Molecular Builders and Single Point Calculation Esmaeil Farajpour Bonab, October 8, 2019 Molecular Structure Specification ● Cartesian coordinates: 2 Molecule with N atoms 3N Cartesian coordinates O -0.455432366 0.000000000 -1.763659097 H -0.455432366 0.759337000 -1.167616097 H -0.455432366 -0.759337000 -1.167616097 Element X(Å) Y(Å) Z(Å) ● Internal Coordinate: a systematic approach to build Z-matrix (a list of internal coordinates) ● nonlinear molecule: 3N-6 H2 O =3 internal coordinates (two bonds (A) and one angle (B)) 3 No. Element A Bond length (Å) B Bond Angle (degrees) 1 O 2 H 1 0.959 3 H 1 0.959 2 103.9 1 H 2 O 1 0.959 3 H 2 0.959 1 103.9 1 2 3 1 2 3 ● For molecules if N => 4, there is an additional parameters called dihedral (torsion) angle. 4 b 1 b 2 b 3 b 3 b 1 𝛷 𝛷 No. Element A Bond length (Å) B Bond angle (degrees) D Dihedral angle (degrees) 1 C 2 H 1 1.089 3 H 1 1.089 2 109.471 4 H 1 1.089 2 109.471 3 120.000 5 H 1 1.089 2 109.471 3 -120.000 Builders in Wolf Computers Gabedit04 ● Free ● Relatively slow ● hear/Home/gabedit Nemesis03 ● Developed by Petr Kulhanek ● Gaussview02 ● Comercial ● Ability of generating specified parameters ● Avogadro01 ● Cross-platform (windows, Linux, Mac OS X) ● Free, Open Source ● Fast ● 5 Task (I) Open Avogadro and Gaussview using the following commands: Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) $module add avogadro $avogadro ● H2 O ● CH2 CHCHCH2 ● Benzylamine (C6 H5 CH2 NH2 ) $module add gaussview $gv ● NH2 CH3 ● CH3 CH2 OH 6 Typical Gaussian input file for SP %chk=.chk %mem=gb %nproc= # b3lyp/6-31g Title Card Required 0 1 6 0.753169000 3.160531000 -2.318531000 6 1.979701000 2.378550000 -2.303684000 6 0.382563000 3.894249000 -1.178245000 6 2.803075000 2.378437000 -1.170502000 6 3.406284000 1.133090000 -0.722816000 6 3.269679000 -0.083775000 -1.462575000 6 3.422882000 -1.301939000 -0.725708000 6 -1.973088000 3.160186000 -1.432584000 …. wavefunction Number of shared processor and the value of memory usage Command line: opt or sp, function, basis set, other relevant commands Charge and multiplicity (2S+1) Cartesian coordination 7 Single Point (SP) Calculation Workflow for Gaussian ( ● Create input file using any builders (for example: Gaussview or Avogadro) ● Specify the method (Function and basis set) ● For single point use SP in command line. ● Save the .chk file ● Specify the number of cpus and the memory value ● Save the input file as “.com” or “.gjf” ● if you don’t specify the version of the software, automatically the latest version of the code will be added up. ● Prepare the file (for example for job submission including the following commands: #!/usr/bin/env infinity-env module add gaussian:16.A3 g16 .gjf ● Submit the prepared job as follows: $psubmit default ncpus=,mem=gb,walltime=:: -y 8 Logfile and .chk file One can extract the energy, structure,and other relevant results using logfile. .chk file is a binary file. In order to convert it into a human readable file, one can use the following command: $ formchk -3 .chk The created .fchk file can be used for analyzing of orbital, electron density. 9 ● Prepare the input file using any builder ● Add turbomole module: $module add turbomole ● Convert the prepared input file to the turbomole input file using the command: x2t <filename>.com > coord ● execute define (as the interface between user and code) command: $define ● Two first items can be skipped. ● Molecular geometry specification: ● Add atomic coordinate using a <file> command ● Create internal coordinate using ired coomand ● Terminate using * and go through the next step. ● Basis set specification: ● Using b one can assign the basis set for all atoms like b all def-SVP or using b “atom nickname” def-SVP. For example: b “cl” def-SVP ● bl can list the type of specified basis sets for each atom ● Use * to terminate this section and keep continue. SP calculation using Turbomole 10 ● Initial guess using extended Huckel theory (eht) and carefully specified the item which you are being asked. ● Method specification: ● Execute dft and specified the status of DFT options as follows: ● Execute on in order to activate DFT method. ● Specify function using func command. ● Change the grid size using grid command. ● Terminate this section using * and go through the next step. ● RI parameters: ● On command activates this option ● m can change the usage memory for this item using for example m 3000 ● Terminate using *. ● dsp (Dispersion correction) : ● on command to switch DFT-D3 ● Terminate using *. 11 ● After finishing all the mentioned commands, use * to complete the define section. ● One should provide coord, control, mos, basis and auxbasis files. ● submit the job including the following commands for SP calculation. #!/usr/bin/env infinity-env Module add turbomole ridft > dft.out ● For normal geometry optimization, one should use jobex command as follows: #!/usr/bin/env infinity-env Module add turbomole jobex -ri > dft.out ● 12 Output files for Turbomole ● job.start: informs you about the current option ● converged: convergence is signalled by this file otherwise you should find not.converged file. ● job.last: last complete cycle ● mos: molecular orbitals ● dft.out: optimization procedure 13