Globální prostorové datové projekty- Přednáška 6 Prof. RNDr. Milan KONEČNÝ 1. GEO a GEOSS 1.1 Projekty GEOSS 2. Global Map – Globální mapování 3. Geospatial Data Infrastructure – Geoprostorová datová infrastruktura 1. GEO, GEOSS Milan KONECNY Introduction: responding to global challenges Scientific understanding of the Earth system and its physical, chemical and biological components continues to improve every year. But more data is urgently needed for monitoring trends and predicting how physical and ecological systems will evolve. As humanity places ever greater demands on the Earth’s resources over the coming Recognizing the need for better environmental information, political leaders at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg called for urgent action on Earth observation. Earth observation summits in Washington, Tokyo and Brussels and declarations by three of the annual Group of Eight (G8) summits built on this momentum. Acting on a clear international The cross-cutting data, decision-support products and end-to-end information services that are increasingly available through GEOSS are improving the ability of governments to promote “green” economic growth, manage natural ecosystems and resources, ensure food security for a global population that may reach nine billion people by mid-century, respond more effectively to disasters, and address climate change, biodiversity GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan Agriculture. Over the past three years, the Global Agriculture Monitoring Community of Practice has attempt to establish a Global Agricultural Monitoring System of Systems. The GEO Joint Experiment on Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM) has established seven pilot sites around the world to assess common data standards, cropland modeling methods, and future Earth observation requirements. The Societal Applications in Fisheries & Aquaculture using Remotely Sensed Imagery (SAFARI) project has identified and promoted urgent actions to strengthen the application of satellite information to fisheries and aquaculture research and management. Biodiversity. Established in 2007, the GEO Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) consists of dozens of government agencies and intergovernmental and international organizations. Based on a regularly updated implementation plan, GEO BON coordinates the gathering of data and the delivery of information. One of the first products was the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey. Other information Products based on GeoBon: visualization tool for African protected areas and a number of directories of global datasets on freshwater biodiversity and ecosystems. GEO BON’s role and importance have been recognized by the Convention on Biological Diversity, which has also requested that it Climate. The GEO Global Carbon Observation and Analysis System is now bringing together systems and experts that monitor carbon flows on land, in the oceans and in the atmosphere. Particular progress has been made on establishing a Forest Carbon Tracking system, which has established at least 10 national or regional “demonstrators” with support from a coalition of governments and institutions. Other important progress includes continued outputs by major data-reanalysis projects based in Europe, Japan and the USA; reinvigoration of efforts to reprocess various data, especially from space, into climate data records; The 2010 update of the Global Climate Observation System (GCOS) Implementation Plan; the World Climate Research Programme’s (WCRP) launch of two major modeling experiments (CMIP5 and CORDEX) to provide decade- and century-long climate predictions on global and regional scales; outputs from an intensive research programme to improve Disasters. A number of operational systems for supporting disaster response have made steady to strong progress. Collaborative ‘’Supersites’’ have been established so that the scientific community can monitor and analyze volcanoes and earthquakes more rapidly and effectively; for example, Supersites have improved assessments of recent earthquakes in Haiti, China and Chile. SERVIR provides mapping and for disaster response and SERVIR is now in the process of expanding its support to other regions, notably Africa and the Himalayas. Other advances include the development and contribution to GEOSS of global, regional and national early-warning and detection systems for forest fires; improved access for GEO Members to the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters and the satellite data it provides for countries of South East Asia and Latin Showcase: Better knowledge about geohazards The Geohazard Supersites initiative is a global scientific collaboration that aims to improve scientific understanding of the risks of earthquakes and volcanic events in selected regions. The Supersites currently being addressed are L’Aquila, Chile, Etna, Haiti, Istanbul, Los Angeles, Naples (Vesuvius), Seattle/Vancouver and Tokyo. The geohazard community is also working on establishing an earthquake Supersite The Supersites partnership consists of the providers of ground-based geophysical data, such as seismic and GPS data; space agencies, which provide satellite radar and other Earth observation data; along with scientists and decision makers who use and analyze these data. The initiative provides a cyberinfrastructure platform with a single web entry point that allows fast, easy and free-of-charge access to a complete satellite and ground-based geophysical data set derived from diverse sources and geophysical disciplines. Ecosystems • Ecosystems. GEO has made important progress on developing a standardized, robust and practical classification and map of global ecosystems for terrestrial, marine, and freshwater environments. • Ecosystem maps for South America, the US and Sub-Saharan Africa have been completed and are available as a framework for Other ecosystem mapping projects continue to advance, such as one on ecosystem vulnerability to climate change, which includes the vulnerability of sea basins (notably the EnviroGRIDS project on the Black Sea) and of mountain regions. Energy • A number of data bases providing information on solar resources have been developed, including the European Solar Radiation Atlas, SoDa and Envisolar; efforts are ongoing to make these data bases fully comparable. A service for siting solar power plants has been established to provide data on time-averaged The EnerGEO project is using satellite data and environment and energy models to make a global assessment Of the current and future impact of the exploitation of energy resources on the environment and on ecosystems. Other energy initiatives, such as those for wind power and carbon-captureand-storage, have been launched. Health • Working through local, regional, and international partners, the GEO community is developing a portfolio of services to help decision-makers use Earth observation data and information to prevent diseases and improve public health. Some of these services involve supporting a meningitis vaccination monitoring global atmospheric mercury to establish a forecasting and alert system on health problems Related to mercury; providing air-quality forecasts using onthe-ground monitoring stations, currently for 300 US cities, Shanghai (China), and soon for other cities; and using open-source software and space imagery to track potential outbreaks of epidemics. Water • GEO has advanced the integration of observations from satellites and in-situ instruments, strengthened collaboration within and between the water research and management communities, and promoted capacity building. • The Asian Water Cycle Initiative has boosted regional cooperation on water monitoring, and the model is now being extended to The North American Drought Monitor has generated improved regional drought assessments. The United States and Canada have inaugurated pilot drought monitoring test bed projects as a first step towards a Global Drought Early Warning System. The TIGER program is realizing improvements in the use of Earth observation data for water-resources management in Africa. The Coordinated Energy and water cycle Observations Project has improved Weather Weather monitoring and forecasting, which is traditionally the most mature sector for operational information based on Earth observations, continues to make important advances under the leadership of WMO. Collaboration through GEO has Based on ensembles containing more than 100 model outputs, TIGGE aims to make predictions available to decision makers in user-friendly formats with minimum time delay. The next step is to develop a common toolbox that can be used to develop probabilistic tropical-cyclone warning services, extreme-precipitation forecasts and other products. Critical next steps for seeing GEOSS through to the end of the GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan for2005 – 2015 and beyond are: • Continue to engage policymakers and managers in using and guiding GEOSS. The true value of GEOSS : • is its ability to support decision-making. As a key user group, senior policymakers can help to • ensure that GEOSS addresses the UN’s Millennium Development Goals and other priority issues facing • the global community. • Ensure that environmental experts come to consider GEOSS and its Common Infrastructure • as a unique and essential tool for accessing Earth observations. Strong, high-level support from • governments and leading organizations is vital for maintaining the momentum generated by GEO and • ensuring that GEOSS becomes recognized as a vital infrastructure that serves the global public good. • Building the capacity of users to exploit GEOSS is also essential. • Develop a longer term strategy for sustaining GEOSS by attracting resources from public and • private sources, supporting capacity-building, strengthening national Earth observation programs, • maintaining the GEOSS shared architectural and information infrastructure components, and nurturing • the collective spirit. • Establish a governance structure for the post- 2015 period. Early guidance in Beijing will help to • ensure a smooth transition to a longer-term approach to global cooperation on Earth observation. Operational View How users access GEOSS data and information via the GEO Portal • The “GEOSS Common Infrastructure” consists of a dedicated web portal, a clearinghouse for • searching data, information and services, and a registry containing information about GEOSS. It • provides a “one-stop shopping” portal to help the users of Earth observations access and search • for information more easily. After almost two years of development, in July of this year the GEO • community formalized the arrangements by which leading institutions will operate and sustain • the GEO Portal and its underlying clearinghouse and registry. Making the System of Systems interoperable • The observing, modelling and other systems that contribute to GEOSS must be interoperable so that the data and information they generate can be used effectively. The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites is promoting interoperability through the Virtual Constellations concept. • Another initiative seeks to integrate via the Sensor Web approach, while yet another aims to facilitate model interoperability and access via the Model Web concept. The World Meteorological Organization Advocating for sustained global observing systems • To achieve its goal of providing integrated information on the entire Earth system, GEOSS depends • on the health and vitality of major global observing systems. For this reason, GEO actively advocates • for sustaining major observing systems for climate, oceans, land, weather and polar regions. Four major UN-sponsored global observing systems provide a critical underpinning for GEOSS. They are the: Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) and the WMO Global Observing System (GOS). Their work is complemented by the International Polar Year 2007-2008 (IPY) legacy project, with a focus on the cryosphere, and the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). Strengthening the linkages amongst these systems and raising their overall visibility will support the efforts of researchers and decision makers in all nine of the GEOSS societal benefit areas. Establishing the GEONETCast Global Data Dissemination System • Reliable access to environmental data is critical for decision making. GEONETCast assures this • access by broadcasting data from dozens of leading data providers to decision makers around the • world. The data are transmitted via advanced communications satellites to thousands of low-cost, • off-the-shelf receivers. GEONETCast also provides dedicated training and alert channels for capacity • building and risk reduction, particularly in developing countries. Protecting radio frequencies for Earth observations • Growing demand on radio spectrum by telecommunications, the automotive industry and other • users of radio frequencies has raised the specter of competition over limited bandwidth. GEO • members are therefore continuously working through national and international bodies in charge • of frequency management to ensure the long-term availability of frequencies for terrestrial, oceanic, • air-borne and space-based observations. This is absolutely vital to the success of GEOSS. Implementing the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles Recognizing the importance that full and open access to data has for the success of GEOSS, the GEOSS 10-year Implementation Plan established a visionary set of Data Sharing Principles. These Principles aim to ensure that the data and information developed and disseminated through GEOSS yield significant benefits for a broad range of users around the world. Over the past five years, substantial progress has been made, not only in reaching a consensus on how best to implement the Data Sharing Principles, but also in demonstrating how full and open data sharing can help the GEO community to achieve its goals in the nine societal benefit areas. From observations to information products and services Observation data provide great value, but combining data from different sources and then analyzing and modelling them can greatly enhance their usefulness for decision making. GEO has made significant progress in bringing together many diverse datasets and engaging scientific and technical experts to generate this added value. Continuing progress will require more and more agencies and organizations to work together to adopt common standards for integrating and analyzing all types of data. Promoting “data democracy” around the world The term ‘data democracy’ was coined in 2008 by the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) as the title of a special project during its year as Chair of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS). It has since become a mantra among research and development communities in the Earth observation domain. In 2009, Data Democracy was approved as a new GEO Task in the framework of GEO’s work on capacity building, infrastructure development and technology transfer. The data democracy theme calls for: • Unhindered access to Earth observation information; • Reliance on Open Source Software and open systems; • Recognition of the realities of bandwidth limitations in many developing countries; and • Promotion of locally initiated crossborder collaborative projects and intensive capacity building and training programs. 1.1 PROJEKTY GEOSS Building a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) 5th Jubilee International Conference on Cartography & GIS Barbara J. Ryan Director, GEO Secretariat 16 June 2014 Varna, Bulgaria A Global, Coordinated, Comprehensive and Sustained System of Observing Systems GEOSS • Improve and Coordinate Observation Systems • Advance Broad Open Data Policies/Practices • Foster Increased Use of EO Data and Information • Build Capacity GEO Objectives Created in 2005, to develop a coordinated and sustained Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) to enhance decision making in nine Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs) GEO today: 91 Members 77 Participating Organizations © GEO Secretariat 77 Participating Organizations A broad Commercial Sector spans the entire information value chain Data providers Value-Added providers Downstrea m users Ecosystem Classification & Mapping (Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, EC, Italy, Paraguay, USA, RCMRD, UNESCO) * SHARE mountain stations operational * All ecosystem mapping data available; DataCORE * New maps of growing season * Atlas of 40 Chinese World Heritage Sites * Decision-making support: © GEO Secretariat Advanced Land-Cover Products (Canada, China, EC, Greece, Japan, Netherlands, Nigeria, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA, Spain, EEA, ESA, GTOS, ISPRS) * Global 30m products * Major land cover types (eg. wetland) * Independent validation databases * Global Land Cover Portal * Growing int’l consensus Global Forest Information System (Australia, Canada, Japan, Norway, USA, CEOS, FAO) * Forest Carbon Tracking ongoing * Demo in 12 countries (Congo) * Coordinated space data acquisition * In-situ validation * Regional capacity building growing (US Silvacarbon) Mexico In-situ forest measurements Columbia Global & Local Urban Footprints (China, EC, Germany, Greece, Italy, Pakistan, USA) * 35-yr evolution of 26 mega-cities * Global night-time lights for 2012 * Urban Heat Island patterns * Over 3’700 cities mapped using ASTER (15m) Manila Monthly Wheat Prices 1960-2011 Nominal wheat price in US $/Metric Ton 2008 Price hikes Droughts: Australia & Ukraine 2010/11 Price hikes Drought: Russia Landsat 1 Launched (1972) 1971/2’s price hike Today 3x Source: World Bank Crop Information for Decision- Making (Canada, China, EC, France, Japan, Kazakhstan, India, Mexico, Russia, USA, CEOS, FAO) * GEOGLAM part of G20 Action Plan on Food Price Volatility * New crop outlook * Rice crop monitoring * Draft space strategy GEOSS Common Infrastructure GEOSS Resources - 10,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000 60,000,000 70,000,000 Resources Resources 300 100,000 1,002,000 14,000,000 65,000,000 2010 2011 (Sep) 2011 (Nov) 2012 (Nov) 2014 (Apr) Introduction of the Brokering approach GEOSS Current Assets (May 2014) Space Time GEOS S GEOSS Hypercube Space Time Precipitation in Greece (1946-2013) GEOSS Targeted Gaps Large spatial and temporal gaps in specific data sets Space Time West Africa drought observations (1995–2013) East Africa drought observations (2010 – 2012) GEOSS Targeted Gaps Uncertainty over continuity of observations Large spatial and temporal gaps in specific data sets Space Time West Africa crop prediction (2014-2015) West Africa Land Use (1990-2005) GEOSS Targeted Gaps Large spatial and temporal gaps in specific data sets Space Time Precipitation in Africa (1992-2012) GEOSS Targeted Gaps Large spatial and temporal gaps in specific data sets Global water bodies (1998- 2005) Space TimePrecipitatio n in Africa ( GEOSS should be making this cube as dense and transparent as possible GCI GCI Searches Crops obs. Asia (2005 - 2010) Global Climate predictions (2012-2032) Faults monitoring in South America (1980-2014) Ecosystems mapping in Europe (1987-2010) Major disasters in South Asia (1992- 2005) West Africa Land Use (SB) (1990 - 2005) GEOSS Implementation Requires: Data Sharing Principles • Full and Open Exchange of Data • Data and Products at Minimum Time Delay and at Minimum Cost • Free of Charge or Cost of Reproduction 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Free data policy October 1, 2008 ScenesinMillions Increasing Demand for Free Landsat Data 11,898,738 Landsat Scenes distributed as of June 2013 • Data delivered to 186 countries • User shift to multi-year scenes at same location • Exceeded 11 million scenes to date Daily Average = 53 scenes best year of sales (2001) Daily Average ≅ 5,700 scenes web-enabled data delivered 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 RADARSAT Images Acquired by the Government of Canada R1 +R1 E S T I M A T E D Radarsat- 2 Canada’s Experience • Continue improving Earth observations worldwide • Urge the adoption and implementation of data sharing principles globally • Advance the GEOSS information system • Develop a comprehensive interdisciplinary knowledge base • Cultivate global initiatives Ministerial Guidance • Broad open data policies/practices essential for publically funded collections & must be strengthened • Economic value in downstream elements – value-added products and services • Broader stakeholder engagement needed, including the private sector • Strengthen policy linkages/mandates • National, Regional and International collaboration is essential Summary Open worldwide to any non-commercial entity, individual or team (students, scientists and developers) wanting to unleash the power of Earth Observation data to allow us all to make smarter decisions. Be inspired, unleash the power and win cash prizes ($20,000 USD). Register by Thursday, 31 July 2014 and submit Apps by Sunday, August 31 2014. Join in @geosec2025 #geoappathon GEO-XI Plenary 13-14 November 2014 Libreville, Gabon Barbara J. Ryan http://www.earthobservation 2. Projekt GLOBAL MAPPING GLOBÁLNÍ MAPOVÁNÍ 2. Twenty Year Journey in GlobalMapping ISCGM Secretariat made a presentation about the history of Global Mapping Project and the proposal on the conclusion of ISCGM, at 23rd ISCGM meeting in New York on August 2,2016. Chapter 2 reprints this presentation material. Reliance on Open Source Software and open systems Twenty Year Journey in Global Mapping T o r u N a g a y a m a I S C G M S e c r Contents 1. Introduction of Global Mapping Project 2. History of Global Mapping Project 3. Outcome of Global Mapping Project 4. Resolution and Global Map Transfer Plan 1. Introduction of Global Mapping Project Global Mapping Project •Develop reliable geospatial information (Global Map) •Provide a tool to solve global scale problems •Steered by ISCGM (International Steering Committee for globalmapping) •Participated by National Geospatial Info. Authorities. Global Map: Digital geospatial info. at a scale of 1:1 million National/Regional version: Vector (Boundary, Transport, Drainage, Population centers), Raster (Elevation, Land use, Land cover, Vegetation) Global version: Elevation, Land cover, 9 2. History of Global Mapping Project History of Global Mapping Project 1992-1996: Establishment of ISCGM 1996-2000: TowardGlobal Map Data Release 2000- 2007: Promotion of Data Development 2008-2013: Development and 1992-1996: Establishment of ISCGM 1992 Earth Summit “Agenda21” Proposal of "Global Mapping Concept" 1993 Internation al Workshop “Resolution of Izumo 1994 Conference” Start of JICA group training course “Environment Seminar” 1995 Establishment of ISCGM at the Second International 1996 Workshop on Global Mapping First meeting of ISCGM Agenda21 – Earth Summit (1992) Chapter 40: Information for Decision-Making *Various types of data which indicate the status and trends of global environment need to be collected. Earth Summit in June 1992: From Ministryof Environmentweb site ( Global Mapping Concept (1992) “In order to solve global environmental problems, what should surveying and mapping community do? “ Global Mapping Concept Develop geospatial information (Global Map) that covers the entireglobe at a scale of 1: 1 million through international cooperation The First International Workshop on Global Mapping 1994 The Second International Workshop on Global Mapping 1996 • Todevelop and update Global Map and widely release the data • Toprovide technical and economic assistance to promote developing Global Map • Torecommend establishment of International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM) Second Workshop in February1996 First Meeting of ISCGM(1996) NMOs should actively release their own geographic data sets that are necessary and effective for developing global scale data equivalent to the scale of Global Map. ・Investigate the existence of global scale data ・Assist undeveloped areas ・Investigate data specifications ・Agenda 21 follow up ・Start strategy planning 1st Meeting of ISCGM in February, 1996 1996-2000: TowardGlobal Map data release 1996 Interregional Seminar on Global Mapping for the Implementation of Multinational Environmental Agreements 1997 19th Special Session of UN General Assembly (Rio + 5) Invitation letter was sent from UN to Member States 1998 Adoption of Global Map Specifications 1999 Meeting of the Global Map Development in Asia Global Mapping initiative had been introduced to many people through various activities ・International Global Mapping seminars and forums ・Promotion campaigns at relevant international academic meetings and international conferences ・Coordination with international organizations UN Special Session of the General Assembly to Review and Appraise the Implementation of Agenda 21 (Rio+5) (1997) ”Programme for Further Implementation of Agenda 21” Necessity of global mapping was mentioned. UN Letter of Invitation to Join Global Mapping Project (1998) plus Various activities of promoting the Global Mapping Project resulted in Rapid increase in GM Participation 12 countries (1998)→81 countries(2000) Release of Global Map Version 1(2000) • Global Map Forum 2000 Hiroshima, Japan November 2000 Declaration of Release of GM Version 1 • Japan • Laos • Nepal • SriLanka • Thailand Adoption of Hiroshima GM Declaration Chairperson declaring first GM release in Nov. 2000 2001-2007: Promotion of data development 2001 2002 2005 2006 2007 Death of Prof. John E. Estes, Chair of ISCGM Prof. D. R. Fraser Taylor assumed chair 1st Global Mapping Seminar in Kenya Johannesburg Summit (Rio+10) Esri Grant programs started. Intergraph Grant programs started. 1st Global Mapping Seminar in Senegal Global Mapping Workshop “Use of geospatial information for mitigating large scale disasters and attaining sustainable development” Achieved releasing the data of 47 countries/regions (about 50% of the land area) World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg Summit, Rio+10) (2002) •The Adopted “ Johannesburg Implementation Plan” mentions “Promotion of Initiative and Partnership for global mapping” Johannesburg Summit in 2002 Web site of Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( dex.html) •A symposium “Global Mapping Partnership – Sustainable Development and Geographic Information” organized as a side event. Global Mapping Seminars in Africa (2002-2008) • Nairobi(Kenya) 2002/2003/2004 58 people from 25 countries participat ed. • Dakar(Senegal) 2005/2006/2008 28 people from 11 countries participat ed. A scene from the Third GM Seminar in Dakar,2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2008 Global Mapping Forum 2008/Global Map Tokyo Declaration "Global Map Global Version"ver.1 was released. Global Map Specifications (ver.2) was adopted. 2013 First release of Global Map ver. 2 (national / regional). 1st UNCE-GGIM UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) "Global Map Global Version"ver.2 was released. 2008-2013: Development and Release of version 2 Release of Global Map Global Version (2008) • Land Cover (GLCNMO) / Percent Tree Cover (PTC) data • WG4/ISCGM has mainly developed and 40 countries cooperated in verification. PTC Ver.1 GLCNMO Ver.1 Revision of Global Map Specifications (2009) • Innovation in geospatial information field • Increase of Global Map data users and a change in user base •Revision work of Global Map Specification was carried out from 2007 to 2009. Major changes between Global Map ver.1 and ver.2 Modificati on of Data Dictionary VPF → GML (vector data) Correspon dence of metadata with Internatio nal Standards A scene of discussion at a workshop Establishment of UNCE-GGIM (2011) •UNCE-GGIM was launched as a forum for Member States and international organizations to discuss promotion of cooperation, improve interoperability, and technical transfer on global geospatial information. •ISCGM also joined UNCE-GGIM as it had carried out the Global Mapping Project in collaboration with NGIAs of the world. •ISCGM Advocated the GM4SD conce pt. 1st UNCE-GGIM, October 2011 Rio+20, June 2012 Rio+20 side event “Global Mapping Seminar” UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) • A conference to follow up the Earth Summit after 20 years 274. We recognize the importance of space-technologybased data... In this context, we note the relevance of global mapping and… From “the Future We Want” adopted at Rio+20 201 4 201 5 201 3 2013-2016: Facilitate the use of geospatial information 201 6 Over the 30 countries released Global Map data as EuroGlobalMap became OpenData. Professor Paul Cheung assumed new Chair Hazard Maps Web Portal site and Catalogue Service were released. The 3rd WCDRR Symposium “Application of Geospatial Technology in Urban Disaster Management“ Global Land Cover NMO Version ver.3 was released. 23rd Meeting of ISCGM / Data transfer ceremony Release of Hazard Maps Web Portal (2014) HazardMap Good Practice The 3rd WCDRR (2015) • A conference to make disaster risk reduction strategies of the world • Adopted Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. • Proposed the use of ISCGM portal site as an index to measure achievement of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. • Organized a disaster risk reduction symposium as a pre- event. 3rd WCDRR Symposium on Applicationof Geospatial Information TechnologyIn UrbanDisaster Management 3. Outcome of Global Mapping Project Outcome 1 : Provide a global forum for discussion on geospatial information Prof. John E. Estes Prof. D. R. Fraser Taylor Prof. Paul Cheung Under the strong leadership of three chairs, a total of 23 meetings were held to have provided a forum to discuss issues on geospatial information for collective contribution of NGIAs As of August2, 2016 Outcome 2: Developing Global Map data in cooperation with NGIAs Participation: 184 countries and regions (About 96% of global land area) Data release: 122 countries andregions (About 67% of global land area) Global version: Land cover and Percent Tree Cover collaborating with NGIAs of respective countries. Open data; ISCGM has promoted open data policy from the start of the project in 1990’s. Project participatingand data releasing countries Project participating countries Outcome 2: Developing Global Map data in cooperation with NGIAs Pa rti cip ati on an d Da ta rel ea se 53,329 users registe red Outcome 3: Data dissemination 275,412 Global Map data downloaded From Nov. 2000 to Jul. 2016 ・ 112 people from 60 countries joined Global Map training in Japan (1994-2012) ・Global Mapping Seminars in Kenya and Senegal had 86 people from 36 countries ・ Supported the development of Global Map data by providing three kinds of tools for supporting Global Map data development, and manuals. ・ESRI/INTERGRAPH grant programs JICA Training Course onGlobal Mapping in 1995 Outcome 4: Capacity building 2 3 ・Global Mapping project: facilitating develop and use of geospatial information. ・Reference to geospatial information in post-Rio conference documents. ・Calling for geospatial information in other processes such as GGIM, WCDRR ISCGM: advocator of geospatial information for more than 20 years. Outcome 5: Facilitate the development and use of geospatial information Outcome 6: Supporting international activities in various fields ・Developping Hazard Maps web portal as a voluntary commitment of WCDRR3 ・Application to calculating emission and removal of green house gases ・Provisionof disaster status maps to UNOCHA (ReliefWeb) at the time of disasters ・Material for children’s international exchange education ・Application to Global Flood Alert System(GFAS),etc…. Summary of the outcomes ・ Twenty-four years have passed since the Earth Summit, which triggered starting the Global Mapping Project, and Twenty years have passed since the establishment of ISCGM. ・ 122 countries and regions, covering 67% of whole land areas released Global Map data as well as Global version data. ・ISCGM contributed to building capacity of digital mapping technology of NGIAs, particularly in developing world. ・ ISCGM and all the participating members contributed to the world through promoting geospatial information including Global Map data. 4. Resolution and Global Map Transfer Plan Scheme for Implementation of Global Map Data Transfer The resolution of the 23rd meeting of the ISCGM It refers to conducting the Global Map transferPlan. The Global Map transfer Plan (by ISCGM) It refers to the agreement for detailed term of use. The agreement between ISCGM and UNGIS ・Basically no restriction within UN operations. ・No attributes in products derived from or using Global Map data. ・Global Map data cannot be released outside the physical control of UN personnel. ・The UNGIS can enrich its databases with Global Map data or merge Global Map data with its own databases. Resolution of the 23rd Meeting of the ISCGM1.Under the understanding that the Global Mapping project is going to conclude in the endof March 2017, ISCGM agrees not to gather anymore after the 23rdmeeting. 2. ISCGM acknowledges the Global Map transfer Plan and instructs the secretariat to conductit. 3.ISCGM instructs the secretariat to register the contents of the Urban Hazard Maps Web Portal to the Knowledge Base of UNCE- GGIM. ISCGM Secretariat will keep its minimum function until Mar. 2017 for carrying out the Global Map transfer Plan, not continuing the following. a) Update of the Internet site except the matters related to the report of the 23rdmeeting. b) Administrating works related to the participation to the project, developing and updating Global Map data, and soon. Urban Hazard Maps Web Portal will be closed after completion of registering to Knowledge Base. Global Map Transfer Plan1. The secretariat of ISCGM sends the Global Map data to UNGIS on behalf of the organization. 2.Global Map data can be used within the United Nations System without any restriction including mandatory attribution. The detailed terms of use are described in the agreement titled “Dissemination and handling in the use of the Global Map data provided from the International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM) to the United Nations Geospatial Information Section (UNGIS) in support of the United Nationsoperations.” 3.In order to ensure availability of Global Map data on the Web, the secretariat will work to provide the availability of the data if they are not yet released from the participating organization. In this case, any user authentication or access logging are notprovided. This plan is ’opt-in’: this plan is applied according to the agreement by respectiveparticipating organizations. Otherwise the Global Map data of the organization stays itsown. ISCGM Secretariat will carry out the actual transfer of Global Map data no later than Mar.2016. Agreement between ISCGM and UNGIS1.The International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM), representing all its participating members, provides a copy of its Global Map data to the United Nations Geospatial Information Section (UNGIS), free of charge, and authorises perpetually its use in support of the United Nations operations without any restriction except the ones enumeratedbelow. 2.The Chief of the Geospatial Information Section, Department of Field Support, UnitedNations (UNGIS) will act as the central repository and dissemination point for all Global Map data for its use in support of the United Nations operations and will assure that users are fully aware of the dissemination, handling and use condition of the Global Mapdata. 3.Global Map data shall only be used for the official purpose of supporting UnitedNations operations. Any other use beyond the scope of this official purpose is notauthorized. 4.Global Map data cannot be released outside the physical control of United Nations personnel directly involved in supporting United Nationsoperations. Agreement between ISCGM and UNGIS5.Global Map data shall not be displayed, stored or distributed on publicly accessible networks or systems, nor be posted to or transmitted over the internetsystem. 6.Cartographic products using Global Map data can be disseminated by the United Nations with no restriction as is useful to support its operations at the sole opinion of the United Nations. 7.The UNGIS can enrich its databases with Global Map data or merge Global Map data with its own databases and use the result with no restriction as is useful to support its operations at the sole opinion of the United Nations. All products derived from or using the Global Map data are exempt from the need toprovide attribution to the Global MappingProject. ISCGM Secretariat keeps its Internet site until the necessary measures are taken for the accessibility and availability to Global Map dataonward. Please contact to if you have question about the transfer of Global Map data. Thank you for your attention 3. GLOBAL SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURES GLOBÁLNÍ PROSTOROVÉ DATOVÉ INFRASTRUKTURTY GSDI základy a produkty Milan Konečný "The Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association - Advancing a Location Enabled World” The GSDI Association is an inclusive organization of academic and research institutions, government agencies, commercial firms, NGOs and individuals from around the world. The purpose of the organization is to promote international cooperation and collaboration in support of local, national and international Spatial Data Infrastructure research, education, capacity building and implementation challenges, issues and good practice from around the globe that will allow Our Vision is a world where everyone can readily discover, access and apply geographic information to improve their daily lives. Our Purpose is to encourage international cooperation that stimulates the implementation and development of national, regional and local spatial data infrastructures. Our Mission is to advance geoinformation best practices, knowledge sharing and capacity For students: GSDI SDI Small Grants Program Award Winners Announced Each of the award winners will receive cash support for their proposed projects of US$ 2,500. Please contact: SDI Cookbooks and Guides English Spatial Data Infrastructure Cookbook 2012 Update (PDF) Spatial Data Infrastructure Cookbook 2009 (PDF) Spatial Data Infrastructure Cookbook (Wiki - in progress) Spatial Data Infrastructure Cookbook v2.0 (PDF) January 2004 Spatial Data Infrastructure Cookbook v1.0 (HTML Version) July 2000 From The SDI Cookbook Welcome to the SDI Cookbook The following contains the text of the book, broken down by chapter. Each chapter is then broken into subsections. Chapter 1: The Cookbook Approach Chapter 2: Geospatial Data Development: Building data for multiple uses Chapter 3: Metadata: Describing geospatial data Chapter 4: Geospatial Data Catalogue: Making data discoverable Chapter 5: Geospatial Data Visualization: Online Mapping Chapter 6: Geospatial Data Access and Delivery: Open access to data Chapter 7: Other Services Chapter 8: Legal Issues and Economic Policy Chapter 9: Outreach and Capacity Building: Creating a community Chapter 10: Standards Suites for Spatial Data Infrastructure Chapter 11: Case Studies Chapter 12: Terminology Annex A. Abbreviations and Terminology used in the GSDI Cookbook Retrieved from " 1 Chapter One: The Cookbook Approach 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Scope of This Cookbook 1.3 Spatial Data Infrastructures 1.4 The Global Spatial Data Infrastructure 1.5 Distribution 1.6 Contributors 1.7 Organisation 1.8 Cookbook Overview 1.8.1 Chapter 2: Geospatial Data Development: Building data for multiple uses 1.8.2 Chapter 3: Metadata: Describing 1.8.3 Chapter 4: Geospatial Data Catalogue: Making data discoverable 1.8.4 Chapter 5: Geospatial Data Visualization: Online Mapping 1.8.5 Chapter 6: Geospatial Access and Delivery: Open access to data 1.8.6 Chapter 7: Other Services 1.8.7 Chapter 8: Legal Issues and Economic Policy 1.8.8 Chapter 9: Outreach and Capacity Building: Creating a community 1.8.9 Chapter 10: Case Studies 1.8.10 Chapter 11: Terminology 1 Chapter Two: Geospatial Data Development: Building data for multiple uses 1.1 Context and Rationale 1.1.1 Achieving Benefits 1.2 Organisational Approach 1.2.1 Framework Leverages the Development of Needed Data 1.2.2 Who are the actors in framework data development? 1.3 Implementation Approach 1.3.1 Common Identities of Real World Objects 1.3.2 Candidate National Framework Categories DĚKUJI ZA POZORNOST !!!!