Introduction to Computational Quantum Chemistry Introduction to Unix Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 1 / 25 Unix Developped in 1970s in C language Open source code Multiuser system Case-sensitive system Many distributions developped since: Ubuntu Debian BSD Fedora ... Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 2 / 25 Cluster Wolf Scientific software administrator: RNDr. Petr Kulhánek, PhD. show=wolf Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 3 / 25 User system Superuser Administrative privileges Can edit system files User Cannot edit system files Only selected items are editable/accessible Belongs to certain groups with respective rights (hardware/software access...) Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 4 / 25 Filesystem No “Windows-like” discs Everything mounted under “/” (root) directory Slash sign is used as separator between directories Important paths: /home/username/ or “~”: Quota 1.5 GB, backed-up /scratch/username/: No quota, NOT backed-up /media/filesystem/: USB sticks, DVD discs... Everything is either file or process Arbitrary suffixes for files Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 5 / 25 Directories and filenames General advices aka “Good-To-Follow” rules: Case-sensitive system Do NOT use spaces in filenames (use underscore or dash) Good characters: Alphanumerics _ . − + Forbidden characters: Any kind of diacritics Quotation marks Brackets # % ? ! , * ˆ & @ / ~... Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 6 / 25 Text terminal Found in Applications → Accessories → Terminal Shell interpreter translating written commands into actions Cygwin, PuTTY: Terminal emulators for Windows machines Pros: Fast and effective way of work Directly visible output from operation Error tracking No GUI needed Cons: Need of memorizing commands Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 7 / 25 Useful commands I Command Action cd foo Change current working directory to “foo” ls List files in directory cp source target Copy source file to target file cp -r source target Copy source directory recursively into target mv source target Move source file to target file mkdir foo Create “foo” directory rmdir foo Removea “foo” directory (only if empty) rm foo Removea “foo” file rm -r foo Removea “foo” directory recursively cat foo Print content of a “foo” file into terminal grep foo file Print only line containing “foo” keyword in “file” top See currently running processes a Removing means deleting from the disc. NOT moving into trash. Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 8 / 25 Useful commands II Command Action head -n number foo Print first “number” rows of “foo” file tail -n number foo Print last “number” rows of “foo” file echo foo Prints “foo” into terminal printf Similar to echo but handles formatted text chmod switch foo Changes rights of “foo” file according to switch quota Prints current quota of user and disc usage ssh user@host Remote access to host machine exit Logout from the terminal who Prints all users logged into machine passwd Change current pasword kill PID Kill the process with number “PID” ps Print all current processes running in terminal module Accessing the scientific software Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 9 / 25 Work in terminal Use ArrowUp and ArrowDown for searching the command history Use Tabulator for word completion Copy/Paste from terminal using mouse (CTRL+c/CTRL+v does NOT work here) Will terminate current command! Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 10 / 25 Wild characters Notation Matches * Any string of characters including empty string ? Any single character [jklm.] Single character j, k, l, m or a dot [a-m] Single character from range a to m [2-9] Single number from range of 2 to 9 Example: $ ls a*[0-2].??[df] This command will print all files which: Start with “a” Then they have any string of characters Then there is either 0, 1, or 2 Followed by a dot Then any two characters Last character is either “d” or “f” All conditions must be satisfied Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 11 / 25 Listing and killing processes Once command is run, it obtains a unique process ID (PID) $ top # Displays currently running jobs in real time $ kill PID # Kills process with a given PID $ kill -9 PID # Kills process (Signal cannot be blocked) Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 12 / 25 Text editors With graphical interface: gedit kate kwrite gvim Without graphical interface (editing in terminal): vi / vim Programmed to highlight keywords of many languages/source codes Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 13 / 25 Editor vi Fast and effective way to edit files in remote machine 3 modes: Command mode Edit mode Visual mode Enter command mode via ESC key Enter edit mode via Insert or “i” key Visual mode for editing blocks of text: Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 14 / 25 Commands of editor vi Command Action :w Save document :w filename Save document as “filename” :q Quit document :q! Quit without saving :wq Save and quit :u Undo i / insert Enter edit mode R Enter replace mode gg Go to the beginning of the document G Go to the end of the document dd Delete current line 25D Delete next 25 lines dG Delete all lines starting from cursor /keyword Search for keyword Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 15 / 25 Vi tutorial Writing a plain text file: $ vi test.dat Open ‘test.dat’ file for editing i / insert Enter editing mode Write some text ESC exit editing mode and enter command mode :w Write text to file gg Go to first line 2D Delete two lines :u Undo last change :wq Write and quit $ rm test.dat Remove file Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 16 / 25 Remote access Accessing remote machine via ethernet or internet ssh command: $ ssh [username@]hostmachine username does not have to be specified if same as current login If X applications should be exportable, use “-X” switch Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 17 / 25 Example Access the wolf node next to yours with X server export enabled Find out who is logged in there Exit from this computer Help: here Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 18 / 25 Passwordless authentication within cluster No password required for access the host machine Should be used with great care only on local networks Procedure: $ cd .ssh $ ssh-keygen $ cat » authorized_keys Try to remotely access the same machine Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 19 / 25 Copying files between machines $ scp source target Source and/or target can be on remote machine: mnovak@wolf12:~$ scp text.dat wolf13:/scratch/mnovak/ mnovak@wolf12:~$ scp -r wolf13:/scratch/mnovak/ directory/ $ mc Midnight commander - same as in Windows/Mac machines “Graphical interface” $ gftp “Real” graphical interface Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 20 / 25 Absolute versus Relative paths Absolute path: Total path from the root directory /scratch/mnovak/test ~/Documents/ Relative path: ./ # Current directory ../ # Parent directory ../../../data/test/ Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 21 / 25 Access permissions Each file has permissions for Owner, Group and Others drwxrwxrwx d – Directory r – Read w – Write x – Execute - – Permission not granted Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 22 / 25 Change permissions $ chmod switch file examples of switches: u+x User can execute file go+w Group members and others can write to file a-r Remove right to read for all users o-rwx Remove right to read, write and execute to others Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 23 / 25 Excercise Create in your home folder directory folder01 Copy current pdf presentation and *.tex from address wolf01:/share/ivavik/novotnyj/teaching to your newly created directory, try to open it from terminal using evince, make it readable for all users Using vi editor create a plain text file called prop.txt and insert inside complete info about the pdf file based on ls output please store all subsequent working commands in this prop.txt file (use another terminal window for easier copying) Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 24 / 25 Excercise Study the manual info about pdfjam tool for manipulating pdf files and generate a new pdf file containing first 4 slides in landscape orientation (pres4.pdf) run simple command in terminal and inspect its function: for (( i=1; i<30; i++ )); do head -n$i 01.tex | tail -1 > $i.tex; done remove all .tex files whose index ends 0 or 5 create folder your_username a move there .tex files and prop.txt with inserted commands for the entire excercise copy recursively the folder your_username to wolf01:/share/ivavik/novotnyj/teaching Martin Novák, simplified by JN (NCBR) Very brief introduction to Unix September 24, 2019 25 / 25