NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 1 NATURAL POLYMERS FIBROUS PROTEINS I COLLAGEN Dr. Ladislav Pospíšil January 9/2018 Time schedule January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 2 LECTURE SUBJECT 1 Introduction to the subject – Structure & Terminology of nature polymers, literature 2 Derivatives of acids – natural resins, drying oils, shellac 3 Waxes 4 Plant (vegetable) gums, Polyterpene – natural rubber (extracting, processing and modification), Taraxacum_kok-saghyz 5 Polyphenol – lignin, humic acids 6 Polysaccharides I – starch 7 Polysaccharides II – celullose 8 Protein fibres I 9 Protein fibres II 10 Casein, whey, protein of eggs 11 Identification of natural polymers Laboratory methods of natural polymers’ evaluation 1.Repeating of the Basic Terminology related to PROTEINS (Lecture 8) 2.FIBROUS PROTEINS 3.Manufacture of the Gelatine and Animal Glue 4.Tanning industry §Skin (Hide) versus Leather §Tanning Procedure 5.Leather and Conservator – Restorer 6. 1. January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 3 1.Repeating of the Basic Terminology related to PROTEINS (Lecture 8) • January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 4 Structure Hierarchie of Peptides and Proteins •Primary structure – the Amino acids Sequence of the Protein •Secondary structure – No covalent Interactions in the Backbone of the one Polypeptide (Protein) Chain, usually the near Parte of the Backbone (a – Helix and/or b - Sheet) •Tertiary structure – various Interactions between the Backbones of more then the one Polypeptide (Protein) Chain of Chains or remote NO neighbouring) Segments of one Chain •Quaternary structure – Interactions between the Chain Bundles, between the Tertiary structures •Tertiary & Quaternary Structures – we give attention to this in the next Lesson! January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 5 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 6 CAM00548.jpg PRIMARY STRUKTURE of Proteine I January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 7 Protein_primary_structure_svg.png PROTEIN SECONDARY STRUCTURE I January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 8 Hierarchie struktur bílkovin 001.jpg PROTEIN SECONDARY STRUCTURE II A January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 9 Left-handed Helix Sekundární struktura bílkovin 001.jpg Proteins dividing – the Occurrence of other Components in Macromolecule accordingly January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 10 •Simple protein – they are broken by Hydrolysis to Amino acids only •Compound protein – they are broken by Hydrolysis to Amino acids, Saccharides, Fats, … –LIPOPROTEINE (Fats) –GLYKOPROTEINE (Saccharides) –FOSFOPROTEINE (Phosphate groups > KASEIN) –CHROMOPEROTEINE (Colorants, e.g. Haemoglobin, Melamine) – • Proteins dividing – Macromolecules’ Solubility in Water of accordingly January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 11 •SOLUBLE (SFEROPROTEINE) –HEAT > COAGULATION –Albumin > Egg white –Glutelin > Glutelin from Wheat •UNSOLUBLE (SKLEROPROREINE) –Keratin a and b –Collagen – – • Proteins dividing – Macromolecules’ Shape and Supermolecular Structure accordingly January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 12 •FIBRILAR > natural/genuine Silk, Hair, animal Hair, Muscles, fibrous connective Tissue •GLOBULAR > ENZYM, Egg white, Milk white, INSULIN, … • 2.FIBROUS PROTEINS January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 13 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 14 Primary_and other structures bílkoviny 12102015.png Interaction in ONE MACROMOLECULE Interaction between MORE THEN ONE PROTEIN Two possible Structures Interaction between MORE THEN ONE MACROMOLECULE January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 15 Levels_of_structural_organization_of_a_protein_svg.png Functional proteins have four levels of structural organization: 1) Primary Structure : the linear structure of amino acids in the polypeptide chain 2) Secondary Structure : hydrogen bonds between peptide group chains in an alpha helix or beta 3) Tertiary Structure : three-dimensional structure of alpha helixes and beta helixes folded 4) Quaternary Structure : three-dimensional structure of multiple polypeptides and how they fit together Interaction between MORE THEN ONE MACROMOLECULE DENATURATION and COAGULATION of Proteines January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 16 DENATURATION IS THE DISINTEGRATION OF THE PROTEIN STRUCTURE COAGULATION is the Formation of the UNSOLUBLE Protein Form from the initially SOLUBLE Protein Form by Influence of the Physical Factors, e.g. Heat (e.g. Egg White at Cooking Egg) or by Influence of the Chemical Reagents. COAGULATION is one of the Forms of DENATURATION COAGULATION BY HEAT IS USUALLY IRREVERSIBLE Protein denaturation & Coagulation 001.jpg January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 17 Process_of_Denaturation_svg.png Process of Denaturation: 1)Functional proteins showing a quaternary structure 2)When heat is applied it alters the intramolecular bonds of the Proteins’ 3)Unfolding of the polypeptides (Proteins) 1 2 3 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 18 Denaturation is a process in which proteins or nucleic acids lose the quaternary structure, tertiary structure and secondary structure which is present in their native state, by application of some external stress or compound such as a strong acid or base, a concentrated inorganic salt, an organic solvent (e.g., alcohol or chloroform), radiation or heat.[3] If proteins in a living cell are denatured, this results in disruption of cell activity and possibly cell death. Denatured proteins can exhibit a wide range of characteristics, from loss of solubility to communal aggregation Protein_Denaturation.png 290px-Chemical_precipitation_diagram_svg.png COAGULATION BY HEAT ANALOGY with paper Clips January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 19 IUPAC definition Process of partial or total alteration of the native secondary, and/or tertiary, and/or quaternary structures of proteins or nucleic acids resulting in a loss of bioactivity. Note 1: Denaturation can occur when proteins and nucleic acids are subjected to elevated temperature or to extremes of pH, or to nonphysiological concentrations of salt, organic solvents, urea, or other chemical agents. Note 2: An enzyme loses its catalytic activity when it is denaturized.[2] January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 20 DENATURATION CAN BE REVERSIBLE > RENATURATION denaturave X RENATURACE BÍLKOVIN 28052017.jpg REVERSIBLE DENATURATION (=RENATURATION) of the Globular Protein with marked –S-S- Bonds RENATURATION DENATURATION January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 21 Reversibility and irreversibility In very few cases, Denaturation is reversible (the proteins can regain their native state when the denaturing influence is removed). This process can be called Renaturation. This understanding has led to the notion that all the information needed for proteins to assume their native state was encoded in the primary structure of the protein, and hence in the DNA that codes for the protein, the so-called "Anfinsen's thermodynamic hypothesis". One example of Renaturation is that an egg white can be uncooked using vitamin C or sodium borohydride (VERY CURIOUS PROCEDURE). EXAMPLES Reversibility and Irreversibility COAGULATION •REVERSIBLE •GELLATINE (it is COLLAGEN with lower MW) •Temperature Increasing > Dissolving > SOL •Temperature Decreasing > Solidification > GEL •TEMPERATURE OF COAGULATION = TEMPERATURE, at which (at given Concentration) COAGULATION occurs, it is Transition SOL >> GEL occurs by Temperature Decreasing •IRREVERSIBLE •EGG WHITE •Temperature Increasing (over approx. 60 °C) > Solidification > Transition SOL >> GEL •TEMPERATURE OF COAGULATION = TEMPERATURE, at which (at given Concentration) COAGULATION occurs, it is Transition SOL >> GEL occurs by Temperature Increasing • • January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 22 COLLAGEN as the EXAMPLE of the FIBROUS PROTEINS •SKIN, BONES, CARTILAGE, TENDON, VASCULAR WALLS, CORNEA, … •Glycine 27 % w/w, Proline 15 % w/w, Sequnce (GLY-X-Y)n •15 Types of COLLAGENS have been described up to now, they are different as to the Occurence and the Abundance of the particular Aminoacids •TROPOCOLLAGEN –THREE mutually coiled Backbones •TROPOCOLLAGEN > SELF ARRANGEMENT into COLLAGEN FIBRILS > Crosslinking via Hydrogen Bonds > COLLAGEN FIBERS > BUNDLES of FIBERS •DEGRADATION of COLLAGEN by ENZYME COLLAGENASE > SKIN AGEIN • January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 23 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 24 GLYCINE (Gly, G) Amminoacido_glicina_formula.png PROLINE (Pro, P) 800px-Amminoacido_prolina_formula_svg.png LYSINE (Lys, L) Amminoacido_lisina_formula.png This Group of the Amino acids is important for the Hydrogen Bonds between the COLLAGEN Molecules PRIMARY STRUCTURE Proteins II – COLLAGEN as the EXAMPLE (Numbers of particular Amino acids in the Macromolecules are given bellow ) January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 25 AMK Typ I Typ II Typ III Typ IV Typ V alfa1 alfa2 A B 3-Hyp 1,0 0,0 2,0 — 11 2,5 2,9 4-Hyp 96 86 99 125 130 109 109 Asp 46 44 42 42 51 51 50 Thr 20 20 20 13 23 26 19 Ser 42 43 27 39 37 31 26 Glu 74 66 89 71 84 84 91 Pro 129 113 121 107 61 97 118 Gly 330 336 333 350 310 319 322 Ala 112 102 100 96 33 52 46 Val 20 32 18 14 29 27 18 Gys 1 - - - 2 8 - - Met 8 6 9 8 10 11 8 Ile 6 16 9 13 30 16 19 Leu 18 32 26 22 54 35 39 Tyr 2 2 1 3 6 18 2,1 Xhe 12 10 13 8 27 14 12 Hyl 4,3 8 20 30 10 18 20 Lys 30 22 2 6 10 11 7,3 Arg 49 51 51 46 33 68 50 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 26 Type Molecular Composition OCCURENCE I [alfa1(I)]2alfa2 SKIN, BONES, CARTILAGE, TENDON, VASCULAR WALLS, CORNEA II [alfa1(II)]3 Hyalin CARTILAGE III [alfa1(III)]3 The same as the Type I, formely called Retikuline IV [alfa1(IV)]3 Basal Membranes V Neoplasm etc. VI Interstitial Tissues VII Epithel Tissues VIII Some Endotel Cells IX CARTILAGE together with Type II X Part of the Hypertrofic and Mineralised CARTILAGE s XI CARTILAGE XII OCCURENCE together with Types I and III COLLAGEN OCCURENCE IN HUMAN BODY January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 27 Glu-Met-Ser-Tyr-Gly-Tyr-Asp-Glu-Lys-Ser-Ala-Gly-Val-Ser-Val-Pro– Gly-Pro-Met-Gly-Pro-Ser-Gly-Pro-Arg-Gly-Leu-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Gln-Gly-Phe-Gln-Gly -Pro-Hyp- Gly-Glu-Hyp-Gly-Glu-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Ser-Gly-Pro-Met-Gly-Pro-Arg-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Lys-Asn-Gly -Asp-Asp- Gly-Glu-Ala-Gly-Lys-Pro-Gly-Arg-Hyp-Gly-Gln-Arg-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Gln-Gly-Ala-Arg-Gly-Leu-Hyp-Gly -Thr-AJa- Gly-Leu-Hyp-Gly-Met-Hyl-Gly-His-Arg-Gly-Phe-Ser-Gly-Leu-Asp-Gly-Ala-Lys-Gly-Asn-Thr-Gly-Pro-AIa-Gly -Pro-Lys- Gly-Glu-Hyp-Gly-Ser-Hyp-Gly-Glx-Asx-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly-Gln-Met-Gly-Pro-Arg-Gly-Leu-Hyp-Gly-Glu-Arg-Gly -Arg-Hyp- Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Ser-Ala-Gly-Ala-Arg-Gly-Asp-Asp-Gly-Ala-Val-Gly-Ala-Ala-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Thr-Gly -Pro-Thr- Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Phe-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Ala-Gly-Ala-Lys-Gly-Glu-Ala-Gly-Pro-Gln-Gly-Ala-Arg-Gly-Ser-Glu-Gly -Pro-Gln- Gly-Val-Arg-Gly-Glu-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Ala-Ala-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Asn-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Asp-Gly -Gln-Hyp- Gly-Ala-Lys-Gly-Ala-Asn-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly-Ile-Ala-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly-Phe-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Arg-Gly-Pro-Scr-Gly -Pro-Gln- Gly-Pro-Ser-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Lys-Gly-Asn-Ser-Gly-Glu-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly-Asn-Lys-Gly-Asp-Thr-Gly -Ala-Lys- Gly-Glu-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Val-Gln-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Glu-Glu-Gly-Lys-Arg-Gly-Ala-Arg-Gly -Glu-Hyp- Gly-Pro-Ser-Gly-Leu-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Glu-Arg-Gly-Gly-Hyp-Gly-Ser-Arg-Gly-Phe-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Asp-Gly -Val-Ala- Gly-Pro-Lys-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Glu-Arg-Gly-Ser-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Pro-Lys-Gly-Ser-Hyp-Gly-Glu-Ala-Gly -Arg-Hyp- Gly-Glu-Ala-Gly-Leu-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Lys-Gly-Leu-Thr-Gly-Ser-Hyp-Gly-Ser-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Asp-Gly-Lys-Thr-Gly -Pro-Hyp- Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Gln-Asp-Gly-Arg-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Arg-Gly-Gln-Ala-Gly-Val-Met-Gly -Phe-Hyp- Gly-Pro-Lys-Gly-Ala-Ala-Gly-Glu-Hyp-Gly-Lys-AIa-Gly-Glu-Arg-Gly-Val-Myp-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Val-Gly -Pro-Ala- Gly-Lys-Asp-Gly-Glu-A]a-Gly-Ala-Gln-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Pro-A,.-Gly-Glu-Arg-Gly-Glu-Gln-Gly -Pro-Ala- Gly-Ser-Hyp-Gly-Phe-Gln-Gly-Leu-Hyp-GIy-Pro-Ala-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Glu-Ala-Gly-Lys-Hyp-Gly-Glu-Gln-Gly -Val-Hyp- Gly-Asp-Leu-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ser-Gly-Ala-Arg-Gly-Glu-Arg-Gly-Phe-Hyp-Gly-Glu-Arg-Gly-Val-Glu-Gly -Pro-Hyp- Gly-Pro-Ala-GJy-Pro-Arg-Gly-Ala-Asn-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly-Asn-Asp-Gly-Ala-Lys-Gly-Asp-Ala-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly -Ala-Hyp- Gly-Ser-Gin-Gly-Als-Hyp-Gly-Leu-Gin-Gly-Met-Hyp-Gly-Glu-Arg-Gly-Ala-Ala-Gly-Leu-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Lys-Gly -Asp-Arg- Gly-Asp-Ala-Gly-Pro-Lys-Gly-Aln-Asp-Gly-Ala-Pro-Gly-Lys-Asp-Gly-Val-Arg-Gly-Leu-Thr-Gly-Pro-Ile-Gly -Pro-Hyp- Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly-Asp-Lys-Gly-Glu-Ala-Gly-Pro-Ser-Gly-Pro-Ala-Giy-Thr-Arg-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly -Asp-Arg- Gly-Glu-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Phe-Ala-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Asp-Gly-Gln-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Lys-Gly -Glu-Hyp- Gly-Asp-Ala-Gly-Ala-Lys-Gly-Asp-Ala-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ile-Gly -Asn-Val- Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Hyl-Gly-Ala-Arg-Gly-Ser-Ala-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Thr-Gly-Phe-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Ala-Gly -Arg-Val- Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ser-Gly-Asn-Ala-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Lys-Glu-Gly-Ser-Lys-Gly -Pro-Arg- Gly-Glu-Thr-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Arg-Hyp-Gly-Glu-Val-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Glu-Lys-Gly -Ala-Hyp- Gly-Als-Asp-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly-Thr-Pro-Gly-Pro-Gln-Gly-Ile-Ala-Gly-Gln-Arg-Gly-Val-Val-Gly -Leu-Hyp- Gly-Gln-Arg-Gly-Glu-Arg-Gly-Phe-Hyp-Gly-Leu-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ser-Gly-Glu-Hyp-Gly-Lys-Gln-Gly-Pro-Ser-Gly -Ala-Ser- Gly-Glu-Arg-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Met-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Leu-AlarGly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Glu-Ser-Gly-Arg-Glu-Gly -Ala-Hyp- Gly-Ala-Glu-Gly-Ser-Hyp-Gly-Arg-Asp-Gly-Ser-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Lys-Gly-Asp-Arg-Gly-Glu-Thr-Gly-Pro-Ala-Giy -Ala-Hyp- Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly-Ala-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Val-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Lys-Ser-Gly-Asp-Arg-Gly-Glu-Thr-Gly -Pro-Ala- Gly-Pro-Ile-Gly-Pro-Val-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-AIa-Arg-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Pro-Gln-Gly-Pro-Arg-Gly-Asx-Hyl-Gly -Glx-Thr- Gly-Glx-Glx-Gly-Asx-Arg-Gly-Ile-Hyl-Gly-His-Arg-Gly-Phe-Ser-Gly-Leu-Gln-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly -Ser-Hyp- Gly-Glu-Gln-Gly-Pro-Ser-Gly-Ala-Ser-Gly-Pro-Ala-GIy-Pro-Arg-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Ser-Ala-Gly-Ser-Hyp-Gly -Lys-Asp- Gly-Leu-Asn-Gly-Leu-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Ile-Gly-Hyp-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Arg-Gly-Arg-Thr-Gly-Asp-Ala-Gly-Pro-Ala-Gíy -Pro-Hyp- Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Pro-Pro- Ser-Gly-Gly-Tyr-Asp-Leu-Ser-Phe-Leu-Pro-Gin-Pro-Pro-Gin-Gin-Glx-Lys-Ala-His-Asp-Gly-Gly-Arg-Tyr-Tyr Amino acids Sequence alfa1 Chain of the Skin Collagen (N-terminal and C-terminal Regions are given separately) PROTEIN SECONDARY STRUCTURE II B January 8/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 8 2018 28 img779.jpg Left-handed a Helix b Folded Sheet January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 29 Sekundární struktura bílkovin 018.jpg b Folded Sheet SECONDARY STRUCTURE of Proteins II COLLAGEN as the EXAMPLE January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 30 The Conformation of the SECONDARY STRUCTURE (a-Helix, b- Sheet, Statistic Coil) has the Influence on the IR Wave Number of the Amide Group Peak in the IR Spectrum. It is a bit unusual Wave Number Unit, but it is right! It is the same Figure as the usual Unit cm-1. COLLAGEN is the a-Helix. IR Spectrum (Wave Number) of the Amide Bond (102 m-1) Structure Amide I Amide II a - Helix 1650 1652 1515 1546 b-Structure 1630 1645 1530 1550 Statistic Coil 1656 1535 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 31 Sekundární struktura bílkovin 016.jpg These Interactions are in the ONE MOLECULE, so it is SECONDARY STRUCTURE TERTIARY STRUCTURE of Proteins II COLLAGEN as the EXAMPLE three Coils arranged to the next combined coiled Chain January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 32 TERTIARY STRUCTURE of Proteins II COLLAGEN as the EXAMPLE three Coils arranged to the next combined coiled Chain January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 33 Schematic representation of the COLLAGEN Triple helix Molecule. The marked Intervals on the right (a, b, c, d) are 67 nm, what is the Distance over which are the particular Molecules in the Triple helix shifted each to another . TERTIARY STRUCTURE of Proteins II COLLAGEN as the EXAMPLE three Coils arranged to the next combined coiled Chain January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 34 sekundární & terciární struktura KOLAGENU 002.jpg SECUNDARY STRUCTURE January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 35 Sekundární struktura bílkovin 015.jpg Sekundární struktura bílkovin 014.jpg Sekundární struktura bílkovin 013.jpg TERTIARY STRUCTURE Proteins V January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 36 Sekundární struktura bílkovin 008.jpg January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 37 Sekundární struktura bílkovin 012.jpg Sekundární struktura bílkovin 011.jpg January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 38 Sekundární struktura bílkovin 010.jpg January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 39 Collagen_biosynthesis_(en).png NON-HELIX Prolongation = it is NOT coiled to Helix By NON-EZYMATIC Degradation of the NON-HELIX Prolongation Is increased the BIOCOMPATIBILY, it is the ANTIGENITY is suppressed QUOTERNARY STRUCTURE Proteins I CELULASE as the EXAMPLE January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 40 The Interaction between the folded up Fibrous Structures coiled to the Helix as the TERTIARY STRUCTURE already. An Example – COLLAGEN - they are PARALEL BUNDLES of TERTIARY STRUCTURE. It is called ASSOCIATES ARISING sometimes. It is typical for the ENZYME, where they are not PARALEL BUNDLES, but they are GLOBULAR STRUCTURES. Cellulase_1JS4 PICTURE WIKI ENG.jpg One Enzyme from the „CELULASE“ Group QUOTERNARY STRUCTURE Proteins I COLLAGEN as the EXAMPLE January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 41 The Interaction between the folded up Fibrous Structures coiled to the Helix as the TERTIARY STRUCTURE already. An Example – COLLAGEN - they are PARALEL BUNDLES of TERTIARY STRUCTURE. The Microfibril Model created as the Consequence of Interaction polar an d hydrophobic Side Chains. Five Tropocollag Molecules are shifted each to another 4 nm here and they are creating a Cylinder Structure so. COLLAGEN – Hierarchy of the Structures January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 42 img799.jpg SECONDARY = one Helix TERTIARY – two different Representations THREE HELIXES Left Picture – SIMPLIFIED RIGHT PICTURE - REALITY QUOTERNARY The EXAMPLE of Creation of the QUOTERNARY STRUCTURE - HEMOGLOBINE January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 43 img800.jpg img801.jpg Three Parts - Tertiary Structures, which create the QUOTERNARY STRUCTURE QUOTERNARY STRUCTURE QUOTERNARY STRUCTURE Proteinů III COLLAGEN as the EXAMPLE January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 44 The Interaction between the folded up Fibrous Structures coiled to the Helix as the TERTIARY STRUCTURE already. An Example – COLLAGEN - they are PARALEL BUNDLES of TERTIARY STRUCTURE. These PARALEL BUNDLES of TERTIARY STRUCTURE form QUOTERNARY STRUCTURE COLLAGEN - PARALEL BUNDLES of TERTIARY STRUCTURE January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 45 Sekundární struktura bílkovin 017.jpg COLLAGEN – Cross Bonds IN VIVO •The Bonds are based on the Reactions of the Oxidised – HN2 in Lysine with –OH Group and Reactions between arisen Groups •Reactions are mainly INTRAMOLECULAR, but also INTERMOLECULAR •There is less Cross Bonds in so called YOUNG COLLAGEN > Higher Solubility •There is more Cross Bonds in so called OLD COLLAGEN > Lower Solubility •Lysine January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 46 Amminoacido_lisina_formula.png COLLAGEN – REACTIONS IN VITRO 1 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 47 • ACYLATION using acetanhydride • Esterification (various reagents) • Deamination (-NH2 > -OH) • Deguanidisation (Removing the End from the Arginine and cleavage H2N – CO – NH2) 141px-Guanidin_svg.png guanidin Amminoacido_arginina_formula.png COLLAGEN – REACTIONS IN VITRO 2 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 48 SÍŤOVÁNÍ KOLAGENU 001.jpg • Aldehydic Condensation • Oxidation by Periodate > 5-hydroxylysine > ALDEHYDE > REACTION COLLAGEN – Reaction with Synthetic Polymers IN VITRO 1 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 49 Effort to enhance the COMPATIBILITY of the NATURAL & SYNTHETIC POLYMERS COLLAGEN – Hierarchy of Structures & USE January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 50 Structure Level Branch of Use/Products Fibres’ Tissue Leather, Wounds’ Covering, Skin Implants, Vessels Substitutes, Fibres Casing for Meat Products, Packaging Films, Membranes, Powder for Wounds’ Covering, Capsule for Medicines Fibrils Biocompatible Plastic or Ceramic Composites for Surgery Macromolecules Native Collagen, Derivatives of Collagen for Medicine & Cosmetic Use Polypeptides Animal Glue, Gelatine, Hydrolysate of Collagen, Capsule for Medicines, Thickener, Animal feed ... COLLAGEN – Medicine Use 1 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 51 COLLAGEN Medicine Preparations – Sort and Use accordingly Products Use Catgut Surgery Sewing, Wounds’ Covering, Wounds’ Covering Fibres – ·From the Solutions ·From the Suspensions ·From the Membranes Skin Implants, Haemostatics, Vessels Substitutes, Collagen Sheets – ·Genuine skin ·Membranes ·Nonwoven Textiles ·Foams ·Sponge Implants, Fillers for Implants Vessels/Organs Connective tissues healing (“Reparations”), Tissues’ Glue Collagen Powder, Glue, Sprays, Face Powder Face Skin Care January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 52 CATGUT chirurgické nitě vstřebatelné z KOLAGENU 001.jpg • Resorption is controlled by chromium salts Crosslinking at Tanning > slower Biodegradation (Resorption ) in living Organism • UNCROSSLINKED by chromium salts Crosslinking at Tanning > FASTER Biodegradation (Resorption ) in living Organism January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 53 The Discussion is on stream now, if the COLLAGEN degradated Chains are harmful for the Humans Organism or not. It is sought in some Sources now, that COLLAGEN „CATGUT“ is allowed for the Veterinary use only. There are not any such bans for „CATGUT“ at the Internet pages of the „CATGUT“ Suppliers up to now (year 2018). January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 54 Catgut Chromic Suture | Catgut suture • Catgut or gut suture is an absorbable suture usually manufactured from the intestine of sheep or goat. • Catgut suture are composed of highly purified connective tissue derived from either beef or sheep intestines. The membrane is chemically treated and slender strands are woven together to form a suture. The grinding process creates a strand of uniform diameter. The suture strand is then further polished to achieve maximum smoothness, for reliability and strength. • Catgut suture are available in the form of plain catgut or chromic catgut. • Plain catgut is usually having shorter absorption periods and is absorbed more rapidly in infected areas. • The percentage of collagen in the catgut suture often determines the quality of the suture. Higher percentages of collagen allow for: superior tensile strength, longer absorption times, and lower reactions in vivo. Plain catgut is available in ivory colour. January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 55 Catgut Chromic Suture | Catgut suture • Chromic catgut is treated with chromium salt solution to resist body enzymes and slower the absorption process thus supporting the wound for longer periods. • Chromic gut is chromicised before it is spun into strands. This allows control over the amount of chromic content for an even absorption rate. • The chromic content not only increases the tensile strength, but also reduces tissue irritation. • Catgut sutures are sterilized by a sterilizing fluid containing EO (ethylenoxide), distilled water and isopropyl alcohol. January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 56 Distinctive Characteristics of Catgut Chromic Sutures •Absorption within 60-90 days for chromic suture and 60-70 days for plain gut suture. •Allows for smooth passage through tissue. •Packed in IPA to retain memory & increase pliability. •Uniform chrome content provides required wound support and absorption. •Catgut suture are available from U.S.P Sizes 5-0 to 2 •General closure, Ophthalmic, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics/Gynaecology and Gastro-intestinal Tract Surgery. COLLAGEN – Solubility 1 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 57 Some cosmetics include soluble or hydrolyzed collagen. In this case, the collagen molecules have been broken down into much smaller fragments, which are able to penetrate the skin’s surface. COLLAGEN SOLUBILITY DEPENDS ON: • MW > hydrolysable Types are more soluble, even in the Water, • pH, • ………….. COLLAGEN – Solubility 2 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 58 ISOELECTRIC POINT of COLLAGEN: approx. pH7 SOL 28 °C GEL GEL 34 °C SOL Transition SOL GEL is NOT the one POINT CHARACTERISTIC, it is NOT Reversible Process! It is called „INVERS PROCESS“, because some Changes in the Macromolecular Conformations can occur during this Process. COLLAGEN – Nanofibres 1 (Courtesy of the CONTIPRO Ltd.) January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 59 NANOVLÁKNO KOLAGEN vzorek_4_1kx.tiff COLLAGEN – Nanofibres 2 (Courtesy of the CONTIPRO Ltd.) January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 60 NANOVLÁKNO KOLAGEN vzorek_4_5kx.tiff COLLAGEN – Nanofibres 3 (Courtesy of the CONTIPRO Ltd.) January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 61 NANOVLÁKNO KOLAGEN vzorek_4_10kx.tiff COLLAGEN – Prices on the World Market Grades for Cosmetic, Water-soluble January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 62 US $12 - 18 / Kilogram 100% Soluble In Water Solubility Hydrolyzed Collagen For Hair Supply Ability: 300 Ton/Tons per Month Fish Collagen Country of Origin: China (PRC) US $12 - 18 / Kilogram FOOD GRADE Supply Ability: 300 Ton/Tons per Month Fish Collagen Country of Origin: China (PRC) COLLAGEN as the Basic Substance for Chemical Reactions January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 63 • If possible – POLYMERANALOGIC CHANGES (REACTIONS), it is without changes of the MW, • They were mostly the Modifications for Photographic Emulsions > PATENTS, • The Substrates for Cultivation of the Cells’ Cultures are the main Subject now (Patents, Publications etc.) The Reaction point is the Amino-group (-NH2) ARTICLE (e.g.): Synthesis and properties of some GELATIN derivatives with substituents at the amino groups J. Chem. Techn. and Biotechnology, 15, (1965), 479 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 64 COLLAGEN as the Basic Substance for Chemical Reactions Chemical Modification (see Slide No. 47 also) Reaction with monofunctional Reagents • Acylation (acetanhydride + amino-groups) • Esterification (dimethylsulphate, anhydrous methanol) – the Swelling Curve is changing, Structure and Insolubility is remained • Deaminace (Mixture of Sodium Nitrite and Ice acetic acid) – Amino-groups à Hydroxyl Groups; the Swelling Curve is changing • Deguanidinace – Arginine à Ornithine + Urea or Citrulline + Ammonium January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 65 Ornitine Citrulline 335px-L-Citrullin2_svg WIKI CZ 30012018.png 266px-L-Ornithin2_svg WIKI CZ 30012018.png January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 66 COLLAGEN as the Basic Substance for Chemical Reactions Chemical Modification Reactions going to Crosslinked Gel Forming • Higher Flexibility, Resistance to Enzymes Proteases, lower Swelling Degree à better Product • Aldehyde Condensation (Glutaraldehyde forms Bridges) à Double Schiff Base – higher Resistance to to Acid or Basic High temperature Hydrolysis • Oxidation by Periodate (5-hydroxyproline à Aldehyde à + amino Groups of Lysines àNetwork higher Mechanical Strength • January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 67 COLLAGEN as the Basic Substance for Chemical Reactions Chemical Modification Reaction with Synthetic Polymers (Surface Immobilisation) Covering of the Porous COPOLYMER of Polyethylene with Acrylic acid by COLLAGEN bond to the Surface by the Covalent Bond amide Bond (between Carboxylic Groups of the Acrylic acid and the Amino groups of the COLLAGEN Molecule) à INCREASING OF THE IMPLANTATES’ BIOCOMPACTIBITY AN EXAMPLE The Covering of the Vessels Substitutes knitted from PET Fibres January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 68 COLLAGEN Medical Applications 1 • Catgut Chromic Suture – Resorption is controlled by the Chromium Salts crosslinking • Split leather, Nonwoven Textiles, Fixed Foams à Radiation-Chemical Sterilisation à Wounds’ & Burns Covering • Spray Bandage on Wounds (COLLAGEN Powder ) • Blood Vessel Reparation, Tendon Replacement •Cells’ Cultures Growing in vitro • ………………… January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 69 COLLAGEN Medical Applications 2 • COLLAGEN inside covered Teflon hose > Blood Vessel Replacement • Combination with Calcium Phosphate à Bones and Tooth Replacement •Injection of the Microcapsules impregnated with effective Substance – Wound Healing • COLLAGEN Glue in Surgery • …………. • COLLAGEN based Articular Preparation NUTRITION & REGENERATION of the Articular Cartilage January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 70 ORLING Company (Czech Republic) accordingly: Pure native Collagen is as the Rope coiled from the Three Fibres, which is non-specifically split during Digestion. The Results are split Chains, which are of various Length whenever. Hydrolysed Collagen is called Collagen Peptides. If the Collagen is split by Enzymes COLLAGENASE, the pure native Collagen is changed to the Collagen Peptides of the same Length every time. The Biological Activity of the Pure native Collagen and of the Collagen Peptides is different, what was proved by many scientific Studies. 3.Manufacture of GELATIN & ANIMAL GLUE •TANEX Company, Czech Republic •The Pictures were taken during Students’ Excursion to this Glue Plant Company • January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 71 Manufacture of GELATIN & ANIMAL GLUE The Raw Materials are not looking too atractive 1! January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 72 Suroviny TANEX IMAG0951.jpg Suroviny TANEX IMAG0943.jpg Abattoir by-products from the Pig livestock Skin, Ears etc. Manufacture of GELATIN & ANIMAL GLUE The Raw Materials are not looking too atractive 2! January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 73 Suroviny TANEX IMAG0942.jpg Suroviny TANEX IMAG0950.jpg Abattoir by-products from the Pig livestock Skin, Ears etc. Manufacture of GELATIN & ANIMAL GLUE BASIC SCHEMA January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 74 Přeměna kolagen - želatina COLLAGEN GELATIN January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 75 Example of the GELATIN & Animal Glue Making 1 Parameters Sequence of Leaching (Lixiviating) 1 2 3 4 Product Edible & Photographic GELATIN GELATIN 1.Quality GELATIN 2. Quality Technical GELATIN & Animal Glue Temperature (°C) 50 – 55 60 – 65 70 – 75 85 - 100 Time (hours) 5 pH 5 - 7 Concentration (% w/w) 3 - 8 3 - 8 10 > 12 Better Raw Material & Mild Manufacturing Conditions > GELATIN Worse Raw Material & „Rough“ Manufacturing Conditions > Animal Glue January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 76 Example of the GELATIN & Animal Glue Making 2 Parameters Sequence of Leaching (Lixiviating) 1 2 3 4 Product Edible & Photographic GELATIN GELATIN 1.Quality GELATIN 1.Quality Technical GELATIN & Animal Glue Temperature (°C) 60 – 65 80 – 85 95 – 100 100 Time (hours) 8 pH 5 - 7 Concentration (% w/w) 8 Raw Materials: 1.Abattoir by-products from the Pig livestock (Animal Glue) 2.Bones from Abattoir (Bone Glue) 3.Wastes from the Tannery (Animal Glue) Manufacture of GELATIN & ANIMAL GLUE TECHNOLOGICAL STEPS 1.Washing of the Fleshings (Removing of the Preservatives, usually Ca(OH)2) and acidification to pH = 6,2 – 6,5 using HCl or H2SO4 2.„Cooking“ of the GELALTIN & GLUE > transformation of the COLLAGEN to so called GLUTINE SOLUTION (NOT GLUTENE!) in several Stages, up to the Rest only about 2 – 5 % w/w of the original Charge 3.Filtration to remove the Impurities 4.Preservation and Bleaching by SO2 or H2O2 5.Thickening in the Evaporator 6.Chilling and Forming 7.Drying to the Water Content 12 – 15 % w/w 8.Cutting to small Cubes od Milling to Powder 9. 9. January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 77 Manufacture of GELATIN & ANIMAL GLUE TECHNOLOGICAL WASTES and their USE January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 78 1.Skin Fat > Refining (Purification) > Sale or use for the SOAK Manufacture 2.Impurities filtered out > Biogas or Burning or approved waste Dump Bone & Animal Glue and GELATIN In the Work of the CONSERVATOR – RESTORER I January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 79 •Wood Gluing, •Book Binding, •Paints binding Agent, •Undercoat (Primer, Primer Coat) for Painting •Binding Agent for the Nonwoven Textile • •Photographic Plates and Films (FORMELY) •Casting Moulds •Undercoat for the Contact Gilding (Covering by very thin Gold Foils) • COLLAGEN and CONSERVATOR – RESTORER January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 80 Detail Technická želatina CUTGUT srtuna do smyčcových nástrojů 1280px-Violino_classico,_dettaglio WIKI ENG 09122017.jpg Catgut (STRINGS) for the Bowed Instruments are made of COLLAGEN forming the animal's gut (usually Sheep or Goat) GELATIN - Clarifying of Wine and fruit Juice January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 81 želatina pH X izoelektrický bod 15012016.jpg Clarifying = the Measure to remove the Substances forming Wine lees (Haze) The main Haze forming Substance in Wine is PEKTIN PEKTIN 15012016.jpg The Structure Formula of PECTIN R = H or –CH3 Isoelectric Point of GELATIN the Manufacturing Technology accordingly: • On the Left – acid catalysis • On the Right – basic catalysis January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 82 From the QUALITY POINT OF WIEV, the LOWEST MW HAS: GLUE FOR THE Wall House Painting For the Interior Painting is added go get for the Painting Cohesion Because having the lowest MW, it is the most Degradated COLLAGEN, it is soluble even at room Temperature in the cold Water 3.Tannery –3.1 HIDE versus Leather –3.2 Tanning of HIDE technology January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 83 3.1 Skin versus Leather January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 84 HIDE versus Leather January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 85 Detail Technická želatina ŘEZ KŮŽÍ.jpg HIDE = it is that, what is taken after the Slaughter of the Animal LEATHER = it is that, what is gained after Tanning of the HIDE True Inner HIDE is the principal Part of the the HIDE for the Manufacture of the LEATHER Outer HIDE & Fleshings (Under HIDE connective Tissue are removed during Processing of the HIDE to LEATHER True inner HIDE Outer HIDE Fleshings (Under HIDE connective Tissue RAW HIDE transversal sectional View HIDE COMPOSITION - CROSSCUT January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 86 Detail Technická želatina ŘEZ KŮŽÍ.jpg • Proteins • FIBROUS (Collagen) • Globularní (e.g. Albumine, they are removed before Tanning) • Fats • Water • Inorganic Substances Processing of the HIDE to LEATHER = HIDE TANNING Outer HIDE True inner HIDE Fleshings (Under HIDE connective Tissue RAW HIDE transversal sectional View HIDE – Composition of the True Inner HIDE January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 87 Detail Technická želatina •COLLAGEN –FIBRES FORM THREEDIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE •Outer HIDE = PAPILLARY LAYER •True Inner HIDE = RETIKULARY LAYER •Ratio of the PAPILARY LAYER versus RETIKULAR LAYER Thicknesses determines the HIDE QUALITY and is different for various Animals • CONTRACTION TEMPERATURE HIDE VERSUS LEATHER January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 88 CONTRACTION TEMPERATURE is: Release of the Hydrogen Bonds between COLLAGEN FIBERS caused by the increased Temperature and the CONTRACTION (SHINKAGE) so released Fibres This Process is IRREVERSIBLE COLLAGEN CONTRACTION TEMPERATURE for various Tanning Procedures Tanning Procedures CONTRACTION TEMPERATURE (°C) COLLAGEN without Tanning 58 – 68 Fur Tawing 49 – 63 Formaldehyde Tanning 63 – 73 Tannine Tanning 70 – 87 Basic Tanning by Aluminium Salts 74 – 81 Basic Tanning by Chromium Salts 77 - 100 HIDE VERSUS LEATHER •LEATHER is more resistant against to Microorganisms in the humid Conditions •LEATHER has the higher chemical Resistance and lower Swelling in the Water •LEATHER has better and advantageous mechanical Properties and is soft and pliable if it is Dry •LEATHER has higher CONTRACTION TEMPERATURE • • January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 89 Detail Technická želatina 3.2 Technology Steps at HIDE Tanning January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 90 Technology Steps at HIDE Tanning January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 91 1.Preservation 2.Soaking (Liming) 3.Leaching (Unhairing and scudding) in the Solution Sodium Sulfite and Lime (Ca(OH)2) to remove Fur and the so called depilated raw Hide. 4.Piling of Hides 5.Scraping – connective Tissue and Muscles Rest are cut off 6.Decalcification of Clearings(Deliming) –see 3, Removing of the Ca Salts 7.Bating & Pickling– Preparation for Tanning 8.Tanning 9.Greasing 10. COLLAGEN – Cross Bonds IN VITRO 1 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 92 COLLAGEN modification Reactions are used in transformation of the HIDE to LEATHER and GELATIN Modification. Irreversible Process occurs during forming of the Cross Bonds between COLLAGEN Molecules. So called TANNING AGENTS are necessary for this CROSSLINKING of the COLLAGENs Molecules. TANNING AGENTS are the di or tri or multifunctional Substances. The HIDE is changed (transformed) to LEATHER by Reaction of COLLAGENs Molecules with these TANNING AGENTS. The chemical and physical Changes occurred during TANNING. COLLAGEN – Cross Bonds IN VITRO 2 are the CHEMICAL BASIS of the Tanning of the HIDE to LEATHER January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 93 a)INORGANIC COMPOUNDS – coordination Compound (Complex) based on the Cr, Al, Zr, Fe etc. And heteropolyacids of the Si, P, W, Mo b)ORGANIC COMPOUNDS – Tannins of the Plant Origin, Aldehydes, Chinons, Syntanes, Fats, Sulfochlorites, some synthetic Polymers Tanning by heavy Metals, Aldehydes, Chinons is possible to compare with the Cross Bonds IN VIVO. The most important are Salts of Cr and Zr, Tannins of the Plant Origin, Aldehydes, Syntanes. Tanning of the HIDE to LEATHER January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 94 Detail Technická želatina • HIDE Tanning is the CHEMICAL PROCESS, when functional Groups of the COLLAGEN react with Tanning Substance (Reagent) •Tanning Substances (Reagents) 1.TANNINS (HYDROLYSABLE OR CONDENSED) > Vegetable Tanning 2.POTASSIUM ALUMINIUM SULPHATE 3.CHROMIUM COMPOUNDS Tanning of the HIDE to LEATHER Similarity with Vulcanisation of the RUBBER to VULCANISED RUBBER January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 95 Detail Technická želatina •Tanning of the HIDE is the CHEMICAL REACTION, when react COLLAGENs functional Group with the Tanning Substances and forms NETWORK BETWEEN MACROMOLECULES OF COLLAGEN •VULCANISATION of Rubber to VULCANISED RUBBER is the CHEMICAL REACTION called VULCANISATION which forms NETWORK BETWEEN MACROMOLECULES OF POLYIZOPRENE Vegetable Tanning of the HIDE to LEATHER 1 A January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 96 •Basis is the Interaction of –OH or SO3-2 Groups of Tannin with side Chain Groups on the COLLAGEN Chain forming the COVALENTN or HYDROGEN BOND • TŘÍSLOČINĚNÍ 001.jpg ------ OH - Vegetable Tanning of the HIDE to LEATHER 1 B January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 97 Detail Technická želatina •Basis is the Interaction of –OH or SO3-2 Groups of Tannin with side Chain Groups on the COLLAGEN Chain forming the COVALENTN or HYDROGEN BOND • TŘÍSLOČINĚNÍ 002.jpg H2O ------- SO3-2 Vegetable Tanning of the HIDE to LEATHER 2 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 98 img879.jpg img880.jpg img881.jpg COVALENT BOND of CHINONE to AMINOGROUPS HYDROGEN BOND WITH IMIDOGROUPS COLLAGEN COLLAGEN TANNIN COVALENT BOND of CHINONE to AMINOGROUPS + HYDROGEN BOND WITH IMIDOGROUPS CHROMIUM TANNING HIDE to LEATHER 1 January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 99 •Basis is Interaction of COLLAGEN Group –COOH via Forming CHROMIUM COMPLEX COMPOUND • img878.jpg Chromium(III) sulfate ([Cr(H2O)6]2(SO4)3) has long been regarded as the most efficient and effective tanning agent. January 9/2018 NATURAL POLYMERS MU SCI 9 2018 100 Detail Technická želatina lossy-page1-458px-Possible_Chromium(III)_Tanning_Mechanisms_tif.jpg