-1Petr Kulhanek kulhanek@chemi.muni.cz National Center for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, CZ-62500 Brno Remote Access to Linux (Unix) from MS Windows Native applications (Putty, WinSCP, VcXsrv) PS / 2020 Distance form of teaching: Rev1 -2Native applications Remote Linux machine MS Windows Putty WinSCP command line, (X-forward) copying/moving files GUI VcXsrv GUI secure (encrypted) data transmission is used in all cases -3Remote Access ➢ Putty Comment: • ssh server must be running on the remote machine (activated by the administrator, runs on all nodes on the WOLF cluster). • The security fingerprint must be confirmed the first time you log in to ssh server. • In default setting, Putty cannot run graphics applications. -4- Putty Putty http: //www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ ~sgtatham/putty / Implementation of SSH (Secure Shell) for Windows, which allows remote connection to computers that support this protocol (mostly Unix type). -5Putty - Connection WOLF cluster: use nodes wolf02-wolf23 in domain ncbr.muni.cz (e.g., wolf02.ncbr.muni.cz) remote machine address More complex settings can be saved and easily restored in the future. Opens the terminal: • you will be asked to approve the fingerprint of ssh server (first login) • you must enter a login name • you must enter a password (input is not indicated, no asterisks, etc.) -6Putty - Setting I Proper operation of the backspace key. Constant width font. -7Putty - Setting II selection by mouse compatible with Unix terminals -8Remote File Transfer ➢ WinSCP Comment: • ssh server must be running on the remote machine. • The security fingerprint must be confirmed first time you log in ssh server. • Possible problems with text files. -9- WinSCP WinSCP http://winscp.net/eng/docs/lang:cs Program for file transfer between MS Windows and computers supporting SFTP or SCP protocols (mostly Unix and Linux type). local machine remote machine -10Text files MS Win  Linux Text files created under MS Windows and Linux are not completely compatible because each operating system uses a different encoding of end of line. Linux: \n (line feed 0x0A) MS Windows: \r + \n (carriage return 0x0D, line feed 0x0A) Programs d2u and u2d can be used to convert files. They are available on the WOLF cluster. 1) Activation of module cats $ module add cats 2) Conversion MS Windows => Linux $ d2u file.com 3) Conversion Linux => MS Windows $ u2d file.log Additional information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline -11- X-server ➢ VcXsrv -12- VcXsrv VcXsrv https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcxsrv/ A program that provides an X-server, which is necessary for remote or local running of graphical applications. 1. Install the program VcXsrv. 2. Run the program. • Firewall: limit availability to a private network • When saving the configuration, it may be necessary to reselect the path for the users who have diacritics in the name. • Insert 0 into the field "Display number“ (it will not allow more than one server to run) • Into box "Additional parameters for VcXsrv“, insert -xkbmodel pc105 -xkblayout us -xkbvariant qwerty, -xkboptions grp:lalt_lshift_toggle -13VcXsrv - Usage 1. To run graphic applications from a remote machine (i.e., display export) it is necessary to activate X11 forwarding when connecting via ssh connection: 1. putty 1. see the next page for instructions 2. ssh (Cygwin) 1. -X option (capital X) -14VcXsrv + Putty Activation of X11 forwarding local X11 server 1. To run graphical applications via Putty it is necessary to add X11 forwarding to the settings. -15Typical Way of Work 1. If you plan to run graphics applications (Nemesis, avogadro, vmd) available on the WOLF cluster, start the X server on your MS Windows workstation. The X server can be started only once, the run is indicated by the X icon in the status bar. 2. In the Putty terminal, log in to the remote machine. For the WOLF cluster, use the wolf02-wol23 nodes in the ncbr.muni.cz domain, e.g., wolf02.ncbr.muni.cz • You can open several terminals. • You can run graphical applications on a remote machine. You access the data directly. • You run calculations on a cluster using a batch system. 3. Data policy • You hold the data on a WOLF cluster, you do not need to copy it to Win • The WinSCP program can be use for backups or archiving Disadvantages: • slowness/response of graphics applications -16- Example Putty: running application Nemesis (on background &) Putty: second terminal Works directly with files in the home directory of the WOLF cluster Application Nemesis runs on a remote machine wolf02 -17- Alternatives ➢ Cygwin (https://www.cygwin.com/) ➢ MobaXterm (https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/)