1212569_21823227.jpg logo_mu_cerne.gif 1212570_28446780.jpg logo_mu_cerne.gif Luděk Bláha, PřF MU, RECETOX www.recetox.cz BIOMARKERS AND TOXICITY MECHANISMS 02 – MECHANISMS OVERVIEW OPVK_MU_stred_2 1212569_21823227.jpg logo_mu_cerne.gif Different categorizations of MoA •According to target molecules (next slide) –Mechanisms primarily targeting different •BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES –i.e. PROTEINS and/or NUCLEIC ACIDS and/or PHOSPHOLIPIDS •SMALL BIOLOGICAL (ORGANIC) MOLECULES –E.g. Antioxidants or scavengers (vit.E, GSH) • •According to INTERACTION between toxicant/target (next slide) –Non-covalent interactions •Partitioning (v d Waals, H-bonds, hydrophobic interactions) à [1] below •Partitioning with specific steric fit à [3] below –Formation of covalent bonds •... with proteins / DNA-RNA / P-lipids / small molecules à [2] below • •According to “STERIC SPECIFICITY” of the interaction –NON-SPECIFIC MECHANISMS •the interaction between the toxicant and the target occurs “generally” with any target of certain general properties (e.g. toxicant is able to bind to ANY protein having e.g. SH- group), it does not require specific steric (structural) properties of the target –mechanisms [1] and [2] below –SPECIFIC MECHANISMS •the toxicant interacts only with certain and specific structural properties (e.g. specific binding of a pesticide into the active site of enzyme acetylcholinesterase) –mechanism [3] • 1212569_21823227.jpg logo_mu_cerne.gif Target (receptor) in MoA / toxicodynamic = BIOMOLECULE [1] [3] [2] 1212569_21823227.jpg logo_mu_cerne.gif Possible categorizations of MoA •[1] non/specific membrane toxicity –Involves ALL ORGANIC compounds –Affinity to non-polar environment (membrane phospholipids) –Two types can be discriminated •nonpolar basal / narcotic toxicity ( –effects observed at relatively high concentrations, depends on hydrophobicity (Kow) •polar narcosis –more polar compounds may affect also membrane proteins (effects at lower concentrations than expected from Kow) • •[2] nonspecific reactive toxicity –some compounds with “reactive” properties may directly modify biological macromolecule (lipids, proteins, nucleic acids) causing thus toxic effects –reactive chemicals are mostly „electrophiles“ (reacting with „nucleophiles“ in cells – i.e. electrone-rich sites - nucleotides, -NH2, -SH and others) • •[3] specific steric interactions –only certain specific compounds selectively affect specific targets –E.g. enzyme inhibitions (drugs, insecticides); receptor interactions (e.g. Estrogens) –Can be non-covalent as well as covalent –Effects at very low concentrations All organics à membranes Reactive 1212569_21823227.jpg logo_mu_cerne.gif Possible categorizations of MoA •Species-specific mechanisms, examples –photosynthetic toxicity (only in plants) vs. teratogenicity (only in vertebrates) –Endocrine disruption •different hormonal systems in invertebrates vs vertebrates à different toxicity mechanisms Growth in invertebrates ecdysis (moulting) - ecdysteroids http://img.docstoccdn.com/thumb/orig/8860991.png Growth in humans several hormones 1212569_21823227.jpg logo_mu_cerne.gif Possible categorizations of MoA •- Tissue-specific mechanisms (& effects) • - hepatotoxicity; neurotoxicity; nefrotoxicity; haematotoxicity • - toxicity to reproduction organs; • - immunotoxicity • • • • • • • • • •Developmental stage-specific mechanisms -- embryotoxicity/teratogenicity: toxicity to cell differenciation processes http://img2.allvoices.com/thumbs/image/609/480/103574038-diclofenac-drug.jpg http://www.painstopanswers.com/images/diclofenac.jpg Thalidomide Cyanobacterial metabolites Fig2C Fig2B Malformations in frog tadpoles 1212569_21823227.jpg logo_mu_cerne.gif Keywords to remember and understand •What is it MoA? •Can you give examples of species-specific MoA? •What are the biological targets for toxicants? How can they be classified? •What are the possible interactions between toxicants and biological targets? •What is it specific and non-specific toxicity mechanism? •What biological molecules are likely to be affected (usually at relatively high concentrations) by ALL ORGANIC COMPOUNDS? • • • .... and now let’s look in detail on major MoAs and their toxic consequences 1212569_21823227.jpg logo_mu_cerne.gif •Student is expected to know principles and some examples of the following main types of toxicity mechanisms •Proteins and inhibition of enzymatic activities •Mitotic poisons & microtubule toxicity •Ligand competitions – receptor mediated toxicity • •Membrane nonspecific toxicity (narcosis) •Toxicity to membrane gradients (also includes proteins) • •DNA toxicity (genotoxicity) • •Complex mechanisms –Oxidative stress – redox toxicity –Defence processes as toxicity mechanisms and biomarkers - detoxification and stress protein induction –Toxicity to signal transduction – Toxicity mechanisms - overview