Unit 11 Revision Task 1 List five top words/ phrases you have learned in this course. Then choose one of them and test your partner´s knowledge of it. Task 2 Can you think of verbs that collocate with the following nouns? ……………… lectures ……………… courses ……………… exams ………………. research ………………. experiments ………………. data ………………... conclusions ………………… inspection Task 3 Use the word given in brackets to form a new word that fits the gap. 1. Language …………… starts at a very young age. (ACQUIRE) 2. An innovative …………………. and pedagogue, he developed a system of education based on communication, equality, and mutual respect between children and adults. (EDUCATE) 3. I´m trying no to be ……………. about my pupils. (JUDGE) 4. I strongly ………….…….. of underage drinking. (APPROVAL) 5. Schools here put great …………… on written work. (EMPHASISE) 6. We can predict changes with a surprising degree of …………… . (ACCURATE) 7. They accepted the deputy´s resignation with clear ……………. . (RELUCTANT) 8. This discovery helped experts to …..………….. a different path of evolution for early man. (HYPOTHESIS) 9. They are young, ……….………… parents and need support. (EXPERIENCE) 10. His casual behaviour was wholly ……………..…… for such a formal occasion. (APPROPRIATE) Task 4 Linking words. Complete the sentences. She did a master degree in physics although… She did a master degree in physics despite… She did a master degree in physics. However, … She did a master degree in physics. Nevertheless, … She did a master degree in physics. In addition, … She did a master degree in physics. Therefore … Task 5 Rephrase these sentences using the prompts. 1. She doesn´t do any revision. I don´t think she´ll pass her exam. She won´t pass her exam unless ………………………………. . 2. We cannot afford to buy the new equipment because we don´t have enough money. If we ……………………………………………………….. . 3. They didn´t collect enough samples. The expedition was not successful. The expedition would …………………………………………………… . 4. This is my first geological field trip. I ………………………………….. geological field trip before. 5. I regret not apologising to my supervisor sooner. I should ……………………………… to my supervisor sooner. 6. The fog prevented the plane from taking off. The plane ………………..…………………..……… the fog. 7. Don´t worry, I´ll send the report tonight. She promised …………………………………………………… . 8. She asked me about the reasons why we conducted the study. “Why ……………………………………………… the study?”, she asked. 9. They wanted to know who the programme is designed for. “Who ………………………………………….. ?”, they asked. 10. It is impossible to grow bananas in such a cold climate. Bananas ……………………………… in such a cold climate. 11. Sadly, they have rejected her application. Sadly, her application ………………………………………… . 12. They are testing the new software. The new software …………………………………………… . Task 6 Use the following phrases to compare high school and university studies. one difference between… unlike whereas in comparison with / compared to