Obrázek1 kill_bill surikata2 http://static3.businessinsider.com/image/5134c82aeab8eaac2d000000-1200/here-putin-trains-with-an-as sault-rifle-simulator.jpg Výsledek obrázku pro trump putin image natural selection essentially a competitive process Þ cooperation between organisms is one of nature´s most peculiar features social insects, humans mutualism http://www.tripzone.cz/content_img_cs/006/zirafa-u-termitiste-w-6250.jpg http://pensci.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/honeybee2.jpg http://static.squarespace.com/static/5240dde2e4b00424461203e1/t/52628a1ce4b0378afca049f4/1382189596 713/crocodile-plover.jpg http://nd04.jxs.cz/034/547/5359f3a9e5_74617442_o2.jpg http://scribbler.cz/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Magnetick%C3%A1-termiti%C5%A1t%C4%9B-4.jpg http://www.xterm-sumitomo.com.au/sites/default/files/images/termite_hq.gif http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/81/Dicty_Life_Cycle_H01.svg/533px-Dicty_Life_ Cycle_H01.svg.png http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/265/b/d/the_most_awesome_slime_mold_by_graveyardcat-d3ke758. jpg http://www.clemson.edu/extension/hgic/graphics/2354/slime_mold.jpg Eg.: slime molds https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5tYEWNU3f-mEv25f5vqIc1vlHGhk2XHihic65r-dUSPU Lynkhnw http://islandnature.ca/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/yellow_slime_mold.jpg http://greatecology.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Chocolate-Tube-Slime-Mold.jpg http://sciencegeekgirl.com/files/2008/10/picture1_1.jpg http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/loom/files/2011/10/slime-mold-5.jpg How can, in spite of conflict between organisms, cooperation evolve? Charles Darwin: struggle for life but also cooperation between a cow and her calf (cooperation between relatives)) Neodarwinism: evolution in populations, selection affects individuals ´ till the 1960s, this assumption rather implicit (cf. Wright´s „interdemic selection“) Darwin, Wallace, Konrad Lorenz etc.: „benefit of species“, „survival of species“.... http://www.ruraltech.org/video/2011/ITC_Workshop/19_Morishima/flash_files/lgslide_25_25.png http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/Herd_of_sheep.JPG William Forster Lloyd (1833) ® Garrett Hardin (1968): Tragedy of the commons adding 1 sheep to the herd Þ direct benefit for the owner ´ costs (drop of pasture) shared by the whole group Þ if people behave with respect to their benefit independently and rationally, eventually the sources are necessarilly depleted Solution = voluntary restriction by herders ® Why should such behaviour be favoured by selection? 1962 – Vero Copner Wynne-Edwards: Animal Dispersion in Relation to Social Behaviour flocking, dispersion, restriction of reproduction, altruism cooperation explained as the selection of whole groups rather than individual selection (in extreme form „adaptation for species´ survival“) V. C. Wynne-Edwards cheater http://www.britishbirds.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/article_files/V90/V90_N06/V90_N06_P209_T50.jpg cheater File:John Maynard Smith.jpg reaction: 1964: William D. Hamilton, John Maynard Smith 1966: George C. Williams 1976: Richard Dawkins richard-dawkins File:W D Hamilton.jpg Image:George C. Williams.jpg příbuzenský výběr kin selection důležité jsou geny genes are important! GROUP SELECTION V.C. Wynne-Edwards: dispersion in order to avoid depletion of sources production of fewer offspring than potentially possible alarm calls, fish shoals http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1359251/images/o-FISH-SCHOOLS-facebook.jpg http://i.imgur.com/PFPhmSD.jpg http://www.wascgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Grey-Nurse-Sharks-Swimming-through-Fish-School- 940x627.jpg http://www.duskyswondersite.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/School-of-Fish.jpg „stotting“ Individual advantage! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Springbok_pronk.jpg http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lbzta0UMmU1qajg12o1_1280.jpg http://medias.photodeck.com/00f4e78c-55de-11e3-80b6-e7323dcc0875/016030jj_xlarge.jpg http://s.hswstatic.com/gif/gazelle-body-language-1.jpg Thomson´s gazelle, springbok, mule deer, pronghorn etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr5Sru8gGSk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMIiB9DnRXg Turdoides guards of the Arabian babbler (Turdoides squamiceps) and meerkats (Suricata suricatta) surikata1 Suricata suricatta T. squamiceps sentinel alpha male Individual advantage! Theoretical arguments against group selection: altruism = behaviour increasing recipient´s fitness and, at the same time, decreasing donor´s fitness A A A A A A A A A A A A S A A A A A S S S S S S S S S S A S S A A A A A infiltration of selfish individual spread of „selfish“ allele in the population Wynne-Edwards´ population of altruists fixation of „selfish“ allele lemmings Low heritability and longer generation time of the group relative to heritability and generation time of individuals Þ changes at the individual level much faster Þ infiltration of selfish individuals, extinction of the altruistic population skenovat0002 rapid alternations of extinction and re-creation of demes Eg.: fig wasps (Agaonidae) virtually no migration: c … cost for an individual (b – c) … benefit for the group island model: Conditions for group selection: Conclusion: interdemic (group) selection will be stronger than intrademic (individual) selection only if the group benefit relative to the individual cost is higher than the average number of migrants per generation. Wade Michael Wade (1977): group selection experiment in the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) But in nature the role of group selection probably minimal fast-growing group slow-growing group individual selection KIN SELECTION http://www.voxeurop.eu/files/Bertrams-greece.jpg http://kgov.com/files/images/science/JBS-Haldane-RSR.jpg If I rescued my two brothers from drowning in the river, it would be the same as to rescue myself! http://flexpeditions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/WWR-rescue-jump.jpg William Hamilton (1964): Hymenoptera: haplo-diploid system of sex determination: females 2N, males N Þ relationship: worker – worker = ¾ queen – descendants = ½ worker – drone = ¼ inclusive fitness = fitness of an individual and his/her relatives altruism between relatives = kin altruism http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3f/Coefficient_of_relatedness.png/1024px-Coef ficient_of_relatedness.png Degree of relationship Relationship Coefficient of relationship (r) 0 identical twins; clones 100%[4] 1 parent-offspring[5] 50% (2−1) 2 full siblings 50% (2−2+2−2) 2 3/4 siblings or sibling-cousins 37.5% (2−2+2⋅2−4) 2 grandparent-grandchild 25% (2−2) 2 half siblings 25% (2−2) 3 aunt/uncle-nephew/niece 25% (2⋅2−3) 4 double first cousins 25% (2−3+2−3) 3 great grandparent-great grandchild 12.5% (2−3) 4 first cousins 12.5% (2⋅2−4) 6 quadruple second cousins 12.5% (8⋅2−6) 6 triple second cousins 9.38% (6⋅2−6) 4 half-first cousins 6.25% (2−4) 5 first cousins once removed 6.25% (2⋅2−5) 6 double second cousins 6.25% (4⋅2−6) 6 second cousins 3.13% (2−6+2−6) 8 third cousins 0.78% (2⋅2−8) 10 fourth cousins 0.20% (2⋅2−10)[6] Soubor:Koeficientpribuznosti.png coefficient of relationship: dependence on degree of relationship between donor and recipient (= on probability they share genes) Hamilton´s rule: rb > c r = relationship; b = benefit; c = cost relation between relationship and group selection: Eusociality: Hymenoptera Isoptera (termites) mammals: naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber), Fucomys mole-rats (Bathyergidae) Florida scrub jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) (Florida): c = 7%, b = 14% GLABER H. glaber Fukomys sp. http://www.xterm-sumitomo.com.au/sites/default/files/images/termite_hq.gif INTRAGENOMIC CONFLICT conflict between individuals within populations conflict between relatives (siblings, mother – descendant) conflict between males and females (sexual selection) cooperation and conflict at the genomic level: George Williams: body mortal ´ genes (almost) immortal „gene view“ Image:George C. Williams.jpg Richard Dawkins: the term selfish gene (book The Selfish Gene, 1976): body only as a vehicle for spreading replicators (genes) which cannot spread on their own therefore selection affects genes rather than the whole organism genes must cooperate (the eight analogy) BUT! the term „selfish“ must be understood as a metaphor! sometimes some genetic element behaves „unfair“ ® ultraselfish DNA Aa A a 50% 50% Gregor Mendel Law of segregation Intragenomic conflict results in higher frequency of some genomic elements in the next generation Aa A a 95% 5% segregation (transmission) distortion Gregor Mendel ?! drive drag Intragenomic conflict may have many forms, eg.: Interference = prevention of transmission of an alternative allele Gonotaxis = preferential transmission to germinal lineage Overreplication eg. transposons MEIOTIC DRIVE D D gonotaxis: mutant allele gets to ovum whereas normal allele gets to the polar body ovum polar body Ex.: R2d2 locus (responder to drive) mouse chromosome 2 increased number of 127 kb core element ® gonotaxis against low-copy variant R2d2 includes the Cwc22 gene (spliceosomal protein) Intragenomic conflict may have many forms, eg.: Interference = prevention of transmission of an alternative allele Gonotaxis = preferential transmission to germinal lineage Overreplication eg. transposons MEIOTIC DRIVE D driver interference: normal allele eliminated from transmission to the next generation Interference 1. Autosomal SD (segregation distorters) genes: males Drosophila melanogaster preferential transmission 95–99% distorter and responder spermatogenetic block in cells with disabled allele often emergence of modifiers SD genes = „outlaw genes“ „Spore killers“ (sk genes): Neurospora crassa thaplotyp t haplotype: male house mouse ~ proximal third of Chromosome 17 preferential transmission 95–99% 4 paracentric inversions Þ recombination only 2% responder + several distorters t/t males sterile Þ more than 15 lethal genes diverse genetic structure leads to different drive results: both chromosomes normal Þ 1:1 segregation highest transmission distortion when complete t haplotype and normal chromosome combination respoder distorters Ó Vesmír 2006/12 TRD mechanism different from drosophila: responder = Smok (fused gene) regulation of gene cascade involved in flagellum formation Ó Vesmír 2006/12 distorter responder 2. Maternal-effect killers ´ ♀ M/+ ♂ +/+ M/+ +/+ Medea gene: Maternal-Effect Dominant Embryonic Arrest Tribolium castaneum mother M/+ the gene eliminates all descendants who do not possess it – the +/+ individuals die in the second larval instar 3. Sex-biased inheritance uniparentally inherited genes are interested just in reproduction of the particular sex Þ sex ratio distortion X chromosome drive Þ female-biased sex ratio Þ selection will favour return to the original state cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in 5-10% populations of monoecious plants mixed populations with sterile male plants this sterility caused by mutant mitochondrial genome advantage when the plants with sterile male sex invest more to pollen than to seeds Þ transmission of more mitochondria chromosome%20X%20et%20Y male female if mother has 1 son and 1 daughter number of copies of her mtDNA remains the same ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ mtDNA CMS similar effect is caused by Wolbachia intracellular parasite of arthropods killes males who do not possess Wolbachia reduction of competition for sources – kin selection besides killing males Wolbachia can have other phenotypic effects: feminisation: infected males are developing as females or infertile pseudofemales parthenogenesis: eg. in Trichogramma wasps males rare (likely due to wolbachias) ® wolbachias help females to reproduce parthenogenetically, ie. without males cytoplasmic incompatibility: inability of males with wolbachias to reproduce with females which does not possess them or which have wolbachias of other strain ® reproductive barier, speciation Overreplication Transposable elements (transposons) incorporating of copies to other genome site (Barbara McClintock: „jumping genes“ in maize) usually not removed from genome ® molecular fossils usually huge numbers human: > half of genome horizontal transfer, also between species in some cases effect on gene regulation 1. DNA elements „cut-and-paste“ enzyme transposase Ac a Ds elements in maize (B. McClintock), mariner in animals, P elements in Drosophila 2. Retroelements „copy-and-paste“ through RNA stage, reverse transcription (reverse transcriptase) template stays at the original place Þ increase of copy numbers novel site DNA RNA reverse transcription Retroelements LTR-retrotransposons: copia in D. melanogaster retroposons: LINE – L1 in human: 17% of genome SINE: short, do not code for own reverse transcriptase Alu sequence in human – 12% of genome; B1, B2 in mouse 3. MITE (miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements) Stowaway, Tourist gene effects can extend outside organisms – R. Dawkins: The Extended Phenotype Eg.: cases of caddisfly larvae, spider webs normal mescaline LSD caffeine marihuana (THC) amphetamine chloral hydrate flukes: parasited individuals bulid thicker shells Toxoplasma gondii: decrease of host´s reaction time http://toxoplasmosisinpregnancy.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/01.jpg similarly parasitic flukes: eg. abdomen of parasited ant Cephalotes atratus turns red so that resembles edible berry (other species change ants´ behaviour ® they climb up a grass blade where they are eaten by cattle or sheeps) http://stockarch.com/files/13/01/grazing_sheep.jpg ant Monomorium santschii: absence of workers ® invasion of foreign ant nests, „command“ to kill own queen and to adopt the invader queen http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MSQJxNqsV78/UvZrZxq1bKI/AAAAAAAAEj4/8Yl2UfANcwk/s1600/ant.jpg http://www.hellodaly.com/uploaded_images/ants-730589.jpg Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina) caterpillars: on head an organ producing a narcotic nectar; another pair of glands causing increased aggressiveness against all organisms except the carerpillar itself ® protection („bodyguard“), several days of ants´drug addiction, ants do not leave the caterpillar http://www.kolumbus.fi/~kr5298/lnel/lyc/Hamlucin.jpg https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOpMWVbUsy5wjXj3Krh7ACvzXvNcpB3rOJ_ugSQ3lMvwp ArC7u7g http://cdn.phys.org/newman/gfx/news/hires/2009/1-orphanarmyan.jpg Výsledek obrázku pro Hamearis lucina larva image