Plasma diagnostics and simulations Zero-dimensional plasma kinetics with ZDPlasKin Introduction The dynamics of species density [Ni] is described by kinetic equation d[Ni] dt = j Sij, (1) where the source term for specie i consists of a sum of corresponding reaction sources Sij . For example, the source term for reaction aNi + bNl + [δ ] → a Ni + cNm + [δ ] (2) can be expressed using reaction rate Rj and reaction constant rate kj as follows: Rj = kj[Ni]a [Nl]b , (3) Sij = (a − a)Rj. (4) The evolution of the gas temperature can optionally be taken into account, through energy loss/gain terms [δ ]. Solution of the heat transport equation under adiabatic isometric approximation in the form Ngas γ − 1 dTgas dt = j ±δ j · Rj + Ppelast · [Ne] + Qsrc (5) gives for known specic gas heat ratio γ the evolution of gas temperature Tgas. The second term in the right side Ppelast ·[Ne] is Joule heating due to the electron current and corresponds to elastic election-neutral collisions. The third term Qsrc represents other heat sources. ZDPlasKin and Bolsig+ ZDPlasKin is a Fortran 90 module designed to follow the time evolution of the species densities and gas temperature in non-thermal plasmas with an arbitrarily complex chemistry described by model equations above. A Boltzmann equation solver (BOLSIG+) incorporated in ZDPlasKin provides values of electron transport and rate coecients when the electron energy distribution function is non-Maxwellian. ZDPlasKin is now available as freeware and can be downloaded from the following address: BOLSIG+ is a free and user-friendly computer program for the numerical solution of the Boltzmann equation for electrons in weakly ionized gases in uniform electric elds, conditions which occur in swarm experiments and in various types of gas discharges and collisional lowtemperature plasmas. Under these conditions the electron distribution function is non-Maxwellian and determined by an equilibrium between electric acceleration and momentum and energy losses in collisions with neutral gas particles. The main utility of BOLSIG+ is to obtain electron transport coecients and collision rate coecients from more fundamental cross section data, which can then be used as input for uid models. The principles of BOLSIG+ can be summarized as follows: Návody pro fyz. praktikum (verze June 7, 2018) 2 • Electron-neutral collision cross sections versus electron energy are read from input les. • It is assumed that the electric eld and collision probabilities are constant in space and time and that there are no boundaries. • Angular dependence of the electron velocity distribution is approximated by two-term Legendre expansion. Electron production/loss due to ionization/attachment is assumed to result in exponential growth/decay of the electron number density. Under the above assumptions, the Boltzmann equation reduces to a convection-diusion equation with non-local source term in energy space, which is then discretized by an exponential scheme and solved for the electron energy distribution function by a standard matrix inversion technique. Various electron transport coecients and rate coecients are calculated and accessible in dierent numerical/graphical forms and output le formats. Additional options are provided for AC electric elds, crossed electric and magnetic elds, electron-electron and electron-ion collisions. Linking of BOLSIG+ with ZDPlasKin is done automatically wia BOLSIG+ module distributed within ZDPlasKin package. BOLSIG+ as a separate executable program can be downloaded at https://www.bolsig. Cross section data Cross section data can be found at (pronounced "elecscat"), an open-access website for collecting, displaying, and downloading electron and ion scattering cross sections, swarm parameters (mobility, diusion coecient, etc.), reaction rates, energy distribution functions, etc. and other data required for modeling low temperature plasmas. The available data bases have been contributed by members of the community and are indicated by the contributor's chosen title. All download from this site data is compatible with ZDPlasKin package. Use of the data from this site in publications should be accompanied by proper references. Original references should be used where possible and reference should be made to the specic database(s) from which data were retrieved, the LXCat site address, and the retrieved date. Tasks 1. Download and nd out how to use ZDPlasKin and BOLSIG+. 2. Download cross section les for Ar from 3. Run test case corresponding to an Ar plasma consisting of electrons, atomic ions, and neutrals. The charged particles are supposed to be generated by direct electron impact ionization and lost by 3-body recombination e + Ar → e + e + Ar+ , k1 (6) e + Ar+ + Ar → Ar + Ar, k2 (7) The recombination rate coecient assumed to be constant k2 = 10−25 cm6/s, and the reduced eld strength, E/N = 50 Td, is also constant. This system has a simple asymptotic solution. 4. Using BOLSIG+ separately, plot electron energy distribution function for Ar at E/N = 50 Td. 5. Using BOLSIG+ create tables for transport parameters and reactions rates as a function of E/N from 10 to 1500 Td.