Crystalline State Basic Structural Chemistry Structure Types Lattice Energy Pauling Rules 1 Degree of Crystallinity Crystalline – 3D long range order Single-crystalline Polycrystalline - many crystallites of different sizes and orientations (random, oriented) Paracrystalline - short and medium range order, lacking long range order Amorphous – no order, random 2  Single Crystalline  Polycrystalline  Semicrystalline  Amorphous Degree of Crystallinity Grain boundaries 3 A crystalline solid: HRTEM image of strontium titanate. Brighter atoms are Sr and darker are Ti. Degree of Crystallinity A TEM image of amorphous interlayer at the Ti/(001)Si interface in an as-deposited sample. 4 The building blocks of these two are identical, but different crystal faces are developed Crystal Structure Cleaving a crystal of rocksalt Conchoidal fracture in chalcedony 5 Single crystal X-ray diffraction structure analysis a four circle X-ray diffractometer 6 X-ray structure analysis with single crystals 7 CAD4 (Kappa Axis Diffractometer) 8 IPDS (Imaging Plate Diffraction System) 9 Crystals • Crystal consist of a periodic arrangement of structural motifs = building blocks • Building block is called a basis: an atom, a molecule, or a group of atoms or molecules • Such a periodic arrangement must have translational symmetry such that if you move a building block by a distance: then it falls on another identical building block with the same orientation. • If we remove the building blocks and replace them with points, then we have a point lattice or Bravais lattice. 10 Planar Lattice 2D LATTICE A lattice is the geometrical pattern formed by points representing the locations of these basis or motifs. BASIS OR MOTIFS Basis are the positions of the atoms inside the unit cell. 11 Five Planar Lattices 12 graphene Ten Planar Point Groups 13 17 Plane Space Groups 14 15 Unit Cell: An „imaginary“ parallel sided region of a structure from which the entire crystal can be constructed by purely translational displacements. It contains one unit of the translationally repeating pattern. Content of a unit cell represents its chemical composition. The unit cells that are commonly formed by joining neighbouring lattice points by straight lines, are called primitive unit cells. Space Lattice: A pattern that is formed by the lattice points that have identical environment. Coordination Number (CN): Number of direct neighbours of a given atom (first coordination sphere) 16 Crystal = Periodic Arrays of Atoms Lattice point (Atom, molecule, group of molecules,…) Translation Vectors Primitive Cell: • Smallest building block for the crystal lattice. • Repetition of the primitive cell gives a crystal lattice a c ba, b , c 17 Seven Crystal Systems All angles 90 18 Seven Crystal Systems 19 Fourteen Bravais Lattices Seven Crystal Systems + Centering 20 3D Lattices and Space Groups 21 Add one atom at the center of the cube Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) a c b a = b = c a  b  c Simple Cubic (SC) Add one atom at the center of each face Face-Centered Cubic (FCC) Conventional Cell = Primitive Cell Conventional Unit Cell  Primitive Cell 22 Primitive Cell A primitive cell of the lattice = volume of space translated through all the vectors in a lattice that just fills all of space without overlapping or leaving voids. A primitive cell contains just one Bravais lattice point. The primitive cell is the smallest cell that can be translated throughout space to completely recreate the entire lattice. There is not one unique shape of a primitive cell, many possible shapes. The primitive cell for the simple cubic lattice is equal to the simple cubic unit cell (they are identical). (magenta) 23 Primitive Cell A primitive cell of the lattice may be constructed in 2 ways:  The primitive cell may have the lattice point confined at its CENTER = the WIGNER-SEITZ cell  The primitive cell may be formed by constructing lines BETWEEN lattice points, the lattice points lie at the VERTICES of the cell 24 Primitive Cell 25 Nonprimitive Unit Cell vs. Primitive Cell The primitive cell is smaller or equal in size to the unit cell. The unit cells possesses the highest symmetry present in the lattice (for example Cubic). 26 Nonprimitive Unit Cell vs. Primitive Cell The primitive cell is smaller or equal in size to the unit cell. The unit cells possesses the highest symmetry present in the lattice (for example Cubic). 27 1) Coordinates within a unit cell 2) Express the coordinates u v w as fractions of unit cell vectors (lattice parameters) a, b, and c 3) Entire lattice can be referenced by one unit cell Index System for Points 28 Central point coordinates? Index System for Directions (Miller Indices) 1) Determine coordinates of two points in direction of interest (simplified – origin): u1 v1 w1 and u2 v2 w2 2) Subtract coordinates of the second point from those of the first point: u’ = u1 - u2, v’ = v1 - v2, w’ = w1 - w2 3) Clear fractions from the differences to give indices in lowest integer values. 4) Write indices in [ ] brackets - [uvw] 5) Negative = a bar over the integer. A = [100] B = [111] C = [1¯2¯2] 29 Index System for Directions (Miller Indices) In the cubic system directions having the same indices regardless of order or sign are equivalent For cubic crystals, the directions are all equivalent by symmetry: [1 0 0], [ 1¯ 0 0], [0 1 0], [0 1¯ 0], [0 0 1], [0 0 1¯ ] Families of crystallographic directions e.g. <1 0 0> Angled brackets denote a family of crystallographic directions. 30 1. If the plane passes through the origin, select an equivalent plane or move the origin 2. Find the intercepts on the axes in terms of the lattice constants a, b, c. The axes may be those of a primitive or nonprimitive unit cell. 3. Take the reciprocals of these numbers and then reduce to three integers having the same ratio, usually the smallest three integers. 4. (1/∞ = 0) 5. The result enclosed in parenthesis (hkl), is called the index of the plane. Index System for Crystal Planes (Miller Indices) 31 Index System for Crystal Planes (Miller Indices) 32 Index System for Crystal Planes (Miller Indices) Cubic system - planes having the same indices regardless of order or sign are equivalent (111), (11¯1), (111¯) …. belong to {111} family (100), (1¯00), (010), and (001) ….. belong to {100} family 33 Index System for Crystal Planes (Miller Indices) The Miller indices (hkl) is the same vector as the normal to the plane [hkl] 34 Index System for Crystal Planes (Miller Indices) 35 2 nm Quasiperiodic Crystals 36 2 nm Quasiperiodic crystal = a structure that is ordered but not periodic continuously fills all available space, but it lacks translational symmetry Penrose - a plane filled in a nonperiodic fashion using two different types of tiles Five-fold symmetry Only 2, 3, 4, 6fold symmetry allowed to fill 2D plane completely Crystals and Crystal Bonding • metallic (Cu, Fe, Au, Ba, alloys ) metallic bonding, electron delocalization • ionic (NaCl, CsCl, CaF2, ... ) ionic bonds, cations and anions, electrostatic interactions, ions pack into extremely regular crystalline structures, in an arrangement that minimizes the lattice energy (maximizing attractions and minimizing repulsions). The lattice energy is the summation of the interaction of all sites with all other sites. • covalent network solid (diamond, graphite, SiO2, AlN,... ) atoms, covalent bonding, a chemical compound (or element) in which the atoms are bonded by covalent bonds in a continuous network extending throughout the material, there are no individual molecules, the entire crystal or amorphous solid may be considered a macromolecule • molecular (Ar, C60, HF, H2O, organics, proteins ) molecules, van der Waals and hydrogen bonding 37 Covalent network solids 38 Three Cubic Cells SC or Primitive (P) BCC (I) FCC (F) 39 Three Cubic Cells 40 41 a a a d D a = edge d = face diagonl (d2 = a2 + a2 = 2a2) D = body diagonal (D2 = d2 + a2 = 2a2 + a2 = 3a2) Cube 42 CN 6 Simple Cubic SC = Polonium Space filling 52% Z = 1 43 Space filling 68% CN 8 BCC = W, Tungsten a d D r Fe, Cr, V, Li-Cs, Ba Z = 2 44 45 BCC 46 Space filling 74% CN 12 FCC = Copper, Cu = CCP d r Z = 4 47 Close Packing in Plane 2D 48 B and C holes cannot be occupied at the same time 49 Close Packing in Space 3D Cubic CCP Hexagonal HCP 50 hexagonal cubic 51 cubichexagonal 52 hexagonal cubic 53 cubic hexagonal Mg, Be, Zn, Ni, Li, Be, Os, He, Sc, Ti, Co, Y, Ru Cu, Ca, Sr, Ag, Au, Ni, Rh, solid Ne-Xe, F2, C60, opal (300 nm) 54 Structures with Larger Motifs 55 Structures with Larger Motifs TEM images of superlattices composed of 11.3 nm Ni nanoparticles 56 Structures with Larger Motifs 57 Structures with Larger Motifs 58 C60 - FCC = CCP SEM - Opal – 300 nm SiO2 FCC = CCP 59 60 Coordination Polyhedrons 61 Coordination Polyhedrons 62 Space Filling a = lattice parameter Atom Radius, r Number of Atoms (lattice points), Z Space filling SC a/2 1 52% BCC 3a/4 2 68% FCC 2a/4 4 74% Diamond 3a/8 8 34% 63 64 CCP = FCC (ABC) Close packed layers of CCP are oriented perpendicularly to the body diagonal of the cubic cell of FCC CCP FCC 65 66 Two Types of Voids (Holes) 67 Tetrahedral Holes TN cp atoms in lattice cell N Octahedral Holes 2N Tetrahedral Holes Tetrahedral Holes T+ Octahedral Holes 68 Two Types of Voids (Holes) 69 Two Types of Voids (Holes) Tetrahedral HolesOctahedral Holes 70 Z = 4 number of atoms in the cell (N) N = 8 number of tetrahedral holes (2N) Tetrahedral Holes (2N) 71 Octahedral Holes (N) Z = 4 number of atoms in the cell (N) N = 4 number of octahedral holes (N) 72 Two Types of Voids (Holes) N cp atoms in lattice cell N Octahedral Holes 2N Tetrahedral Holes 73 Tetrahedral Holes (2N) 74 Characteristic Structures of Solids = Structure Types Rock salt NaCl LiCl, KBr, AgCl, MgO, TiO, FeO, SnAs, UC, TiN, ... Fluorite CaF2 BaCl2, K2O, PbO2 ... Lithium bismutide Li3Bi Sphalerite (zinc blende) ZnS CuCl, HgS, GaAs ... Nickel arsenide NiAs FeS, PtSn, CoS ... Wurtzite ZnS ZnO, MnS, SiC Rhenium diboride ReB2 ICSD 3555 NaCl 3438 MgAl2O4 2628 GdFeO3 75 Structure Types Derived from CCP = FCC 76 Structure Types Derived from CCP = FCC 77 Structure Types Derived from CCP = FCC Anions/cell (= 4) Oct. (Max 4) Tet. (Max 8) Stoichiometry Compound 4 100% = 4 0 M4X4 = MX NaCl (6:6 coord.) 4 0 100% = 8 M8X4 = M2X Li2O (4:8 coord.) 4 0 50% = 4 M4X4 = MX ZnS, sfalerite (4:4 coord.) 4 50% = 2 0 M2X4 = MX2 CdCl2 4 100% = 4 100% = 8 M12X4 = M3X Li3Bi 4 50% = 2 12.5% = 1 M3X4 MgAl2O4, spinel 78 o/t fcc(ccp) hcp all oct. NaCl NiAs all tetr. CaF2 ReB2 o/t (all) Li3Bi (Na3As) (!) problem ½ t sphalerite (ZnS) wurtzite (ZnS) ½ o CdCl2 CdI2 Comparison between structures with filled octahedral and tetrahedral holes 79 Fluorite CaF2 and antifluorite Li2O Fluorite structure = a face-centered cubic array (FCC) of cations = cubic close packing (CCP) of cations with all tetrahedral holes filled by anions = a simple cubic (SC) array of anions. Antifluorite structure = a face-centred cubic (FCC) array of anions = cubic close packing (CCP) of anions, with cations in all of the tetrahedral holes (the reverse of the fluorite structure). 80 K2[PtCl6], Cs2[SiF6], [Fe(NH3)6][TaF6]2 Fluorite (CaF2, antifluorite Li2O) F / Li 81 Fluorite structures (CaF2, antifluorite Li2O) Oxides: Na2O, K2O, UO2, ZrO2, ThO2 alkali metal sulfides, selenides and tellurides K2[PtCl6], (NH4)2[PtCl6], Cs2[SiF6], [Fe(NH3)6][TaF6]2. CaF2, SrF2, SrCl2, BaF2, BaCl2, CdF2, HgF2, EuF2, -PbF2, PbO2 Li2O, Li2S, Li2Se, Li2Te, Na2O, Na2S, Na2Se, Na2Te, K2O, K2S82 Fluorite structures (CaF2, antifluorite Li2O) 83 Sphalerite (zincblende, ZnS) Cubic close packing of anions with 1/2 tetrahedral holes filled by cations 84 Sphalerite (zincblende, ZnS) 85 Sphalerite (zincblende, ZnS) 13-15 compounds: BP, BAs, AlP, AlAs, GaAs, GaP, GaSb, AlSb, InP, InAs, InSb 12-16 compounds: BeS, BeSe, BeTe, -MnS (red), -MnSe, -CdS, CdSe, CdTe, HgS, HgSe, HgTe, ZnSe, ZnTe Halogenides: AgI, CuF, CuCl, CuBr, CuI, NH4F Borides: PB, AsB Carbides: -SiC Nitrides: BN 86 Diamond 87 cubic hexagonal SiO2 cristobalite Lonsdaleite SiO2 tridymite ice Diamond 88 Cubic Diamond 89 Diamond Structure C, Si, Ge, grey-Sn • Add 4 atoms to a FCC • Tetrahedral bond arrangement • Each atom has 4 nearest neighbors and 12 next nearest neighbors 90 Elements of the 14th Group 91 Cuprite Cu2O Cubic Lattice 92 Wurzite, ZnS Hexagonal close packing of anions with 1/2 tetrahedral holes filled by cations 93 Wurzite, ZnS ZnO, ZnS, ZnSe, ZnTe, BeO, CdS, CdSe, MnS, AgI, AlN 94 Semiconductors of 13-15 and 12-16 type 95 Rock Salt, NaCl Cubic close packing of anions with all octahedral holes filled by cations 96 Rock Salt, NaCl 97 Anion and cation sublattices Rock Salt, NaCl 98 99 Rock salt structures (NaCl) Hydrides: LiH, NaH, KH, NH4BH4 – H2 storage material Pd(H) Borides: ZrB, HfB Carbides: TiC, ZrC, VC, UC Nitrides: ScN, TiN, UN, CrN, VN, ZrN Oxides: MgO, CaO, SrO, BaO, TiO, VO, MnO, FeO, CoO, NiO Chalcogenides: MgS, CaS, SrS, BaS, -MnS, MgSe, CaSe, SrSe, BaSe, CaTe Halides: LiF, LiCl, LiBr, LiI, NaF, NaBr, NaI, KF, KCl, KBr, KI, RbF, RbCl, RbBr, AgCl, AgF, AgBr Intermetallics: SnAs Other FeS2 (pyrite), CaC2, NaO2 100 Rock salt structures (NaCl) 101 Rock salt structures (NaCl) FeS2 (pyrite), CaC2, NaO2 SiO2 (pyrite - high pressure polymorph, Uranus and Neptune core) 102 NiAs - type Hexagonal close packing of anions with all octahedral holes filled by cations NiS, NiAs, NiSb, NiSe, NiSn, NiTe, FeS, FeSe, FeTe, FeSb, PtSn, CoS, CoSe, CoTe, CoSb, CrSe, CrTe, CoSb, PtB (anti-NiAs structure) 103 NiAs - type Hexagonal close packing of anions with all octahedral holes filled by cations 104 ReB2 - type Hexagonal close packing of anions with all tetrahedral holes filled by cations 105 [Cr(NH3)6]Cl3, K3[Fe(CN)6] bcc Li3Bi - type (anti BiF3) 106 Li3Bi - type (anti BiF3) Fe3Al [Cr(NH3)6]Cl3 K3[Fe(CN)6] Cubic close packing of anions with all tetrahedral and octahedral holes filled by cations 107 Li3Bi - type (anti BiF3) M3C60 Cubic close packing of C60 3 anions with all tetrahedral and octahedral holes filled by cations 108 CsCl Primitive cubic packing of anions with all cubic holes filled by cations Primitive cubic packing of CsCl8 cubes sharing all faces 109 CsCl CsCl is not BCC CsBr, CsI, CsCN, NH4Cl, NH4Br, TlCl, TlBr, TlI, CuZn, CuPd, LiHg 110 NaTl Niggli – 230 space groups – restrictions on arrangement of atoms: There are only 4 possible AB cubic structures: NaCl, ZnS-sfalerite, CsCl, and NaTl Both sublattices form independent diamond structures. The atoms sit on the sites of a bcc lattice with abcc = ½ a. 111 SC of ReO6 octahedra ReO3 NaCl structure with 3/4 of cations removed and 1/4 of anions removed Cubic-WO3, UO3, MoF3, NbF3, TaF3, Cu3N 112 What type of unit cell? sc, bcc, fcc WO3 113 MoO3 114 Perovskite, CaTiO3 Two equvivalent views of the unit cell of perovskite Ti CaO Ti O Ca Cubic "close packing" of Ca and O with 1/4 octahedral holes filled by Ti cations115 Perovskite, CaTiO3 Two equvivalent views of the unit cell of perovskite Cubic "close packing" of Ca and O with 1/4 octahedral holes filled by Ti cations116 TiO6 – octahedra CaO12 – cuboctahedra (Ca2+ and O2- form a cubic close packing) preferred structure of piezoelectric, ferroelectric and superconducting materials Perovskite structure CaTiO3 Goldschmidt’s tolerance factor 117 Similarity to CsCl Perovskite, CaTiO3 Cubic "close packing" of A and X with 1/4 octahedral holes filled by B cations 118 Perovskite, CaTiO3 MgSiO3, CaSiO3 KNbO3, KTaO3, KIO3, NaNbO3, NaWO3, LaCoO3, LaCrO3, LaFeO3, LaGaO3, LaVO3, SrTiO3, SrZrO3, SrFeO3 ThTaN3, BaTaO2N 119 Perovskite, BaTiO3 120 Perovskite - ferroelectric BaTiO3 121 Perovskite - ferroelectric BaTiO3 122 Perovskite structure of YBCO 123 Perovskite structure of CH3NH3PbI3 124 Rutile, TiO2 CN – stoichiometry Rule AxBy CN(A) / CN(B) = y / x Distorted hexagonal close packing of anions with 1/2 octahedral holes filled by cations (giving a tetragonal lattice) 125 Rutile, TiO2 GeO2, CrO2, IrO2, MoO2, NbO2, -MnO2, OsO2, VO2 (>340K), RuO2, CoF2, FeF2, MgF2, MnF2 126 TiO6 – octahedra OTi3 – trigonal planar (alternative to CaF2 for highly charged smaller cations) The rutile structure: TiO2 127 Three polymorphs of TiO2 anatase (a), rutile (b) and brookite (c) 128 fcc array of O2- ions, A2+ occupies 1/8 of the tetrahedral and B3+ 1/2 of the octahedral holes  normal spinel: AB2O4  inverse spinel: B[AB]O4 Fe3O4 = Fe3+[Fe2+Fe3+]O4  basis structure for several magnetic materials The spinel structure: MgAl2O4 129 130  MAGNETITE (Fe3O4)  Cubic inverse spinel  O2- atoms are arranged in close-packed FCC lattice  Fe2+ occupy ½ of OCT sites  Fe3+ are split evenly across the remaining OCT and TET sites  MAGHEMITE (γ-Fe2O3)  Fully oxidized form of magnetite  Inverse spinel with cation deficiency  One of every six octahedral sites in magnetite is vacant in maghemite structure  Stoichiometry Fetet(Fe5/3□1/3)octO4 Spinel AB2X4 Spinel normal: Cubic close packing of anions with 1/2 octahedral holes filled by B cations and 1/8 tetrahedral holes by A cations MgAl2O4, CoAl2O4, MgTi2O4, Fe2GeO4, NiAl2O4, MnCr2O4 AB2X4 Spinel inverse: As for spinel but A cations and 1/2 of B cations interchanged MgFe2O4, NiFe2O4, MgIn2O4, MgIn2S4, Mg2TiO4, Zn2TiO4, Zn2SnO4, FeCo2O4. δ = the inversion parameter (AδB1-δ)A[A1-δB1+δ]BO4 Values from δ = 1 (normal) to δ = 0 (inverse) May depend on synthesis conditions 131 Corundum Al2O3 consists of hcp O2− ions Al3+ fill ……. of all octahedral holes The Al centres are surrounded by ……. oxides Oxide ligands are ……………coordinated by Al 132 Corundum AlO6 octahedral units are linked in both facesharing and edge-sharing orientations as parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis, respectively. The relative orientation of the metal centres causes a pseudo Peierls distortion, resulting in neighbouring metal centres that are rotated at an angle of 64.3° away from each other. Elongation in pairs of the surrounding oxide ligands results in a pentagonal bi-pyramidal geometry belonging to the space group R-3c. The material is largely ionic in nature with a wide band gap of 9.25 eV. 133 Garnets Naturally occuring garnets A3B2Si3O12 = A3B2(SiO4)3 A3 = divalent cation (Mg, Fe, Mn or Ca) dodecahedral B2 = trivalent (Al, Fe3+, Ti, or Cr) octahedral Si3 = tetravalent, tetrahedral Since Ca is much larger in radius than the other divalent cations, there are two series of garnets: one with calcium and one without: pyralspite contain Al (pyrope, almandine, spessartine) ugrandite contain Ca (uvarovite, grossular, andradite) Synthetic garnets A3B5O12 A3 = trivalent cations, large size (Y, La,…) B5 = trivalent (Al, Fe3+, Ti, or Cr) 2B octahedral, 3B tetrahedral Y3Al5O12 Y3Fe5O12 134 Garnets Garnet Y3Al5O12 Y3 = red - dodecahedral trivalent cations, large size Al5 = blue 2 octahedral 3 tetrahedral O12 135 Fullerides M1C60 all the octahedral (O) sites (dark blue) are occupied (NaCl) M2C60 all the tetrahedral (T) sites (light blue) are occupied (CaF2) M3C60 both the O and the T sites are occupied (BiF3) M4C60 rearranged to a body-centered tetragonal (bct) cell and both the O and the T sites of the bct lattice are occupied M6C60 a bcc lattice and all its T sites are occupied 136 Fullerides BCC unit cell of Rb6C60 and Cs6C60 137 Layered Structures CdI2 Hexagonal close packing of anions with 1/2 octahedral holes filled by cations CoI2, FeI2, MgI2, MnI2, PbI2, ThI2, TiI2, TmI2, VI2, YbI2, ZnI2, VBr2, TiBr2, MnBr2, FeBr2, CoBr2, TiCl2, TiS2., TaS2. CdCl2 Cubic close packing of anions with 1/2 octahedral holes filled by cations CdCl2, CdBr2, CoCl2, FeCl2, MgCl2, MnCl2, NiCl2, NiI2, ZnBr2, ZnI2, Cs2O* (anti-CdCl2 structure) 138 CdI2 Hexagonal Close Packing 139 CdCl2 Cubic Close Packing 140 CdCl2 Cubic Close Packing 141 Strukturbericht Symbols A partly systematic method for specifying the structure of a crystal A - monatomic (elements), B - diatomic with equal numbers of atoms of each type (AB), C - a 2-1 abundance ratio (AB2), D0 - 3-1, etc. Structure type Struktur bericht Space group (S.G. No.) Lattice Cu A1 Fm-3m (225) fcc W, Fe A2 Im-3m (229) bcc Mg A3 P63/mmc (194) hcp C - diamond A4 Fd-3m (227) diamond NaCl B1 Fm-3m (225) CsCl B2 Pm-3m (221) ZnS B3 F43m (216) Zincblende ZnS B4 P63/mc (186) Wurtzite CaF2 C1 Fm-3m (225) Fluorite 142 Pearson Symbols Indicate the crystal symmetry and the number of atoms in the unit cell e.g.: NaCl - a face-centered (F) cubic (c) structure with 8 atoms in the unit cell = cF8 monoclinic (m), hexagonal (h), orthorhombic (o), asymmetric (a), primitive (P) the Pearson symbol does not necessarily specify a unique structure (see cF8) Structure type Pearson Symbol Struktur bericht Space group (S.G. No.) Cu cF4 A1 Fm-3m (225) W, Fe cI2 A2 Im-3m (229) Mg hP2 A3 P63/mmc (194) C - diamond cF8 A4 Fd-3m (227) NaCl cF8 B1 Fm-3m (225) CsCl cP2 B2 Pm-3m (221) ZnS (zb) cF8 B3 F43m (216) ZnS (w) hP4 B4 P63/mc (186) CaF2 cF12 C1 Fm-3m (225) 143 Space Group Symbols primitive (P), face-centered (F), body-centered (I), base-centered (A, B, C), rhombohedral (R) S. G. Class Centering Symbol syntax (examples) Triclinic P P1, P-1 Monoclinic P, C, B Paxis, Pplane, Paxis/plane (P21, Cm, P21/c) Orthorhombic P, F, I, C, A Paxisaxisaxis, Pplaneplaneplane (Pmmm, Cmc21) Tetragonal P, I P4, P4axisaxisaxis, P4planeplaneplane (I4/m, P4mm) Trigonal P, R P3axis, P3plane (R-3m) Hexagonal P P6, P6axisplane (P63/mmc) Cubic P, F, I Paxis3plane, Pplane3plane (Pm-3m, Fm-3m) 144 Bonding models for covalent and ionic compounds Organic vs inorganic bonding G. N. Lewis 1923 Electron pair sharing Orbital overlap Chemical bond Number of bonds = atomic valence Born, Lande, Magelung, Meyer 1918 Electrostatic attraction (Coulomb) Repulsion 1911145 The lattice enthalpy change, L, is the standard molar enthalpy change for the process: M+ (gas) + X (gas)  MX(solid) The formation of a solid from ions in the gas phase is always exothermic Lattice enthalpies are usually negative The most stable crystal structure of a given compound is the one with the highest (most negative) lattice enthalpy. (entropy considerations neglected) Lattice Enthalpy, L (L) 146 Lattice Enthalpy, L, kJ/mol 147 ∆Hform o = - 411 kJ mol1 ∆Hsubl o = 108 kJ mol1 ½ D= 122 kJ mol1 EA = - 355 kJ mol1 IE = 502 kJ mol1 L = ?Na(s) + 1/2 Cl2 (g) Na(g) + 1/2 Cl2 (g) Na(g) + Cl (g) Na+ (g) + Cl (g) Na+ (g) + Cl- (g) NaCl (s) 0 = ∆Hform o + ∆Hsubl o + 1/2 D + IE + EA+ L 0 = 411 + 108 +122 + 502 + (-355) + L L =  788 kJ mol1 Born-Haber cycle all enthalpies: kJ mol-1 for normal conditions  standard enthalpies 148 Lattice Enthalpy L = Ecoul + Erep One ion pair Ecoul = (1/40) zA zB / d (calculated exactly) Erep = B / dn (modelled empirically) n = Born exponent (experimental measurement of compressibilty) B = a constant 149 Lattice Enthalpy 1 mol of ions Ecoul = NA A (e2 / 4  0) (zA zB / d) A = Madelung constant - a single ion interacts with all other ions Erep = NA B / dn L = Ecoul + Erep Find minimum dL/d(d) = 0 150 Coulombic contributions to lattice enthalpies Calculation of Lattice Enthalpies Coulomb potential of an ion pair ECoul : Coulomb potential (electrostatic potential) A : Madelung constant (depends on structure type) NA: Avogadro constant z : charge number e : elementary charge o: dielectric constant (vacuum permittivity) d : shortest distance between cation and anion 151 Madelung Constant Ecoul = (e2 / 4  0)*(zA zB / d)*[+2(1/1)  2(1/2) + 2(1/3)  2(1/4) + ....] Ecoul = (e2 / 4  0)*(zA zB / d)*(2 ln 2) Count all interactions in the crystal lattice Madelung constant A = 1.3863… for an infinite linear chain of ions = sum of convergent series The simplest example : 1D lattice 152 Madelung Constant Count all interactions in the crystal lattice of one ion with all others Madelung constant A = 1.3863… for an infinite linear chain of ions = sum of convergent series The simplest example : 1D lattice 153 Madelung Constant for NaCl Ecoul = (e2 / 4  0) * (zA zB / d) * [6(1/1) - 12(1/2) + 8(1/3) - 6(1/4) + 24(1/5) ....] Ecoul = (e2 / 4  0) * (zA zB / d) * A convergent series 3D ionic solids: Coulomb attraction and repulsion a single ion interacts with all other ions 154 Madelung Constants for other Structural Types Structural Type A NaCl 1.74756 CsCl 1.76267 CaF2 2.519 ZnS Sfalerite 1.63805 ZnS Wurtzite 1.64132 Linear Lattice 1.38629 Ion Pair ? 155 Born repulsion Erep Because the electron density of atoms decreases exponentially towards zero at large distances from the nucleus the Born repulsion shows the same behavior approximation: B and n are constants for a given atom type; n can be derived from compressibility measurements (~8) r r0 Repulsion arising from overlap of electron clouds 156 Total lattice enthalpy from Coulomb interaction and Born repulsion (set first derivative of the sum to zero) Measured (calculated) lattice enthalpies (kJ mol-1): NaCl: –772 (–757) CsCl: –652 (–623) (measured from Born Haber cycle) 157 The Kapustinskii equation Kapustinskii found that if the Madelung constant for a given structure is divided by the number of ions in one formula unit () the resulting values are almost constant: Structure Madelung constant (A) A/ Coordination CsCl 1.763 0.88 8:8 NaCl 1.748 0.87 6:6 CaF2 2.519 0.84 8:4 -Al2O3 4.172 0.83 6:4  general lattice energy equation that can be applied to any crystal regardless of the crystal structure K, G = constants 158 structure M CN stoichm M / v CsCl 1.763 (8,8) AB 0.882 NaCl 1.748 (6,6) AB 0.874 ZnS sfalerite 1.638 (4,4) AB 0.819 ZnS wurtzite 1.641 (4,4) AB 0.821 CaF2 fluorite 2.519 (8,4) AB2 0.840 TiO2 rutile 2.408 (6,3) AB2 0.803 CdI2 2.355 (6,3) AB2 0.785 Al2O3 4.172 (6,4) A2B3 0.834 v = the number of ions in one formula unit Kapustinski 159 Most important advantage of the Kapustinski equation  it is possible to apply the equation for lattice calculations of crystals with polyatomic ions (e.g. KNO3, (NH4)2SO4 ...).  a set of „thermochemical radii“ was derived for further calculations of lattice enthalpies 160 Lattice Enthalpy El. config. n Example He-He 5 LiH Ne-Ne 7 NaF, MgO Ar-Ar 9 KCl, CaS, CuCl, Zn2+, Ga3+ Kr-Kr 10 RbBr, AgBr, Cd2+, In3+ Xe-Xe 12 CsI, Au+, Tl3+ Born–Mayer d* = 0.345 Å Born–Lande For compounds of mixed ion types, use the average value (e.g., for NaCl, n = 8). 161 Lattice Enthalpy of NaCl Born–Lande calculation L =  765 kJ mol1 Only ionic contribution Experimental Born–Haber cycle L =  788 kJ mol1 Lattice Enthalpy consists of ionic and covalent contribution 162 Applications of lattice enthalpy calculations:  thermal stabilities of ionic solids  stabilities of oxidation states of cations  solubility of salts in water  calculations of electron affinity data  lattice enthalpies and stabilities of „non existent“ compounds 163 Five principles which could be used to determine the structures of complex ionic/covalent crystals Pauling’s Rule no. 1 Coordination Polyhedra A coordinated polyhedron of anions is formed about each cation. Cation-Anion distance is determined by sums of ionic radii. Cation coordination environment is determined by radius ratio. Pauling’s Rules 164 Coordination Polyhedra 165 Different Types of Radii 166 P – Pauling radius G – Goldschmidt radius S – Shannon radius Variation of the electron density along the Li – F axis in LiF 167 Variation of ionic radii with coordination number The radius of one ion was fixed to a reasonable value (r(O2-) = 140 pm) (Linus Pauling) That value is then used to compile a set of self consistent values for all other ions. 168 Variation of atomic radii through the Periodic table 169 R.D. Shannon and C.T. Prewitt, Acta Cryst. B25, 925-945 (1969) R.D. Shannon, Acta Cryst. A32, 751-767 (1976) Ionic Radii As the coordination number (CN) increases, the Ionic Radius increases Sr 2+ CN Radius, Å 6 1.32 8 1.40 9 1.45 10 1.50 12 1.58 As the oxidation state increases, cations get smaller (6-fold coordination, in Å) Mn2+ 0.810 Mn3+ 0.785 Mn4+ 0.670 Ti2+ 1.000 Ti3+ 0.810 Ti4+ 0.745 170 Ionic Radii The radius increases down a group in the periodic table. The exception - 4d/5d series in the transition metals - the lanthanide contraction (6-fold coordination, in Å) Al3+ 0.675 Ga3+ 0.760 In3+ 0.940 Tl3+ 1.025 Ti4+ 0.745 Zr4+ 0.86 Hf4+ 0.85 Right to left across the periodic table the radius decreases. (6 coordinate radii, in Å) La3+ 1.172 Nd3+ 1.123 Gd3+ 1.078 Lu 3+ 1.001 171 1. Ionic radii increase down a group. (Lanthanide contraction restricts the increase of heavy ions) 2. Radii of equal charge ions decrease across a period 3. Ionic radii increase with increasing coordination number the higher the CN the bigger the ion 4. The ionic radius of a given atom decreases with increasing charge (r(Fe2+) > r(Fe3+)) 5. Cations are usually the smaller ions in a cation/anion combination (exceptions: r(Cs+) > r(F-)) 6. Frequently used for rationalization of structures: „radius ratio“ r(cation)/r(anion) (< 1) General trends for ionic radii 172 Cation/anion Radius Ratio CN r/R 12 – hcp/ccp 1.00 (substitution) 8 – cubic 0.732 – 1.00 6 – octahedral 0.414 – 0.732 4 – tetrahedral 0.225 – 0.414 optimal radius ratio for given CN ions are in touch 173 174 175 Structure Map Structural map as function of radius ratios for AB compounds. Structural map as function of radius ratios for A2BO4 compounds. Dependence of the structure type on parameters, such as ionic radii, ionicity, electronegativity etc. 176 Structure Map Dependence of the structure type (coordination number) on the electronegativity difference and the average principal quantum number (size and polarizability) AB compounds 177 Pauling’s Rule no. 2 Bond Strength The strength of an electrostatic bond = valence / CN The bond valence sum of each ion equals its oxidation state. The valence of an ion (Vi, equal to the oxidation state of the ion) is equal to a sum of the valences of its bonds (sij). In a stable ionic structure the charge on an ion is balanced by the sum of electrostatic bond strengths (sij) to the ions in its coordination polyhedron. TiO2 (Rutile) Ti - oxidation state of +4, coordinated to 6 oxygens. VTi = +4 = 6 (sij) sij = +2/3 The bond valence of oxygen, coordinated by 3 Ti atoms Vo = 3 (sij) = 3 (-2/3) = 2 Each bond has a valence of sij with respect to the cation and sij with respect to the anion. Pauling’s Rules 178 Bond Strength Brown, Shannon, Donnay, Allmann: Correlation of the valence of a bond sij with the (experimental) bond distance dij. Rij = standard single bond length - determined empirically from (many) structures where bond distances and ideal valences are accurately known. Tables of Rij values for given bonding pairs (i.e. Nb-O, Cr-N, Mg-F, etc.) have been calculated, just as tables of ionic radii are available. A constant b = 0.37 R = d s = e0 = 1 R  d s = e1 < 1 a bond longer than R is weaker than 1 R  d s = e1 > 1 a bond shorter than R is stronger than 1 179 Bond Strength Correlation of the valence of a bond sij with the (experimental) bond distance dij. Use of the bond valence concept A) To check experimentally determined structures for correctness, or bonding instabilities B) To predict new structures C) To locate light atoms such as hydrogen or Li ion, which are hard to find experimentally D) To determine ordering of ions which are hard to differentiate experimentally, such as Al3+ and Si4+, or O2- and FE) To check/confirm oxidation states of atoms (Co2+ /Co3+ , Fe2+ / Fe3+ ) 180 Bond Strength Correlation of the valence of a bond sij with the (experimental) bond distance dij. 181 FeTiO3 (mineral Ilmenite) possesses the corundum structure – an hcp array of oxides with cations filling 2/3 of octahedral holes. Decide which oxidation states are present: Fe(II) Ti(IV) or Fe(III) Ti(III) Bond Distances (dexp, Å) Tabulated Rij values Constants FeO = 3×2.07 and 3×2.20 R0(FeO) = 1.795 Å b = 0.30 TiO = 3×1.88 and 3×2.09 R0(TiO) = 1.815 Å b = 0.37 Oxygen valence and coordination number O? Each oxygen is bound to Fe and Ti with both bond distances. Pauling’s Rule no. 3 Polyhedral Linking The presence of shared edges, and particularly shared faces decreases the stability of a structure. This is particularly true for cations with large valences and small coordination number. Avoid shared polyhedral edges and/or faces. Pauling’s Rules 182 Polyhedral Linking 183 Polyhedral Linking 184 The Coulombic interactions - maximize the cation-anion interactions (attractive), and minimize the anion-anion and cation-cation interactions (repulsive). The cation-anion interactions are maximized by increasing the coordination number and decreasing the cation-anion distance. If ions too close - electronelectron repulsions. The cation-cation distances as a function of the cation-anion distance (M-X) Polyhedron/Sharing Corner Edge Face 2 Tetrahedra 2 M-X 1.16 MX 0.67 MX 2 Octahedra 2 M-X 1.41 MX 1.16 MX The cation-cation distance decreases, (the Coulomb repulsion increases) as the •degree of sharing increases (corner < edge < face) •CN decreases (cubic < octahedral < tetrahedral) •cation oxidation state increases (this leads to a stronger Coulomb repulsion) 185 Pauling’s Rule no. 4 Cation Evasion In a crystal containing different cations those with large valence and small coord. number tend not to share polyhedral elements (anions). Pauling’s Rules Perovskite, CaTiO3 CaII 12-coordinate CaO12 cuboctahedra share FACES TiIV 6-coordinate TiO6 octahedra share only VERTICES 186 Pauling’s Rule no. 5 Environmental Homogeneity the rule of parsimony The number of chemically different coordination environments for a given ion tends to be small. Once the optimal chemical environment for an ion is found, if possible all ions of that type should have the same environment. Pauling’s Rules 187 High Pressure Transformations •high pressure phases •higher density •higher coodination number •higher symmetry •transition to from nonmetal to metal •band mixing •longer bonds Pressure/Coordination Number Rule: increasing pressure – higher CN Pressure/Distance Paradox: increasing pressure – longer bonds 188