Srdečně vás zveme na Zoologický seminář Představení témat disertačních prací Domagoj Gajski: Investigating invertebrate trophic interactions by means of molecular methods Bethan Mason: Epidemiology of helminth infections in great apes with emphasis on mountain gorillas in Virunga Massif in Rwanda Radovan Coufal: Threats for European fen molluscs with an attention to glacial relicts Kryštof Horák: Ptilochronological characteristics and feather quality analysis within the latitudinal gradient in songbirds Tadeáš Nečas: Diversity and systematics of Central African anurans (Phrynobatrachus and Afrobatrachia) František Snítilý: Systematics and taxonomy of squeaker frogs (Arthroleptis) from Central Africa 19. 9. 2019, ve 13:00 posluchárna A11/306, Univerzitní kampus Bohunice, Kamenice 5, Brno-Bohunice