Design and construction of synthetic organelles Minimal cells Compartmentalization in biocatalysis: • Strategy for enabling competing pathways • Selective regulation of enzymes by localization • Substrate channeling of intermediates between enzymatic steps • Sequestering volatile and toxic compounds • Formation of specific microenvironments Design and construction of synthetic organelles An important area of synthetic biology is production of important chemicals, such as pharmaceuticals, materials and biofuels from cheap and sustainable biomass. This requires high productivity and yields of engineered pathways. One promising strategy is to repurpose organelles or protein complexes as cellular factories for improving the performance of engineered pathways. Substrate chanelling in tryptophan synthase Lipid-based organelles Other means of cellular compartmentalization Proteinaceous bacterial microcompartments • carboxysomes Organelle: physically delimited compartment within a cell • propanediol-utilizing microcompartment • encapsulins Biomolecular condensates In a mixture of two types of molecules, LLPS leads to the formation of two phases akin to droplets of oil appearing from a mixture of oil and water. Proteins can undergo a similar phase separation. LLPS underpins the biogenesis of a wide array of membraneless organelles within cells. Core design principles for synthetic organelles Targeting – selective targeting of desired biochemical activities (enzymes) into the compartment. Often based on protein-protein interactions through the use of signaling sequences. Chemical environment – result of th einterplay between permeability an dcombined enzymatic aktivity. It will determine concentration of substrates and products, as wel as general properties such as pH. Permeability – selectivity of surrounding membrane or protein shell that directly affects what can diffuse accross or be transported in and out of the compartment. Biogenesis – proces of organelle self-assembly. It will determine organelle size, shape and copy number. Carboxysomes in cyanobacteria The cyanobacterial carbon concentrating mechanims is a single-cell, bipartite system that first generates a high intracellular bicarbonate (HCO3−) pool through action of membrane-bound inorganic carbon (Ci) transporters and CO2-converting complexes. This HCO3- pool is then utilized by subcellular micro-compartments called carboxysomes, which encapsulate the cell’s complement of Rubisco. The carboxysome’s outer protein shell enables diffusional influx of HCO3− and RuBP, where the former is converted to CO2 by a localized carbonic anhydrase (CA). shell-bound Rubisco carboxysomal carbonic anhydrase interlinks Rubisco and the shell Carboxysome of Cyanobium • exclusion of O2 as the Rubisco competing substrate from the lumen • CO2 chanelling from carbonic anhydrase to Rubisco via tight clustering • raising local pH around Rubisco to increase its catalytic activity Repurposing propanediol-utilizing microcompartment for ethanol production The Pdu microcompartment shell is built from hexameric tiles composed of PduA, B, J, K, U and T (purple) that form the facets of the structure whereas pentameric tiles (PduN, cyan) form the vertices. 1,2-Propanediol enters the shell through pores in the shell proteins and is metabolized to propionyl-CoA (red box), which leaves the compartment and is further converted to propionate. Enzymes that are encapsulated within the metabolosome contain short signaling peptides. Changing the specificity of the Pdu microcompartment is achieved by stripping out the Pdu pathway and replacing it with the required pathway e.g. ethanol production (green box). Fusion of signaling peptides to the new pathway enzymes – pyruvate decarboxylase (Pdc) and alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) facilitates internalization of the heterologous proteins an ethanol production. 1,2-PD = 1,2-propanediol, PA = propionaldehyde, P-OH = 1-propanol, PCoA = propionyl-CoA, POI = protein of interest, SP = signalling peptide. Lawrence et al., ACS Synth Biol 2014 Engineering prokaryotic encapsulins as synthetic organelles in yeast Encapsulins – procaryotic proteins capabale of assembling into a 20-30 nm icosahedral nanocompartments. They represent minimal versions of microcompartments – they consists of a single shelĺ protein and can be targeted with different cargos. However, their small size limits their tageting to one or two enzymes, so they can be used for engineering only very short pathways. Encapsulin compartments represent a modular platform, orthogonal to existing organelles, for programming synthetic compartmentalization in eukaryotes. Lau et al., Nat Comm 2018 Phase separation sequesters the machinery for repurposing stop codons Inside the designer orthogonal organelle, nonnatural amino acids can be added during protein synthesis at the location of the Amber stop codon. Outside the organelle, the stop codon still halts protein synthesis. Reinkemeier et al., Science 2019 The assemblers: proteins capable of phase separation fused to the assmbled components - kinesin motors (localization to microtubules), suppressor tRNA synthase, and MCP protiens (bind to ms2 loops on targeted mRNA) Polymersomes are synthetic analogues of liposomes and are constituted of amphiphilic block copolymer membrane. Whilst most properties are similar for both carriers, polymersomes exhibit a high versatility and an enhanced stability. Towards artificial organelles: liposomes and polymersomes Synthetic endosymbiosis: inspired by kleptoplasty Kleptoplasty: a symbiotic phenomenon whereby chloroplasts from algae, are sequestered by host organisms. Microinjection of cyanobacteria into zebrafish embryo • no adverse immune response • cyanobacteria expressing listeriolysin and invasin to escape lysosome digestion were able to proliferate in macrophages for several days Agapakis et al., PLoS One 2011 Minimal cell • A cell whose genome only encodes the minimal set of genes necessary for the cell to survive • The genes in minimal cell are, by definition, essential • In reductionism approach is a minimal cell key to learn the first principles of cellular biology by mapping function of all genese and componets – then it may be possible to achieve a complete understanding pf what it take to be alive. • A minimal cell has all of the machinery for independent cellular life – there is no redundancy. • With this knowledge, it may be possible to model the minimal cell´s behaviuor on computer. And from there one may be able to build cells that are more complex. Mycoplasma as a model for minimal cell • Mycoplasmas are a group of bacteria characterized by the lack of cell wall, obligate parasitic lifestyle, metabolic simplicity, and small genomes. • Mycoplasma did not evolved as the simplest form of cellular life. They descent from a conventional bacteria (like B. subtilis or S. aureus) through massive gene loss due to adopted parasitic lifestyles in highly nutrient rich and stable environment. • Mycoplasma genitalium has the smallest genome with 580,076 bps encoding 507 genes • Because nutriens are imported rather than synthesized, all that Mycoplasma do is synthesize DNA, RNA and protein. Determining a minimal set of genes: comparative genomics 1996: Gram-positive and -negative bacteria - 256 orthologous genes specify core functions 2003: all sequenced organisms - 65 orthologous genes 2004: 147 prokaryotic genomes available – less than 50 commob orthologous genes (mostly translation) 2012: 20 strains of Mycoplasma family – core of only 196 orthologs Nonorthologous gene displacement – orthologs evolved too far to be recognizable as such, or an essential function was originally provided by two redundant genes that separated in the course of evolution. Determining a minimal set of genes: genetic approach Essential genes (E) – the cell in which essential gene is inactivated cannot be propagated Nonessential genes (NE) – can be inactivated without affecting the viability or growth rate (in a specific environment) Quasi-essential genes (QE) – theri dirsuption impairs growth. They are important for robust growth, but not strictly essential. Transposon insertion mutagenesis in Mycoplasma M. genitalium 580 kb 507 101 406 M. pneumoniae 816 kb 739 259 480 M. pulmonis 963 kb 589 321 468 Genome size Total genes NE genes Total - NE genes M. mycoides JCVI-Syn1.0 1080 kb 901 432 469 Design and synthesis of a minimal bacterial genome Hutchison et al., Science 2016 M. mycoides JCVI-Syn1.0 (1078 kb, 863 protein and 38 RNA-coding genes) M. mycoides JCVI-Syn3.0 (531 kb, 438 protein and 35 RNA-coding genes) 3x reiterative cycles doubling time 60 min doubling time 180 min Insertional mutagenesis indetified additional 53 NE genes – extrapolation to NE equals to 0 predicts 413 essential genes. Genes retained in the Syn3.0 genome Comparison of protein coding genes with other bacteria Functional classes of protein coding genes Of the 91 genes of unclear function, 30 are essential, 32 are quasi-essential, and 29 are non-essential. Those 30 essential genes could represent new biological mechanisms not yet defined and should motivate the search to discover their function. Metabolic reconstruction of the minimal cell Breuer et al., eLife 2019 • 338 reactions • 304 metabolites • 155 gene products Recommended reading: Hutchison C. A. et al. (2019) Design and synthesis of a minimal bacterial genome. Nature 351:1414 Lau Y.H. et al. (2018) Prokaryotic nanocompartments form synthetic organelles in a eukaryote. Nat Comm 9:1311