import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Ukol 1 with open('eclipse.txt', 'r') as f: lines ='\n') dates = [] eclipse_numbers = [] # P = polotienove (1), U = uplne (2), C = ciastocne (3) for line in lines: line_list = line.split() year = line_list[0] month = line_list[1] eclipe_type = line_list[2] dates.append(int(year) + (int(month) - 1)/12.) if eclipe_type == 'P': eclipse_numbers.append(1) elif eclipe_type == 'Ú': eclipse_numbers.append(2) elif eclipe_type == 'Č': eclipse_numbers.append(3) plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3)) plt.plot(dates, eclipse_numbers, 'o') plt.xlabel('cas [rok]') plt.ylabel('typ zatmenia') plt.yticks([1, 2, 3], ['P', 'U', 'C']) time1 = [dates[i] for i in range(len(dates)) if (dates[i] > 1910 and (eclipse_numbers[i] == 3))][0] time2 = [dates[i] for i in range(len(dates)) if (dates[i] > 1985 and (eclipse_numbers[i] == 3))][0] saros = (time2 - time1)/4 print('Perioda sarosu je {} rokov.'.format(saros)) # Ukol 2 data = np.loadtxt('SN_m_tot_V2.0.txt') x = data[:,2] y = data[:,3] plt.figure(figsize=(15, 3)) plt.xticks(range(1700,2020,10)) plt.plot(x, y, 'o') plt.xlabel('cas [rok]') plt.ylabel('Wolfovo cislo') time2 = 2014. time1 = 1762 n = 24 print('Hlavny slnecny cyklus ma periodu {} rokov.'.format((time2 - time1)/n)) # Ukol 3 with open('asu-txt.txt', 'r') as f: lines ='\n') u_U = [] T_U = [] u_V = [] T_V = [] u_B = [] T_B = [] for line in lines: line_list = line.split() if line_list[5] is 'U': u_U.append(float(line_list[4])) T_U.append(float(line_list[1])) elif line_list[5] is 'B': u_B.append(float(line_list[4])) T_B.append(float(line_list[1])) elif line_list[5] is 'V': u_V.append(float(line_list[4])) T_V.append(float(line_list[1])) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) plt.scatter(T_U, u_U, s=2, c='m', label='U') plt.scatter(T_B, u_B, s=2, c='b', label='B') plt.scatter(T_V, u_V, s=2, c='g', label='V') plt.xlabel('T [K]') plt.ylabel('u') plt.legend()