GLOBAL SPATIAL DATA PROJECTS Global Mapping Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Digital Earth U. N. Geographic Data Base GI for Sustainable Development (GISD) (OGC) 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.Digital Earth Concepts Digital Earth History: 1999: Beijing, P.R. China 2001: New Brunswick, Canada 2003: Brno, Czech Republic Fathers: Al Gore (Bill Clinton) Digital Earth Definitions Technological: Gore: A multi-resolution, three-dimensional representation of the planet, into which we can embed vast quantities of geo-referenced data. Chen Shupeng, Fukui, Foresman, Guo, Goodchild Sustainable development oriented: Beijing Declaration, Brno discussions, Global Society Dialogue, Global Marshal Plan) Digital Earth Digital Earth is a concept that aims to incorporate maps and data – ranging from topography and population to weather patterns and migration – into a seamless geospatial system accessible worldwide. Digital Earth Concepts DE- Digital Earth Technological: Gore: A multi-resolution, three-dimensional representation of the planet, into which we can embed vast quantities of geo-referenced data. Foresman, Guo Sustainable development oriented (Beijing Declaration, Brno discussions, Global Society Dialog) Understanding Digital Earth cloud89a elnin89a Cloud El Nino sst89a Sea water temperature botto89a Earth Surface quake89a Earthquake volca89a Volcano ndvi89a Vegetation plate89a Plate Boundary ( Tools & Technology Tools & Technology Enabling Citizens and Communities Enabling Citizens and Communities Interoperability Interoperability Collecting Data Collecting Data EARTH EARTH Digital Resources Digital Resources Understanding Digital Earth (White paper by NASA Digital Earth office, 2000) The Digital Earth: Understanding our planet in the 21st Century by Al Gore • •Nová vlna technologických inovací nám dovoluje sběr, ukládání, zpracování a zobrazování nepředstavitelného množství informací o naší planetě a široké rozmanitosti přírodních a kulturních jevů. Většina těchto informací je “georeferenčních”, to znamená, že jsou vztažena k určitému specifickému místu na zemském povrchu. •Obtížnou součástí využití těchto předností je záplava geoprostorových informací – problémem je převedení surových dat do pochopitelných informací. •Digital Earth: vícenásobná zobrazení, třídimenzionální reprezentace planety, při němž využíváme velké množství georeferenčních dat. Digital Earth - nezbytné technologie •Počítačové vědy resp. Informatika (Computer Science) •Obrovské ukládací kapacity pro data (Mass Storage) •Družicové snímky (Satellite Imagery) •Širokopásmové sítě (Broadband Networks) •Interoperabilita (Interoperability) •Metadata -Realizovat úplný potenciál Digitální Země vyžaduje technologický pokrok v dalších oblastech, zejména automatizované interpretaci snímků, propojování dat z rozmanitých zdrojů, a inteligentní agenty, kteří mohou nalézti a propojit informaci na WEBu o jakémkoliv místě na zeměkouli. Už v současnosti je k dispozici dostatečné množství informací, aby proces mohl být úspěšně rozvíjen. • Digital Earth - potenciální aplikace •Vedení virtuální diplomacie (mírové rozhovory v Bosně, simulovaný let nad plánovanou hranicí, stanovaní koridoru) •Boj s kriminalitou (pomocí GIS v městě Salinas) •Ochrana zachování biodiversity: (Camp Pendelton, California, předpověď růstu populace z 1.1 milion v r. 1990 na 1.6 milion v r. 2010. V regionu 200 ohrožených, vzácných rostlin a živočichů. Na základě informací o terénu, půdních poměrech, ročních srážkách, vegetaci, využití půdy a vlastnických vztahů vědci modelovali možné dopady na biodiversitu v regionu Předpovědi klimatických změn: (odlesňování Amazonských pralesů na základě družicových dat) Růst zemědělské produktivity: (družicové snímky a GPS pro včasnou detekci nemocí a škůdců a nasazení protiopatření; “farming by the inch." Background •Digital Earth: Ø main carrying body of information resource in sustainable development, Ø effective way to integrally share the information resource, Ø strategic highland in information era Øan essential character in economy and society. •In the late 90’s, Digital Earth concept was widely disseminated and quickly developed. Both China and foreign countries had experienced a completely process in the understanding of Digital Earth • Brought out the Digital Earth Prototype System (DEPS) proposal “。 Space-borne Remote sensing Air-borne Remote Sensing GPS Digitizing instrument Engineering scanner Total station RS image receiving and processing Graph data processing and editing DEPS platform Spatial information database server (DEPS center database) Grid computing Model database server Meta database server Virtual Reality center Metadata service Map application service Resource data sharing Application server Model database server Data Receiving and Fast Processing Subsystem …… Internet 3D Simulation application Analysis model service 二、系统组成与功能 Space-borne Remote sensing Air-borne Remote Sensing GPS Digitizing instrument Engineering scanner Total station RS image receiving and processing Graph data processing and editing DEPS platform Spatial information database server (DEPS center database) Grid computing Model database server Meta database server Virtual Reality center Metadata service Map application service Resource data sharing Application server Model database server …… Internet 3D Simulation application Analysis model service 二、系统组成与功能 Model Base Subsystem Space-borne Remote sensing Air-borne Remote Sensing GPS Digitizing instrument Engineering scanner Total station RS image receiving and processing Graph data processing and editing DEPS platform Spatial information database server (DEPS center database) Grid computing Model database server Meta database server Virtual Reality center Metadata service Map application service Resource data sharing Application server Model database server …… Internet 3D Simulation application Analysis model service 二、系统组成与功能 Meta-data Service Subsystem Space-borne Remote sensing Air-borne Remote Sensing GPS Digitizing instrument Engineering scanner Total station RS image receiving and processing Graph data processing and editing DEPS platform Spatial information database server (DEPS center database) Grid computing Model database server Meta database server Virtual Reality center Metadata service Map application service Resource data sharing Application server Model database server …… Internet 3D Simulation application Analysis model service 二、系统组成与功能 Grid Computing Subsystem Space-borne Remote sensing Air-borne Remote Sensing GPS Digitizing instrument Engineering scanner Total station RS image receiving and processing Graph data processing and editing DEPS platform Spatial information database server (DEPS center database) Grid computing Model database server Meta database server Virtual Reality center Metadata service Map application service Resource data sharing Application server Model database server …… Internet 3D Simulation application Analysis model service 二、系统组成与功能 Spatial Information Database Subsystem Space-borne Remote sensing Air-borne Remote Sensing GPS Digitizing instrument Engineering scanner Total station RS image receiving and processing Graph data processing and editing DEPS platform Spatial information database server (DEPS center database) Grid computing Model database server Meta database server Virtual Reality center Metadata service Map application service Resource data sharing Application server Model database server …… Internet 3D Simulation application Analysis model service 二、系统组成与功能 Map Service Subsystem Space-borne Remote sensing Air-borne Remote Sensing GPS Digitizing instrument Engineering scanner Total station RS image receiving and processing Graph data processing and editing DEPS platform Spatial information database server (DEPS center database) Grid computing Model database server Meta database server Virtual Reality center Metadata service Map application service Resource data sharing Application server Model database server …… Internet 3D Simulation application Analysis model service 二、系统组成与功能 Virtual Reality Subsystem •Digital touring •Digital archaeology •Digital Olympics •Dynamic Urban Change Monitoring •National Standard Digitalization Base Applications in different areas VR_TOUR6 Digital Touring •Digitized and network management of Huangguoshu view designation sector •development of the 3D simulation system and Internet browsing software •establishment of the GIS information inquiring links DSC04777 111 未标题-3 VR_TOUR5 Digital Archaeology case_4_1 qbmas IKONOS images of Zhenbeitai, Yulin, Shanxi and its surrounding environment analysis Remote sensing survey of Hailongtun Remote sensing survey of Tongwancheng Digitized photo database of World War II Digital Olympics • •Implementation of the dynamically monitoring of the Olympic main venue sector projects and the environment projects in spatial scale; • Untitled-0 copy • Data Acquiring • Constructed a 2TB database, aerial data acquired from 1999 to 2005 2003 2002 2000 1999 1987 1983 2005 Digital Olympics result 1)Development of the 3D visualization scene 2)Implementation of the Internet 3D browsing of the Olympic main venue sectors 3)Discovery of the key technologies in dynamically monitoring engineering progresses 4)The relating technology research of the 3D E-map developments Digital Olympics p3 dymonitor web_vr Dynamic Urban Change Monitoring •According to the soil resource management and fundamental construction, using multiple remote sensors, multi-resolution remote sensing data to continuously and dynamically monitor the urban area and assist the updating of the land-use status figure. •Monitor the land-use variation types, amounts and distribution status •Provide the technology information and running platform of the related applications for the generalized designation of the urban land use. The initiative envisions a three-dimensional globe that users could click on to access data layers. Sufficient data depth and breadth would ensure its use by researchers, local, planners, and students. The project encompasses standards development, idea marketing, and data collection and draws openly on the work of other organizations. Like GSDI, the Digital Earth initiative ( has contributed to advancing the concepts and technologies that underlie any SDI and by structuring existing information relevant for the implementation of interoperable geographic information and services. As a matter of fact, the Digital Earth initiative has made important contributions to the GSDI Cookbook. The 3rd International Symposium on Digital Earth – Information Resources for Global Sustainability. Knowledge, Networks, Technology, Economy, Society, Natural and Human Resources, Policy and Strategy.