Chromosome rearrangements Chromosome rearrangements Chromosome rearrangements are caused by breakage of DNA double helices in the genome at two different locations, followed by a rejoining of the broken ends to produce a new chromosomal arrangement of genes, different from the gene order of the chromosomes before they were broken. Most common chromosome rearrangements are (i) deletions (ii) duplications (iii) inversions (iv) translocations imbalanced - change the gene dosage of a part of the affected chromosomes, similar to aneuploidy for whole chromosomes (the loss of one copy or the addition of an extra copy of a segment of a chromosome can disrupt normal gene balance) balanced - change the chromosomal gene order but do not remove or duplicate any of the DNA of the chromosomes Chromosome rearrangements: points to remember • each chromosome is a single double-stranded DNA molecule (DNA helix) • the first event is the generation of two or more double-strand breaks (DSBs) in the chromosomes • DSBs are potentially lethal, unless they are repaired • repair systems in the cell correct the DSBs by joining broken ends back together • if the two ends of the same break are rejoined >> the original DNA order restored, if ends of two different breaks are joined together (= mis-repair of DNA damage) >> chromosome rearrangement • segment of DNA lost or duplicated in the rearrangement cannot be “too large” (gene balance); the larger the segment of a chromosome lost or duplicated, the more likely will it cause phenotypic abnormalities Chromosome rearrangements – the role of repeats In organisms with repetitive DNA, homologous repetitive segments within one chromosome or on different chromosomes can act as sites for illegitimate crossing-over. Deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations can all be produced by such crossing-over. Chromosome rearrangements Deletion formation by breakage and rejoining Deletion formation by intra-chromosomal crossover deletion lost lost another example… Sometimes during meiosis two chromatids from homologous chromosomes (A) are misaligned during a cross-over event (B) as a result, one chromatid gained a duplicated region and the another lost a deleted region (C). The duplication as well as the deletion are inherited by resulting gametes. Deletion (and duplication) formation by unequal cross-over misaligned homologous chromosomes polytene chromosomes Drosophila deletion heterozygote How deletions can be identified Duplications: polyploidy autopolyploidy vs. allopolyploidy Segmental duplications Sometimes during meiosis two chromatids from homologous chromosomes (A) are misaligned during a cross-over event (B) as a result, one chromatid gained a duplicated region and the another lost a deleted region (C). The duplication as well as the deletion are inherited by resulting gametes. Duplication (and deletion ) formation by unequal cross-over misaligned homologous chromosomes • common mechanism of duplications Consequences of duplications • evolution of RNA genes • in particular rRNA genes (rDNA) • 5-10 copies/bacterial genome • c. 130 copies/Drosophila genome • Xenopus c. 400 copies/genome (but the oocyte may have 1500 micronuclei, each with an NOR, it is c. 600,000 copies of rDNA) 1970 Susomo Ohno – “Evolution by Gene Duplication” Gene duplication produces a reservoir of genes from which to evolve new ones. Why reinvent the wheel from scratch? Inversions Inversions as balanced rearrangements are generally viable and show no particular abnormalities at the phenotypic level. Many inversions can be made homozygous. Inversion heterozygote - cells that contain one normal haploid chromosome set plus one set carrying the inversion. Microscopic observation of meioses in inversion heterozygotes reveals an inversion loop. meiotic inversion loop Inversion formation by intra-chromosomal crossover inverted repeats inversion Two types of inversions mechanism of inversion formation: breakage and rejoining How the chromosomes pair in an inversion heterozygote? by forming an inversion loop… (paracentric) inversion heterozygote pericentric inversion paracentric inversion Inversion loops in para- and pericentric inversion heterozygotes When no recombination occurs, 50% of gametes have inversion. Next two slides show what happen if a recombination event does occur in the inversion loop… A crossover within the inversion loop of a heterozygote for a pericentric inversion (gametes/zygotes not viable) (gametes/zygotes not viable) Crossing-over within the inversion loop connects homologous centromeres in a dicentric bridge while also producing an acentric fragment - one without a centromere. Anaphase I - the acentric fragment cannot align itself and it is lost - tension eventually breaks the dicentric bridge, forming two chromosomes with terminal deletions Gametes containing deleted chromosomes may be inviable, but, even if viable, the zygotes that they eventually form will probably be inviable. Crossing-over generates here lethal products. Inversions affect recombination in another way, too. Inversion heterozygotes often have mechanical pairing problems in the region of the inversion, which reduces the opportunity for crossing-over in the region. Consequences for speciation. two nonsister chromatids cross over within the loop A crossover within the inversion loop of a heterozygote for a paracentric inversion Can be “adaptive” when it stabilizes a superior combination of alleles on a chromosome (examples seen in Drosophila) Inversions and recombination: evolutionary significance Reciprocal translocations Symmetric Asymmetric Translocations: „nonreciprocal“ and reciprocal attachment of chromosome fragment to a non-homologous chromosome (leading to deletions and duplications in progeny) exchange of chromosome fragments between nonhomologous chromosomes Nonreciprocal translocations were not proven experimentally! Infact all translocations are reciprocal. Reciprocal translocation: homozygotes Two ways of segregation: a) translocation chromosomes segregate together (balanced translocation) b) translocation chromosomes are separated > > gametes with duplications and deletions (imabalanced gametes) > > 50% of the gametes are not viable (= semisterility) Reciprocal translocations: heterozygotes Robertsonian translocations are the most common recurrent structural anomaly in humans, with about 1 in 1000 individuals carrying this rearrangement. The carriers of ROBs have 45 chromosomes instead of the normal 46. Robertsonian translocations - ROBs (centric „fusions“) • type of a reciprocal translocation between two acrocentric chromosomes • also called whole-arm translocations or centric-fusion translocations • named after the American insect geneticist W. R. B. Robertson, who first described a Robertsonian translocation in grasshoppers in 1916 • evolutionary significance >>> chromosome number reduction (from 2 acrocentric chromosomes one metacentric chromosome) lost lost Dicentric ROB (more frequent) Monocentric ROB Familial or translocation Down syndrome: Robertsonian translocation and its consequences „fusions“ of long arms of two acrocentric chromosomes (13, 14, 15, 21 and 22) • Most of long arm from chromosome 21 translocated to 14 (14/21 translocation) • „Fusion“ occurs at two rDNA regions on the chromosomes • about 20% rDNA copies lost • carrier still normal (2n = 45) • woman is usually a carrier of the 14/21 chromosome Familial Down syndrome