Tight-binding method in a nutshell Consider first, for the sake of simplicity, a solid built up from atoms of the same type. A tight binding variational wavefunction is given by ψ(r) = inlm ainlmφnlm(r − Ri) , (1) where φnlm(r) are the atomic orbitals, the index i refers to atoms of the lattice, Ri is the position vector of the i-th nucleus. The values of the coefficients ainlm are to be found by using the variational method. In the following, we consider a simple crystal lattice with one atom per unit cell. We may thus restrict our attention to functions satisfying the Bloch theorem, ψ(r + Rq) = eikRq ψ(r) ∀ Rq of the crystal lattice. By inserting the expression on the r. h. s. of Eq. (1) we obtain inlm ainlmφnlm[r − (Ri − Rq)] = eikRq inlm ainlmφnlm(r − Ri) . (2) By comparing the expressions on the left and the right hand side of the above equation (the coefficients associated with the wave function φnlm(r) “at the origin") we find that aqnlm = a0nlmeikRq . (3) The expansion of Eq. (1) then becomes ψ(r) = nlm a0nlm q eikRq φnlm(r − Rq) = = nlm anlmϕk,nlm(r) , (4) where anlm = a0nlm √ N, ϕk,nlm = 1 √ N q eikRq φnlm(r − Rq) , (5) and N is the number of unit cells in the Born Kármán region. The factor 1/ √ N is introduced because of normalization: if the set of the atomic orbitals is orthonormal then the wavefunctions defined by Eq. (5) are normalized. For any k, the number of basis wavefunctions ϕk,nlm, and also the corresponding number of equations to be solved, is the same as the number of atomic orbitals considered! It remains to find the equations determining the coefficients anlm(k) (the argument has been added, the coefficients are k-dependent) of Eq. (4). The strategy is the same as in the studies of the electronic structure of simple molecules; the variational condition leads to the following set of equations: nlm anlm(k)[ ϕk,n′l′m′ |h|ϕk,nlm − ǫ(k) ϕk,n′l′m′ |ϕk,nlm ] = 0 . (6) The matrix elements in the above equation are then expressed in terms of those between the atomic orbitals: φn′l′m(r − Ri)|h|φnlm(r − Rj) and φn′l′m(r − Ri)|φnlm(r − Rj) . 1 Frequently it is assumed that the only relevant matrix elements of h are (a) the “on-site matrix elements”, φnlm(r − Ri)|h|φnlm(r − Ri) = ǫnlm, and (b) the “hopping matrix elements” corresponding to “nearest neighbours” φn′l′m′ (r − Ri)|h|φnlm(r − Rj) = tij,n′l′m′,nlm (i, j nearest neighbours). The values of the on-site matrix elements and the hopping-matrix elements may be estimated according to various semiempirical rules. The overlap matrix φn′l′m′ (r−Ri)|φnlm(r−Rj) is frequently approximated by the unit matrix δijδn′l′m′;nlm. For crystals with several atoms per unit cell, we obtain an analogue of Eq. (6), where the sum runs, in addition to n,l,m, over the atoms. 2