cartographic cases. • •In the case of Big Data it will be big challenge for all GI specialists. • •We cannot leave generalizations principles we just have to create new ones in new environment and new situations. • • • Cartography cannot deal with all kinds of data of the BD environment and cannot provide all the solutions of BD processing and management. Cartography can handle only a part of the data and extract valuable information from it. - Data must be spatially distributed: The power of cartography is in its capacity of describing quality and quantity characteristics of objects, their positioning and relations. - Data must be classified. The majority of BD is semi- or non-classified. To map the data, we need clear classification first. - Data must have quality and / or quantity characteristics. Cartography visualizes objects’ and phenomena’s characteristics and provides to readers their distribution. Modern cartography capabilities like multidimensional representation and animation allow us to represent much more data characteristics than before. - Data of interest must be generalized. Many data in semi- or non- classified format can represent an interest for cartography. PERSPECTIVES To look from the BD perspective we see that cartography will continue its development in some kind of equilibrium between sciences, technology and art. This equilibrium is more valid than before, because combination of new scientific approaches based on ICT in cartography provides many possibilities for map creation and inclusion of art not only make maps attractive but also enables new and imaginative forms in which maps could be shown and naturally understood. In the era of BD, it is very important for cartography to take advantage of the development of the ICT. The distance between cartographers and the world's leading information providers like Google, Open Streat Maps, Facebook and Twitter have to be reduced through clear involvement of cartography roles and rules in solution delivery. As experts, we are happy of the new possibilities presented by ICT, but still we cannot hide the fact that much chaotically transmitted information is not correct and can lead to misinterpretation by the users. •Editing of specialized double issues for EW and CM in International Journal on Digital Earth • •Result: •Growth of IF from 0.853 to 1.222 Publications IJDE-titulni_stranka.jpg C:\Users\Kubicek\AppData\Local\Temp\978-3-642-03441-1.tif Geographic Information and Cartography for Risk and Crisis Management •From publishing on March 25 2010, Geographic Information and Cartography for Risk and Crisis Management have been 3161 requests for chapter uploading. Statistics of last two years: • • Yea Amount of uploadings • 2011 1261 • 2010 1900 • • Publications • •The best papers will be proposed for publication in a Book titled: •Thematic Cartography for Society •Publisher: Springer •Book topics: •User-friendly Internet Cartography •User-oriented Map Design and Production •Context-oriented Cartographic Visualization •Map interfaces for Volunteered Geographic Information •Sensing Technologies and their integration with Maps •Cartography in Education • •On-line publication •CD Publication, ISSN • •Abstract/ paper submission Deadline: • 10. January 2014 • • http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRabY3XYWzz9_UwVPw3xGmI-MWN8TsH2tTwzLmX5Arc-8-Y0ubA http://images.springer.com/cda/content/image/cda_displayimage.jpg?SGWID=0-0-16-946517-0 PRAHA BRNO1 Xie, Xie!!!!! Bardzo Dziekuje Chvala THANK YOU Muchas Gracias Terima KasimO Brigada Kammsa Hamida Aligator SHUKRAN BLAGODARJA DĚKUJI ( in Czech) 6th International Conference on Cartography and GIS 13-17 June 2016, Albena, Black Sea, BULGARIA • • albena2.jpg •SEMINAR WITH EU COOPERATION •ON EARLY WARNING AND DISASTER / CRISES MANAGEMENT •Under the auspices of the Czech ambassador to Bulgaria • •www.cartography-gis.com