Evolutionary trends and mechanisms of chromosome number variation Basic or base chromosome number (x) • a relative concept [x has to be related to a certain taxonomic unit, e.g. genus or (sub)family] • monobasic taxa (single x number), dibasic taxa (two x nos.) and polybasic taxa (>2 x nos.) • are there any evolutionary trends in chromosome number changes? • are the same chromosome number and similar karyotype structure indicative of close phylogenetic relationship? • can polybasic taxa be regarded as monophyletic? • is the most common basic chromosome number automatically the ancestral one? Asteraceae – example of a polybasic family Chromosome numbers of plants vary enormously over a 360-fold range. n = 2 in five angiosperm species n = 630 in the fern Ophioglossum reticulatum Chromosome number variation Haplopappus gracilis Chromosome number variation • Stasis • Decrease (descending dysploidy) • Increase (polyploidy and ascending dysploidy) Chromosome Number Diversity Across Land Plants 9,000 species 200 - 250 1,290 10,560 Rice et al. (2014) New Phytol; Christenhusz and Byng (2016) Phytotaxa 1,079 12,700 295,383 Fern „Polyploidy Paradox“: high chromosome nos., but no clear evidence. Multiple WGDs and Dysploidies ? Clark et al. (2016) New Phytologist 64 68 46 40 48 72 44 78 90 104 216 44 48 46 44 56 1,080 18 120 92 276 22 576 40 232 22 256 44 78 160 104 1,440 416 216 88 Vanneste et al. (2015) Plant Cell 13 21 7 - 28 (69% species polyploid) 12 8-14 11, 22 12, 13 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 x = 22 x = 9 - 19 Li et al. (2015) Sci Adv Murray (2013) in Plant Genome Diversity Ickert-Bond and Renner (2016) JSE Reduced Chromosome Number Diversity and Rare Neopolyploids in Gymnosperms M T T Ancient Whole-Genome Duplications in Gymnosperms 13 21 7 - 28 (69% species polyploid) 12 8-14 11, 22 12, 13 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 x = 22 Li et al. (2015) Sci Adv Murray (2013) in Plant Genome Diversity Ickert-Bond and Renner (2016) JSE Post-Polyploidy Chromosomal Schuffling in Coniferales ? de Miguel et al. (2015) GBE; Li et al. (2015) Sci Adv 2 independent WGDs ? Li et al. (2015) de Miguel et al. (2015) Kotseruba et al. (2003) Genome Jackson et al. (2002) Am J Bot A 160-Fold Variation of Chromosome Numbers in Angiosperms Haplopappus gracilis n = 2 Zingeria biebersteiniana n = 2 Voanioala gerardii n = 303 Röser et al. (2015) CGR Oginuma et al. (2006) PSE Strasburgeria robusta n = 250 diploidspolyploids diploidization (dysploidy, aneuploidy,...) genome duplication Otto and Whitton (2000) Annu Rev Genet; Rice et al. (2014) New Phytol Distribution of Haploid Chromosome Numbers in Angiosperms Was Shaped by Polyploidy and Subsequent Dysploidy even = duplication dysploidy odd =dysploidy allopolyploidy 2 320 Chromosome number variation • Stasis • Decrease (descending dysploidy) • Increase (polyploidy and ascending dysploidy) Allopolyploidy (and of course autopolyploidy) • misdivision resulting in a tetrasomic plant (2n+2) (or first trisomy: 2n+1 followed by tetrasomy, 2n+2) or monosomic plant (2n-1, this is descending dysploidy) • the extra chromosome can diverge from their homologues through a translocation with nonhomologous chromosomes Ascending dysploidy 1. Centric fission (1 metacentric chromosome  2 telocentrics) 2. Meiotic misdivision (non-disjunction) probably in orchids, cycads... Centric fissions  telocentric chromosomes in cycads (Zamia) Centric Fissions Increase Chromosome Number in Seed Plants 18  30 26  32 26  42 20 20 Guo et al. (2012) Plos ONE; Karasawa and Tanaka (1980) Cytologia Cox et al. (1998) Am J Bot; Leitch et al. (2009) Ann Bot Centric Fissions Are Rare in Seed Plants Despite Evidence of Efficient Chromosome Healing Luzula elegans Jankowska et al. (2015) Chromosoma McClintock (1941), Marks (1957), Brighton (1978), Schubert et al. (1992), Slijepcevic and Bryant (1998), Tsujimoto et al. (1999), Jankowska et al. (2015), Koo et al. (2015), Wanner et al. (2015), Rocha et al. (2016) bread wheat, ditelosomic Dt 3AS courtesy of B. Friebe (Koo et al. 2015, PLoS ONE) „Sticky“ chromosome ends can be stabilized by de novo telomere formation or „chromosome healing.“ Telocentrics can be „unstable“… Wanner et al. (2015) Chromosoma Bst7 Bst3 Bst6 Bst1 Bst4 Bst2 Bst5 Boechera genomes originated from eight ancestral chromosomes descending dysploidy n = 8  n = 7 Boechera stricta (n = 7) A1 C1 D BS2 C2 A2 F X W G I J V K H L M N O P Q R S T U BS3 BS4 BS5 BS6 BS7BS1 E B Mandáková et al. (2016) Plant J 20 A1 C1 D 2 C2 A2 F X W G I J V K H L M N O P Q R S T U 3 4 5 6 7BS1 E B 2n = 15 apomict BS 1 Het Del 2n = 15 Ascending dysploidy by centric fission fixed due to apomixis A1 C1 D BS1 A1 C1 Het centric fission Del D pericentric inversion A1 C1 2n = 14 sexual A1 C1 D BS1 Del D A1 C1 Het Mandáková et al. (2016) Plant J Chromosome number variation • Stasis • Decrease (descending dysploidy) • Increase (polyploidy and ascending dysploidy) Descending Dysploidy via Terminal Chromosome Translocations Roberstonian(-like) translocations / centric „fusions“ End-to-end translocations / „fusions“ Robertsonian (unequal reciprocal) translocation and meiotic seqregation gametes lost 2n = 8 2n = 8 or 7 or 6 chromosome number reduction End-to-End Translocations in Plants Are Probably More Common Than Previously Thought Mandáková et al. (2016) Am J Bot Wang and Bennetzen (2012) PNAS Chromosome „fusion“ – the origin of the human (dicentric) chromosome 2 Chiatante et al. (2017), MBE Two optionss how the „fusion“ chromosome 2 was stabilized • the ancestral centromere (AC) was either epigenetically inactivated or centromeredetermining sequences were excised • the excision is more probable – what mechanism? • recombination-based excision, most likely in one step (similar human clinical cases...) Ancestral Crucifer Karyotype (ACK) (24 ancestral genomic blocks) n = 4 – 8? n = 8  - WGD diploidization WGD = whole-genome duplication (polyploidization) Crucifers (Brassicaceae): the origin of the common ancestral genome 27 Arabidopsis thaliana - extensive chromosome reshuffling linked with chromosome number reduction from n=8 to n=5 Lysak et al. 2006, PNAS; Hu et al. 2011, Nat Genet Ancestral Karyotype Ancestral Crucifer Karyotype (n=8) Ancestral Karyotype Lysak et al. (2006) PNAS Reductions of Chromosome Numbers Were Independent and Used Different Chromosome Breakpoints Descending Dysploidy in Grasses is Mediated by Nested Chromosome Insertions (NCIs) Wang et al. (2014) New Phytol Nested Chromosome Insertions Repeatedly Mediated Descending Dysploidy in Grasses Wang et al. (2014) New Phytol n = 12 n = 7 n = 9 n = 10 n = 12 n = 5 n = 10 AK5/8/6 Fonsêca, Ferraz and PedrosaHarand (2016) Chromosoma Mandáková, Heenan and Lysak (2010) BMC Evol Biol Lysak et al. (2006) PNAS Mandáková et al. (2013) Plant Cell Did Nested Chromosome Insertions Occur Only in Grasses ? Phaseolus 22  20 Hornungia alpina 8  6 Cardamine pratensis 32  30 Hou et al. (2016) GBE Populus / Salix 19  19 Pachycladon exilis 15 (16)  10 Chromosome number change due to aneuploidy the diploid apple tree - Malus (Considine et al.) • all tetraploid seedlings were derived from 2n ova fertilized with 2n spermatozoa • all triploids from 2n ova fertilized with n spermatozoa • all aneuploids from n ova fertilized with aneuploid spermatozoa Thus ova only contributed euploidy while spermatozoa contributed a range of cytotypes, including aneuploidy, to non-diploid seedlings in the diploid Malus. Odd basic chromosome numbers in Rosaceae (x=7, 8 and 7; x=17 in the tribe Pyreae) the Pyreae have long been considered an example of allopolyploidization between species related to extant Spiraeoideae (x = 9) and Amygdaleoideae (x = 8) taxa Considine MJ et al. (2012) Molecular Genetic Features of Polyploidization and Aneuploidization Reveal Unique Patterns for Genome Duplication in Diploid Malus. PLoS ONE 7(1): e29449. Schematic Summary of the Features of Gametic Combinations for Apple Polyploidization in Diploid Malus Three-step scenario to the odd basic chromosome number in Malus: (aneuploidization - eupolyploidization - dip​loidization)  aneuploidization of two sister taxa (x = 9, 2n = 18) to 2n = 17 (x = 9)  whole-genome duplication in both ova and spermatozoa  tetraploids (x = 9, 4n = 34)  diploidization  the extant diploid state (x = 17, 2n = 34) (diploid-like meiosis) Odd basic chromosome numbers in the Pyreae (x=17) Aneuploidization can result in speciation with both odd and even basic chromosome numbers, while eupolyploidization can ONLY contribute to even basic chromosome numbers. Chromosome number evolution in phylogenetic contexts Descending dysploidy in Hypochaeris (Asteraceae) n=4 n=6 n=3 n=5 n=4, 5 Descending dysploidy in Podolepis (Asteraceae) • the extraordinary series of chromosome numbers, n = 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 and 3 (dysploidy) • chromosome number of n = 10 is the most common in the genus, and thus, x = 10 was regarded as the ancestral chromosome base number for the genus Descending dysploidy in Podolepis (Asteraceae) Podolepis • the haploid chromosome number of n = 12 is the most common in the related genera (Chrysocephalum, Waitzia, Leptorhynchos, Pterochaeta) • according to the phylogenetic analysis, the ancestral chromosome base number in the genus Podolepis may be x = 12 • chromosome number reduction has occurred in three lineages: ‐ from n = 12 to n = 10 and 9 in the subclade A ‐ from n = 12 to n = 8 and 7 in the subclade B1 ‐ from n = 12 to n = 11 and 3 in the subclade B2 • the low chromosome numbers of n = 8, 7 and 3 were found only in annual species which were distributed in semi-arid regions • comparing the karyotypes between the taxa with n = 12 (in Waitzia and Chrysocephalum) and n = 10 (perennial Podolepis), the increase in the number of large chromosomes accompanies the decrease in the number of medium-sized chromosomes in Podolepis  the reduction in chromosome number has been achieved by the unequal reciprocal translocations, followed by the loss of the short translocation product Chromosome number pattern congruent with phylogenetic relationships: Ranunculaceae • the Thalictrum group (T-chromosome group) has short and small chromosomes with a basic number of 7 or 9 • Langlet (1927, 1932) recognized two subfamilies of Ranunculaceae (Ranunculoideae and Thalictroideae) on the basis of cytological characters, including chromosome size and basic number • Ro et al. (1997): chromosome type and base number are congruent with the inferred molecular (rDNA) phylogeny • fruit type (often used for the higher classification) was not congruent with karyological data and phylogenetic patterns • the Ranunculus group of genera (R-chromosome group) has large and long chromosomes with a basic number of 8 • c. 67 spp. • chromosome numbers n = 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 • molecular phylogenetic study carried out to test the monophyly of the three sections and 12 subsections erected by Ownbey (1940) based on morphology and chromosome number Descending and ascending (?) dysploidy in Calochortus (Liliaceae) • the ancestral chromosome number of Calochortus is x = 9 • descending aneuploidy (9  8, 7, 6) • ascending aneuploidy (9  10) BUT is this true or the phylogeny is wrong? Descending and ascending (?) dysploidy in Calochortus (Liliaceae) Patterson and Givnish (2003) end Crucifers (Brassicaceae): evolution of an ancestral genome eight but rearranged Evolution of the Ancestral Crucifer Genome – DIPLOIDS unchanged descending dysploidy n = 8  n = 7, 6 & 5 Cardamine hirsuta (n = 8) Boechera stricta (n = 7) A1 C1 D BS2 C2 A2 F X W G I J V K H L M N O P Q R S T U BS3 BS4 BS5 BS6 BS7BS1 E B Capsella rubella (n = 8) 46 Lysak et al. 2006, PNAS; Schranz, Lysak & Mitchell-Olds 2006, TiPS Ancestral Crucifer Karyotype (ACK) (24 ancestral genomic blocks) Different fates of the Ancestral Crucifer Karyotype in „diploids“ and polyploids n = 4 n = 8  - WGD WGD WGD  WGD = whole-genome duplication (polyploidization) 47 Ancestral Crucifer Karyotype remained conserved in some taxa of Lineage I Slotte et al. 2013, Nat Genet Capsella rubella (n = 8) Capsella rubella vs. Arabidopsis lyrata (both have ACK-like genome) 48 Diversification without large-scale chromosome rearrangements: karyotype stasis in the Cardamineae ACK (n = 8) ancestral karyotype of Cardamineae (n = 8) Cardamineae: 12 genera (337 spp.) worldwide Mandáková and Lysak, in prep. 49 Descending dysploidy and genome stasis across Lineage II Mandáková and Lysak 2008, Plant Cell; Cheng et al. 2013, Plant Cell ACK (n = 8) Ancestral Crucifer Karyotype t(AK2, AK5/6/8) tPCK (n = 7)PCK (n = 7) Proto-Calepineae Karyotype n = 8 n = 7 Soltis et al. 2005 Reconstructing the ancestral base number for angiosperms • the reconstructed ancestral base chromosome number is x=6 • x=6 is a theoretical reconstructed base number, it can be said that the ancestral number was low - between x=6 nad 9 x=6 Salse 2012 Reconstructing the ancestral chromosome number and paleogenomes Reconstructing the ancestral chromosome number and paleogenomes Salse 2012 whole-genome duplication Reconstructing the ancestral chromosome number and paleogenomes whole-genome duplication Reconstructed genome evolution in grasses CF = „chromosome fusion“ = whole-genome duplication (polyploidy) Murat et al. (2014) GBE Descending and ascending aneuploidy in Sideritis (Lamiaceae) • bimodal pattern of chromosomal change • Clade 1 shows decreasing aneuploid series, with 2n=44 being the ancestral number • Clade 2 (with some ambiguity): 2n=36 is the ancestral number and ascending aneuploidy has occurred