Topics and class activities Malaria - background info, kahoot quiz Pořadí odpovědi Odpověď 1 Téma malárie mi není moc blízké, proto mě to moc nebavilo. Na můj vkus bylo tomuto tématu věnováno mnoho času. 2 It was great to get to know more information on Malaria problem. The quiz was very good way of repeating information we got in course and it was also small competition among ourselves :) 3 The backround info was great. Personally I learnt lot of new things about the disease, for example I have never heard about Artemisinin. Kahoot quiz was also great, nice way to find out what we have learnt. 4 Really nice with funny activity 5 The quiz was very interesting. It was a good way to enliven the lesson. 6 The quiz was good way how to make the activity more interesting... 7 Kahoot was great, I have never heard about it before, so it was for me nice experience. I have also gaps in malaria problematic - it was for me also useful. 8 I really liked articles about Malaria in osnova, which contained new information for me. Kahoot quiz was also great fun however, I was sad when it stopped working. :( 9 I like competitive activities like kahoot. In my opinion they are funny and also useful. 10 It is important for all student to know something about malaria before preparing the project. Quiz was a good idea how to make the lesson special. 11 I appreciated info about malaria, because I have taught some new information and kahoot quiz was fun. 12 Backgound info about malaria was interesting, especially the part about the Nobel prize laureate. And the quiz was a pleasant diversion. 13 Kahoot quiz was awesome, I like that many lectors started with it this semester :) Background info about malaria was interesting. 14 Kahoot quiz was fun, but the questions were quite hard. 15 It was funny. I like it 16 I really enjoyed the kahoot quiz. It was fun. 17 Was okay. It would be great to have some other topics as well. Maybe some other vector borne diseases. 18 I missed this lesson. 19 I'd say reading about malaria was well chosen topic, as it was connected to multiple fields in biology, unlike some other possible topics, such as ecology - specific ones. Reading also included new information which was good to read. Malaria project, teamwork Pořadí odpovědi Odpověď 1 Platí to, co jsem zmiňovala výše. 2 Malaria was great topic for teamwork and the project. We could find new information about disease and show our creativity while finding for a solution. 3 I had been lacking some more team work in university studies and I was very pleased that we were given this opportunity. It reminded me my studies in grammar school but it was a lot higher level than there. 4 Teamwork was great, especially when we did not see each other during week 5 It was nice to see the ideas from more people. But the teamwork was a bit difficult, because we all have many other subjects and other work. 6 Thanks to the topic I could research and learn new information in the field that I am not interested in as a scientist in my field of study. The hard thing was to cooperate with others while making the presentation, since everyone was busy. But in the end it all went fine. 7 Interesting and in fact funny, good for building a team in class :) 8 I like this project because I had to cooperate with new classmates which have different specialization. So I have learned something new from molecular biology and also it compel me to think about the malaria problems and the solution. 9 I appreciated brainstorming before creating teams and starting the project. I also liked that we had free hands in terms of how we approach this project. 10 I will not lie to you, malaria is not my cup of tea but on the other side it was interesting to learned something new. Some parts were very interesting. 11 Good experience of work with new people. 12 for anthropologist strange topic, out of their specialisation 13 In my opinion it was great way to end seminar. 14 The team did not work like a team. I am not that much into projects. ... 15 Teamwork had its flaws in some moments, but that is not a problem of English course. 16 This project was unnecessary, assignment was difficult and it was nearly impossible to cooperate together with everyone from our team. 17 Ok 18 It was a bit difficult to get in touch with the colleagues because we had a very different schedule. But when we get in touch, it was really fun. 19 Great idea. It was a good practice. 20 I like the idea about teamwork, but I am not interested in malaria. We had to spend much time by searching for information about it and thinking about solution. Maybe it would be better if students could choose from more topics. 21 Working on project was not too time demanding and it was a fun activity to do. Also, having to think about ways such project should be structured will be useful for all who have participated in the future. Malaria - feedback from Michal Pořadí odpovědi Odpověď 1 Nebyla jsem na hodině. 2 Feedback from Michal was very helpful in our project work. It made us think through the problem more closely. 3 I know Michal from a laboratory and he is kind person with such knowledge. The feedback from him was nice, the questions were on point and also he told us what to do better. 4 Nice feedback and questions 5 It was nice to see some different point of view, but I think the feedback could be more detailed. 6 Michal had interesting questions and his overall approach was very positive. 7 Useful, I appreciate his presence in our classes. 8 Michals feedback was great because he only commend us and had only one remark, so it was nice from him. On the other hand I was expeting more comments. 9 This was probably the best part. I always like, when someone asks me questions about my work because they often point out things I wouldn't even think of. Please say thank to him that he took the time to give us feedback. 10 I do not have anything to write about it. I was satisfied. 11 Good idea to have student's projects checked by a biologist. 12 helpful 13 We had to think about our project in different ways because of Michal's questions and I think it was really helpful. 14 interesting, new point of view ... 15 It's a good idea. It was nice to hear his opinion on our ideas. 16 Feedback was delivered late. 17 He gave us a useful feedback. 18 It was good to discuss the topic with someone who knows more about the issue. 19 + 20 I think person with degree in science is helpful in such projects. 21 I would say feedback was quite useful. Michal pointed out what would need to be included in such presentation, such as encountered problems and ways it was overcome. Having him as a part of the lesson was good addition. Malaria - presentations, peer feedback Pořadí odpovědi Odpověď 1 Vyzkoušet si prezentaci je určitě užitečné, škoda té malárie, byli jsme na kurzu studenti různých oborů, možná bychom měli prezentace zajímavější, kdybychom si mohli zvolit něco svého a pracovat takto. Tím, že jsme byli ve skupinách z různých oborů, byl problém se domluvit. 2 Presentations were great culmination of whole semester, every group did a great job. We tried how to present our topic like we are at conference, with discussion etc. 3 I was a little nervous but I had my colleagues :). I really enjoyed working in team and listening to others thoughts. ANd also projects of others was also geat. 4 Good to practise presenting some topic to people, nice evaluation from all 5 I like this presentations, because it is a kind of training the presenting skills. But I think the feedback could be for example written or I don't know, for everybody could express what he thinks about the single presentation. It is hard to quickly say something to the single person in front of the whole class. But I would appreciate if someone says me what is fine and what I don't do well in more than one sentence. 6 It was interesting to see other people's way to deal with the topic. 7 Good opportunity to try to present scientific presentation in english. 8 I do not know, what shall I write. I think that you and our classmates liked the presentation because of spinach smoothie. 9 Overall I liked presenting our project in English. I think it's very useful and it was a great opportunity. 10 I am not so much confident with presentating especially in english so this is a very good experience for me. I hope I will take an advantage from it during exams. 11 Presentation is part of the English exam, so it is good to try to present. 12 help to be more comfortable wuth giving feedback 13 I think it was also good to us, because we needed to respond to unexpected questions quickly. 14 Presentation could be earlier in the semester - not now, when exams are coming and we have not got lot of time. 15 I'd prefer a different topic for final presentation, it was a little bit too much of malaria. 16 I didn't like the part when you said someone's name and he had to give feedback. 17 I am glad that I survived :) 18 It was interesting to watch colleagues from different study programmes to present their point of view and their approach to the problem. 19 +/- 20 Presentations were really funny. 21 I think that presentations could be finished slightly sooner, giving time to other students to prepare questions for ones presenting. That could better simulate the situation, where ones presenting are suddenly facing difficult questions from people working in the same field. CV, cover letter, mock interview Pořadí odpovědi Odpověď 1 Naučila jsem se spoustu užitečných věcí, které určitě jednou použiji. 2 Also great idea to try how it works at interviews. All of these we will need in near future, so it was good to write it and try it. 3 This may come in handy in future when we will be applying for job which will surely happen. For example I didn`t know that I shouldn`t mention my elementary school in CV. 4 Quite nice, just some little mistakes 5 If I really wanted to get the job I would write it better and I will be more prepared for the interview, because I will have higher motivation. I was very nervous to say something personal in the mock interview, or to write it in my CV. 6 The chance of giving an interview in English was very helpful. 7 It was not the most funny activity of all time, but I think it was very useful and the interview was in fact quite fun :) I enjoyed it, really. 8 The idea with this toppic was great and I thank for it because I think that we need this experience and it can help us in our future life, especialy the mock interview. On the other hand it was the most stressful part of this course. 9 This one was probably the hardest for me. First of all, we didn't know, why we were choosing our job advertisement. So we end up choosing very hard job we didn't have all the prerequisites. So I ended up kinda stressed. Although it's great practice to contain our nerves and to not show it. It was a very useful experience and I liked that we got feedback immediately. I hope that next year will technics make open access to the CV and CL folder, so we could read our classmates' CV beforehand. 10 For me this was the most useful part of our lessons. I surely took a lot from it and I am totally going to use this new knowledge in my future. 11 It was a good practice for life outside the school. 12 good to future career 13 I liked that you found time to react to CV and cover letters of all of us. Mock interview was also really useful. 14 The interview was little bit stressful, but very useful. ... 15 It is not related to biology... However, it was useful and sometimes even entertaining (especially with Marek's participation :D) 16 It was quite nice try these things, but the mock interview was too much stressful. 17 Very useful 18 The interview was a bit stressful, but in the end, it was OK. 19 Thank you for teaching us how to do this stuff. Very helpful. 20 These tasks and activities were really useful. This subject is probably the only one which teaches something like that. 21 I really appreciate inclusion of this section in the course, as applying for a job is a vital part of professional life. Whether one will apply in English or using other languages, lessons learned will be useful. Perhaps limiting the interview with timer would be useful to not drag it out for too long. (per person who is being interview). Origin of life, Evolution vs. Intelligent Design - panel discussion Pořadí odpovědi Odpověď 1 I toto téma mi rozšířilo obzory. 2 I was watching the whole document about the fight between ID and Evolution. Even it was long, I was very interested in the argumentation of both sides. I really enjoyed the panel discussion too, it was good experience. 3 Very interesting topic. Especially the court tapes. Interesting how people differ in their opinions on evolution. Little shocking for me. 4 Very interesting topic, good to know some more information about it 5 I think it was really difficult theme for the panel discussion, because we didn't know very well, what is going on in this theories. It is really hard to understand it even in czech language. And in the discussion itself I defended the opposite site than my own oppinion is, so it was really difficult. 6 It was hard to give arguments about a topic that don't agree with, but very useful. 7 At the beginning of this activity I was not very interested, but panel discussion made it very interesting, and again, I enjoyed it :D 8 I have never heard before about term intelligent design, so it was for me new. I like panel discussion more than just talking in pairs, so I am really glad that you include it in our lessons. 9 I think that this one would work better in pairs. That way everyone would have to speak and it would be much easier to follow the arguments. However, I liked the documentary. 10 Better than malaria because this topic is closer to my heart. 11 Original way how to practice speaking skills. 12 intersting topic 13 Again, very useful information I did not know about. 14 interesting topic, but I cannot engage in discussion, too shy for it ... 15 It was an interesting topic. 16 These topics were interesting. 17 Interesting 18 Unfortunately, I missed the lesson when the panel discussion took place. But I watched the video about the trial and it was really entertaining. 19 Liked the idea of panel discussion, hated the theme. 20 It was interesting topic and moreover we had to think about arguments for both sides what improves our argumentation skills. 21 This was by far the best part of the course, as we were supposed to present our arguments. I think topics like these, where at least one side has to play the devils advocate may be very useful for future situations like these. Ageing, telomeres, telomerase Pořadí odpovědi Odpověď 1 OK. 2 I had a subject about this topic, so I considered this like review. But it is interesting topic. 3 This was a little repeating for me due to my area of studies but it was good to hear these things also in english. 4 Also interesting 5 Interesting topic to think about and also a lot of vocabulary. 6 Nothing comes to my mind... 7 This topic was shorter than others, so I do not have any comment. But I also like this interesting topic. 8 Again, I've learnt some new things. Which is always good. 9 I was satisfied. 10 Boring topic. 11 Was not very interesting to me. 12 nice revision of molecular biology ... 13 Nice. And there was an interesting video about the machine which helps you to feel old. 14 It was bound with our field of study, which is definitely great. 15 Ok 16 It was an interesting topic. 17 + 18 Good topic, it combines biology and common life (for example discussion about fear of ageing). 19 The topic was quite interesting, however the questions in innitial discussion were kind of hard to talk about at first, without laughing a little bit. (Questions asking how afraid we are of reaching certain age : ) ) Lifespans, comparative study - rodents Pořadí odpovědi Odpověď 1 OK 2 I was surprised how much social life affects lifespan (in example of lions and tygers). 3 Another interesting topic, I liked the comparison between species. 4 Quite interesting, could be more, if we practise more activities 5 This topic was interesting especially because I learned a lot about different animals and their adaptions to survive. 6 Nice topic, but there were others that I liked more. 7 I like it too, but the record which we were listening was not so good. 8 This one was fun! It was very interesting to compare all those animals and to think why they have such lifespans and what plays the role in terms of its length. 9 Interesting topic. I liked it. 10 Interesting topic 11 It was fun to talk about lifespans of different animals, because there were mentioned also kinds, which we do not know much about. Very useful. 12 I was absent. ... 13 I like the topic. However, I'd like to learn more new things about it and we were mostly just discussing things I already knew. 14 Nice topic. 15 a few interesting information 16 It was also an interesting topic. 17 + 18 Good topic, but nothing special. 19 Comparing the different species in terms of their life span and trying to figure out which one lives longer than the comparable one was a lot of fun. The real answers presented later were full of new information, that was often quite surprising. How do whales and dolphins sleep? Pořadí odpovědi Odpověď 1 OK, dozvěděla jsem se nějaké zajímavosti. 2 I learned a lot of new things in this part of the couse. Very interesting information. 3 I really enjoyed this topic and studies about it. I did not know how do they sleep so I was really surprised. 4 Really interesting, I learnt a lot of new things about their sleeping habits 5 I didn't know many details about this process and I am glad that I learned them. 6 I was absent. 7 This theme was great, I like it because everything was for me new and I learned a lot. I also like the activity when we were just guessing how they breathe and sleep. 8 Sorry to repeat myself but this was also very interesting. I had no idea they shut only half of the brain. It actually raised even more question and I hope I will learn about it more in my free time. 9 Also very interesting topic. I liked this one very much. You should think about that topics like that will be some kind of projects next time :) 10 Interesting topic. 11 interesting information about doplhins 12 I knew a little about this "problematic" but it was interesting and I liked it. 13 interesting, something new for me ... 14 The same here – I'd like to learn more new things about it and we were mostly just discussing things I already knew. 15 Interesting. 16 Very interesting. I really like it 17 I learnt something new, so I enjoyed it. 18 + 19 I missed this lesson. 20 The topic was slightly shorter due to interviews being done at the time, but I've liked the article read in this lesson. Overall evaluation :-( Pořadí odpovědi Odpověď 1 Možná by bylo fajn zakomponovat do hodin trochu víc gramatiky, i kdyby to mělo být jedno cvičení, člověka by to pak trklo se na tu gramatiku trochu podívat. Také mi nevyhovovalo téma malárie, ale zase na druhou stranu chápu, že je obtížné vymyslet téma, kterým by se člověk zavděčil všem. 2 Only bad thing for me was lot of homework. I did not have so much time for doing it properly because of lot of subjects. But if I have less subjects, it will be okay. Nevertheless I think that it was not so bad as I said :) 3 What I would say was minus of this course, I guess for me it`s talking in mock interview and during presentations of our projects. I am rather shy person so I am always nervous. But it was good for me experienced these situation because I will have to face them in future. So it isn`t as minus of this course more likely my not so comfortable moments :) 4 Maybe more practising grammar and other useful things 5 I don't know why, but I din't feel very pleasant in the class. I was very nervous to talk in front of so many unknown people. 6 Maybe it would be nice to include more information about the final exam. 7 I know that some people are not very friendly with the fact that we had to work on project about malaria, because we have to study and work on our diploma thesis and so on, but it was not my case. In fact, it did not take us many time to prepare the project and it was quite relax for me. Thank you for your classes. 8 Nothing. 9 Being locked in a classroom... (I can't think about anything negative.) 10 Some exercises could focus more on grammar. 11 sometimes strange topics for anthropologist (malaria, livespan), but we learn new facts 12 I would appreciate more grammar practice for exam in the class. 13 maybe too much homeworks for "just" 2 credits ... 14 Sometimes there was just too many homework. I felt that I'm spendind three of four times more hours working at home than at school and I didn't like it. I can study on my own whenever I want but now I wanted to learn at school... :( 15 Too much tasks for too low credits. Every week long homeworks and assingments. It was not worthy. I've also hoped that we will work more on preparation on the exam, at least I've thougt it was the original intention of this course. 16 I do not have any 17 There was quite a lot of work to do at home and it was time-consuming, so I think the course should give 3 credits, instead of 2. 18 I would've appreciated more reading activities, similar to those on the dolphins and wales. 19 Maybe we should spend some time by practising exercises for exams. I know many students do not like it, but it could be useful. 20 I would say more exercises focused on use of correct tense or other frequent mistakes, alongside the normal homework would be useful. And perhaps some small 100-200 word essays could be part of the course, which would be then corrected in terms of grammar or word formation. A number of people seemed to have trouble expressing themselves in "English" way, instead choosing to just directly translate czech or slovak sentences into English. This kind of small essay could help them better express their ideas in English. Thank you for the very good job you have done and I wish you the best. :-) Pořadí odpovědi Odpověď 1 Vyhovuje mi způsob výuky, líbí se mi, že se konverzuje ve skupinkách, takže se člověk nestydí a víc si "zamluví". Téma interview, CV a Cover letter hodnotím jako nejužitečnější. Celkově celý semestr hodnotím pozitivně, i přes počáteční nervozitu jsem si angličtinu nakonec i užila a zapsala jsem si ji i v dalším semestru. :) 2 All together whole subject was nice and interesting. All topics were chosen well. The best thing for me were the disscusions and speaking activities, for me the most important thing. Further, we tried lot of important activities, such as interview or presentation, that we will use in the future. Last but not least we learnt lot of new things about science topics. I rate these lessons very high. 3 I really enjoyed this course. I like english and I am trying to read books and watch movies in english so talking about my area of study (biology, genetics) in english is big plus for me. I learned some new and interesting things and I worked in team which improved my team skills. 4 Such a nice collective, only positive people, nice cooperation during team activities 5 I learned something new in english, some biology terms. 6 The atmosphere in the course was very friendly. I like that I learned a lot of interesting information about different biological topics. I also like the homework section because it helped us to keep the track. 7 I like how you always make groups of different people, so at the end of course we have new friends. Next thing I like about this course is that you are able to make us talk almost all the time. That is very useful, and it results in classes full of fun. 8 I think that the lessons were great because of new topic which were for us interesting. Also I am really glad for our group, in my opinion we made friendly atmosphere and it was for the first time when I was looking forward to english lessons (honestly english is my biggest weakness and usually I am afraid of it). 9 Friendly atmosphere, interesting tasks and constructive feedback. Thank you, I really enjoyed your course! 10 I took this class because of exams. I think I am better prepared now. In my opinion there were not any negative parts. I liked structure of course, I liked people, atmosphere and teacher ass well. 11 The course is well organized. The course was beneficial to me. 12 to write own CV and to make "fake" job interwiew is good for future career 13 I liked this course. There were useful information like for example CV or mock interview, but also interesting facts about biology. 14 this course pushed me to "do some English" you were nice to us and did not fix every mistake, even though we do not speak perfectly 15 There were many interesting topics and I enjoyed these classes. Kahoot! :) 16 It was great to practise English and speaking with others, some topics were interesting. 17 It was good:) 18 Sometimes we had a really fun and learnt something new. We also had an opportunity to try present something in English and interview someone or be interviewed. 19 In my opinion the course was very helpful and interesting. Didn't see any major issues with topics or activities. 20 I think we had many various activities, both useful (CV, cover letter) and interesting and funny (presentations). Lessons are good organised, we learnt a lot of vocabulary, discussed many topics and also tried real situations for future (interview). 21 I've really enjoyed the way the lessons were structured, and the plenty of prepared activities. Really good thing about the lesson was also how people were reassigned to tasks in various groups. Topics that were chosen were interesting, and the whole lesson was in quite light-hearted mood. Another positive was pointing out of mistakes in grammar and pronounciation even during activities unrelated to either of two.