Stano Pekár“Populační ekologie živočichů“  dN = Nr dt • Population ecology (Resources, Conditions, Models) • Population growth (Population censuses) • Population structure (Stage/Age life-tables, k-factor analysis) • Temperature models (Degree-days) • Intraspecific competition (Harvesting, Allee effect) • Spatial ecology (Distribution, Dispersal, Metapopulations) • Interspecific competition (Mutualism) • Predation (Functional and numerical responses) • Predation models (Host-pathogen/parasite, Prey-predator, Hostparasitoid, Plant-herbivore) Tkadlec E. 2009. Populační ekologie. Struktura, růst a dynamika populací. Univerzita Palackého. Townsend R.T., Begon M., Harper J.L. 2010. Základy ekologie. Univerzita Palackého. Jarošík V. 2005. Růst a regulace populací. Academia. Akcakaya H.R., Burgman M.A. & Ginzburg L.R. 1999. Applied Population Ecology. Principles and Computer Exercises using RAMAS EcoLab. Sinauer. Alstad D. 2001. Basic POPULUS Models of Ecology. Prentice Hall. Begon M., Mortimer M. & Thompson D.J. 1996. Population Ecology: A unified study of animals and plants. Blackwell. Bernstein R. 2003. Population Ecology. An Introduction o Computer Simulations. Wiley. Gotelli N.J. 2001. A Primer of Ecology. Sinauer. Hastings A. 1997. Population Biology. Concepts and models. Springer. Neal D. 2006. Introduction to Population Biology. Cambridge University Press. Ranta E., Lundberg P. & Kaitala V. 2006. Ecology of Populations. Cambridge. Shultz S.M., Dunham A.E., Root K.V., Soucy S.L., Carroll S.D. & Ginzburg L.R. 1999. Conservation Biology with RAMAS EcoLab. Sinauer. Stevens M.H.H. 2009. A Primer of Ecology with R. Springer. Vandermeer J.H. & Goldberg D.E. 2003. Population Ecology: First principles. Princeton. No. Topics Date 1. Adaptation, fitness and phenotypic plasticity 23.9. 2. Abundance and cycles 23.9. 3. Evolution of sex, sex determination 30.9. 4. Sex ratio 30.9. 5. r- and K- selection 14.10. 6. Geographic variability (temperature, physiological time) 14.10. 7. Intraspecific competition 21.10. 8. Management of endangered species, Regulation of pests 21.10. 9. Sustainable harvesting 4.11. 10. Cooperation, Allee effect 4.11. 11. Dispersal and movement 11.11. 12. Dormancy, navigation, and migration 11.11. 13. Interspecific competition, competitive exclusion principle, apparent competition 25.11. 14. Niche and coexistence (storage effect, heteromyopy, resource partitioning) 25.11. 15. Amensalism, comensalism, mutualism 2.12 16. Defence against predators (crypsis, mimicry) 2.12. 17. True predators, parasitoids 9.12. 18. Parasites, herbivores 9.12. 1. Spatial distribution – Coccinellidae, field sampling 2. Trophic niche – spiders, laboratory experiment 3. Demography – beetles, laboratory experiment Study chapters 1 & 2 and the description of a selected project Pekár S. & Kintrová K. 2013. Populační ekologie živočichů v příkladech. MU Brno.