SnapShot: Key Numbers in Biology Uri Moran,1 Rob Phillips,2 and Ron Milo1 1 Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel; 2 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA See online version for legend and references.1 Cell 141, June 25, 2010 ©2010 Elsevier Inc. DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2010.06.019 One molecule in an E. coli volume Signaling proteins Ribosomes in E. coli Total protein ATP Total metabolites 10-3 100 103 Protein diffusion across E. coli Step of RNA polymerase Protein diffusion across HeLa cell mRNA half life in E. coli Molecular motor 1 m transport Generation time E. coli Budding yeast HeLa cell Howfast?Howmany? 10-9 10-6 10-3 Concentration (Molar) Time (seconds) Howbig? 10-9 10-6 Water molecule Protein Membrane thickness Ribosome Light microscope resolution Transport vesicle E. coli Budding yeast HIVGlucose Adherent mammalian cell Size (meters) Useful biological numbers extracted from the literature. Numbers and ranges should only serve as “rule of thumb” values. References are in the online annotated version at See the website and original references to learn about the details of the system under study including growth conditions, method of measurement, etc. Concentration Concentration of 1 nM: in E. coli ≈1 molecule/cell; in HeLa cells ≈1000 molecules/cell Characteristic concentration for a signaling protein: ≈10 nM-1 M Water content: ≈70% by mass; general elemental composition (dry weight) of E. coli: ≈C4 H7 O2 N1 ; Yeast: ≈C6 H10 O3 N1 Composition of E. coli (dry weight): ≈55% protein, 20% RNA, 10% lipids, 15% others Protein concentration: ≈100 mg/ml = 3 mM. 106 -107 per E. coli (depending on growth rate); Total metabolites (MW < 1 kDa) ≈300 mM Energetics Membrane potential ≈70-200 mV 2-6 kB T per electron (kB T thermal energy) Free energy ( G) of ATP hydrolysis under physiological conditions ≈40-60 kJ/mol ≈20 kB T/molecule ATP; ATP molecules required during an E. coli cell cycle ≈10-50 × 109 G0 resulting in order of magnitude ratio between product and reactant concentrations: ≈6 kJ/mol ≈60 meV ≈2 kB T Cell size Bacteria (E. coli): ≈0.7-1.4 m diameter, ≈2-4 m length, ≈0.5-5 m3 in volume; 108 -109 cell/ml for culture with OD600 ≈1 Yeast (S. cerevisiae): ≈3-6 m diameter ≈20-160 m3 in volume Mammalian cell volume: 100-10,000 m3 ; HeLa cell: 500-5000 m3 (adhering to slide ≈15-30 m diameter) Length scales inside cells Nucleus volume: ≈10% of cell volume Cell membrane thickness: ≈4-10 nm “Average” protein diameter: ≈3-6 nm Base pair: 2 nm (D) x 0.34 nm (H) Water molecule diameter: ≈0.3 nm Division, replication, transcription, translation, and degradation rates at 37°C with a temperature dependence (Q10) of ≈2-3 Cell cycle time (exponential growth in rich media): E. coli ≈20-40 min; budding yeast 70-140 min; HeLa human cell line: 15-30 hr Rate of replication by DNA polymerase: E. coli ≈200-1000 bases/s; human ≈40 bases/s. Transcription by RNA polymerase 10-100 bases/s Translation rate by ribosome: 10-20 aa/s Degradation rates (proliferating cells): mRNA half life < cell cycle time; protein half life �cell cycle time Diffusion and catalysis rate Diffusion coefficient for an “average” protein: in cytoplasm D≈5-15 m2 /s ≈10 ms to traverse an E. coli ≈10 s to traverse a mammalian HeLa cell; small metabolite in water D≈500 m2 /s Diffusion-limited on-rate for a protein: ≈108 -109 s-1 M-1 for a protein substrate of concentration ≈1 M the diffusion-limited on-rate is ≈100-1000 s-1 thus limiting the catalytic rate kcat Genome sizes and error rates Genome size: E. coli ≈5 Mbp S. cerevisiae (yeast) ≈12 Mbp C. elegans (nematode) ≈100 Mbp D. melanogaster (fruit fly) ≈120 Mbp A. thaliana (plant) ≈120 Mbp M. musculus (mouse) ≈2.6 Gbp H. sapiens (human) ≈3.2 Gbp T. aestivum (wheat) ≈16 Gbp Number of protein-coding genes: E. coli = 4000; S. cerevisiae = 6000; C. elegans, A. thaliana, M. musculus, H. sapiens = 20,000 Mutation rate in DNA replication: ≈10-8 -10-10 per bp Misincorporation rate: transcription ≈10-4 -10-5 per nucleotide translation ≈10-3 -10-4 per amino acid 2  Cell 141, June 25, 2010 ©2010 Elsevier Inc.  DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2010.06.019 SnapShot: Key Numbers in Biology Uri Moran,1 Rob Phillips,2 and Ron Milo1 1 Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel; 2 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA Biology is becoming increasingly quantitative. Taking stock of key numbers in cell and molecular biology enables back-of-the-envelope calculations that test and sharpen our understanding of cellular processes. Further, such calculations provide a quantitative context for the torrent of data from new experimental techniques. However, such useful numbers are scattered in the vast biological literature in a way that often leads to a frustrating literature-mining ordeal. Here, we have collected a set of basic numbers in biology that we find extremely useful for obtaining an order of magnitude feel for the molecular processes in cells. Several examples (see below) show how to combine these numbers to think about biological questions. The values should be considered rules of thumb rather than definitive values as variety is the spice of life and variability is ever present in biology. This compilation is based on the BioNumbers wiki project ( where these and the values of several thousand other biological properties are provided together with their experimental context and references to the primary literature. Is There Enough Time to Replicate the Genome? The bacterium Escherichia coli has a genome of roughly 5 million base pairs (bp) and a replication rate in the range of 200–1000 bp/s. These numbers imply that it should take the two replisomes at least 2500 s to replicate the genome, a number that is much larger than the maximal division rate of ?20 min. How can this be? It turns out that, under ideal conditions, E. coli uses nested replication forks that begin to replicate the DNA for the granddaughter and great granddaughter cells before the daughter cells have even completed replication. How Many Mutations in a 5 ml Culture of Bacteria? Using the 10−9 /bp mutation rate of E. coli per replication and a genome size of ?107 (both strands), we predict ?10−2 mutations per genome replication. In a 5 ml saturated culture (optical density ?2.0) of E. coli, there are about 109 to 1010 cells. The final doubling of this culture requires the replication of ?109 cells, thus even this last cell division event would be responsible for ?107 single base pair substitutions. If the culture started with a single bacterium, every single nonlethal base pair substitution in the E. coli genome is likely to be represented in the culture. How Long to Reach Confluence? In a 96 multiwell plate, each well has a diameter of 5 mm (i.e., an area of ≈20 mm2 = 2 × 107 µm2 ). Given that the diameter of a HeLa cell is ≈25 µm (i.e., ≈500 µm2 area), it takes roughly 40,000 cells to reach confluence. Starting with a single cell (obtained by cell sorting rather than cell splitting) with a generation time of about 1 day, the time to reach confluence is about 2 weeks. How “Dense” Is a Saturated E. coli Culture? A saturated E. coli culture has about 109 cells/ml. Given that each cell is about 10−12 grams, we get a cell concentration of about 1 mg/ml or about 1 part in a thousand of the mass (or volume). The mean spacing between the cells is roughly 10 µm (which is not as dense as the concentration of bacteria in the gut of the termite where densities are typically a factor of ten higher). How Many Carbon Atoms Are in a Cell? A cell with a volume of 1 µm3 and a density of about 1 g/ml has a total mass of 10−12 grams. From the formula C4 H7 O2 N1 and the weights of the elements, we derive a carbon content of about 12 × 4/(12 × 4 + 7 + 2 × 16 + 14) = 48/101 or about one half of the dry mass. With 30% dry mass (70% water), we obtain ?10−13 gm of carbon. Next we transformed the number of molecules using Avogadro’s constant: 6 × 1023 × 10−13 /12 = 5 × 109 carbon atoms per cell. To verify this, we have done the calculation in a different way: assuming there are about 3 × 106 proteins, each one consisting of about 300 amino acids, we get a total of ?109 amino acids. An amino acid has about five carbon atoms, so we arrive at a similar value. Both estimates depend linearly on the cell volume, which can vary significantly based on growth conditions. How Far Can Macromolecules Move by Diffusion? It takes about 10 s on average for a protein to traverse a HeLa cell. An axon 1 mm long is about 100 times longer than a HeLa cell, and as the diffusion time scales as the square of the distance it would take 105 seconds or ?2 days for a molecule to travel this distance by diffusion. This demonstrates the necessity of mechanisms other than diffusion for moving molecules long distances. A molecular motor moving at a rate of ?1 µm/s will take a “reasonable” time (?15 min) to traverse an axon 1 mm in length. Acknowledgments We thank Uri Alon, Niv Antonovsky, Danny Ben-Zvi, Erez Dekel, Idan Efroni, Avigdor Eldar, Yuval Eshed, Nir Friedman, Hernan Garcia, Paul Jorgensen, Michal Kenan-Eichler, Jane Kondev, Marc Kirschner, Avi Levy, Michal Lieberman, Elliot Meyerowitz, Elad Noor, Dave Savage, Maya Schuldiner, Eran Segal, Benny Shilo, Guy Shinar, Alex Sigal, Rotem Sorek, Mike Springer, Bodo Stern, Arbel Tadmor, Rebecca Ward, Detlef Weigel, Jon Widom, and Tali Wiesel for help in preparing this SnapShot. References Alon, U. (2006). An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits (New York: Chapman & Hall/CRC). Altman, P.L., and Katz, D.S.D. (1978). Biology Data Book (New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.). Burton, R.F. (2000). Physiology by Numbers (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press). Goldreich, P., Mahajan, S., and Phinney, S. (1999). Order-of-magnitude physics: Understanding the world with dimensional analysis, educated guesswork, and white lies (http://www. Harte, J. (1988). Consider a Spherical Cow: A Course in Environmental Problem Solving (Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books). Milo, R., Jorgensen, P., Moran, U., Weber, G., and Springer, M. (2010). BioNumbers – the database of key numbers in molecular and cell biology. Nucleic Acids Res. 38, ­D750–D753. Neidhardt, F.C., Ingraham, J.L., and Schaechter, M. (1990). Physiology of the Bacterial Cell: A Molecular Approach (Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates). Phillips, R., and Milo, R. (2009). A feeling for the numbers in biology. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 21465–21471. Phillips, R., Kondev, J., and Theriot, J. (2008). Physical Biology of the Cell (London: Garland Science). Weinstein, L., and Adam, J.A. (2008). Guesstimation: Solving the World’s Problems on the Back of a Cocktail Napkin (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press).