C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -1C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling TSM Modelling Molecular Structures Petr Kulhánek kulhanek@chemi.muni.cz National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, CZ-62500 Brno PS/2020 Distant Form of Teaching: Rev1 Lesson 18 Quantum chemistry II C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -2- Context C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -3Revision: Variational Theory Search for a solution of SR using the variational method.   min! ˆ * * =   ==   Ω Ω τ τ d dH EE kk kk kk The wave function, which provides the minimum value of the integral, is a solution of the Schrödinger equation. The global minimum of a functional is the energy of the ground state, which implies: 0EE  0 The inaccurate wave function always provides a higher value of energy. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -4Revision: HF Method )}()()...()()()(){()...,,,,...,,( 22221111,2121 nnnn P nn rrrPsignrrr  = One-electron approximation: )()( 1 i m j jijii c rr = =  One-electron functions expressed using basis functions: iii ScFc = Roothan's equations lead to the solution of a generalized eigen-problem. one-electron orbitals and their energies Minor problem: The Fock matrix (F) calculation requires the solution (ci) of the Roothan's equations => SCF method. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -5Revision: HF Method - SCF Calculation of matrix F Diagonalization SCF? Input geometry Estimation of the wave function No Yes energy, wave function Calculation of integrals Convergence criteria: • total energy does not change • wave function (development c coefficients does not change HF method ➢ solution using SCF (self consistent field) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -6Revision: Basis Sets STO GTO Disadvantage of GTO: • they incorrectly describe situation near the core and for greater distances from the core. Advantage of GTO: • more convenient numerical work • simpler form of some integrals Basis functions: comparison of STO (Slater Type Orbital) and GTO (Gaussian Type Orbitals) )()( 1 i m j jijii c rr = =  predefined basis functions (basis set) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -7Revision: Correlation energy E HF limit HF method (variational) exact SE solution (non-relativistic) real energy (include also relativistic effects) post-HF methods {cE correlation energy – it is not included in the HF method because of one-electron approximation correlation energy is always negative because electron repulsion is overestimated by the HF method basis set size C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -8QM method overview Classification by theoretical approaches and approximations: • empirical methods • extended Hückel method (EHT) • …. • semi-empirical methods • AM1 • PM3, PM6, PM7 • ... • ab initio methods • Hartree-Fock (HF) method • post-HF methods • Møller-Plesset method (MP2, MP3, ...) • coupled-clusters method (CC ) • ... • density functional theory (DFT) • LDA • GGA (BLYP, TPSS, PBE, ...) • hybrid (B3LYP, M06-2X, ...) they include the correlation energy C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -9Software for QM calculations Overview: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_quantum_chemistry_and_solid-state_physics_software Paid (commercial, academic license with fee): ● Gaussian (http: // www.gaussian.com/) ● Turbomole (http: // www.cosmologic.de/) ● ADF (http: // www.scm.com/) ● Schrödinger (http: // www.schrodinger.com/) ● Spartan (http: // www.wavefun.com/) ● Hyperchem (http: //www.hyper.com/) Freely available (free licenses, academic licenses free of charge): ● mopac (http://openmopac.net/) ● orca (https://orcaforum.cec.mpg.de/) ● MPQC (http: // www.mpqc.org/) ● GAMESS-US (http: // www.msg.ameslab.gov/ GAMESS /) ● GAMESS-PC (http://classic.chem.msu.su/gran/gamess/index.html) ● cpmd (http: // www.cpmd.org/) ● cp2k (http://cp2k.berlios.de/) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -10System properties C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -11- Overview Wave function • population analysis • electron density • electrostatic potential • electric multipole moments (monopole, dipole, quadrupole, ...) • partial atomic charges • magnetic properties of molecules (chemical shift, spin-spin interaction constant, ...) PES curvature and wave function • vibrations (IR and Raman transitions) Wave functions of electronic states • electronic transition (UV/VIS transitions) Property calculation methods given here are general (they are in no way limited to the HF method). The quantum chemical method need only provide the wave function of the ground and possibly excited states and possibly the curvature of the potential energy surface. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -12Wave function population analysis Population analysis is a way of studying the wave function that provides the following information: • partial contributions of atomic orbitals to molecular orbitals, which is especially important for frontier orbitals, which are important for the assessment of reactivity • HOMO - highest occupied molecular orbital (nucleophilic properties) • LUMO - lowest occupied molecular orbital (electrophilic properties) • visualization of molecular orbitals • interaction diagrams • description of bonds and their quantification (order of bonds) • partial atomic charges The most used types of population analyzes: • Mulliken population analysis (MPA) • Natural population analysis (NPA) • Hirshfeld population analysis http://euch6f.chem.emory.edu/13dipolar.html More detailed description in specialized lectures. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -13Electron density Electron density indicates the density of electrons at a point with coordinates x, y, z. It is calculated from wave function.  = Ω τRrrRrr dzyx nn ),,...,(),,...,(),,( 11 *  nddd rrτ ...2= it is integrated over all but one electron coordinate (electrons are indistinguishable particles) = Ω τdzyxn ),,( The integral of the electron density over the whole space is equal to the number of electrons that are present in the system. Electron density is an important property of the system and plays a central role in DFT methods (Density Functional Theory, density functional methods). The electron density can be employed in the calculation of partial atomic charges, it can be used to define the envelope of a molecule (molecular surface), etc. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -14Electrostatic potential Electrostatic potential indicates the value of the electrostatic potential at a point with coordinates x, y, z, which is caused by the electrostatic action of the atomic nuclei of the molecule and the effective field of electrons. It is calculated from wave function.      − − = = Ω Ω τRrRr τRrRr Rr d dV Z zyxV N i ixyz i ),(),( ),(),( ),,( * * 1  ndddddd rrrrrτ ...4321= it integrates over all electrons and the entire space W Electrostatic potential provides the assessment of electrostatic properties of molecules and can serve for the calculation of partial atomic charges. = − = n i ixyz V 1 1ˆ rr action of nuclei action of electrons Electrostatic potential operator: C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -15Visualization of  and V http://www.nature.com/srep/2014/141020 /srep06678/fig_tab/srep06678_F3.html Electrostatic potential is mapped onto isosurface of electron density (molecular envelope). convention in chemistry C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -16Electric multipole moments Electric multipole moments are quantities describing electric charge distribution in a system. They are calculated from wave function.      −= = Ω Ω τRrRr τRrRr d dQ RRRZM N i m iz l iy k ixizyx mlk ),(),( ),(),( * * 1 ,,,  contribution of nuclei electron contribution = = n i m iz l iy k ix rrrQ 1 ,,,  Operator of electric multipole: The sum of k+l+m determines the type of multipole moment component: • monopole (0) - scalar number, total charge of the molecule • dipole (1) - vector (three components) • quadrupole (2) - tensor (3x3 components) Component of moment: C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -17Electric dipole moment Electric dipole moment describes the asymmetrical distribution of the electric charge in the system. It is a vector quantity. Size of the vector is independent of the position and rotation of the system of atoms only in electrically neutral systems! For electrically charged systems, the value must be calculated for the system geometry in standard orientation (may depend on the program used). Unit: Debye (D), a unit of dipole moment not belonging to the SI system, is defined as 10-18 sC·cm, where sC is a statcoulomb. Relationship of debye to the SI unit is 1 D = 3.33564x10-30 C·m zyx MMM ,,=μ Attention (sign convention): physics chemistry (sometimes) - + - + 222 zyx MMM ++= C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -18Partial atomic charges Partial atomic charge expresses the property of the atom that is caused by uneven distribution of electrons in molecules. For qualitative expression, the d+ and d- designation is used. Quantitative calculation of partial atomic charges is possible, however there is no uniform or best approach or method for the calculation. Calculation and most importantly analysis of calculated charges must always be done in the context of the used method. Use of partial atomic charges:Electron density: • estimation of chemical reaction mechanism C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -19Partial atomic charges - classes Classes of charges:1 • I. class (class I charges) - charges are not determined from quantum chemical calculations but based on intuitive or other approaches using experimental data (electronegativity, dipole moments). • II. class (class II charges) - charges are derived based on the distribution of a wave function using some scheme based on orbitals • III. class (class III charges) - charges are derived based on the distribution of a physically observable quantity derived from a wave function (e.g., electron density) • IV. class (class IV charges) - charges are derived based on semiempirical mapping of precursors of charges from II. or III. classes in order to reproduce experimental data (electronegativity, dipole moments) (1) Cramer, CJ Essentials Of Computational Chemistry: Theories And Models; John Wiley & Sons, 2004. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -20Most often used types of charges Population analysis of the wave function (Class II): • Mulliken charges from Mulliken population analysis (MPA - Mulliken Population Analysis) • their values greatly depend on the size and type of basis set • they do not have a clear CBS limit • natural charges from natural population analysis (NPA - Natural Population Analysis) Electron density analysis (class III): • Bader charges (from AIM analysis [Atoms In Molecules]) • Hirschfeld charges • VDD charges (Voronoi Deformation Density) Charges derived from electrostatic potential (Class III): • ChelpG charges • Merz-Singh-Kollman charges (MSK or only Merz-Kollman [MK]) C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -21Bader charges (AIM charges) http://aim.tkgristmill.com/screenshots1aaa.html surface delimiting individual atoms 0. = n W −= k dZq kk rr)( normal surface vector electron density gradient Partial charge: integration over the space of the atom defined by surfaces Derived from electron density analysis (wave functions). C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -22ESP charges ESP charges (ElectroStatic Potential) are charges derived from electrostatic potential. The principle of charge calculation consists of two steps: 1. calculation of electrostatic potential VQM from wave function on discretized molecular envelope (set of points) 2. finding point atomic charges that create electrostatic potential VPC which is in the best agreement with the quantum mechanical potential (least squares method) pQMV ,→ kpPC qV , ( ) min! 2 ,, =−p pPCpQM VV is searched by least squares method http://biomodel.uah.es/Jmol/surfaces/inicio.htm ESP charges and their derivatives are used in molecular mechanics because, by their nature, they describe well electrostatic properties of molecules/system. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -23Magnetic properties It is necessary to use special methods and analyzes. Calculated properties: • hyperfine splitting constants (EPR) • chemical shift (NMR) • spin-spin interaction constant (NMR) • NICS (Nuclear Independent Chemical Shielding) (NMR) NICS C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -24- Vibrations When searching for vibrational states, the following SR is solved: )( 1 2 ˆ 1 2 2 RE M H e N i i i R +−= =  GF method (Wilson's method) solves the above equation in the limit of classical mechanics in the harmonic approximation (rotation and translation are not considered). The method considers only normal vibration modes when all atoms move with the same frequency and phase. The atomic system has 3N-6 (5) linearly independent normal modes of frequencynk. kkk cGFc = kk n =  − = = 63 1 0, 2 1 N k kv hE n !!!! analyzed geometry must be a stationary point !!! zero-point vibrational energy (ZPVE)matrix of force constants Hessian mass of atoms C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -25Infrared spectroscopy http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/webprojects1997/RogerEC/welcome.htm Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) - the absorption of infrared radiation is measured. Absorption leads to excitation between adjacent vibrational levels. Active are only those transitions which results into the change of the dipole moment of the molecule (this can be determined from the analysis of the wave function). C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -26Raman spectroscopy Active are only those transitions which leads to the change of the polarization of the molecule (this can be determined from the analysis of the wave function). (1) Dietzek, B .; Deckert, V .; Popp, J. Raman Spectroscopic Instrumentation, Experimental Considerations. In Encyclopedia of Biophysics; Roberts, GCK, Ed .; Springer Berlin Heidelberg: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013; pp 2173–2178. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -27Type of stationary point on PES kkk cHc = eigenvectors eigenvalues Nk 3,...,1= • 6 (5) eigenvalues ​​are zero - this corresponds to the translation and rotation of the system • remaining eigen numbers: • all positive - local minimum • one negative, others positive - first order saddle point • two negative, the other positive - saddle point of the second order • ..... • all negative - local maximum kkk cGFc = FΗ = eigenvalues eigenvectors • 6 (5) frequencies are zero - this corresponds to the translation and rotation of the system • remaining frequencies: • all positive - local minimum • one imaginary, others positive - first order saddle point • two imaginary, the others positive - a saddle point of the second order • ..... • all imaginary - local maximum Analysis of Hessian Vibrational analysis kk n = !!!! analyzed geometry must be a stationary point !!! C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -28Electronic transitions http://www.nature.com/nchem/journal/v2/n11/fig_tab/nchem.838_F4.html It is necessary to use special methods (time-dependent DFT or time-dependent HF; CI; CASSCF). The transition probability is given by the strength of the oscillator. C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling -29- Summary ➢ Quantum chemical methods provide powerful tools to study small to middle size models. ➢ QM describes behavior of electrons and nuclei. QM is then suitable for studying all possible chemical transformations (conformational changes, interactions, reactivity, etc.) ➢ Solution of Schrodinger equation (SR) is not only potential energy but also wavefunction (WF). ➢ WF can provide additional properties of system, which can further improve our knowledge about the system.