Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Brief overview of two social anthropology “traditions”: Italy and Brazil 18/11/2021; Paride Bollettin; Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Topics: 1) Italian social anthropology 1.1) emergence and consolidation 1.2) some past and present discussions 2) Brazilian social anthropology 2.1) emergence and consolidation 2.2) some past and resent discussions 3) some possible comparisons (again!) An invite to search for complementary similarities and differences and to compare with Czech anthropology... Picture: Ailton Krenak at the Brazilian Congress. Source: /63/de-qual-humanidade-voce-e/ Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Once upon a time in Italy… - Interconnection between “biological” and “social” anthropology (Paolo Mantegazza, etc.) - Before that studies on “folklore”: - 1809-1811, napoleonic enquiries for understanding local “superstitions” - 1826, Alberto La Marmora Voyage en Sardaigne on Sardinian traditions in relation with classic writings and “scientific spirit” Sardinian daily life. Source: Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Stornello fiorentino. Source: The “linguistic turn” during the romanticism (middle-late 1800) - Italy characterized by numerous “dialects” - contrast between “popular” and literary poetics - “spirit of the nation” in the popular expressions - from musical expression to folktales - relations between folklorist studies and political claims of Italy unification - scholars from diversified origins: literature, philology, history, etc.) Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Giuseppe Pitrè. Source: tori/autori-p/giuseppe-pitre/ Sicilian chariot. Source: giuseppe-pitre/ Pitrè book. Source: delsole/monumenti/ m Giuseppe Pitrè - Sicilian doctor and physician (1841-1916) - participation in Garibaldi’s army for Italy unification - 1871-1913: Biblioteca delle tradizioni siciliane (25 volumes) - 1880: Journal Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari - 1909: funder of the Palermo’s Ethnographic Museum - 1910: Professor of Demopsychology at Palermo Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Demopsychology - The study of popular traditions as an holistic effort and not - Toward “remaining” to contemporary expressions - Inclusion of folktales and songs, but also habitations, religion, tools, etc. - people-social and people-nation (problem of idealization) Chapel. Source: m/cittadelsole/monumenti/m useo_pitre.htm Pitrè in the Museum. Source: 011/12/22/arte-foto-rivive-a- palermo-la-memoria-di- giuseppe-pitre--182279- f4c4f247-d7c9-4972-9ca8- 5b5306855c7d/ Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Lamberto Loria - Born in Egypt (1855-1913) - graduate as a mathematician - Traveller (back soon…) and collector - 1906: funder of the Italian Ethnography Museum - 1910: funder of the Italian Ethnographic Society - no academic but memeber of several scientific associations (anthropology, Lamberto Loria. Source: cultura/loria/ Museo nazionale delle arti e tradizioni popolari Lamberto Loria. Source: _delle_arti_e_tradizioni_popolari_Lamberto_ Loria Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Loria’s travels - Instructions fro travels by Paolo Mantegazza: anthropometry, artefacts, description of “traditions” - 1883-1884: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Russia, and Turkmenistan - 1885-1886: Egypt and Nile river - 1886: India - 1888-1890: Papua New Guinea (I) - 1891-1897: Papua New Guinea (II) - 1905: Eritrea Papua boat. Source: i/fondo-lamberto-loria-1855-1913/ Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Notes from the field “Since I place scrupulous care on ascertaining the truth of the things I wish to find out and confronting them frequently; and since whenever possible I try not to satisfy myself with what I hear, but try to verify it with my own eyes; I dare flatter myself that the notes I collect, even if they turn out to be inexact or even erroneous in the finer details, are essentially true” “it is the restrictedness of time, the wanderlust that prevents him from patiently awaiting the development of the observations and of the narration” “some facts and notes were subject to the inevitable alterations made to the original discourse when translated by an intermediary” Papua men. Source: Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Loria discovers Italy - 1899, member of the Italian Photographic Association: photos should be “vowed to ensure that this means of investigation would be used in the study of the indigenous Italic races” - 1905, travel to Sannio (southern Italy): “ At Circello I was deeply impressed by the difference in the habits, customs and psyche of those southern populations […] I asked myself if it wouldn’t be more convenient to collect documents and manufactured items in Italy than elsewhere” - 1912, his last article on Italian colonial policy: “This must give us our ethnography. Our studies will thus not only be useful to the scholar, but will be a source of national wellbeing” Baptism in Italy. Source: Course: Introduction to Anthropology I The year 1911 - Prelude: 1910, foundation of the Italian Ethnographic Association - First Congress of Italian Ethnography - Exhibition of Italian Ethnography - Foundation of the journal Lares Core influences: - Paolo Mantegazza - Lamberto Loria Manifest of the Exhibition of Italian Ethnography. Source: /26233612 The exhibition. Source: Biosocial studies Course: Introduction to Anthropology I The fascist decades - Racist politics influenced anthropological studies - Closure to external debates Some debates on the opposite direction: - Raffaele Pettazzoni: against original monotheism and comparative study of religions - Benedetto Croce: historical idealism and the history as the evolution of the “human spirit” - Antonio Gramsci: opposition between subalternity and hegemony Raffaele Pettazzoni. Source: ele_Pettazzoni Benedetto Croce. Source: detto_Croce Antonio Gramsci. Source: ntonio_Gramsci Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Ernesto de Martino - 1908-1965 - Graduate in History of Religions - Political activism in the Italian Socialist Party and in the Italian Communist Party - Collaborator of the Roman School of History of Religion - Professor of History of Religions and Ethnology at Cagliari - Interdisciplinary research groups - Interest in southern Italy popular traditions Ernesto de Martino. Source: _Martino Course: Introduction to Anthropology I The Martino’s main works: - 1941: Naturalismo e storicismo nell'etnologia - 1948: Il mondo magico: prolegomeni a una storia del magismo - 1949: Intorno a una storia del mondo popolare subalterno - 1958: Morte e pianto rituale nel mondo antico - 1959: Sud e magia - 1961: La terra del rimorso - 1961: Furore, simbolo, valore Naturalismo e storicismo. Source: /361106522429 Il mondo magico. Source: https://www.antrodithoth. com La terra del rimorso. Source: http://lnx.vincenzosant Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Magic and presence - Inclusion in the Croce’s historicism of rural people of south Italy - from the general structure of “human spirit” to internal logics of “magic” as its expression - “presence”: the effort of claiming the human presence in the history facing challenges - magic as the expression of this effort of claiming the “presence” in the history - from ancient to modern forms, magic as the realization of this claim - magic as an expression of “subaltern cultures” (from Gramsci’s subaltern classes) Tarantata. Source: Tarantata: Source: Woman from south Italy. Source: Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Critical ethnocentrism - Subaltern cultures claiming for their place in history - not neutral relation between “observer” and “observed” - Observer as owner of conceptual categories: comparison with “observed” ones - Revision of conceptual categories - Redefinition of the modern society People in south Italy. Source: e-magia-infanzia-e-fascinazione-2/ People in south Italy. Source: Course: Introduction to Anthropology I De Martino’s inheritance - Vittorio Lanternari (Bari and Rome): magic and millenarism; comparative medical anthropology; ecoanthropology - Diego Carpitella (Chieti and Rome): ethnomusicology - Alfonso di Nola (Arezzo, Siena, Napoli and Rome): medical anthropology and comparative religions - Clara Gallini (Napoli): popular religion and relation with the environment - Piergiorgio Solinas (Siena), Tullio Seppilli (Perugia), Luigi Lombardi Satriani (Roma), etc. etc. Lanternari. Source: 7?lang=it Carpitella. Source: Di Nola. Source: https://www.newtoncompton. com/autore/alfonso-m-di- nola Gallini. Source: Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Alberto Mario Cirese - 1921-2011 - Graduate in History of Religion - Professor of History of Popular Traditions at Cagliari, Siena and Bari - Main topics of research: - oral traditions - popular literature - kinship systems - cultural heritages - anthropology and museums Alberto Mario Cirese. Source: ese Popular dance in south Italy. Source: Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Gerardo Bamonte - 1939-2008 - Professor of religion of Primitive people at Rome - Research experiences in Asia and South America - 1960: fieldwork with Maku Amerindians in Amazon - Connection between research and politic: defence of indigenous rights [Inspired an Italian comics series: Mister No] Gerardo Bamonte: Source: bamonte/ Bamonte’s book. Source: igeni-indigenismo-diritti- Gerardo-Bamonte/dp/ 8883197968 Mister No. Source: /06/nuovo-corso-mister-no-sviluppi/ Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Contemporary panorama - Genealogies of “descendants from De Martino” - Institutionalization of courses in “Anthropology” -Gradual internationalization of anthropology - Increasing number of anthropological courses (i.e.: MSc at Palermo, Torino, Venezia, Siena, Roma, Milano, Firenze, Modena, Perugia e Bologna) - Expansion of research areas in both geographic and thematic dimensions Italy. Source: nea/antropologia-alimentare/cibo-del-Grand-Tour.html Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Once upon a time in Brazil… - in the 1800, with the emancipation from Portugal, the first academic institutions - close relation between biological and social differences in the Brazilian population (i.e. indigenous and black people) - influence from foreigner scholars - Encounter with Amerindians is not a new debate... Examples of miscigenation (Source: Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Amerindians in colonizers’ descriptions - “radical other” - 1500: Pero Vaz de Caminha, Carta do Descobrimento do Brasil - 1557: Hans Staden, Warhaftige Historia und beschreibung eyner Landtschafft der Wilden Nacketen, Grimmigen Menschfresser-Leuthen in der Newenwelt America gelegen - 1578: Jean de Léry, Histoire d'un voyage faict en la terre du Brésil - 1834:Jean Baptiste Debret, Voyage Pittoresque et Historique au Brésil Amerindians. Source: Amerindians. Source: Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Brazilian panorama at the end of 1800 - Peter Lund studied Lagoa Santa - Raimundo Nina Rodrigues studied afrodescendant people - Theodor Koch-Grünberg among Amerindians Theodor Koch-Grünberg. Source: foresta-si-sogna-soli/ Institutions - 1818: Museu Nacional - 1866: Museu Paraense - 1895: Museu Paulista ... - 1934: Escola Livre de Sociologia e Politica Museu Nacional. Source: Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Donald Pierson - 1900-1995 (Northamerican) - Graduate in Sociology at Chicago - 1935-1937: fieldwork at Salvador (Bahia) - 1939: professor at Free School of Sociology and Politics - 1941: funder of the first post-graduate course in social sciences - Core focuses: - racial relations - small rural communities - urban studies - Inspired by the use of same methods for the study of different groups, in the lens of the tension between “continuity” and “transformation” Book by Pierson. Source: Pierson. Source: /project/donald-pierson/ Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Emilio Willems - 1905-1997 (German) - Graduate in Sociology at Berlim - 1936: professor at Free School of Sociology and Politics - 1941: professor of anthropology at São Paulo University (the first one!) - fieldwork in the city of Cunha (São Paulo countryside) - fieldwork in the city of Buzios (São Paulo seaside) - 1949 moved to the Vanderbilth University (USA) - Core focuses: - community studies - inculturation - social changes - economic anthropology Willems. Source: atus/1293978882824183810 Willems in the field. Source: SBrTczDJm8JVM/?lang=pt Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Page of Baldus’s book. Source: Baldus. Source: https://jaeinnova.wordpress. com/tag/herbert-baldus/ Herbert Baldus - 1899-1970 (German) - Graduate in philosophy at Berlim - ‘20: first travel among Amerindians in a cinematographic troupe - 1933: moved back to Brazil - 1939-1960: professor of Brazilian Ethnology at the Free School of Sociology and Politics - 1947-1968: director of the ethnologic session of the Museu Paulista - 1961: professor of ethnology at Rio Claro (UNESP) - Funder of the journal Revista do Museu Paulista - numerous fieldworks (see in sequence…) - interests in anthropology and archaeology Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Ethnographic fieldworks of Baldus - 1926: Xamakoko, Kaskiha and Sanapana (Chaco) - 1927: Guarani (São Paulo) - 1933: Kaingang and Xiripa (Parana) - 1934: Terena and Bororo (Mato Grosso) - 1935: Bororo,and Karaja (Mato Grosso) - 1937: Tapirape (Tocantins) - 1941: Japanese communities in São Paulo - 1944: archaeology on the Paranapanema river (Parana) - 1946: Kaingang (Parana) - 1947: Kaingang and Terena (São Paulo) and Karaja (Tocantins) - 1952: Kaingang and Guarani (Rio grande do Sul) One of Baldus’s book. Source: Brasileira-Baldus-Herbert-Companhia/ 30622884511/bd Core interests: social organization, material culture and social transformations Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Heloisa Alberto. Source: %C3%ADsa_Alberto_Torres Marajo Island ceramics. Source: Heloisa Alberto. Source: %C3%ADsa_Alberto_Torres Heloisa Alberto Torres - 1895-1977 - Graduate in anthropology at Rio de Janeiro - Fieldwork at Marajo Island on ceramics - 1925: first woman professor of anthropology at National Museum of Rio de Janeiro - 1938-1955: director of the National Museum - 1946: first survey on conditions and aims of natural and anthropological sciences in Brazil (environmental determinism) - 1953: organizer of the I Brazilian Anthropological Meeting Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Freyre’s masterpiece. Source: br/obra35531/casa-grande-senzalaGilberto Freyre. Source: o_Freyre Gilberto Freyre - 1900-1987 - Graduate in anthropology at Columbia University with Franz Boas - 1930-1932: exile in Portugal (as a communist) - 1933: Casa-grande e senzala (Masters and slaves) - 1935-1939: Professor of anthropology at University of Federal District - Journalist - 1946: Federal deputy - 1964: right party politician supporter of military dictatorship - 1969: member of the Federal Council of Culture Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Racial democracy - theory developed since the abolition of slavery - formalized in the work Casa-grande e senzala - core concept: in Brazil there is an harmonious partnership between with, blacks and indigenous components of the society - inversion of the concept of “scientific racism” - valorization of the contribution of each population to the creation of a “new society” - colonial fazenda as the prototype of this partnership Colonial Brazil. Source: 335167357409561/photos/? ref=page_internal&tab=album&album_id=335167394076224 Strongly criticized in contemporary times since it obliterates the structural racism of Brazilian society Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Darcy Ribeiro - 1922- 1997 - Graduate in anthropology at the Free School of Sociology and Politics - 1953: Funder of Museu do Indio - 1961: Funder of the Xingu Indigenous Park - 1961-1963: Minister of Education - 1962: Funder and first rector of the University of Brasilia - 1963-1964: Minister of Casa Civil - 1964-1965: exiled by military dictatorship - 1983-1987: vice governor of RJ - 1991-1997: Senator - 1992: member of the Brazilian Academy - 1993: funder of the Fluminense University Darcy Ribeiro. Source: eiro University of Brasilia. Source: Ribeiro_(31398447555).jpg Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Darcy Ribeiro core ideas - Indigenous people as part of the nation: “indigenism” - political dimensions of anthropology - society changes: “development” and “technology” - critique to Latin American dependence from EU and USA - development as the result of education - public education - Brazilian population with a common reference beyond ethnic differences Xingu Indigenous Park. Source: announced-artist-selected-1st-b2b-artistic- residency-brazil/ Darcy Ribeiro’s book. Source: -brasileiro-formação- antropologia-civilização/dp/ 8571644519 Course: Introduction to Anthropology I From ‘80 onward… - end of military dictatorship and emergence of social movements: new demands to anthropologists - proliferation of universities and courses on anthropology - 2012: “cotas”: differentiated access to universities for afro-descendants, Amerindians, LGBT - Municipal, State and Federal University + private ones Inclusion in universities. Source: Brazilian Federal Universities. Source: Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Indigenous anthropology - First indigenous with academic formation: José Peixoto Ypiranga dos Guaranys (1850, Law) - Appropriation of anthropology as a political tool for their communities - Proposals for “moving beyond colonial epistemology” (Gersem Baniwa) - “Symmetric anthropology”, indigenous doing anthropology of not- indigenous Association of Indigenous anthropologists. Source: João Paulo Barreto. Source: https://www.bioeconomiaamazo paulo-tukano%E2%80%8B/ Indigenous students %C3%ADgena-acontece-com-o- protagonismo-dos-estudantes-na-ufba Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Similarities and differences - ? Please appoint... - ? Please appoint… - ? Please appoint… - ... Matera. Source: matera/ São Paulo. Source: Course: Introduction to Anthropology I Toward a global discussion beyond the “periphery” - relevance of local specificities in canonical disciplinary “history” - contributions of “not-hegemonic” debates - multiplication of epistemologies - attention to political dimensions of anthropology What about Czech Republic? World Anthropologies. Source: Advocate/Content.aspx?ItemNumber=13307